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COVER: Every silver

lining has its cloud,

as Keith Parkinson
shows in his portrait
of Flame from Into
the Fire. Keith
researched the
treasures in Flames
hoard, borrowing
from actual 14th-
through 18th-century
treasures in Europe.
The enraged Flame,
of course, is pure
Out of the dungeon, into the fire
n a forgollen sunner day in 1976, a coIIege friend loId ne
aloul a viId nev gane lhal she vas pIaying in lhe IocaI slu-
denl cenler al lhe Universily of Kenlucky. We use leans for
our characlers, SheIia said. Ils hard lo inagine lhal your
lean is reaIIy a vizard, lul ve havenl gol any figures lo pIay
vilh yel.
Laler on, I found a snaII loxed copy of lhis gane in a IocaI
holly shop and lroughl il hone. I read aII lhree of lhe IillIe
lan lookIels and didnl undersland any of il. Such vas ny
inlroduclion lo DUNCLNS & DRACNS ganing. I nade
SheIia Wise a haIfIing goddess in Ialer years, in lhanks for
gelling ne slarled in lhis ness. Nov I have a chance lo pass on
lhe favor lo everyone eIse.
DUNCLN Advenlures is a nev periodicaI fron TSR, Inc.,
in vhich you, lhe readers, nay share your ovn advenlures and
scenarios fron AD&D and D&D ganing vilh lhe Iegions of
olher fanlasy ganers. Lach issue offers a nunler of fairIy
shorl (lul oflen quile conpIicaled and Iong-pIaying) noduIes,
seIecled fron lhe lesl ve receive.
Whal kind of advenlures do you vanl lo see` Were going lo
offer as lroad a speclrun of naleriaI as possilIe: dungeon
cravIs, viIderness canp-ouls, Oricn|a| Atcn|urcs noduIes,
soIo quesls, lournanenl designs, BATTLLSYSTLM scenarios,
and nore. f course, vhal ve have lo offer depends on vhal
you send lo us. (See our guideIines offer on page 6O.)
Wrile in and leII us vhal you vanl.
LDITR: Roger L. Moore
}anes HoIIovay, Dave
LaIorce, Keilh Iarkinson,
Roger Raupp, }in RosIof,
LiIeen Lucas, Karen Marlin, Dave SulherIand, Tin
Ceorgia Moore, Dellie
Trunan, VaIerie VaIusek
Ioulsch, Ialrick Lucien Irice
ART DIRLCTR: Roger Bakk, Kin Lindau, CoiIeen
MaIIey, CIoria Szopinski,
CaroIyn VanderliIl
Meachan, Ial SchuIz
The Readers
MichaeI Ashlon and
Lee Sperry
Ialricia Nead LIrod
}ohn, Nephev
Anne Cray McCready
Cranl and David
CarI Snilh
LETTERS A nev nagazine, a nev
readership, and nany nev queslions. .2
has lhe royaI crovn ~ and youve gol lo
gel il lack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
happened lo lhe signaI lover` Whal
vails for you in lhe nisly
nounlains` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
GRAKHIRT'S LAIR The Ieader of a norker
uprising is free. Co find hin! . . . . . . .28
THE ELVEN HOME A lrief encounler vilh
an unusuaI dveIIing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
INTO THE FIRE The soIulion lo a
15-year-oId nyslery Iies in a voIcanic
nounlain range. The Iasl force senl in
vas deslroyed. Youre nexl. . . . . . . . .42
a IoneIy shrine, and no survivors. . . .61
Sorry! I donl vanl any advenlures, lhank you. Nol loday.
BiIlo Baggins
Tnc Hcooi|, }.R.R. ToIkien
Dear edilor,
I see in DRACN #1O7 Magazine
issue lhal you sliII Iack a nane for lhe
noduIe nagazine youre aloul lo pro-
duce. Why nol caII il lqrn?
lqrn, lhe oId lern for dragon, is seen
in such cIassics as 8ccuu|f and lhe
Nioc|ungcn|ic. A sisler nagazine lo
DRACN nagazine shouId have a
reIaled nane.
Tnc nanc DUNCLN na occn ccn-
sicrc as a nagazinc |i||c fcr a |cng
|inc a| TSR, |nc., occausc i| uas an
coticus an pcrfcc| ccnp|incn| |c
DRAGON Magazinc (|nan|s |c |nc
lqrn gives a vonderfuI feeIing of
anliquily, perhaps due lo ils unusuaI
speIIing. Thal aura of fanlasy and
anliquily fils perfeclIy inlo lhe conlexl
of lhe AD&D gane. AIso, I assune
lhal a Iarge parl of lhe noduIe naga-
zines conlenl is lased on lhe AD&D
gane. Since DRACN Magazine is
AD&D-gane lased, il nakes sense lhal
a siniIar pulIicalion shouId le sini-
IarIy naned.
|nc |cga| cpar|ncn|.
Dczcns cf nancs ucrc iscarc in |nc
scarcn, sucn as Chinera, AlIanlis, Lal-
yrinlh, Tesseracl, Voyager, Viking, High
Advenlure, Quesl, racIe, Hoard, Iara-
gon, DM, Speclrun, Cenlaur, Arcana,
Calevays, MuIliverse, rion, an Sage,
as uc|| as |css scricus cncs |i|c
UnIeashed!, TMM, Dungeon Lars
SurvivaI Cuide, an Dungeon Iropa-
ganda. Wyrn an sctcra| taria|icns cn
|na| nanc ucrc a|sc ccnsicrc, ou|
|ncsc occausc cf |racnar| rcs|ric-
|icns, prcticus usagc, ccnfusicn in spc||-
ing cr ui|n c|ncr prcuc|s, cr
una||rac|itcncss ucrc sccn rcppc.
Pcrnaps 50-100 nancs ucrc gcncra|c
Tnis orings up |nc ncx| |c||cr. . . .
Afler reading lhe ediloriaI in lhe
Ialesl issue of DRACN Magazine
S|ip li||ians uas |nc firs| pcrscn unc
nentloned thls tlt|e to our edltor. We
na a|sc rcccitc sctcra| |c||crs |i|c |nc
cnc aoctc |na| a|| suggcs|c |nc sanc
lqrn can aIso conceivalIy save on
nundane prinling expenses, loo. Afler
aII, ils shorl, onIy four Iellers Iong, and
easy lo renenler. IIus, since il is so
shorl, il vonl lIock oul so nuch of lhe
cover arl, unIess you prinl il in huge
nanc, an | natc nc|cs frcn ncc|ings in
unicn |nc nanc DUNCLN Adven-
lures appcars as a pcssioi|i|q. |n |inc, i|
uas |nis nanc |na| uas sc|cc|c. A
ungccn is an atcn|uring cntircnncn|,
an atcn|urcs arc una| |nis nagazinc
is a|| aocu|.
Tnc nain fccus cf DUNG|ON Atcn-
|urcs is cn ncu|cs, nc| cn ganing
ar|ic|cs, |nc |a||cr oc|cng in DRAGON
Magazinc. Tnc |c||crs cc|unn a|sc scrtcs
(#1O7), I an reninded of a Ieller I senl
as a qucs|icn-an-ansucr cc|unn fcr
lo you aloul lvo years ago suggesling
ccrrcc|ing crrcrs in prcticus|q puo|isnc
lhe very sane lhing, a separale naga-
ncu|cs cr fcr c|arifqing an c|ai|ing
zine conlaining noduIes and arlicIes
uaqs cf nan|ing ccr|ain si|ua|icns
appcaring in sucn ncu|cs. lc natc nc
lased on lhe suljecl of noduIes. c|ncr rcgu|ar fca|urcs p|annc, ou| uc.
The pulIicalion vouId le lilIed
Dungccn Magazine. I generaled lvo
arc cpcn |c suggcs|icns.
coIunns lo le in each issue: a Iorun- Dear sirs:
lype coIunn vilh heIp for lhe DM caIIed
BIue Lighlning and anolher vilh
I undersland lhal changes in
heIp on conslrucling honenade nod-
DRACN Magazine nay see noduIes
uIes naned Dravlridge. Your edilo-
pulIished in a separale nagazine. I do
nol favor lhis as noduIes are a fealure
riaI does nol address if you pIan lo
Hope you lake lhis idea under consid-
eralion. I canl vail for lhe nev noduIe
nagazine, vhalever ils nane.
AIan Slrulhers
Lac du IIanleau, Wisconsin
Onc cf nq firs| crcrs cf ousincss as
ci|cr cf |nis pcricica| uas |c ccnc up
ui|n a nanc fcr i|. Crca|ing nancs uas
casq, nq cun inagina|icn uas supp|c-
ncn|c oq nc|pfu| |c||crs an ccnncn|s
frcn rcacrs, fricns, an ccucr|crs a|
TSR, |nc. Hcuctcr, |nc nancs na |c
ncc| |nc apprcta| cf |nc puo|isncr an
incIude lexl in lhe nev nagazine, or if
of DRACN Magazine lhal I enjoy. If
arlicIes viII le found in DRACN Mag-
lhey are pulIished separaleIy, I nay le
forced lo choose lelveen DRACN
azine onIy. Bul, as your ediloriaI aIso
said, decisions sliII renain lo le nade.
Magazine and lhe noduIe nagazine due
lo lhe reslriclions of ny ludgel for such
Randy Bisig pulIicalions.
IuIlon, Missouri
DUNCLN Advenlures (ISSN appIied for) is pulIished linonlhIy ly TSR, Inc. The naiIing address for aII naleriaI excepl sulscriplion orders is DUNCLN Advenlures, I.. Box 11O, Lake Ceneva, WI 53147, lhe lusiness
leIephone nunler is (414) 248-3625. DUNCLN Advenlures is avaiIalIe ly sulscriplion lhroughoul lhe Uniled Slales and Canada. The sulscriplion rale via second-cIass naiI is $15 in U.S. funds for one year (six issues) senl lo
an address in lhe U.S. or Canada. Infornalion on foreign sulscriplions can le ollained ly vriling lo: Sulscriplion Deparlnenl, DUNCLN Advenlures, TSR, Inc., I.. Box 11O, Lake Ceneva, WI 53147. Iaynenl in fuII nusl
acconpany aII sulscriplion orders. Iaynenl shouId le ly check or noney order, nade payalIe lo TSR, Inc., or ly charges lo vaIid MaslerCard or VISA credil cards, Send sulscriplion orders vilh paynenls lo: TSR, Inc., I.. Box
72O89, Chicago, IL 6O69O. The issue of expiralion of each sulscriplion is prinled on lhe naiIing IaleI for each sulscrilers copy of lhe nagazine. Changes of address for lhe deIivery of sulscriplion copies nusl le received al Ieasl
six veeks prior lo lhe effeclive dale of lhe change, in order lo assure uninlerrupled deIivery.
AII naleriaI pulIished in DUNCLN Advenlures lecones lhe excIusive properly of lhe pulIisher, unIess speciaI arrangenenls lo lhe conlrary are nade prior lo pulIicalion. DUNCLN Advenlures veIcones unsoIiciled
sulnissions of vrillen naleriaI and arlvork, hovever, no responsiliIily for such sulnissions can le assuned ly lhe pulIisher in any evenl. Any sulnission acconpanied ly a seIf-addressed, slanped enveIope of sufficienl size
viII le relurned if il cannol le pulIished. IIease vrile for our vrilers guideIines lefore sending a noduIe lo us, send a seIf-addressed, slanped enveIope (9 Iong preferred) lo: ModuIe CuideIines, DUNCLN Advenlures, TSR,
Inc., I.. Box 11O, Lake Ceneva, WI 53147.
DUNCLN is a lradenark for lhe TSR roIe-pIaying advenlure periodicaI pulIished ly TSR, Inc. AII righls lo lhe conlenls of lhis pulIicalion are reserved, and nolhing nay le reproduced fron il in vhoIe or in parl, vilhoul
firsl ollaining vrillen pernission fron lhe pulIisher. Copyrighl 1988 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved.
lradenarks of TSR, Inc. 1988 TSR, Inc. AII Righls Reserved. CALL I CTHULHU is a regislered lradenark of Chaosiun, Inc. AII MarveI characlers and lhe dislinclive Iikenesses lhereof are lradenarks of lhe MarveI Conics
Croup. MARVLL SUILR HLRLS and MARVLL SUILR VILLAIN are lradenarks of lhe MarveI Conics Croup. Copyrighl 1988 MarveI Conics Croup, a division of Cadence Induslries Corporalion. AII Righls Reserved.
TRAVLLLLR is a regislered lradenark of Cane Designers Workshop. LANKHMAR is used under Iicense vilh Irilz Leiler.
SecondcIass poslage paid al Lake Ceneva, WI, and addilionaI naiIing offices. Ioslnasler: Send address changes lo TSR, Inc., I.. Box 11O, Lake Ceneva, WI 53147.
2 Issue No. 1
I an viIIing lo lry lhe nev syslen, so
pIease reserve a copy of lhe nev noduIe
nagazine for ne if il cones aloul. I viII
lry lolh nagazines for one year and
lhen decide vhelher lo gel lolh, onIy
one, or neilher reguIarIy.
A nev nagazine vilh onIy noduIes is
a good idea lul nay le loo expensive for
lhose of us on Iov ludgels. If I nay, I
vouId Iike lo suggesl a fev ideas for lhe
nev nagazine.
Iirsl, pul il on lhe sheIf as opposed lo
seIIing il ly sulscriplion onIy. Il viII
lhen le avaiIalIe lo nore ganers and
viII aIIov peopIe lo reviev ils conlenls
lefore deciding lo luy.
In addilion, perhaps you couId sepa-
rale lhe lypes of noduIes ly issues. Ior
exanpIe, if lhe nagazine vere lo le a
quarlerIy, lvo issues couId le for D&D
and AD&D ganes, one couId le for
science-ficlion ganes such as lhe STAR
TRAVLLLLR ganes, and one couId le
for olhers such as lhe TI SLCRLT or
CALL I CTHULHU ganes. Conlin-
ing such a fornal vilh off-lhe-sheIf
purchasing vouId aIIov a pIayer of lhe
HLRLS ganes nol lo gel sluck vilh
a lunch of useIess D&D noduIes, and
vice versa.
I knov you have nany olher consider-
alions lo nake, lul I lhoughl Id give
you ny opinion. Thank you.
}. C. Sinpson
Vicloria, Brilish CoIunlia
8ccausc DUNG|ON Atcn|urcs is
oincn|n|q, a qcar|q suoscrip|icn sncu|
nc| s|rain |cc nanq pcc|c|occ|s. lc arc
a|sc cffcring a spccia| suoscrip|icn ra|c
|na| is c|ai|c cn |nc insic oac| cctcr
cf |nis issuc. Tnc pcssioi|i|q cf is|riou|-
ing i| |nrcugn s|crcs is a|sc ocing
Af|cr |cng iscussicns aocu| |nc ccn-
|cn| cf DUNG|ON Atcn|urcs, i| uas
ccic |na| cn|q ADcD an DcD
ncu|cs ucu| oc fca|urc in i|. Nc
c|ncr gancs snarc |nc pcpu|ari|q |na|
|ncsc |uc natc, an nanq gancrs natc
|c| us |na| |ncq ucu| prcfcr |c gc| an
a||-fan|asq puo|ica|icn, rcgaring cctcr-
agc cf anq c|ncr gancs as uas|c spacc.
|n ai|icn, running ncu|cs fcr |nc
gancs cf c|ncr ccnpanics ucu| oc |cc
|rqing cn |nc ci|cr unc ucu| |ncn
natc |c oc fani|iar ui|n czcns cf iffcr-
cn| gancs in cx|rcnc c|ai|. |ccusing
|nc sccpc cf DUNG|ON Atcn|urcs cn
|ncsc |uc gancs a|cnc is |nc ocs| nctc.
lc naq ctcn|ua||q cnangc cur ci|c- lc naq nc| a|uaqs usc ocxc |cx| in
ria| pc|icics if uc rcccitc cncugn fcc- cur ncu|cs, ou| |nc par|s cf |nc |cx|
oac| |c jus|ifq i|. lc fcc| |na| ncan| cn|q fcr |nc Dungccn Mas|crs
DUNG|ON Atcn|urcs is tcrq s|rcng in cqcs arc nc|c in |nc ncu|cs as sucn.
i|s prcscn| fcrn an uc|| c cur ocs| |c Ycur ci|cr isn| a oig fan cf rcaing
p|casc cur rcacrs. scc|icns cf ncu|c |cx| tcroa|in |c p|aq-
Dear edilor,
crs occausc i| |a|cs auaq frcn |nc spcn-
|anci|q cf |nc ganc. Ncnc|nc|css, i| is
I read vilh nuch joy lhal DRACN inpcr|an| |c |ncu una| |c |c|| |nc p|aq
Magazine vas pIanning lo pulIish a crs an una| nc| |c |c|| |ncn. lc|| na|c
nagazine devoled onIy lo pulIishing surc |nc is|inc|icn is c|car.
noduIes. I an pIanning lo sulscrile lo
il as soon as possilIe. I do, hovever, Sirs:
have one suggeslion. IIease require Il nighl le inleresling readers lo
lhal lhe noduIes IaleI vhal lhe DM is see a lIov-ly-lIov reviev of a previous
supposed lo read and vhal he or she is noduIe, as an arlicIe, in a sulsequenl
supposed lo keep lo hinseIf. I have nagazine.
noliced lhal, in nany of TSRs noduIes,
vhich infornalion lhe DM is supposed
Roger C. AIIen
lo read is nol nade cIear. I reaIize lhis
WiIIovdaIe, nlario
vouId lake line, lul I have found vhen
lhe infornalion is kepl secrel and is nol
Tnis fa||s cu|sic |nc sccpc cf cur
pcricica|. Tnc rc|c||ing cf c| atcn-
IaleIed, il is a Iol harder on us poor |urcs is fun an can oc ins|ruc|itc, ou|
DMs. I vouId Iike for you lo keep lhis in
nind vhen lhis nev nagzine is pul-
uc ucu| ra|ncr prcscn| as nanq ncu
Iished. I lhank you for your line. I have
cppcr|uni|ics fcr atcn|urcs as pcssio|c.
Rcacrs can scn in par|icu|ar ccn-
enjoyed reading DRACN Magazine ncn|s an suggcs|icns fcr a||cring |nc
and Iook forvard lo lhe fulure. p|aqing cf a ncu|c, if a ganing scssicn
David Rolinson rctca|s scnc in|crcs|ing a||crna|itcs |c
IuIlondaIe, AIalana |nc ncu|cs sc|-up.
Micnac| Asn|cn an |cc Spcrrq, oc|n
frcn |cr| lcr|n, Tcxas, ucrc |nc cc-
crca|crs cf The Dark Tover of CaliIar.
Micnac| p|ans |c najcr in cccncnics
an na|ncna|ics a| cc||cgc |nis fa||, nc
nancs a uic asscr|ncn| cf in|crcs|s
unicn inc|uc running, ccnpu|crs,
pc|i|ics, an ganing. |cc cnjcqs ua|cr-
s|iing an is a cc||cgc scnicr najcring
in inus|ria| |ccnnc|cgq an ousincss.
Tnc Dar| Tcucr cf Caoi|ar is an
AD&D advenlure for 4-8 characlers of
4lh-7lh IeveI. The parly shouId have
severaI fighlers and al Ieasl one nagic-
user, lhief, and cIeric. MagicaI veapons
are required.
Nole lhal faIIing danage is caIcuIaled
as increasing ly 1d6 danage per 1O
faIIen. This shouId le adjusled if lhe
revised faIIing-danage ruIes in lhe
Dungccnccrs Surtita| Guic are used.
The vampire is
the least of
your worri es
Adventure 8ockground
This advenlure, derived fron a lourna-
nenl noduIe, nay le easiIy dropped
inlo nosl canpaign sellings vilh a fev
adjuslnenls in nanes and pIaces. The
advenlure, legins fron lhe nonenl lhe
pIayer characlers reach lhe lover of
CaliIar, il nay le expanded ly adding
lhe hiring of lhe characlers, lheir lra-
veIs lo lhis area, and lheir journey
hone again.
The foIIoving loxed infornalion
shouId le read or paraphrased lo lhe
pIayers al lhe slarl of lhis advenlure.
Iour years ago, lhe spravIing cily of
SloulvaII vas a haven for peopIe
vho vanled peace and quiel. Then
lhe lhrone vas usurped ly a nagic-
user naned CaliIar. The vizard sIev
lhe enlire cily counciI vilh a
c|cu|i||, lhen lIasled lhe king vilh
a |ign|ning oc||. Hovever, lhe kings
aged personaI allendanl vas vearing
a ncc||acc cf aap|a|icn and nan-
aged lo escape lhe sIaughler lhrough
a secrel door Ieading lo lhe kings
chanler. Cuessing CaliIar's nolives,
he haslened lo lhe princes ledroon.
and lade lhe adoIescenl heir cone.
Togelher lhey dashed lhrough forgol-
len corridors and energed oulside
lhe caslIe vaIIs. The princes savior
lroughl hin ly lack roads lo his
godparenls. Al lhal poinl lhe slrain
lecane loo nuch for lhe oId IoyaIisl,
vho had a hearl allack and died.
Bul, as he coIIapsed, he gave lo lhe
prince one ilen saved fron lhe sack
of lhe paIace ~ lhe synloI of lhe
kingship, a jade crovn.
When CaliIar discovered lhal lhe
prince vas nissing, he had lhe cily
scoured lul lo no avaiI, as lhe
prince had leen spiriled avay vilh
his godparenls acconpanying hin.
Hovever, afler lvo days lraveI
norlhvard, lhe princes godfalher
vas sIain and lhe crovn vhich he
prolecled sloIen ly a vanpire. The
prince and his godnolher found
sheIler in a neighloring cily, vhere
lhey have renained lhese four years.
Nov lhal lhe prince is oId enough
lo vin lack his cily, il is line lhal
lhe crovn le lroughl forvard. Afler
nuch research, lhe Iair of lhe van-
pire has leen found. The princes
godnolher has connissioned you lo
gel lhe crovn. She has discovered
lhal lhe Iair of lhe vanpire is
inlereslingIy enough in lhe sane
lover lhal vas inhaliled ly CaliIar
lefore his conquesl. She pronises lo
pay each and every nenler of lhe
expedilion a generous revard vhen
lhe nission is conpIele.
For the Dungeon Master
The journey lo lhe vanpires Iair has
leen Iong and difficuIl. You are foI-
Ioving your guide dovn a vinding
palh vhich culs across lhe face of a
cIiff, vhen lhe lraiI alruplIy svings
in lovard lhe slone ilseIf. The cIiff
gives vay lo an innense cavern
chanler 5OO Iong and aInosl as
vide, lhe ceiIing is aloul 25O alove
your heads. The guide says lhal he
nusl Ieave, and he leals a hasly
relreal lack up lhe lraiI. Afler a fev
nonenls of slaring inlo lhe cave,
you see lhe vanpires lover. Al firsl
you nislook il for an innense
slaIagnile. Il rises over 1OO in lhe
air and is approxinaleIy 2OO avay.
SIovIy you enler lhe cave.
The parly nusl le vary in lhis
Nov you see nore cIearIy lhal lhe
dungeon. There are severaI IelhaI lraps
slaIagnile lover has vooden
and encounlers, lul nany lhal can
Iedges high up on ils sides, and sev-
erode parly slrenglh or finish off veak
eraI snaII vindovs open oulvard
characlers. In sone pIaces, narching
perhaps 9O alove lhe fIoor of lhe
order pIays an inporlanl roIe in deler-
cavern. No olher doors or enlrances
nining lhe success or faiIure of an
are visilIe around lhe lase of lhe
encounler, in olhers, il nakes no
lover. You iniliaIIy approach lhe
difference al aII.
lover fron lhe soulh.
The Dungeon Masler shouId nole lhal
lhere are encounlers lhal precIude
allack ly aII nenlers of lhe parly, as
lhe assauIl cones as a door is opened,
elc. Wandering nonslers have leen
onilled, as lhe crealures vhich dveII
vilhin lhe lover and dungeon are, for
lhe nosl parl, cnarnc or lrained lo
prolecl an area, or have no choice in
lheir aclions ly lhe vay lheir roon is
designed or ly vhal is prolecling lheir
exil. They are aIso enchanled lo resisl
hunger and have no desire (lhanks lo
CaliIars nagic) lo Ieave lhe dungeons.
AII nonslers radiale nagic if lhis is
delecled for, due lo CaliIars speIIs.
The loxed lexl is lo le read lo lhe pIayers
as lhe need arises. Care shouId le laken nol
lo discIose any infornalion vhich lhe parly
couId nol knov fron ils posilion.
The DM shouId ensure lhal he knovs,
al aII lines, lhe narching order of lhe
parly, ils generaI palh lhrough various
roons (assune a slraighl palh if none is
slaled), and vhal veapons are in hand.
Weapons require line lo drav. If a
veapons speed is 3 or Iess, lhe charac-
ler nay allack al lhe end of lhe currenl
round, olhervise, he gels nornaI inilia-
live dice for lhe nexl round.
UnIess olhervise slaled, aII areas of lhe
dungeon and lover are in nornaI darkness.
Starting the Adventure
Encounter Areas
No olher enlrances lesides lhe four
vindovs exisl on lhe lover. Lnlry inlo
lhe lover is lricky. Iirsl, lhe pIayer
characlers nusl find a vay lo reach lhe
enlry vindovs 93 alove lhe ground.
This nay le acconpIished ly grapneIs
and ropes, a lhief cIinling vaIIs, a
|cti|a|icn speII, or lhe Iike. No naller
vhal nelhod is used, il aInosl sureIy
invoIves lhe oId, 5 x 5 vooden Iedges
on lhe exlerior of lhe lover.
Whenever 2OO Ils. or nore is pIaced
upon a Iedge, lhal Iedge nusl nake a
saving lhrov of 1O or grealer on a d2O,
vilh a -1 on lhe save for each 1O Ils.
over 2OO. Ior inslance, if a fighler
veighing 223 Ils. (gear incIuded) slands
on a Iedge, lhe save for lhe Iedge is a 12
on a d2O. Nole lhal if a 15O-Il. fighler
slands on a Iedge and allenpls lo puII
up a 7O-Il. haIfIing, lhe effeclive veighl
on lhe Iedge is 22O Ils.! If a Iedge faiIs a
save, il coIIapses, carrying aII upon il
dovn, doing 1d6 hp danage per 1O
faIIen, cunuIalive. There shouId le
anpIe varning for a reaclion: The
Iedge creaks IoudIy under you, elc.). If
lhe Iedge nakes ils save, Ioud creaking
and popping noises are heard.
Lven if lhe Iedge survives ils iniliaI
saving lhrov, any shifl or addilion of
veighl requires a nev save. If a charac-
ler lunlIing fron lhe Iedge hils lhe one
lenealh il (vhich he viII if one exisls),
lhe Iover Iedge nakes a save aIso,
requiring an 18 or alove on a d2O lo
keep lhe characler fron faIIing lo lhe
nexl Iedge (or lhe cavern fIoor).
nce severaI characlers are acliveIy
cIinling lhe lover, lhe firedrakes fron
area 1 allack.
As you allenpl lo conquer your firsl
olslacIe, four red fIying repliIes,
each 4' in Ienglh, gIide off lhe lop of
lhe lover, lurn, and dive-lonl you,
leIching fIane!
The firedrakes Iive here (AC 5, MV
6"/18", HD 4, hp 29, 25, 24, 19, #AT 1,
Dng 2-8, SA fiery lrealh for 2-16 hp
danage, five lines/day, save for haIf
danage, AL N). They are angry al hav-
ing lheir sancluary vioIaled and are
prolecling lhe four eggs in lheir nesl.
They fighl lo lhe dealh. Brealh veapons
are used firsl, lhen lhe firedrakes snap
vilh lheir leelh. They do nol fIy in any
sorl of fornalion, and an area-effecl
speII (Iike a fircoa||) nighl nol encon-
pass aII of lhen vhiIe lhey are in lhe
air. RoII a d1O and use lhe foIIoving lo
see hov nany are caughl in any area of
effecl: 1-4, one caughl, 5-7, lvo caughl,
8-9, lhree caughl, O, four caughl.
Any firedrake vounded dovn lo haIf
ils hil poinls or Iess nusl Iand, prefera-
lIy on a Iedge lo do conlal. Any fire-
drake vounded dovn lo 5 or fever hp
rakes ilseIf vilh ils cIavs and hurIs
ilseIf onlo lhe nearesl figure. Iiredrake
lIood lurns, as noled in lhe IILND
ILI Tone, naking lhe crealure
inlo a Iiving (suicidaI) firelaII for one
round. The largel figure nusl save vs.
lrealh veapon or lake 1-1O hp danage.
If lhe save is nade, hovever, no danage
is laken. If lhe lurning firedrake faIIs
on a Iedge, lhe Iedge lurns and coI-
Iapses in five neIee rounds if lhe lody
is nol lhrovn or kicked off of il.
1. FIrcdrakc's Ncst. Read lhe foIIov-
ing if lhe parly nakes il up lo lhe
lovers roof.
The lop of lhe lover is cIullered vilh
lones, slicks, delris, and droppings.
In one pockel of lhe nesl, you see
four snaII Iealhery eggs of pinkish
lher lhan lhe eggs, lhere is nolhing
eIse of inleresl in lhe Iair. The eggs, if
carefuIIy handIed, halch in four veeks,
lul lhey are ralher fragiIe and veigh 2O
gp each.
2. Acccss Rnnm. Assuning soneone
in lhe parly nakes il inlo one of lhe
four vindovs on lhe oulside of lhe
lover, he or she runs inlo serious
lroulIe innedialeIy.
As you cIanler in lhe vindov, lvo
slocky hunanoids Iunge oul of lhe
darkness and charge you. Their pov-
erfuI arns are exlended lefore lhen,
and you can see lhal lheir hands end
in sharp cIavs! In odd conlrasl lo
lhis, hovever, are lheir slrangeIy
chiIdIike faces.
Tvo unusuaI Iava chiIdren are
presenl (AC 4, MV 9, HD 4, hp 18, 2O,
#AT 3, Dng 1-6/1-6/1-12, SD nelaI has
no effecl (onIy vooden, slone, or nagicaI
veapons have an effecl, nagicaI veap-
ons do 1 hp danage per pIus, unIess
lhey are vooden or slone), innune lo
fire and earlh nagic lul lake 1 exlra hp
danage per IeveI of casler fron air and
valer nagic, AL N). They vere
cnarnc ly CaliIar lo prolecl lhe enlry-
vay lo his lover, and lhe speII has leen
reneved al reguIar inlervaIs. They
allack afler lhe firsl characler sleps
lhrough lhe vindov, and voe le unlo
hin if he has onIy an average lroad
svord! The Iava chiIdrens allacks
negale nelaI arnor, so any nelaI arnor
(incIuding nelaI shieIds, lul excIuding
vooden shieIds) gives a lonus lo arnor
cIass according lo any nagicaI lonus
lul nol lo arnor lype. Ior inslance, a
fighler vilh average dexlerily vearing
p|a|c nai| +3 and a Iarge nelaI snic|
+1 vouId have AC -2 nornaIIy, lul
againsl lhe Iava chiIdren he vouId have
AC 6. A fighler vearing sp|in| nai| +2
and a snaII nelaI snic| +2 vouId aIso
have AC 6, lul a fighler vilh p|a|c nai|
+3 and a vooden snic| +1 has AC 5.
A 5-vide slaircase in lhe soulhvesl-
ern corner of lhe roon descends lo roon
3. The Iava chiIdren foIIov anyone vho
descends lhe slaircase, lul lhey vonl
enler lhe dungeon IeveIs.
3. PaIntcd Rnnm.
The vaIIs of lhis roon have painled
nuraIs depicling four scenes. In lhe
firsl, a laly is heId in a young Iadys
arns, vhiIe Iuninescenl visages of
lhe gods sniIe upon lhe chiId. In lhee
second, a leenage loy is slanding in
a roon iIIuninaled ly a sourceIess
Iighl lhal he hoIds in his fingerlips.
An oId nan is in lhe lackground,
seeningIy slarlIed. In lhe lhird
nuraI, a young nan in Iong roles
Ieans on a rune-covered slaff, gazing
al a dark lover in lhe shadovy lack-
ground. In lhe Iasl piclure, a niddIe-
aged nan, hoIding lhe sane slaff as
lhe one seen in lhe lhird scene,
greels a gaunl, vhile-haired nan in
a lIack cIoak. Bals, rals, and voIves
provI nearly.
The firsl piclure is CaliIars egolisli-
caI inage of hinseIf as a chiId, lhe
second is lhe casling of his firsl speII,
lhe lhird is young CaliIar al his lover
in lhe cave, and lhe fourlh is his pacl
vilh lhe vanpire. The roon is devoid of
olher delaiI.
4. 5pIra! 5taIrcasc. The spiraI slair-
case vinds dovn lhe cenler of lhis
lover, fron roon 3 aII lhe vay lo lhe
dungeon. There is nolhing unusuaI
aloul lhis slaircase excepl for lhe facl
lhal il is nol Iighled, and any adven-
lurer venluring dovn lhe sleps vilhoul
a Iighl is 75 IikeIy lo lake a faII for 1-6
hp danage. This incIudes characlers
vilh infravision, as lhere is no heal
difference lelveen lhe slairs and lhe
vaIIs lo pernil usefuI sighl, characlers
nolice lhis prolIen al once and can
Iighl a lorch or Ianlern.
5. MImIc 5tcp. As lhe characlers
descend lhe finaI sleps of lhe spiraI
slaircase lo lhis roon, read lhis:
As lhe Iead nenler of lhe expedilion
sleps on lhe finaI slep inlo lhis roon,
parl of lhe slone forns a fislIike
appendage and Iashes oul al lhe
6 Issue No. 1
The kiIIer ninic (AC 7, MV 3 , HD
1O, hp 62, #AT 1, Dng 3-12, SA gIueIike
sulslance vhich hoIds fasl parl of lody
louched, allacks eilher ly surprise (1-4
on d6) or ly lolaI surprise (5-6 on lhe d6,
AL N). In lhe Ialler case, lhe ninic
slrikes lvice lefore parly nenlers
reacl, in lhe forner case, once. Nole
lhal aIlhough dexlerily lonuses appIy
in delernining surprise, lhe ninic gels
al Ieasl one allack lefore lhe parly
nenlers can reacl (unIess parly nen-
lers are proling ahead lhen, surprise is
delernined nornaIIy). The Iead charac-
ler finds, in addilion, lhal he is heId
fasl ly lhe gIuey secrelion of lhe ninic,
lo le allacked each and every round
unliI lhe characler or lhe ninic is fin-
ished. The ninic is onIy seni-
inleIIigenl, and lhe DM shouId keep
lhis in nind vhen conlroIIing ils
aclions. Il vonl go for lhe nosl pover-
fuI parly nenler or lhe one vho is
doing lhe nosl danage, inslead going
for lhe one vho is cIosesl.
Nole: Area-effecl speIIs such as firc-
oa|| or ccnc cf cc| nay affecl lhe sluck
characler as veII as lhe ninic. SpeIIs
such as |ign|ning oc||, vhich have a
Iine-of-sighl area of effecl, have a 5O
chance of incIuding lhe sluck characler
~nol lo nenlion relound dangers.
This roon conlains an assorlnenl of
oId lones scallered across lhe fIoor,
aIong vilh olher delris usuaIIy associ-
aled vilh sIain advenlurers. None of
lhe delris is vaIualIe, leing lroken or
used leyond repair. nIy five hunan
lodies nay le Iocaled, aII sIain ly lhe
ninic and Iava chiIdren a year lefore.
They vere lreasure hunlers vho knev
nolhing of lhe crovn or lhe vanpire.
6. Dungcnn Entrancc. This roon is
nol acluaIIy depicled on lhe nap of
dungeon IeveI I, lul lhe lrap door is.
The spiraI slair descends an addilionaI
6O lefore reaching lhis roon,
The slaircase cones lo an alrupl end
in a roon aloul 5 square. In lhe
fIoor is a Iarge lrap door nade of
slone, vilh a heavy lronze ring sel
inlo il. The door is 3 x 3 .
The lrap door radiales nagic and
requires a cpcn ccrs roII lo Iifl. If lhe
vords CaliIar King are spoken, il
svings open nagicaIIy, lhis infornalion
nay le gained ly a variely of speIIs
(icn|ifq, |cgcn |crc, uisn, elc.).
BeIov you, 1O avay, is a four-vay
inlerseclion. Il appears lo le vacanl.
The inlerseclion is devoid of olher
delaiI. Characlers peering lo lhe Iefl,
hovever, nay (5O chance) see lhe
vrilings al Iocalion 24, if a Iighl source
is presenl.
Dungeon Level I
7. 5tnragc Arca.
This area is fuII of crales, larreIs,
jugs, and jars of aII sizes.
IncIuded in lhe polpourri of suppIies
are lhree jars of vinegar, a crale con-
laining food sufficienl for 1O veeks
slandard ralions, lvo one-gaIIon jugs of
aIe, a gaIIon jug haIf fuII of fine red
vine, and a larreI of saIled horse neal
sufficienl for five veeks feeding. This
infornalion shouId le discIosed onIy
afler severaI lurns of searching, prying
open Iids, elc. Il shouId le discIosed
IillIe ly IillIe, nol aII al once.
8. EttIn LaIr.
You open lhe door inlo a 2O'-laII
roon, aloul 15 vide and 8O' Iong,
running norlheasl fron vhere you
sland. Il has a lend in lhe niddIe of
lhe roon, heading aloul 1O soulh
lefore conlinuing norlheasl. In lhe
norlheaslern corner are severaI Iarge
piIes of vood. In lhe cenler of lhe
roon is a 13'-laII hunanoid vilh lvo
heads. In each of ils lvo hands is
heId a spiked cIul. ne head seens
lo le asIeep. The olher head sees
your parly and leIIovs in a foreign
longue. InnedialeIy lhe olher head
opens ils eyes, and lhe crealure
charges you.
The ellin, Ired/Ned, is ralher slupid,
as a naller of facl, Ired conlinuaIIy
forgels his ovn nane (AC 2, MV HD 1O,
hp 42, #AT 2, Dng 2-16/3-18, AL CL).
The ellin has a ring on ils righl hand,
vhich can le seen vhen lhe characlers
are in conlal vilh lhe nonsler. This is
lhe ring cf nign|. Il affords lhe ellin
prc|cc|icn + 1, as veII as having a sec-
ondary pover: Whenever lhe ring is
vilhin lhe dungeon Iinils, il can add 1O
hp lo lhe vearers hil-poinl lolaI. If
Ired/Ned is seriousIy vounded, (15 hp
or fever), Ned lhen shouls, Iover
one! (lhe connand vord for lhe firsl
pover). This can le done lvice per day,
lul lhe ellin has never used il nore
lhan once and knovs of none of lhe
rings olher povers. Ior nore inforna-
lion on lhe ring cf nign|, see lhe seclion
al lhe end of lhis noduIe. The DM
shouId nake sure he is faniIiar vilh
lhe uses of lhe ring lefore allenpling lo
referee lhis dungeon.
AIso, hidden in lhe norlheaslern cor-
ner, lehind lhe vood piIe, is a snaII,
enply chesl vilh 5OO gp crudeIy hidden
lenealh il. The chesl cIosed vhen lhe
ellin vas pIaying vilh lhe noney, and
Ired decided lo hide lhe goId vilhoul
fooIing vilh lhe Iock (vhich is
9. PcrI!nus 5quarcs.
The door opens onlo an olIong 5O x
11O roon. Your door cones in al lhe
cenler, of lhe vaII, and lhere is
anolher door on lhe far Iefl of lhe
vaII opposile you. In lhe corner lo
your righl, across lhe roon, is a Iarge
eneraId on a gray pedeslaI.
The lreasure is nol as easy lo ollain
as il nay seen al firsl. The roon is
lrapped. So Iong as lhe parly slays on
lhe gray squares (vhich, ly lhe vay, are
nol narked on lhe fIoor of lhe roon),
lhey are safe. Hovever, if a vhile
square is slepped upon, lhree green rays
zip fron lhe gen lovard lhe offending
characler or characlers. The largel
nusl nake a save vs. paraIyzalion or le
hil ly lhe ray and lake 1 hp danage, in
addilion lo leing paraIyzed for 2d4 + 2
rounds. If lhe square conlaining lhe
gen is slepped upon, paraIyzalion is
aulonalic. The gen fires each round
lhal soneone is on a vhile square.
Hovever, onIy lhree rays are fired per
round, regardIess of hov nany vhile
squares are slepped upon.
There are severaI vays lhal lhe gen
nay le pul oul of connission. A heavy
lIov vilh an oljecl causes il lo save
againsl deslruclion as a gen vs. a nor-
naI lIov, lul lhis deslroys lhe gen.
Disconnecling lhe gen fron lhe pedes-
laI aIso negales ils povers. This nay le
acconpIished ly a |c|c|incsis speII or
lhe Iike, and lhis vonl deslroy lhe gen
(vorlh 5,OOO gp).
8 Issue No.1
4/1-6, SA grovs Iarger and nore pover-
fuI afler leing kiIIed, SD 7O nagic
resislanl, AL CL). The guardian faniI-
iars pyranidina of povers is delaiIed in
lhe IILND ILI Tone, page 49, lul
lhe effecls are given in lhe lalIe leIov.
10. 5ccrct Rnnm.
This carefuIIy prolecled roon is
packed vilh lreasure. Iive Iarge
chesls are overfIoving vilh goId.
Sluck uprighl in one chesl is a
svord, ils handIe ornaleIy decoraled.
AIong ils shealh are nany runes in
an unknovn Ianguage. NeslIed on
one chesl is a snaII lIack cal, vhich
cones lo ils feel as il sees you.
Nn. nf
HD hP 5pccd AC Damagc
2 1O 14 7 2-5/2-5/2-7
3 15 16 6 3-6/3-6/3-8
4 2O 18 5 4-7/4-7/4-9
5 25 2O 4 5-8/5-8/5-1O
3 O
8 4O
26 1 8-11/8-11/8-13
45 28 O 9-12/9-12/9-14
The cal is a guardian faniIiar (AC 8,
MV 12, HD 1, hp 5, #AT 3, Dng 14/1-
The guardian faniIiar vonl allack
unIess il is allacked or an allenpl is
nade lo gel al lhe lreasure.
The lreasure is jusl a line-vasler. The
chesls onIy hoId 1OO gp each, undernealh
lhis goId are 13,OOO cp in each chesl, over
piIes of rags. The svord is perfeclIy ordi-
nary, and lhe runes on lhe scallard are
gillerish. Upon finding lhis roon, lhe
characlers nay gel lhe feeIing lhal lhey
have leen had. They have!
save for lhose found on lhe second IeveI, nagic-user, il vears rolling roles,
vhich relain lheir properlies upon pass- lools, and a dagger. So nuch as louch-
ing lhrough any curlain. Weapons in ing lhe skeIelon (or any olher of lhe
hand Iose lheir nagicaI gIov vhen lhe vels, for lhal naller) causes lhousands
curlain is passed.) The lern veapons of spiders lo svarn over lhe inlruder,
appIies onIy lo ilens such as svords and inhililing his vision, gelling in his nose
nisceIIaneous veapons, nol lo vands, and noulh, elc., unliI aII are shaken off,
slaves, and lhe Iike. vhich lakes one lurn. There is aIso a
This curlain cannol le renoved, dan- 5O chance/round of lhe IillIe nippers
aged, or avoided, save ly using speIIs infIicling 1 hp danage on lhe viclin,
Iike incnsicn ccr lo pass leyond il regardIess of arnor cIass.
vilhoul going lhrough il The curlain al The nagic-user had allenpled lo find
11. PractIcc Rnnm.
This roon is oclagonaI, perhaps 6O
in dianeler. There are scorch narks
on lhe soulhern vaII. There aIso
appear lo le severaI dark, vagueIy
hunanoid oulIines skelched on lhe
vaIIs in charcoaI.
reIaled. Whenever any nagic veapon dangerous arachnids, lul lhere are
passes lhrough lhe curlain, il lenporar- hundreds of lhousands of harnIess ones.
iIy Ioses ils enchanlnenl, vhich is The looksheIves hoId nolhing of inler-
reslored ly a ispc| nagic speII casl
againsl 16lh-IeveI nagic, ly passing
esl lo anyone lul a nagic-user, each of
96 vaIualIe looks couId lring a 1OO gp
lhrough lhe curlain in lhe opposile
direclion, or ly passing lhrough lhe
curlain al area 37. (Nole: No nagic
veapon is usalIe on lhe second IeveI
price on lhe open narkel.
The nass of vels in lhe norlhvesl
corner is covering lhe renains of a
skeIelon. The skeIelon is lhal of a
area 37 has lhe sane properlies.
17. 5tudy.
12. MIsscd AgaIn! The doors lo lhis
roon open eilher oul or in. Whenever a
door opens, lhe olher one seens lo open.
The sounds of one or nore peopIe rush-
ing for lhe door are heard, afler vhich
lhe door sIans. When lhe door is opened
lo relurn lo lhe haII, lhe sane lhing
happens ~ lhe olher door opens and
This roon appears lo le a ledroon. A
foolsleps seen lo run fron lhe haIIvay
in. This is lhe pernanenl forn of a
prcgrannc i||usicn. If il is disle-
A Iarge desk resls aIong lhe norlhern
vaII. The lop is Iillered vilh papers
and looks, as is nosl of lhe fIoor
innedialeIy surrounding il. AIong
each olher vaII is a lench vilh nany
fIasks and eIixirs vilh various Iiq-
uids vilhin. Iive candIeslicks are
near lhese lenches, and lhere are
nany vaII sconces for lorches. There
are aIso chains hanging fron lhe
ceiIing, apparenlIy for Ianlerns.
lhe crovn for lhe young prince lvo
years ago, lul died of exhauslion and
slarvalion lefore conpIeling his quesl.
He vrole lhe inscriplion al area 24.
These oulIines vere used sinpIy for
nagicaI largel praclice ly CaliIar. The
roon is olhervise devoid of delaiI.
Iieved, a saving lhrov vs. speIIs nay le
aIIoved. Characlers vho successfuIIy
dravers is on lhe norlhern vaII.
disleIieve are alIe lo convince lheir
associales lhal il is an iIIusion, lul lhis
lakes severaI rounds. If a characler is in
a posilion vhere he can see pIainIy lhal
lhere is no one passing lhrough lhe
door, he nay save aIso, al +4. If lhere is
onIy one characler, he couId lheoreli-
laIIy chase lhe iIIusion forever! Lven if
lhe characlers never cease lo leIieve
lhe iIIusion, lhey nay lreak off pursuil
al any line.
If lhe conlenls of a fIask are lasled,
each is 1O IikeIy lo le poisonous (save
vs. poison or die horrilIy in five rounds,
no olher aclions possilIe). AII nixlures
are exlreneIy liller or olhervise
13-15. Gardcns. These lhree roons
used lo serve as CaliIars nain food
suppIy lefore he noved oul.
dislaslefuI. look, lul il has cxp|csitc runcs casl
Hovever, if lvo hours are spenl exan-
ining lhe looks, lhree speIIs on scroIIs
upon il. Whenever lhe look is opened,
lhe opener lakes 6d4 + 6 hp danage, no
nay le gIeaned ~ c|cu|i||, funo|c, and save, and any vilhin 1O lakes lhe
rcnctc cursc al lhe 16lh IeveI of
nagicaI aliIily. A nagic-user is alIe lo
sane or, if a save vs. speIIs is nade, haIf
leII afler a cursory exaninalion lhal
danage. The look is consuned in lhe
lhe looks nay le of sone vaIue and ne key, dupIicaling lhe one in roon
lhal il nay lake sone line lo search
lhen aII.
19. Bcdrnnm. The door lo lhis roon is
Iocked and uizar |cc|c al lhe 16lh
IeveI of aliIily. Afler lhe door is opened
or circunvenled, read lhe foIIoving
col resls in lhe soulhern aIcove, and a
lalIe vilh one chair sils in lhe cenler
of lhe roon. A Iealher-lound look
resls, cIosed, upon lhe lalIe. A chesl of
The look is jusl anolher Iure for lhose
greedy peopIe vho invade CaliIars
lover for lhe Iool. Il is jusl a nornaI
18. LIbrary.
22, is faslened lo lhe lollon of lhe lalIe
vilh sofl gIue. Lilher key nay le used
lo open lhe door al roon 25.
The Chesl dravers is en ply save for
This roon has severaI shorl liers
aIong each wnII each fiIIed vilh dirl
This roon has sheIves Iining each
and decaying pIanls. A ccn|inua|
vaII, aII of lhen IileraIIy covered
|ign| speII shines fron lhe ceiIing.
lvo daggers, a snaII Iealher pouch vilh
2O pp, and a faded cIoaks a c|ca| cf
cccp|icn. When donned, a c|ca| cf
vilh vels. There is an especiaIIy cccp|icn nakes a phanlasn of a lIue
Iarge nass of vels in lhe norlh- shieId appear hovering in fronl of lhe
veslern corner.
16. Bcadcd CurtaIn. This curlain
and lhe curlain al area 37 are cIoseIy
The vels in here are nol spun ly any
vearer. The characler fcc|s leller pro-
lecled, as if lhe gods are prolecling hin
fron harn. Any lesls of lhe device
10 Issue No.1
nake il appear lo le usefuI and good. The gIinl of goId is a key (needed lo
Hovever, in lhe heal of lallIe, lhe cIoak open roon 25). The valer is varn and
acluaIIy leslovs prc|cc|icn -1 lo lhe nol unpIeasanl. No heal sources
Dungeon Level II
26. OrdInary Ha!!way.
vearer, vho aIso gels a -1 on aII saving-
lhrov dice (vaIue: niI xp, 1,OOO gp).
20. HcatIng Rnnm.
This paraIIeIogran-shaped roon has
a sofl lreeze lIoving in lhrough
severaI venls in lhe ceiIing. Ashes
are slrevn aloul, sonelines in piIes
up lo 1' deep. The vaIIs are charred.
The roon is devoid of olher delaiI. Il
vas fornerIy used for healing lhe upper
IeveI vhen il vas loo coId, as veII as for
sone venliIalion vhen il vas loo varn.
The venls Iead lack inlo lhe cave fIoor
far alove, lul lhe venl shafls are each
1 in dianeler.
23. HcadIng Dnwn. This slaircase
dravs lhe sane penaIlies lo characlers
nol using Iighl as lhe slair in area 4.
When lhe lollon is reached afler a 3O
drop, read lhe foIIoving:
BeIov you see lhe end of lhe slair-
case, in a 2O' 2O' roon. There is an
oaken door in lhe norlhern vaII, lul
il appears lo le fairIy rollen.
The rollen door nay le kicked in ly
any characler vilh a slrenglh of 12 or
grealer. There is a pin lrap on lhe knol,
lul lhis can onIy le discovered if lhe
Beyond lhe door is a haIIvay running
aIongside lhe roon you jusl Iefl.
DireclIy across lhe 1O vide haIIvay is
anolher door, and al eilher end of lhe
haII, lolh aloul 3O fron vhere you
are slanding, are olher doors as veII.
Bolh doors al lhe ends of lhe haII are
lsoIuleIy nornaI. Hovever, lhe door
door is snashed and lhe nechanisn of
across lhe haII is lrapped vilh lhe ever-
popuIar spear lrap (1-8 hp danage lo
opener, save vs. pelrificalion for haIf
danage). There is nolhing lehind lhe
lrapped door olher lhan lhe spear-lrap
27. Ear!y WarnIng.
21. UtnpIa. As lhe door svings open, a shriek
sounds innedialeIy lo your Iefl. The
nuraIs on This roon is coIored vilh
every vaII, depicling aII sorls of
scenes fron lhe Iife of a greal vizard.
BeaulifuI paper rose lushes are
under every piIIar, of vhich lhere are
len. The piIIars are nade of snoolh,
vhile narlIe. A IoveIy founlain
adorns lhe soulhveslern corner,
forning a IillIe pooI. SeveraI recIin-
ing chairs resl al various pIaces in
lhe IillIe Ulopia. The ceiIing appears
lo le lIack olsidian sludded vilh
chips of nica, giving lhe inpression
of a cIear nighl sky.
lhe lrap is reveaIed, or if soneone opens
lhe door ly lhe knol. The poison lhal
used lo le on lhe pin has Iong since
vorn off, and lhe pin does onIy 1-2 hp
24. CryptIc Mcssagc.
sound cones fron a Iarge fungusIike
n lhe vaII are lhese Iines scravIed
sound viII varn vhalever Iurks
grovlh posilioned jusl leyond lhe arc
of lhe door. Il is evidenl lhal lhe
in red chaIk, in Connon: To lhose Indeed, lhe shrieker (AC 7, MV 1,
vho cone afler ne: The ring is lhe HD 3, hp 19, #AT O, SD varning shriek,
finaI key. I have Iearned lhis fron AL N) has ly nov varned lhe neighlor-
ny speIIs, lul an loo veak lo go hood, and lhe nonslers in roons 29-31
lack for il. May you fare leller. I go are prepared for lhe advenlurers. The
lo seek ny fale in CaliIars chan- poor IillIe shrieker is a pushover for lhe
lers on lhis fIoor. caIiler of pIayers advenluring here, lul
vas neanl onIy as an earIy varning
This nessage refers lo lhe ring cf syslen for lhe foIIoving roons, vhich
nign|. Il vas vrillen ly an inlruder lo vouId nol have any effecl if lhe occu-
lhe lover Iong ago ~ lhe sane adven- panls vere surprised. Nole lhal lhe orcs
lurer vho nov Iies covered vilh col- in roon 29 viII varn lhose in roon 32.
vels in roon 18.
AIso nole lhal if lhe characlers go lo
open lhe door lo roon 31, lhe descrip-
This roon vas CaliIars favorile pIace
of resl ~ and righlIy so! The founlains
nisl induces a kind of drovsiness on lhe
ICs, and an unviIIingness lo Ieave. Lach
characler nusl save vs. dealh nagic or
eIse vish lo renain for al Ieasl 24 hours
(CaliIar vas innune lo lhis effecl). nce
dragged fron lhe roon, viclins recover
afler 2-8 rounds, lhough lhey passiveIy
resisl aII such rescue ly gralling lhings,
pushing rescuers avay, elc.
22. BathIng Rnnm.
This roon is fiIIed vilh slean, nak-
ing il difficuIl lo delernine ils exacl
dinensions. The soulhern parl of lhe
roon is fiIIed vilh varn valer, lhe
fIoor sIoping dovn lo forn a sorl of
lalhing area. In lhe lollon of lhe
pooI, you see fainlIy lhe gIinl of goId.
25. C!nscd Pnrta!.
lion lhere shouId le read lefore lhe
door is opened.
This door is of slone. Il has an inden-
The secrel door lo lhe norlh is oper-
lalion in lhe niddIe, onIy 1" across,
aled ly pushing on a slone, vhich
rolales il oul inlo lhe nexl roon.
vhich Iooks Iike lhe Ieller C vilh a
Iighlning loIl lhrough il, sel in a
28. Back Dnnr. If lhere is a lhief in
ci r cI e.
lhe parly vhen il approaches lhis roon
Upon invesligalion, lhe door is found lo
fron lhe haII lo area 27, and if he is in
le Iocked. The indenlalion is acluaIIy a
lhe firsl rank or in sone pIace vhere he
sorl of keyhoIe. To open lhe door, one of
couId conceivalIy see lhe fIoor al lhe
lhe lvo goIden keys found in areas 19 and
end of lhe haII, roII percenliIe dice
22 nusl le pressed inlo lhe indenlalion.
againsl his c|cc| |raps prolaliIily
The door lhen svings siIenlIy open. lh-
(secrelIy) lo see if he spols lhe lrip vire
ervise, lhe door vonl open ly any nagic
al lhe end of lhe corridor Ieading inlo
shorl of a uisn, a||cr rca|i|q, or |ini|c
roon 28. If so, inforn hin of lhis, and
uisn. A knock speII nas no effecl.
aIIov lhe parly lo evade lhe lrap.
nore lhan one person in lhe firsl rank,
The door opens lo reveaI a 5O' Iong
lhe person guarding lhe Iefl fIank lakes
lhe danage. When lhe lrap is sprung, a
roon, 2O' vide. A vooden door is
curved and rusly lIade svings fron lhe
direclIy across fron you, 5O' avay
vaII al lhe Iefl and sIices jusl leIov lhe sIils~ nine, lo le exacl.
characlers kneecaps. The concerned
pIayer nusl nake lvo saving lhrovs.
The firsl, againsl paraIyzalion, deler-
nines vhelher lhe characler lakes fuII
(2-2O) or haIf danage, The second roII is
vs. poison and indicales vhelher or nol
lhe viclin is suljecl lo lelanus fron lhe
rusly lIade. If lelanus is indeed indi-
caled, lhe affIicled parly nenler dies
in 1-12 days unIess his Iegs are anpu-
laled or a curc iscasc is casl upon hin.
When lhe characlers are in lhe roon,
read lhis:
1 8
You are in a 2O' x 3O' fool roon vilh
a door on lhe norlhern vaII. An
allenpl lo open il reveaIs lhal il is
The lrap is lriggered ly lhe firsl per-, 29. 5nIpcrs!
son slepping inlo roon 28. If lhere is
30. Orcs' LaIr. Lach orc in lhis area
is arned vilh Iong svord and shorl lov
vilh 36 arrovs in an enIarged quiver.
The arnor cIass and hil poinls of each
orc are delaiIed leIov. AII orcs here are
IavfuI eviI and nove al 9.
In lhe vesl vaII lhere are nunerous
The door opposile lhe parly is Iocked.
The sIils in lhe vaII are arrov sIils used
ly orc archers. Al such a line as lhere
is a largel avaiIalIe, lhe archers open
fire. Assune lvo arrovs per orc, or 18
arrovs, are fired per round. Lach orc
connands a viev of lhe enlire roon.
O R C 5 ~ R O O M 3 0
CaliIar and his successor, lhe van-
pire, have lrealed lhe orcs veII, as lhis
is a najor defense area. Because of lhe
slralegic pIacenenl of lhe peephoIes,
lhe orcs are never surprised ly a visilIe
opponenl and, lecause of lhe shrieker,
never surprised al aII. Renenler lhal
orcs cannol use shieIds vhiIe firing
arrovs, lul aIso keep in nind lhal if lhe
5 6
If lhe parly does nanage lo open lhe
door, see encounler area 3O.
12 Issue No.1
Orc # hp AC and hnw armnrcd
2 8
2 (p|a|c nai| +1)
4 (chain naiI, ring cf prc|cc|icn +1)
3 7 3 (chain naiI, snic| +1)
6 4 4 (chain naiI, shieId)
6 5
5 (chain naiI)
6 (ring naiI, shieId)
8 4
6 (Iealher arnor, c|ca| cf prc|cc|icn +2)
6 (ring naiI, shieId)
9 3 7 (sludded Iealher)
characlers allack fron roon 29, lhe
allackers gel -1O lo hil lhe orcs lecause
of lhe 9O cover afforded ly lhe arrov-
Nole: During pIaylesling, il vas sug-
gesled lhal lhe characlers charge lhe
arrov sIils, drop lo lhe fIoor, cravI lo
lhe olher vaII, and dash for lhe door. A
characler lrying lhis has al Ieasl one
arrov shol al hin vhiIe running (up lo
a naxinun of 9 arrovs). When lhe
olher end of lhe roon is reached, a Iike
quanlily is shol. Hovever, once al lhe
door, il lakes a lhief one round lo pick
lhe Iock or a nagic-user one round lo
use |ncc| on il (unIess done fron hid-
ing). More arrovs!
31. Bcwarc nf Dngs.
As you nove lo open lhe door, lhere
cones fron lhe olher side fainlIy
audilIe snarIing and grovIing.
The snarIing is caused ly lhe lhree
dire voIves in lhe roon (AC 6, MV 18,
HD 3 + 3, hp 19,22,24,.#AT 1, Dng
2-8, AL N). They are pels of lhe orcs on
lhis IeveI. When lhe door is finaIIy
opened lo lhe roon, afler any prepara-
lions have leen nade, read lhis
When lhe door opens, lvo dire
voIves crouching 1O avay cone inlo
viev. They are preparing lo pounce
upon you lo lear you lo lils! Behind
lhen you gel a gIinpse of a roon
conlaining anolher dire voIf.
32. Dcfcndcd. BrIdgc. As soon as lhe
advenlurers slanpede lhrough lhis advenlurers slanpede lhrough lhis
door, lhe orcs on lhe olher side of lhe
chasn legin firing. Read lhis: chasn legin firing. Read lhis:
As lhe door svings shul lehind you,
a javeIin inleds ilseIf in il! Turning,
you see a 5O x 85 roon, divided in
lvo ly a Iarge chasn. A door is visi-
lIe on lhe olher side of lhe roon. A
rope lridge connecls lhe lvo sides of
lhe alyss, defended ly lvo svord-
arned orcs. lher orcs sland lehind
lhree Iarge vooden shieIds
lhrough vhich are lhrusl laIIislas.
The orcs are equipped lhusIy:
Orc# hp Hnw armcd
1 8 |cng sucr +2
2 8 Iong svord
3 7 shorl svord
4 7 shorl svord
5 6 shorl svord
6 5 shorl svord
5 shorl svord
4 shorl svord
9 2 shorl svord
1O 1 shorl svord
ll 1 shorl svord
12 1 shorl svord
13 1 shorl svord
14 1 shorl svord
AC and hnw armnrcd
O (p|a|c nai| +1, snic| +1)
2 (pIale naiI, shieId)
3 (pIale naiI)
3 (pIale naiI)
5 (chain naiI)
5 (chain naiI)
6 (scaIe naiI)
7 (ring naiI)
7 (sludded Iealher)
8 (padded arnor)
8 (padded arnor)
8 (padded arnor)
8 (padded arnor)
8 (padded arnor)
The lroII has Iived in lhis lunneI for a
Iong vhiIe, and lhough il cannol see, ils
hearing has leen sharpened ly elernaI
nighl. Il is aIso accusloned lo fighling
in lhe dark. When lhe lallIe legins,
sullracl 4 fron lhe characlers lo hil
roIIs, lul onIy 2 fron lhe lroIIs. Ils
lreasure Iies innedialeIy around lhe
nexl corner: 4,352 sp, 1247 gp, 131 pp, a
|uc-nanc sucr +1, +3 ts. rcgcncra|-
ing crca|urcs, and an anu|c| cf |ifc
prc|cc|icn. Nole lhal lecause of lhe
darkness, lhe parly nusl spend six fuII
lurns galhering up lhe lreasure or Ieave
2O-8O of il lehind.
Like nosl olher crealures in lhis
dungeon, lhe gianl lroII is lolh cnarnc
and unaffecled ly hunger. Il is
exlreneIy ferocious, hovever.
34. E!cvatnr Rnnm. This roon is lhe
access roon lo lhe lhird IeveI of lhe
dungeon. nce anyone enlers lhis roon
and cIoses lhe doors (opening and cIos-
ing lhese doors requires no die roII lo
perforn), lhe enlire roon sIovIy rises or
faIIs lo lhe nexl IeveI, as appropriale.
nIy a dvarf vho c|cc|s snif|ing rccns
noles lhe sIov novenenl. Nole lhal,
depending upon vhich fIoor is arrived
al, doors in lhe roon lhal previousIy
opened inlo lhe dungeon nov open inlo
soIid slone, and vice versa. The doors
cannol le opened vhiIe lhe roon is
noving, and even nagic cannol heIp in
lhis regard. The eIevalor lakes lhree
rcs 1 and 2 are guarding lhe lridge
and lhe resl are arrayed lehind lhe
laIIislas. rc #1 is, in addilion, covered
ly a pernanenl prc|cc|icn frcn nagic
speII (see lhe scroII of lhe sane nane,
assuning a 1 radius of effecl).
The orcs innedialeIy legin firing
laIIislas al lhe parly. (BaIIislas fire
javeIins, for 2-12 hp danage, once every
lvo rounds, lreal aII largels as AC 1O.
They require a nininun crev of lvo lo
operale. Infornalion on lhe lo-hil roII
nodificalions are found in lhe DMG,
page 1O9.) If lhe parly allenpls a cross-
ing, lhe orc svordlearers al lhe norlh-
ern end of lhe lridge defend il vhiIe lhe
laIIisla crevs conlinue lo rain nissiIes
on lhe characlers. If eilher orc defend-
ing lhe lridge is sIain, lhe olher uses
his nexl allack phase lo cul lhe ropes
supporling lhe lridge. The orcs lhen faII
lack lo roon 36 and nake a sland
lhere. The faII fron lhe lridge is 26O,
roII 2Od6 hp danage. Nole lhal a
c|cu|i|| speII vonl vork in lhis roon
if il has lo cross lhe chasn, lecause lhe
funes are heavier lhan air and lhere-
fore sink lo lhe lollon of lhe gorge.
enolions seen lo have a lIankel
over lhen.
If lhe characlers do nol lurn lack
nov, proceed lo Iead lhen lhrough lhe
haIIvay, descriling as graphicaIIy as
you can lhe lhick, aInosl syrupy snoke.
Do nol leII lhen lhe Ienglh of lhe pas-
sage or vhere lhe lurns are unliI lhey
acluaIIy run inlo lhen. Be vague aloul
dislances, giving aII neasurenenls lo
lhe parly as apprcxina|c|q so-and-so
dislances. As a ruIe of lhunl, add 5 lo
lhe acluaI Ienglh on Iong passages,
sullracl 5 on lhe shorl passages. When
lhe parly reaches one of lhe lvo noled
encounler areas, read lhe acconpanying
A a SuddenIy lhe Iead characler
shouls, and you aII hear lhe lhunp
as he lunlIes forvard inlo a pil.
AII orcs here are IavfuI eviI in
aIignnenl and nove al 9.
33. CnrrIdnr nf Darkncss.
The pil is onIy 6 deep, and lhe char-
acler lakes 14 hp danage. The reaI
prolIen is figuring oul hov far lhe pil
exlends. The easiesl vay lo cross lhe
olslacIe is lo cIinl inlo lhe pil and oul
lhe olher side, lul vhenever 5,OOO gp of
veighl or nore is on lhe nil fIoor, a
lhick, hardvood cover sIides oul over
lhe pil! To escape, lhe characlers nusl
As you open lhe door, lIack vispy
eilher Ievilale soneone in lhe pil lo gel
snoke of sone sorl sIovIy pours inlo
lhe Weighl under 5,OOO gp force fho
lhe haIIvay. Il is coId, odorIess, and
pil Iid lack ly nuscIe or nagic. A |ncc|
does nol seen lo le harnfuI. When lhe
speII reIeases lhe spring and opens lhe
rounds lo reach a nev Iever, and lhe
door is aII of lhe vay open, you see
pil, and a ocn oars/|if| ga|cs roII nay
lhal lhere is a corridor of sone sorl in
le nade ly a characler nol Iess lhan 5
doors Ieading inlo lhis roon on eilher
in heighl. A incnsicn ccr vorks and
dungeon IeveI cannol le opened vhiIe
fronl of you, and lhal il is fiIIed vilh
lhe roon is noving, eilher. Dungeon
lhe snoke. You can onIy see lhe vaIIs
so do severaI olher speIIs, lul if a |c|c-
for aloul a fool on eilher side lefore.
pcr| speII is allenpled, renenler lhal
IeveI III is 2OO leIov IeveI II.
lhey vanish inlo lhe funes.
lhe haIIvay has never leen seen, lhus
draving lhe appropriale penaIlies fron
35. Barrc!s nf Fun. SeveraI larreIs
The funes are nagicaIIy fed and can-
lhe lalIes in lhe P|aqcrs Hanocc|.
sil agains lhe vaII al lhis poinl. They
are fiIIed vilh an assorlnenl of nale-
nol le dissipaled. If lhe characlers over-
B ~SuddenIy lhe Iine cones lo an
riaI, such as exlra laIIisla javeIins,
cone lheir iniliaI forelodings and enler
heInels, daggers, and lhe Iike. ne
lhe haIIvay, read lhe foIIoving:
alrupl haIl, The Iead characler
expIains lhal he has cone, up againsl
snaII larreI (2 high, 1 vide) appears
The snoke cIoses around you and
a hard, larkIike surface. Il doesnl
lo le enply, lul acls as a oag cf
separales you fron lhe viev of your
feeI Iike a vaII, lhe characler says,
conpanions. Your lorches seen lo
lhen faIIs siIenl. In lhe sudden quiel,
Dungeon Level III
have no effecl in Iighling lhe haII-
everyone hears lhe dislincl, rasping
vay. The characlers vilh infravision
lrealhing direclIy ahead. 36. Vacancy. This roon is vacanl,
conpIain lhal lhe snoke nusl le
The rasping lrealhing is caused ly lhe
save for lhree novalIe nanlIels. Any
nasking heal differenliaI sonehov,
gianl lroII lhal lhe characlers have jusl
orcs surviving lhe encounler in roon 32
for lhey cannol see lhe haIIvay
fIee lo lhis poinl, lake up a posilion
ahead nor even lheir conpanions.
lunped inlo (AC 4, MV 12, HD 3, hp
47, #AT 1, Dng 2~16, SD regeneralion 2
lehind a nanlIel, and fire unliI lhey
The snoke seens lo have a danpen-
are oul-of arrovs. When lhey run oul,
ing effecl on your olher senses as
hp/round lul cannol relond severed lhey conlinue fighling~ lul lhey vonl
veII, and even your. lhoughls and
Iinls, al Ieasl 1O hp danage nusl le charge inlo lallIe againsl poverfuI
caused ly fire or lhe lroII vonl sink characlers Iike idiols! They use lhe
leIov 1 hp, 9O infravision, AL CL).
14 Issue No.1
nanlIels lo keep lhe eneny al a dis-
lance vhiIe, perhaps, an associale runs
around and slals fron lehind. Hil-and-
run laclics are lhe ruIe.
37. Bcadcd CurtaIn, Jr. Much Iike
lhe curlain al roon 16, lhis curlain
lakes pover fron lhose nagic veapons
lraveIing soulh, and reslores lhen lo
ones going norlh. This curlain, despile
ils fIinsy Iooks, cannol le danaged or
renoved, and ils effecls cannol le
38. RntatIng Wa!!. This vaII rolales,
aIIoving access lo differenl roons.
When found, il is norlh-soulh, aIIoving
access lo roon 39. Iushing on lhe vaII,
vhich requires a ocn oars/|if| ga|cs roII
(one allenpl per round) lurns lhe vaII
easl-vesl and aIIovs passage lo roon
4O, lhe vaII nay le pushed lack inlo
pIace lhereafler, or pushed conpIeleIy
around in a circIe. nce lhe vaII is
successfuIIy pushed, il noves of ils ovn
accord unliI il has nade a quarler lurn,
lhen sellIes inlo posilion again, requir-
ing a nev allenpl lo push il.
39. ChImcra LItt!c C!nscr. This fear-
sone leasl vails jusl inside lhe roon. Il
cannol le surprised. The chinera
lrealhes fire on lhe firsl person enler-
ing lhe door, on lhe righl fIank (AC
6/5/2, MV 9/18, HD 9, hp 43, #AT 6,
Dng 1-3/1-3/1-4/1-4/2-8/3-12, SA dragon
head can lrealhe fire five lines per day
for 3-24 hp danage (save for haIf dan-
age), 5O chance/round lhal il uses ils
lrealh veapon, AL CL). This leasl
vonl Ieave ils roon.
As lhe firsl parly nenler enlers lhis
roon, a sheel of fIane enguIfs hin!
You lound inlo lhe roon lo find lhal
lhe cuIpril is a crealure parlIy goal,
parlIy Iion, and parlIy dragon. The
nonslrosily rushes you, roaring and
lIealing vilh aII lhree heads!
The chinera possesses sone lreasure:
7,127 sp, 1,232 ep, a suil of dvarf-sized
fieId pIale arnor, 25O pp, lvo rulies
vorlh 1,5OO gp each, a liara vorlh
3,6OO gp, and a aggcr +1, +2 ts.
gco|ins (vaIue: 1OO xp, 5OO gp).
40. WraIth!and. faII for il and go for lhe chesl, lhe six
shadovs in lhis roon nove in lehind
lhen, seaIing off lhe relreal, and allack
(AC 7, MV 12, HD 3 + 3, hp 22, 21, 2O,
18, 17, 17, #AT 1, Dng 2-5, SA drain
one slrenglh poinl per louch, SD
innune lo nany speIIs, 9O undelecl-
alIe unIess in lrighl Iighl, +1 or leller
veapon needed lo hil, AL CL).
The vaII rolales lo reveaI an oddIy
shaped secrel roon. Hovering in lhe
norlhern parl of lhe roon is a shin-
nering, vagueIy hunanoid shape
vilh gIoving red eyes.
The vrailh allacks al once (AC 4, MV
12/24, HD 5 + 3, hp 27, #AT 1, Dng
1-6, SA drains one Iife IeveI per louch,
SD hil onIy ly siIver veapons (for haIf
danage) or nagic veapons, innune lo
nunerous speIIs and aII poison, AL LL).
Ils lreasure is in a snaII chesl in lhe
norlhern corner: 8,O48 cp, 1,983 sp, a
nagic-users scroII (vilh ig, uizar cqc,
infratisicn, and junp), a pc|icn cf cx|ra-
nca|ing, and a fcc|nans nacc +1. The
vrailh vonl Ieave ils roon.
41. 5hadnw P!ay.
This 25' x 2O' roon appears lo le
vacanl. A snaII chesl, cIosed, resls
aIong lhe norlhern vaII.
Snarl characlers nay reaIize lhal
lhis is a lrap and avoid lhe roon. If lhey
The chesl conlains fiIlhy rags. Under-
nealh lhese in a secrel conparlnenl,
hovever, are four fIasks of oiI, a sack
vilh 54 pp, and a pc|icn cf ininua|icn.
42. 5pIkc Trap. When lhis pressure
pIale is slepped on, spikes spring oul of
lhe veslern vaII al lhe corner and fIy
dovn lhe corridor lhrough lhe parly,
coIIecliveIy doing 2-2O hp danage lo
anyone vho faiIs lo roII his dexlerily
score or Iess on 3d6 + 3. nce lhe lrap
is lriggered, lhe secrel door lo roon 45
opens (see area 43).
43. 5ccrct Dnnr. To open lhis secrel
door, one nusl eilher say Long Iive
CaliIar, use |ncc| on il, or lrigger lhe
lrap al lhe haIIs corner, in vhich case
lhe secrel door sIides upvard.
44. Mastcr nf thc Hnusc.
edge and sland lhere as lhe olhers is dispeIIed (aIlhough if severaI charac-
The secrel door opens 'inlo lhe soulh-
easl corner of a 5O x 75 roon.
Againsl lhe opposile vaII is an open
caskel, upon vhich a gaunl, coId-
eyed nan sils IeisureIy. He Iooks
very nuch Iike lhe deviIish nan
depicled in a nuraI you sav earIier.
He aInosl seens lo le sniIing.
Againsl lhe veslern and norlhern
vaIIs are len nore coffins sel
uprighl, in vhich can le seen hunan
skeIelons adorned vilh shieIds and
svords. The norlheaslern corner of,
lhe roon seens lo have coIIapsed,
and greal heal and Iighl cone up
fron lhe pil so forned. As you survey
lhe scene for a lrief inslanl, lhe
skeIelons in lhe coffins legin lo
nove. Seizing lheir svords and
shieIds, lhey Ieap fron lheir coffins
and rush al you!
The firsl 1O skeIelons spIil inlo lvo
groups (AC 7, MV 12 , HD 1, hp 8 (x3),
7,6 (x2), 4,3 (x3), #AT 1, Dng 1-6, SD
innune lo nunerous speIIs, sharp-
edged veapons do onIy haIf danage, AL
N). Iour (lhe slrongesl) go lo lhe pils
lhe lallIe. If lroughl lo O hp+ he is nol
kiIIed lul nusl relurn lo his coffin in
gasccus fcrn lo reforn his corporeaI
lody (see lhe Mcns|cr Manua| for
nancn| i||usicn. Any persons charging
hin drop inlo a 3O-deep pil, laking 3d6
hp danage.
In addilion, lhe pil fIoor sIovIy sIides
avay lo drop characlers anolher 3O
allack lhe parly. The coffins are nagi- lers are running side ly side, lhey aII
caI and have a speciaI funclion: When- lunlIe inlo lhe lrap). Characlers run-
ever a skeIelon is sIain, a dupIieale
skeIelon vilh lhe sane hil poinls
ning 5-1O lehind lhe Iead allackers
can nake a save on d2O ly roIIing lheir
appears in a randon coffin and charges
lack inlo lhe neIee.
dexlerily or Iess lo avoid faIIing in, and
anyone furlher lhan 1O lehind is aulo-
The gaunl, coId-eyed vanpire, YalleI-
Llles, is indeed sniIing (AC 1, MV 12/
nalicaIIy alIe lo slop in line.
18, HD 8 + 3, hp 49, #AT 1, Dng 5-1O
nce lhe lrap has leen sprung, YalleI-
Llles. changes inlo lal forn, crosses lhe
or ly veapon lype, SA drains lvo Iife pil, changes lack inlo vanpire forn,
IeveIs ly louch, cnarns ly gaze, STR 18/ and allacks. He firsl uses his cnarn
76 (+2 lo hil and + 4 lo danage), SD aliIily (keeping skeIelons lelveen
+ 1 or leller veapon lo hil regenerales hinseIf and lhe characlers, if possilIe,
3 hp/round, snapc cnangc inlo cerlain
aninaI forns, assune gaseous fcrn,
vhiIe doing lhis). Then, vhen neIee is
joined, he allacks vilh a sncr| sucr
innune lo nunerous speIIs and lo poi- +2 he carries. If vounded seriousIy, he
son, lakes haIf danage fron eIeclricily assunes gasccus fcrn and relurns lo
or coId, AL CL) The fIoor around his
coffin, for 5 in aII direclions, is a pcr-
his coffin lo regenerale vhiIe valching
YalleI-Llles doesnl nind laIking
vhiIe engaged in neIee, in facl, he inlo a lullIing pooI of Iava. Il lakes
four rounds for lhe pil lo open vide
enough lo drop lhe characlers inlo lhe
Iava (and inslanl dealh). nce lhe firsl
characler faIIs inlo lhe pil, lhe iIIusion
ralher enjoys a cerlain IeveI of reparlee
under pressure. He look lhe crovn
under orders fron CaliIar, lul regrels
lhal he did nol find and deslroy lhe
16 Issue No.1
young prince. He has IaleIy lhoughl
lhal a nagic-user, preferalIy a fenaIe
one, vouId le a nice Iong-lern conpan-
ion. If such a characler is presenl, he
does his lesl lo Iife-drain hin or her.
A chesl conceaIed ly lhe lollon of lhe
coffin conlains 2,OOO pp, 15 gens vorlh
3OO gp each, a ring cf |cnpcra| s|asis
(causes vearer lo go inlo suspended
aninalion as per lhe nagic-user speII
|cnpcra| s|asis, no save), a ring cf cnc
uisn, 12 nonnagicaI jeveIed rings
vorlh 15O gp each), a |uc-nanc sucr
+2, lvo jatc|ins cf |ign|ning, an arrcu
cf c|cric-s|aqing, a nagic-user, scroII of
four randonIy delernined fiflh-IeveI
nagic-user speIIs, and an iIIusionisl
scroII vilh one sevenlh-IeveI speII.
ne possilIe vay lo deslroy lhe van-
pire (in addilion lo lhe nornaI nelhods)
vouId le lo Iock hin in his coffin (eilher
in gasccus fcrn or as a soIid lody) and
drop lhe coffin inlo lhe pil around hin,
vhich vouId lhen drop lhe coffin inlo
lhe Iava and inslanlIy sIay lhe vanpire
forever. This is aIso lhe onIy vay lo slop
lhe skeIelons fron reappearing, ly
dropping lheir coffins inlo lhe Iava pil
and deslroying lhe renaining skeIelaI
lodies. Lach coffin in lhis roon has a
2,OOO gp encunlerance, possilIy requir-
ing severaI peopIe lo nove each one.
The drop-off in lhe norlheaslern cor-
ner is a 6O faII lo a pooI of lullIing
Iava. nIy soIid slone is visilIe across
lhe Iava pil. The ring cf nign| nusl le
lhrovn in lhe Iava lo conpIele lhe
quesl, as il so inforns lhe vearer (see
seclion descriling lhe ring, leIov). If
lhe ring is dropped inlo lhe Iava, read
lhe foIIoving descriplion:
When you lhrov lhe ring inlo lhe
Iava, a vondrous lhing happens.
SeveraI rays of fIashing Iighl shool
fron lhe edge of lhe pil, hilling a
poinl on lhe opposile edge aloul 2O
norlheasl of your posilion. Beans of
Iighl crisscross lhese Iines in Iadder-
Iike fashion, forning a lridge of
Iighl. A doorvay of sone sorl
appears al lhe olher end of lhe
Iuninescenl palh.
Afler lvo nore rounds, lhe veaving of
lhe lridge ceases, and lhe door is fuIIy
oulIined. Al lhis line, an nc| ocfcrc, il
is safe lo cross lhe palh. Crossing il
earIier resuIls in faIIing 6O lo lhe
dealh of lhe advenlurer. The lvo-round
period is reslarled, vilh appropriale
expIanalions lhal lhe palh vas ruined
ly lhe person faIIing lhrough lul lhe
Iighl-lridge appears lo le reforning.
The vanpire vonl cross lhe Iighl
lridge or enler roon 45, lul lhe skeIe-
lons can and do.
45. CrnwnIng G!nry.
The door opens lo reveaI a 1O 1O
roon fiIIed vilh gIillering lreasure,
piIed in chesls and sluffed in canvas
sacks aII around. Bul lhe nosl fasci-
naling sighl lhal you see is lhe spar-
kIing green crovn vhich resls on a
veIvel piIIov on a pedeslaI in lhe
cenler of lhe roon.
The crovn is nade of an exlreneIy
rare forn of jadeile. This lransparenl
nineraI is found onIy in niniscuIe
quanlilies in lhe creases of olher rock.
Il is vorlh 25,OOO gp, lul allenpling lo
seII il vilhin 35O niIes of lhe cily of
SloulvaII is 9O IikeIy lo resuIl in
recognilion of lhe crovn and nolifica-
lion of lhe aulhorilies.
The crovn is nol prolecled in any vay
and can le laken fron lhe pedeslaI al
no risk. Hovever, lhe firsl person louch-
ing any of lhe olher lreasure in lhe
roon nusl nake a save vs. speIIs or le
pc|rific (lurned lo slone). If lhe save is
nade, no adverse affecls are noled.
The lreasure: 5O3 pp, 1,132 gp, 1,233
ep, 3,565 sp, 11,346 cp, an eneraId
neckIace vorlh 1,2OO gp, a nacc cf
isrup|icn, a suil of cnain nai| +4, a
s|cnc cf ucign|, a pc|icn cf ncrcisn, a
uan cf firc vilh 15 charges, and a oag
cf ctcuring.
Concluding the Quest
nce lhe characlers escape fron Cali-
Iars dungeon vilh lhe crovn, lhe
advenlure ends. The DM nay creale a
Iarger niIieu in vhich lo sel lhis adven-
lure, delaiIing lhe lrip lo and fron lhe
dungeon, lhe princes var againsl lhe
usurper, and olher sulsequenl evenls as
desired. The godnolher pays each nen-
ler of a successfuI nission a porlion of a
lolaI share of 3O,OOO gp.
In fulure advenlures, pIayer charac-
lers nay decide lo lake conlroI of lhe
lover and dungeon as lheir ovn lase of
operalions, requiring (of course) lhal lhe
vhoIe cavern around lhe lover and aII
lhe surrounding counlryside le
expIored as veII. If lhe pIayer charac-
lers do nolhing lo ensure CaliIars
dovnfaII and doon, lhe vizard nighl
cone ly lo check on his lover again.
CaliIars slalislics nay le generaled ly
lhe DM as desired, he is hinled lo le a
16lh-IeveI chaolic-eviI nagic-user, lul
he nighl le of higher IeveI nov and
nighl aIso have had a prior cIass.
The Ring of Night
The ring cf nign| is a nagic ilen cre-
aled ly CaliIar as his key lo gel lo
lhe crovn of SloulvaII, il aIso serves as
a proleclive device. When he Iefl, Cali-
Iar gave lhe ring lo a Iarge, cnarnc
ellin naned Ired/Ned. CaliIar knev
lhe ellin vas loo slupid lo use lhe ring
lo gel lo lhe crovn and vas loo slupid
in facl lo even nake fuII use of lhe ring
ilseIf naking Ired/Ned lhe perfecl
guardian for il.
The ring cf nign| is nade fron a duII
gray nelaI and radiales nagic. Il has a
lalIike nolif, vilh lhe foIIoving phrase
vrillen on lhe inside of lhe land in
nagicaI scripl (requiring a rca nagic
speII lo lransIale): Defend, deceive,
deslroy. Il expands or shrinks lo fil any
size hand fron gianl lo Ieprechaun.
The ring cf nign|s povers increase as
il gels cIoser lo lhe lase of CaliIars
Iair. Therefore, vhen lhe ring is on
dungeon IeveI III, il is nore poverfuI
lhan vhen il is found on IeveI I. Here
are ils povers:
When lhe ring gels vilhin 5O of roon
45, il gIovs lrighl red and lecones
varn. The lals head on lhe ring lhen
speaks, in a hissing voice, in Connon
lo lhe vearer: If you vouId save lhe
crovn, ny Iife and yours are forfeil.
Carry ne inlo lhe fires in lhe earlh if
you vouId aid SloulvaII.
The ring is Iying. HurIing lhe ring cf
nign| ilseIf inlo lhe Iava is sufficienl lo
cause lhe Iighl-lridge lo forn, lhe
deslruclion of a Iiving leing is nereIy
one of CaliIars vays of eIininaling
invaders ly lrickery.
Because lhe ring is Iiniled in ils use,
il is onIy as vaIualIe as a ring cf prc|cc-
|icn +1 if nol deslroyed.
Pnwcr Whcrc pnwcr functInns Cnmmand wnrd
Prc|cc|icn +1 Irine MaleriaI IIane None
6O infravision (or lo
12O if vearer has
infravision naluraIIy) 1O-niIe radius of CaliIars Iair None
No need lo eal or
lrealhe CaliIars lover and dungeon None
Adds 1O hp lo users
lolaI for 2O rounds,
lvice per day Dungeon IeveIs I, II, III Iover one.
8urning nans al 16lh
IeveI of aliIily, lvice
per day Dungeon IeveIs II, III Iover lvo.
Magic nissi|c al 16lh
IeveI of aliIily, lhree
lines per day Dungeon IeveI III Iover lhree.
18 Issue No: 1
Tnc crca|cr cf AssauIl on Lddislone
Ioinl is a uri|cr unc is a|sc frcn |cr|
lcr|n, Tcxas. Snc na|cs ncr cun cnain
nai| arncr an ccs|uncs, an is a |cng-
|inc fan cf |nc c| |c|ctisicn scrics Dark
This AD&D gane advenlure is suil-
alIe for 3-5 characlers of 1sl-3lh IeveI.
A ranger, cIeric, and dvarf vouId le
heIpfuI lul are nol necessary for
Adventure 8ockground
The Id CrysloIs Mounlains have Iong
enjoyed a repulalion of polenliaI veaIlh
as veII as of cerlain danger, lhough lhe
Ialler has had IillIe effecl in delerring
advenlurous souIs. IopuIaled IargeIy ly
dvarves vho nine for gens and vaIu-
alIe ores, lhe Id CrysloIs are crossed
ly lrade roules lhal lhread lheir vay
lhrough lhe passes and inlo lhe Iands
leyond. In lhe cilies lhal fIourish on
eilher side of lhe range, lhe dvarves
lrade goId and jeveIs for spices, expen-
sive cIolhing, and cerlain olher civiIized
conforls lhey do nol choose lo produce
What awaits you in
the lonely signal
LIves are found in lhe vaIIeys of lhe
range ilseIf, hunling lhe pIenlifuI gane
and fishing ils slreans. Though consid-
ered an unspoiIed viIderness, lhe noun-
lains are provIed ly dangerous foes,
and il is nol unknovn for snaII cara-
vans lo disappear in ils foresls ~ vic-
lins of roving lands of orcs and landils.
ulside lhe range, lhe lvo nosl
inporlanl lrade cenlers are lhe cily-
slales of UnlaIa and Slrafferlurg.
Aloul 5O years ago, each lried lo Iay
cIain lo lhe nounlain lrade roules and
lheir veaIlh. War foIIoved and dis-
rupled aII lraveI lhrough lhe noun-
lains, depopuIaling lhe region: The
dvarves shul lhenseIves avay in lheir
nines, refusing lo produce goId for any
conqueror and preferring lo disappear
fron sighl. The eIves suffered lo a Iesser
degree, lul lhey vere sliII forced lo
defend lheir Iands againsl vandering
freeloolers, adding lo lhe Ioss of Iife.
AII vas in chaos unliI a force of druids
uniled and, vilh lhe aid of lheir con-
lined nagicaI povers, pul a slop lo lhe
fighling. Trealies vere dravn up and
signed, and for lhe Iasl fifly years lhere
has leen peace. Lven nov il is sliII
unIavfuI lo drav a veapon aIong lhe
lrade roules excepl for food or defense.
Al lhe sane line, a lrolherhood of
rangers vas forned, svorn lo valch lhe her feIIovs sel off lo lheir vork.
lraiIs, keep lhen open, and generaIIy UnforlunaleIy, lhal nagic-user and
DeIea and her parly slopped al Iour
guard lhe peace.
TraiIs six days lefore lhe arrivaI of lhe
her enlire parly have nov vanished.
ne of lhe vays peace is preserved is
pIayer characlers. DeIea resled a day
lhrough connunicalion. ReaIizing lhis,
IouI pIay is suspecled, and lhe nayor
nusl forn a rescue lean lo lrack dovn
and, vilh Mayor Ldnonds heIp, hired a
lhe lvo cily governnenls agreed lhal
IocaI ranger naned Shaador lo guide
lhey shouId have sone reIialIe syslen
lhe Iosl advenlurers. Il is al lhis poinl lhen up lhe nounlain lo lhe lover of
of keeping in louch despile lheir greal
lhal lhe pIayer characlers arrive in
lovn. . . .
Lddislone Ioinl. Shaador rode a Iighl
separalion. The nosl successfuI of lhe
var horse vilh chain larding. The
nelhods lried vas lhe eslalIishnenl of
aninaI vas veII-knovn lo everyone in
a series of signaI lovers luiIl upon
The Missing Party
Iour TraiIs, il vas aII lIack excepl for a
vhile face, and haIf of ils Iefl ear vas
nounlain peaks, each aloul eighl niIes The nagic-user vas naned DeIea lhe
aparl. Though lhe cilies are separaled
once cul off in a fighl. Shaador vas veII
ly fifly-five niIes of rough counlry, each
While lecause, despile her youlh, she
can nov knov lhe Ialesl nevs in as
had slarlIingIy vhile hair. The-nayor
arned as usuaI vilh a Iong svord, Iong
and lovnspeopIe renenler a nunler of
lov, and lhroving dagger. Shaador
hinseIf vas a dark-haired nan vilh
IillIe as an hour, lhe line il lakes lo delaiIs aloul her fron her conversa-
lransnil on a cIear day. TruIy a niracIe
of nodern lechnoIogy!
lions and fron inferences lhey nade
years of experience in viIderness
Through lhe use of a fIashing nirror
fron her appearance and nannerisns.
She vore a pIain dagger in a leIl shealh
The lrip up and lack fron Lddislone
and a signaI code, each cily keeps lhe and used no slaves or vands. Aside
Ioinl shouId have laken onIy lhree
olher inforned on currenl evenls ~ fron a IillIe cooking and her nagic, she
days, lul lhe nayor vas nol unduIy
especiaIIy lhe price of goId and olher
aIarned vhen DeIeas group did nol
precious nelaIs. The prices are nov
seened lo have no olher skiIIs. A siIver
ring, possilIy nagicaI, vas vorn on her
relurn in lhal line or even lhe day
conpelilive lul fair, and each cily has
afler. CuIIivan, lhe Iesser druid vho
an equaI chance of allracling lhe dvar-
Iefl ring finger. She nenlioned lo lhe
nayor lhal her speIIs vere kepl in a
vas nanning lhe Lddislone Ioinl
ven lrade. As expecled, officiaI olserv- lraveIing speII look vhich vas aIvays
lover, vas knovn lo le quile friendIy
ers and spies ensure lhal aII lhe
infornalion lransnilled is lhe lrulh.
kepl on her person. A Iarge vhile crov,
and eager for conpany, parlicuIarIy
since his feIIov druids had Iefl for lhe
assuned lo le her faniIiar (sone say il nidsunner feslivaI vilhoul hin.
The eighl nounlain lovers are nain- vas her personaI denon) vas usuaIIy
lained ly lhe druids Crand CounciI and found riding on her shouIder. DeIea
Mayor Ldnonds conpIacency vas
ly IocaI dvarves and lovnspeopIe aIong never caIIed lhe crov ly a personaI
shallered as panic IileraIIy fIev inlo his
lhe lraiIs. Money for lhe lovers upkeep
vindov jusl lvo days ago. DeIeas vhile
is provided ly lhe cily-slales of UnlaIa A dour dvarven varrior and severaI
crov Ianded on lhe nayors anpIe slon-
and Slrafferlurg. Business has leen
ach as he Iay asIeep, giving hin and his
nen-al-arns cane inlo lovn vilh her,
good in lhe Iasl fev years ~ so good
vife a lad frighl. Lighling a Ianp, he
lhal lhe lvo cilies decided lo exlend lhe
lul no one found lhen lo le as inleresl-
ing as DeIea since nagic-users are rare
recognized lhe lird and sav lhal il had
signaI syslen leyond lhe dayIighl
a snaII scroII of paper in ils leak. The
hours. Afler sone negolialions, il vas
in lhese parls. The dvarf, naned HariI, lird dropped lhe scroII and fIev avay
decided lo nodify lhe syslen vilh lhe
spoke vilh sone lovnsfoIk in lhe IocaI
addilion of a shullered lox vilh a ccn-
laverns lefore going up lhe nounlain.
inlo lhe nighl. UnroIIing lhe paper,
Ldnond sav a snudged nessage had
|inua| |ign| speII pIaced inside il. When
lhe shullers open and cIose, lhe lriI-
Iianl Iighl can le seen for niIes in lhe
cIear nighl air.
The nagic-user connissioned lo do
lhe speII-casling vork has successfuIIy
visiled lhe lovers al Wyvern Ieak and
Iang Rock, and recenlIy arrived al lhe
lovn of Iour TraiIs, al lhe fool of lhe
Lddislone Ioinl lover. She and her
riginaIIy lrained in nasonry and
carpenlry, vilh a good educalion in
leen hasliIy scravIed in charcoaI. In
Connon, il read: BandIts In tnwcr ~
engineering, HariI soughl a nore
advenlurous Iife ly leconing a fighler
and he had enjoyed sone success al il.
HeIp is exaclIy vhal lhe nayor is nov
Iooking for, as lhis lroulIe couId nol
The son of lhe engineer vho designed have cone al a vorse line. AII lhe
and luiIl lhe lovers, HariI vas hired lo
join DeIeas parly lo inspecl lhe lovers
druids in lhe area are avay in lhe soulh
and nake any necessary changes lo
for lheir nidsunner feslivaI, lhe
guardian rangers are lusy in lhe norlh
acconnodale lhe nev signaI loxes. He
feIIov advenlurers have lraveIed sIovIy,
vas Iasl seen vearing ring naiI vilh a
laking care of an orc uprising, and aII
lhe IocaI fighlers-for-hire (or anyone
shieId, and carried a shorl svord and
joining up vilh lrade caravans for
eIse vho nighl le usefuI) have leen
grealer safely as lhey head fron lover
Iighl crosslov.
The five nercenaries kepl lo lhen-
hired avay lo prolecl lhe caravans. Any
lo lover. When lhey finish a jol, lhey
vail unliI anolher caravan passes ly
seIves, as vas lhe cuslon of lheir ner-
advenlurers are IikeIy lo le noliced as
such lhe ninule lhey cone inlo lovn,
cenary lrolherhood, and spoke IillIe lo
and nove on lo lhe nexl lovn. Al Iour IocaI peopIe. The nercenaries vere
and lhe nayor lakes svifl aclion lo hire
TraiIs, lhe nagic-user nel vilh lhe
lhen lo go up lhe nounlain and invesli-
arned vilh Iong svords and Iong lovs, gale lhe lroulIe. Ldnond is reIuclanl lo
IocaI nayor and gave hin lhe delaiIs of vearing Iealher arnor and using Iarge
vhal vas lo le done lo renovale lhe
send up-a delachnenl of cily guards
lover. Since his lovn lhrives on lhe
shieIds. AII seven in DeIeas parly vere lecause lhey are nol lrained lo handIe
nounled on nuIes vilh four nore
lrade coning lhrough, he agreed lo Iend
vhal nay prove lo le a slicky silualion.
nuIes carrying suppIies, lolaIing eIeven Besides, if landils have laken lhe
her parly aII possilIe aid, and she and aninaIs and lheir lack. lover, couId lhey nol le heading for lhe
20 Issue No. 1
lovn as veII` (He vonl necessariIy
nenlion lhis possiliIily lo anyone he
hires, hovever.)
The onIy good lurn of evenls has leen
lhe vealher, for lhe nounlains have
leen enveIoped in a lhick Iayer of fog
for lhe Iasl fev days. Mayor Ldnond is
in a greal hurry lo gel a rescue parly lo
lhe lover lefore lhe fog cIears, as fog is
a nornaI hazard lo lhe connunicalions
Iine. Neilher UnlaIa nor Slrafferlurg is
aIarned al lhe lreak in lransnission,
since lhey vere varned of lhe change in
vealher ly druidic lover operalors
lul fog vonl Iasl forever. The nayor
fears lhal lhe landils nighl danage
lhe lover or even send faIse nessages lo
slir up lroulIe again lelveen lhe lvo
cilies. No naller vhal couId happen, he
sees il as a lhreal lo lhe veII-leing of
his peopIe, nol lo nenlion his jol.
Mayor Ldnond and lhe cily offer lhe
parly 2,OOO gp for successfuIIy recaplur-
ing lhe lover, lhroving in an exlra 1OO
gp for each nenler of DeIeas parly
rescued aIive. The pIayer characlers are
enlilIed lo any looly lhey can lake off
lhe landils (excIuding hoslages and
lheir goods). The nayor hinls lhal lhe
cilies of UnlaIa and Slrafferlurg nighl
aIso le financiaIIy gralefuI for lhe safe
resloralion of lheir signaI Iine, lul lhe
pIayer characlers vho read lelveen lhe
Iines nay guess lhal, Iacking vilnesses
and evidence lo supporl lhis, such
revards nighl le difficuIl lo gel. Then,
loo, lhe cilies nighl nol pay greal
revards if avare lhal lhe advenlurers
vere aIready revarded ly Iour TraiIs.
The Town of Four Trails
A lhunlnaiI skelch of Iour TraiIs is
provided leIov. The DM nay deveIop
lhe lovn nore fuIIy if desired, lul il is
nol necessary for lhis advenlure lo do
so. The lovn is nol parlicuIarIy Iarge,
having a popuIalion of seven hundred
aduIls al presenl.
Iron a fev luiIdings sel up as a lrad-
ing posl al a crossroads, Iour TraiIs
grev quickIy vilh lhe increase in con-
nerce foIIoving lhe end of lhe lrade
var 5O years ago. The easl-vesl UnlaIa-
Slrafferlurg road and lhe norlh-soulh
LIvenkings road lecane nore heaviIy
lraveIed ly Iarge caravans. Iour TraiIs
prospered grealIy vhen lhe signaI lover
vas luiIl nearly. The cilizens, noslIy
farners and herdsnen vilh a nunler of
nerchanls, consider lhe lover a synloI
of good Iuck for lheir lovn and exlend
1. Wyvern Ieak 4. TroIIighl
2. Iang Rock 5. Dragonloolh
3. Lddislone Ioinl 6. Scar Ridge
vhalever heIp lhey can lo lhe rescue
parly. The nayor lried lo keep lhe slory
of lhe lovers caplure quiel, lul vord
Ieaked oul and spread. There is nov
nuch confIicling gossip, and vilh each
herdsnan or prospeclor vho vanders in
fron lhe vicinily of Lddislone Ioinl
leing queslioned, lhe slories are
done in lhis parlicuIar area, lul an
encounler vilh a Ione prospeclor on his
lusiness is nol unusuaI. The lovn
proper is prolecled ly a lroad, shaIIov
dilch vilh dravlridges crossing il on
lhe four nain roads lhal Iead inlo lhe
lovn. Wilhin lovshol of lhe dilch is a
2O '-laII slockade of lhick lree lrunks.
Lach lovnsperson lhe
has his or her ovn
aloul vho or
1o cross any of lhe lridges, one nusl
pay a loII. LocaIs are charged 1 cp per
vhal caplured lhe lover. Runors lIane
everylhing fron a lallaIion of orcs lo a
Ione lIack-cIad figure lhal sone cIain
lo have seen riding a snaII dragon in
circIes around lhe nounlain peak. (Con-
sidering lhe lover is a good five niIes
fron lhe lovn and svalhed in fog, lhe
parly need nol lake lhis Iasl runor
seriousIy unIess il seens viIIing lo
svaIIov il.) Iour TraiIs has ils share of
slrange foIk, and lhe DM can have Iols
of fun slirring up lhe pIayer characlers
vilh lhese slories, as veII as reIieving
lhen of any spare change as lhey pur-
chase lhis infornalion.
Iour TraiIs is surrounded ly severaI
niIes of farnIand, and lhe Iover sIopes
of lhe nounlain are rich grazing Iand
lIe and goals. LillIe nining is
day, and visilors nusl pay 5 cp vhelher
for cal
horsed or afool, or 1 sp if driving a
vagon. The loII is for lhe upkeep of lhe
roads and lridges, and lhe lridge
guards viII nc| Iel anyone pass unIess
he or she pays. Lach lridge has four
guards (each AC 6, MV 9, I1, hp 6-9,
#AT 1, Dng ly veapon lype, one spear
and cIul each, AL LC). If forced inlo a
fighl over lhe loII, lhe guards are joined
ly 2-8 olhers fron lhe cily vaII. In
addilion, 1-2O IocaI loys and girIs cone
lo lheir aid ly pegging rocks al lhe
parly. The chiIdren are zero IeveI, lul
nosl of lhen are used lo scaring avay
farn pesls ly lhroving rocks, so lhey
have a +2 lonus lo hil lheir largels.
ShouId lhe pIayer characlers gel inlo
lroulIe vilh lhe lridge guards and le
arresled, lhe nayor nay use lhis silua-
lion lo gel lhen lo soIve his prolIen
vilh lhe lover. He couId (and vouId)
Il is jusl across lhe slreel fron lhe lovn
Ievy a heavy fine on lhen, lul le per-
counciI house, lhe lovn falhers usuaIIy
suaded lo vilhdrav il if lhey lake on
have lheir Iunch al lhis convenienl spol
lhe jol. In lhis vay he doesnl Iose any
and are IikeIy lo le laIking lusiness as
lhey eal (lhough Ldnonds Iegendary
revard noney, and lhe pIayer charac- appelile nighl le a lil off lhese days).
lers can sliII earn experience ly defeal- The parly, if il Iacks a cIeric, vonl le
ing lheir foes in lhe lover.
nce inside lhe vooden lovn vaIIs,
alIe lo Iocale one lo acconpany il. This
is lhe line of year lhal Iour TraiIs is
lhe parly shouId have no difficuIly
finding ils vay around. Iour TraiIs vas
affIicled vilh ils annuaI loul of spolly
fever (a disease carried ly licks). The
sel up vilh lraveIers in nind. Inns and IocaI cIerics are loo lusy lo lolher con-
aIe houses alound, lhe Iargesl of vhich ing vilh lhe pIayer characlers, lul are
is lhe Tover and Lighl, Iocaled in lhe viIIing lo parl a vilh pc|icns cf nca|ing.
niddIe of lovn aIong lhe easl-vesl road. The suppIy is scarce, and lhe cIerics
charge doulIe nornaI prices (8OO gp) for
lhe four such polions avaiIalIe.
Speaking of spolly fever, lhere is IillIe
chance lhal any parly nenler vho
vanders inlo lovn can calch il. The DM
shouId roII a 1 chance (vilhoul nodi-
fiers) for each pIayer characler and
henchnan or hireIing lhereof for lhe
disease lo deveIop. Il is nol conlagious
and is lrealed as a niId, acule skin
disorder nanifesled ly huge red-and-
purpIe spols aII over lhe lody and a
generaI Ielhargy Iasling 1-3 veeks.
Spolly fever, if caughl, appears 1-4 days
afler lhe affecled characler has reached
Iour TraiIs. A curc iscasc speII
renoves lhe affIiclion inslanlIy.
Eddistone Point
Lddislone Ioinl is a Iarge singIe noun-
lain reaching an aIlilude of 624O al
lhe signaI-lover lase nol parlicuIarIy
high as lhe Id CrysloIs go, lul nore
lhan suilalIe for signaIing use. There is
onIy one easy palh lo lhe lover on
Lddislone Ioinl, and lhal is ly vay of
lhe originaI 1O '-vide lraiI Iaid ly dvar-
ven engineers years ago. SliII in very
good condilion and nainlained ly lhe
lovn, il vinds ils vay lo lhe sunnil of
lhe nounlain. The rugged nounlain
lerrain is sufficienl lo discourage aII
olher neans of gelling lo lhe lover ly
Iand lransporlalion, lhough of course
fIighl is possilIe if lhe appropriale
neans exisl.
The fog currenlIy vrealhing lhe
nounlains heIps lhe parly renain
unseen, culling visiliIily lo a quarler of
a niIe or Iess in sone areas. AII lhe
sane, if lhey vish lo renain undelecled
ly any valchers in lhe lover, lhe char-
aclers nusl use siIence and sleaIlh.
There is virluaIIy no vind, and any
noise carries far in lhe sliII air (up lo
24O for nornaI conversalion).
Tvo-lhirds of lhe vay up lhe noun-
lain, lhe parly nay nolice dislurling
signs in lhe hard earlh of lhe lraiI.
lvious signs of a slruggIe have leen
olIileraled, lul sone crushed pIanls
and spallered lIood nay le found.
Horses reacl unfavoralIy lo lhe sneII of
lIood in lhe sliII-danp soiI. If lhe char-
aclers search lhe area, lhere is a 5O
chance of finding lhe lodies of lhe five
fighlers vho vere knovn lo le vilh
DeIeas parly. The lodies vere dragged
off lhe nain lraiI and roughIy covered
vilh lrush. They have leen slripped lo
lheir undervear and nolhing of any
22 Issue No. 1
vaIue is Iefl on lhen. Tvo of lhe fighl-
ers have no narks on lheir lodies, lul
lheir faces are dislorled vilh horrified
expressions as if lhey had died of frighl.
The olher lhree lodies have nany
vounds, and aII of lhe nercenaries have
leen dead for al Ieasl lhree or four days.
No olher signs of lallIe exisl aIong lhe
The Signal Tower
Slanding 45 laII and 5O in dianeler
al lhe lase, lhe signaI lover sils al lhe
edge of an ovaI-shaped pIaleau on lhe
nounlains sunnil. The norlhern haIf
of lhe lover resls aIong lhe edge of a
sheer cIiff. Iron lhe lraiI approaching
fron lhe soulh, lhe lover appears lo le
conpIeleIy snoolh aII around, vilh no
visilIe doors and onIy one Iarge,
vooden, shullered vindov 3O up on
lhe soulh face. The shullers are
currenlIy cIosed.
n lop of lhe lover is lhe nirror-
signaI apparalus, nov covered vilh a
heavy oiIskin larp lo prolecl ils siIvered
finish fron lhe fog. n lhe easl edge of
lhe lop is a 15 nelaI poIe lhal usuaIIy
fIies a fIag (lhere is no fIag nov) and
aIso acls as a Iighlning rod. If lhe parly
can gel cIose enough vilhoul leing
olserved, figures nay le seen slanding
al lhe lop of lhe lover, apparenlIy Iook-
ouls. Since visiliIily is aloul a quarler
niIe, il is nol IikeIy lhal lhese figures
couId le easiIy and siIenlIy picked off
vilh any nissiIe veapon, even nagicaI
ones. Besides, lhe parly cannol le cer-
lain of lhe idenlily of lhe largels (see
seclion leIov on lhe signaI lovers
If lhe parly opls for a nighl assauIl, il
has a leller chance lo gel cIose lo lhe
lover, lul il nusl le quiel aloul il. A
fev shorl lrees, scrully lushes, grass,
and rock fornalions serve as cover. n
lhe soulh face of lhe lover, aInosl
under lhe vindov, is a secrel door Iead-
ing inside. Iushing lhe Iefl side of lhe
door nakes il sviveI invard on a verli-
caI hinge lhe Iefl side of lhe door
leing 4 vide, lhe righl side leing 2
vide. Made of lhick oak disguised lo
Iook Iike slone, lhe door is usuaIIy
larred fron lhe inside vilh a lhick
vooden lean sel in nolches in lhe
slonevork, as il is nov. The door can
onIy le opened ly a |ncc| or forced
open ly a group. vilh sufficienl con-
lined slrenglhs lo Iifl 12,OOO gp of
veighl. f course, lhis nakes nore
lhan enough noise lo aIerl everyone
No lrees grov on lhe sunnil, lhough
a fev pines grov nearly. DeIeas vhile
crov is hiding in lhe pine lree nearesl
lhe lover, vailing for soneone lo rescue
ils nislress. The crov has acule sighl
and hearing, so il cannol le surprised
save ly a nagicaIIy siIenl and invisilIe
leing. If il spies anyone, il cavs soflIy
lo calch lhal persons allenlion, lhen
fIies dovn lo Iand leside, hin. A spca|
ui|n anina|s speII vorks on lhe crov,
vho leIIs lhe parly lhal ils nislress is
heId caplive in lhe second fIoor of lhe
lover. Rescue is insisled upon. When
pressed for delaiIs, lhe crov lecones loo
exciled and inpalienl lo le very cIear,
speaking onIy of lhe lad nen in lhe
lover vho shol arrovs al il. When
asked aloul DeIea, lhe crov says lhal
ils nislress is in a deep sIeep and vonl
vake up (vhile crov: AC 7, MV 1/36,
HD , hp 4, #AT 1, Dng 1, SA 1O Ioss
of opponenls eye, INT Iov, faniIiar of
DeIea, AL N). Nole lhal kiIIing lhe crov
viII ladIy injure DeIea for 8 hp, vhich
she cannol recover or heaI.
The Towers Interior
Il shouId le noled lhal lhe fIoors inside
lhe lover are nade fron soIid vood and
supporled ly four huge vooden piIIars.
The vhoIe inlerior slruclure is very
slrong and slalIe, lul aIso suljecl lo
fire shouId soneone sel off a fircoa|| or
siniIar nagicaI speII. IIoors are aloul
6 lhick, naking lhe acluaI fIoor-lo-
ceiIing dislances 9 6 (here caIIed 1O
for convenience).
1. Thc 5tab!c. There are 11 nuIes
and 1O Iighl riding horses janned inlo
lhis area (incIuding a lIack horse vilh a
vhile lIaze face and cropped ear). This
area is exlreneIy crovded and sluffy,
and il sneIIs Iike il has nol leen svepl
oul in a veek (vhich il has nol). ppo-
sile lhe door, 4O across lhe chanler, is
a chicken coup vilh one ledraggIed hen
Iefl. Loose fealhers cover lhe fIoor here.
The onIy fresh air cones fron four
graled vindovs nol nore lhan a hands
span vide, Iooking oul over a sheer drop
of severaI hundred feel. The grales are
renovalIe fron lhe inside ly neans of
sviveI calches, and lhe nesh is spaced
far enough aparl for a snaII hand lo go
lhrough. A snaII piece of charcoaI nay
le found in lhe veslernnosl vindov,
lehind ils graling.
Lasl of lhe cenler of lhe slalIe is a
covered lox serving as lhe valer veII.
In lhe ceiIing jusl lo lhe vesl is a 2-
square opening Ieading lo lhe fIoor
alove, vilh an iron Iadder secureIy
nounled lo il. The opening is currenlIy
covered vilh a vooden halch. Whal
IillIe space renains in lhe slalIe is
laken up vilh laIes of hay, lags of oals,
and lack. The aninaIs are reslive fron
leing shul up so Iong, if lhe parly is nol
carefuI, lhe leasls nake enough noise
lo rouse lhe inhalilanls of lhe fIoor
n lhe fIoor lo lhe righl of lhe chicken
coup is a round griIIe-covered hoIe in
lhe fIoor. The slalIe vasles are usuaIIy
svepl here, lo faII dovn a 45 sIoping
shafl and oul on lhe side of lhe noun-
lain. The graling is renovealIe and has
nol leen sel fIush vilh lhe fIoor. A Iov
noaning sound can le heard if anyone
successfuIIy nakes a Iislening roII
vilhin 15 of lhe hoIe, lhe noaning
cones fron vilhin lhe hoIe ilseIf. If
lhey invesligale, lhe pIayer characlers
find HariI lhe dvarf has leen shoved
dovn lhe hoIe and Iies onIy 1O fron
lhe graling, lareIy conscious and heId
in lhe chule onIy ly accidenl (his cIolh- Shaador (AC 1O, MV 12, R3, hp 24
ing caughl on a sharp rock jusl 5 fron (currenlIy 13), #AT 1, currenlIy
lhe open end of lhe chule). unarned, S 14, I 14, W 15, C 15, D 13,
CIinling dovn lhe chule requires a Ch 12, AL CC, skiIIed vilh Iong svord,
lhieves c|ino ua||s roII lo perforn Iong lov, dagger),
successfuIIy (if done vilhoul a rope), AIf, a O-IeveI hireIing vho vorks vilh
faiIure sends lolh lhe rescuer and HariI CuIIivan, lhe druid in charge of lhe
louncing dovn lhe nounlain for 2Od6 Lddislone Ioinl lover (AC 1O, MV 12",
danage aInosl cerlain doon. If lhe
hp 3, #AT 1, currenlIy unarned, I 16,
parly rescues HariI, il finds lhe dvarf is AL N), and,
in a lad vay and cannol give any usefuI
CIyde, anolher O-IeveI hireIing vho
infornalion. He vas ladIy lealen and vorks al lhe lover (AC 1O, MV 12", hp
is deIirious, nullering curses aloul 6, #AT 1, currenlIy unarned, S 15, AL
haIf-orcs and denons. Slripped lo his N).
skivvies, he is lIue vilh coId and near AIf and CIyde nornaIIy cook, cIean,
dealh. nIy lhe heaIing of his vounds and perforn rouline nainlenance
and led resl for one veek can lring hin
around lhe lover, lul lolh have leen
lo fuII slrenglh (HariI: AC 1O, MV O
laughl lo operale lhe signaIing nirror
(unalIe lo vaIk), I2, hp 15 (nov 2), #AT lo a Iiniled exlenl ly CuIIivan (enough
O (currenlIy unarned and incapaci-
lo signaI for heIp or send vealher
laled), S 14, I 12, W 1O, D 14, C 13, Ch varnings).
11, AL CN). AII lhe prisoners have lheir hands
2. Crcw Quartcrs. Iive leds Iine lhe
and feel lound, vilh onIy very Iiniled
vaIIs here, vilh a snaII foolIocker al
novenenl pernilled. They had leen
aIIoved lo go dovnslairs lriefIy, lul
lhe end of each. A Iarge round lalIe and vhen DeIea vas caughl sending a nes-
five chairs sil-in lhe cenler of lhe roon. sage of sone sorl off vilh a vhile crov,
A firepIace and n snaII voodpiIe resl in lhis praclice slopped. The prisoners
lhe norlhern end of lhe roon, and five receive sIighl anounls of food and
desks and chairs can bo seen on lhe
vesl vaII. iI Ianps hang fron lhe four
valer save for DeIea, vho has leen
supporl piIIars. Three 1-vide vindovs
drugged inlo a slupor and is uncon-
vilh laII shullers overIook lhe sheer
scious. UnIess a ncu|ra|izc pciscn speII
is used, il lakes 3-12 hours for DeIea lo
drop lo lhe norlh, and lhe nelaI lule of regain consciousness and le alIe lo
lhe chinney exils lo lhe open air
lhrough lhe cenler vindov: A nelaI
nove aloul nornaIIy.
The chesls conlain onIy vorlhIess
Iadder rises fron lhe 2'-square lrap
door (currenlIy cIosed lul nol larred)
cIolhing, as lhe landils vho have laken
lhe lover have ransacked lhen. Hov-
near lhe niddIe of lhe roon. The open-
ing lo lhe nexl fIoor is 1O alove. A
chanlerpol resls under lhe niddIe
ever, lvo Iarge code looks and lhree Iog
looks nay le found on lhe desks, vhere
desk. The shullers are Iefl open ly day
lheyve olviousIy leen veII read. The
lo Iel Iighl inlo lhe roon, al nighl, lhey
are cIosed and a fire is kindIed lo slave
off lhe chiII nounlain air.
This fIoor is usuaIIy occupied ly lhree
arned landils (each AC 7 (lul see
leIov), MV 9, I2, hp 15, S 15, D 14,
AL CL, sludded Iealher arnor, shorl
svord, Iong lov, hand axe). ne of lhe
landils sloIe Shaadors ring cf prc|cc-
|icn +2, and his AC is nov 5. Cuarded
cIoseIy are lhe foIIoving prisoners:
code looks delaiI lhe signaIing syslen
used for lhe signaI lovers. The Iog
looks delaiI lhe lransnissions over lhe
Iasl lvo nonlhs, alruplIy ending aloul
five days ago. The vaIue of lhese vorks
depends on vhelher lhe DM vishes lo
delaiI lhe lransnissions for lhe charac-
lers and vhelher lhe ICs vish lo
expIoil any unusuaI infornalion in
lhen, such expansions on lhis adven-
lure are Iefl lo lhe DMs inaginalion.
DeIea (AC 1O, MV O, MU4, hp 9 (13 3. Thc KItchcn. The lrap door fron
vhiIe faniIiar is vilhin 12O yards), #AT
area 2 lo lhe lhird-fIoor kilchen is 75
O (currenlIy unarned and incapaci-
IikeIy lo le open. As on lhe fIoor leIov,
laled), S 9, I 15, W 12, C 8, D 11, Ch 15, lhere are lhree vindov sIils aloul 1
AL NC, skiIIed vilh daggers, knovs
rca nagic, fin fani|iar, nagic nissi|c,
vide, and lhe cenler vindov has lhe
exhausl pipe for lhe firepIace-slove
tcn|ri|cquisn, uri|c, ccn|inua| |ign|,
conlinalion lhal resls on lhe norlh
and |cti|a|c, lul has no speIIs currenlIy
side. The easl vaII has a food prepara-
lion area, vilh a once neal array of
24 Issue No. 1
knives and olher culIery Iining lhe lhese, loo, are in a condilion siniIar lo
vaII. The kilchen is in disarray nov, for lhal of lhe resl of lhe kilchen. The
lhe landils are nol very neal. Dirly nelaI Iadder conlinues 1O' up lo lhe
pols, pans, and dishes Iiller lhe pIace.
The soulh vaII panlry is a ness doors
gape open, food is lhrovn around, and
lhere are a Iol of pIucked chicken fealh-
ers on lhe fIoor. The larreIs on lhe vesl
vaII are undislurled, lhey conlain onIy
cooking fal, save for one Iarge valer-
fiIIed larreI vilh a luckel near il. (Sig-
naI lover ruIes forlid lhe presence. of
vine or spirils on lhe prenises.) The
cenler of lhe kilchen is occupied ly a
Iarge vooden lalIe and five chairs,
nexl fIoor.
If characlers spend line in checking
aloul, lhey nole lhal aloul 12 person-
days of food renain (enough for one
person for lveIve days, lvo peopIe for
six days, elc.). AII of lhe food vas eilher
lroughl up ly nuIes fron Iour TraiIs
or galhered fron. lhe viIderness.
4. 5tnragc Rnnm. This roon conlains
lhe onIy Iarge (8'-square) vindov in lhe
lover facing lo lhe soulh. Aloul 3O up
lhe snoolh face of lhe lover, lhe shul-
lers open oulvard on hidden hinges.
}usl inside lhe vindov slands a
vheeIed Ioading crane, used lo hauI
cargo up for slorage. The resl of lhe 23'-
dianeler roon is fiIIed vilh loxes and
sacks of dried food, fIour, sugar, and lhe
Iike, as veII as ilens lhal nighl prove
usefuI for lhe nainlenance of lhe lover.
A spare signaI nirror packed inlo one
lox, piIes of spare rope Iadders, looIs,
and olher equipnenl Iay aloul. None of
lhe loxes are exceplionaIIy Iarge since
lhey had lo le carried ly pack aninaI
up lhe nounlain.
5. Thc 5Igna! P!atfnrm. Measuring
2O in dianeler, lhe pIalforn has a
lhick, 5 -high vaII aII around. The
vooden fIoor is conslrucled al a very
sIighl sIope, vilh ils high poinl in lhe
cenler so rainfaII runs lo lhe ouler vaII
lhrough lhe snaII drainage hoIes lhere.
The nelaI Iadder opening has a 4 Iip
on vhich lhe lrap door resls, lo prevenl
rain fron draining lo lhe fIoors leIov.
The opening ilseIf can le covered vilh a
canopy lo keep oul direcl rainfaII vhen
lhe door is open.
The cenler of lhe fIoor is occupied ly
lhe larp-covered signaI nirror, sel on a
pIalforn so il resls alove lhe vaII. The
nirror is 2 in dianeler, firnIy
nounled lo a slrong nelaI frane vilh a
handIe allached so lhe nirror can le
sviveIed and ained. The nirror Iighl is
poverfuI enough in fuII sunIighl lo
lenporariIy lIind opponenls oul lo a
range of 12O fron lhe lover for 1-4
rounds (-4 lo hil and on saving
lhrovs). A nunler of screvs, vheeIs,
and sighling inpIenenls nake lhe
nirror a conpIicaled-Iooking lhing, and
onIy lrained signaI peopIe knov hov lo
use il. n lhe soulhvesl vaII are sone
enply larreIs used as seals, and on lhe
easl vaII is a 15 -laII Iighlning-rod
fIagpoIe firnIy sluck inlo lhe slone.
The visiliIily fron lhe lover lop is
aloul a quarler niIe al presenl (132O).
Anyone serving as a Iookoul here can le
surprised on a roII of 1-4 ly anyone
vaIking around lhe lover lase (if lhal
person is noving as quielIy as possilIe
and laking advanlage of IocaI cover).
Major NPCs
The foIIoving najor NICs have no sel
Iocalion vhere lhey nay le found in or
around lhe Lddislone Ioinl lover. The
DM shouId read over lhese descriplions
carefuIIy and decide vhere lhese NICs
vouId nosl IikeIy le vhen lhe parly
arrives, depending upon lhe line of
arrivaI. The nosl IikeIy areas for lhen
lo le found are areas 3-5, parlicuIarIy
lhe lover lop.
UsuaIIy, five keepers are al lhe lover:
lhree druids and lvo apprenlices. Al
lhis line of year, lhe lvo higher-IeveI
druids are avay al lhe nidsunner
feslivaI lo lhe soulh. Nov nanning lhe
lover is lhe druid CuIIivan (AC 1O, MV
12", D2, hp 7, #AT 1, currenlIy
unarned, AL N, S 13, I 14, W 14, D 1O,
C 11, Ch 15, skiIIed vilh dagger, cIul,
prcic| uca|ncr, purifq ua|cr, curc |ign|
ucuns (lhe landils do nol pernil hin
lo pray for olher speIIs)). He pIans lo
pick up a knife fron lhe kilchen or use
a poker fron a firepIace as a cIul if
necessary. CuIIivan is aIIoved lo nove
freeIy so he can heIp lransIale signaI
nessages once lhe fog Iifls, as veII as
gel rid of inlruders (prelending lhal aII
is veII) and acl as a servanl for lhe
landils. CuIIivan vonl fIee, as lhis
vouId nean lhe dealhs of AIf and
CIyde, lul he is sliII valched cIoseIy. He
doesnl knov vhy lhe landils are here.
The landil Ieader is a hard-lillen
haIf-orc fighler naned ScaIf (AC 4, MV
9, I4, hp 34, #AT 1, Dng ly veapon
lype, S 16, I 13, W 1O, D 14, C 15, Ch
1O, AL CL, chain naiI and shieId, las-
lard svord, nace, heavy crosslov, dag-
ger). Wilh his 6O infravision, ScaIf has
nornaI chances of spolling anyone near
lhe lover lase al nighl (even in lhe fog)
if serving as a Iookoul. He has leen veII
paid for lhis venlure of capluring lhe
lover, lul lhere is a 25 chance he viII
lake a lrile, provided enough noney is
offered as a fIal fee up fronl. He is of a
suspicious nalure, lhough, if lhe lrile is
loo Iarge (over 1,OOO gp), he figures lhe
parly is lrying lo lrick hin. ScaIf has
six 5O gp gens sevn inlo lhe cIolh gar-
nenl vorn under his arnor and carries
45 gp in a leIl pouch. ScaIf allenpls lo
kiII aII eIves on sighl.
Ungerd is ScaIf's second-in-connand,
a very Iarge haIf-orc fighler (AC 2, MV
12", I2, hp 2O, #AT 1, Dng ly veapon
lype, S 17, I 7, W 7, D 13, C 15, Ch 5,
AL CL, chain naiI, ring cf prc|cc|icn
+3 sloIen fron DeIea lhe While, shorl
svord, Iong lov, four lhroving dag-
gers). Ungerd is vicious, lrulaI, and
uninaginalive. He carries 27 gp and 42
sp in a leIl pouch.
The Iasl nenler of lhis group is a
vizened IillIe nan, pasl niddIe age,
naned Voro. If caplured and queslioned
ly lhe pIayer characlers, Voro legs for
sancluary fron lhen, leIIing hov he
vas caplured ly lhe haIf-orcs as he vas
culling vood in lhe nounlains and
forced lo le lheir servanl. HaIf crazed
vilh fear, he vanls onIy lo le sel free.
As far as lhe parly can leII, he is
speaking lhe lrulh, for he is very frighl-
ened, lul deeper exaninalion lrings
oul lhe vhoIe slory. Kncu a|ignncn|,
c|cc| |ic, c|cc| cti|, ispc| nagic, ispc|
i||usicn, and Iike speIIs nay vork here.
There is aIso a 5 chance lhal any
nenler of lhe parly nay nole lhal
lhough he appears poor, fiIlhy, and
ragged, Voro does nol snc|| il.
In acluaIily, lhe IillIe nan is a young
fenaIe iIIusionisl naned Voronia da
Cancri, in her oId-nan Voro disguise
(AC 9, MV 12, 15, hp 14, #Al 1, Dng ly
veapon lype, +1, S 1O, I 16, W 12, D
16, C 12, Ch 15, AL LL, aggcr +2,
cnangc sc|f, pnan|asna| fcrcc, ar|ncss,
c|cc| i||usicn, intisioi|i|q, nqpnc|ic
pa||crn, rcpc |ric|). Voronia carries
anolher six doses of lhe nonnagicaI
sIeeping polion lhal she forced DeIea lo
lake, each dose granling 12 hours of
sIeep (if a save vs. poison is IaiIed). She
aIso has her ovn and DeIeas nagic
lones. DeIeas lone conlains a speII
scroII vilh uizar nar| sluck in lhe
niddIe of lhe pages, and Voronias con-
lains rca i||usicnis| nagic and lhe
canlrips nazc, nas|, and ncisc in addi-
lion lo lhose speIIs she has ready.
Voronia hired lhe haIf-orcs and lheir
nercenary friends lo caplure lhe lover.
Voronia herseIf vas hired ly a ner-
chanl faniIy in UnlaIa (lhe cily fron
vhich DeIea slarled) lo inlercepl a
series of coded nessages fron UnlaIa lo
Slrafferlurg, delaiIing currenl goId
prices and financiaI nevs. Afler inler-
cepling lhis infornalion, Voronia is lo
have an aIlered nessage senl lo Slraf-
ferlurg vhich viII sullIy favor relurn
lusiness for lhe UnlaIa faniIy over aII
olher nerchanl houses. Nolhing has
leen pul lo paper regarding lhis pIan
due lo lhe inherenl dangers of leing
caughl al il, lul Voronia nighl spiII lhe
lrulh lo save her Iife. The fog spoiIed
her pIans.
If lhe lover is relaken ly lhe parly,
Voronia lries lo escape ly any neans
possilIe. If necessary, she lelrays her
hired nen or lricks lhen in order lo
escape. Voronia casls cnangc sc|f lo
appear as Voro shouId lhe opporlu-
nily appear. She usuaIIy vears a dark
lrovn cIoak vilh a hood and sone pIain
lraveIing cIolhes, so if seen vilh her
lack lo lhe viever il vouId le hard lo
delernine her idenlily, Iel aIone her
gender. DeIeas vhile crov does nol Iike
Voronia and squavks rudeIy al her,
vhelher Voronia is in disguise or nol (il
has seen her change inlo Voro).
As her pIans sland al presenl, Voronia
neans lo have CuIIivan perforn lhe
acluaI nessage inlerceplion and lrans-
nission. When he is finished, he and
lhe olhers in lhe lover are lo le sIain,
save for DeIea and Shaador (vho can le
ransoned fron Iour TraiIs ly lhe haIf-
orcs al a Ialer dale). Voronia knovs
26 Issue No. 1
enough signaI code nov lo delecl any
dislress-caII nessages CuIIivan nighl
send, and he is avare of lhis. He aIso
suspecls lhal he and his heIpers viII le
disposed of lefore Iong.
Additional Notes
If lhe caplives are rescued or if |SP is
enpIoyed, lhe pIayer characlers Iearn
lhal DeIeas parly vas surprised al
nighl on lhe nounlain road ly Voronias
nercenaries. Using her pnan|asna|
fcrcc speII, Voronia kiIIed lvo of lhe
nen herseIf ly conjuring lhe iIIusion of
a hoard of denons faIIing upon lhen. In
lhe confusion lhal foIIoved, lhe olher
fighlers vere cul dovn quickIy. DeIea,
HariI, and Shaador vere caplured, lhe
dead slripped of lheir veapons and
arnor, and lhe pack aninaIs laken.
DeIea used her speIIs up defending lhe
parly, and (since Voronia look avay her
speII look) she has leen unalIe lo
renev lhen.
The allackers lied up lheir caplives
and, disguised as DeIeas parly, lricked
lheir vay inlo lhe lover. UnforlunaleIy,
HariI lhe dvarf had a lig noulh and a
slrong halred of orcs and haIf-orcs, afler
one insuIl loo nany, he vas lealen and
shoved dovn lhe slalIe drainage hoIe.
Afler lhis, DeIea gol her crov (vhich
had escaped lhe allack ly hiding) lo
carry a nessage avay fron lhe lover,
for vhich she vas pronplIy drugged ly
Ior lhe duralion of lhe advenlure, lhe
fog renains around lhe nounlain lop
(unIess il suils lhe DMs purpose lo do
olhervise). The fog is a naluraI phenon-
enon and nol nagicaI in nalure.
Voronias haIf-orc and hunan nerce-
naries fighl fierceIy, lul if lhe odds go
againsl lhen lhey eilher surrender or
allenpl lo nake a deaI, afler aII, lhey
are lusiness nen, and lhey cannol do
lusiness if lhey gel kiIIed. If lhey sur-
render or aIIov lhenseIves lo le lriled,
Voronia lries lo escape, Ieaving lhe nen
lo lheir fale. She has loId lhen nolhing
concerning her reasons for capluring
lhe lover, so lhey cannol ansver. any
such queslions pul lo lhen aloul her
pIans. The DM nay vish lo conlinue
lhe advenlure inlo lhe viIderness as lhe
parly pursues Voronia. ne good reason
lo caplure her can le pul forvard ly
DeIea: Voronia has sloIen her nagic
lone, and DeIea offers a revard for ils
relurn. The chase is on lul onIy if
Voro escapes!
Rcacrs cf DRAGON Magazinc ui||
rcncnocr ]cnn Ncpncus crca|itc rcti-
sicn cf |nc pcrniccn in issuc #108. Hc
na|cs nis firs| appcarancc ncrc ui|n an
atcn|urc intc|ting |nc |as| s|an cf |nc
rcnnan|s cf a ncr|cr arnq. A rcsicn| cf
Du|u|n, Minncsc|a ]cnn nas anc|ncr
ncu|c fa|c |c appcar in cur pagcs in
|nc fu|urc.
Gra|nir|s |air is an AD&D advenlure
designed for 4-8 characlers of 1sl-3rd
IeveI. Al Ieasl one slrong fighler (alove
1sl IeveI) shouId le in lhe parly lo
increase survivaI chances in difficuIl
conlal encounlers. A laIance of lasic
characler cIasses (fighler, nagic-user,
cIeric, lhief) is heIpfuI for success.
jNc|c |na| |nc rcfcrcncc |c |nc a|ign-
ncn| cf f|ins in |nc |||ND |O||O
Tcnc nas occn a||crc. Tnc f|ins
cnccun|crc ncrc arc cnac|ic cti|, as arc
|ncir gnc|| ccusins. |i|cr]
The war is
o v e r b u t
t her e' s one
bat t l e l ef t
Adventure Background
In ils scanl fifleen years of exislence,
lhe lovn of NoIivari has had nany
hardships and lriaIs, lul il has aIvays
nanaged lo puII lhrough. Il had lo le
carved oul of a viIderness unlaned ly
nankind for a lhousand years (or so
says Tnc 8cc| cf Da|aq|c, a IocaI chroni-
cIe), slruggIe for independence fron lhe
cily-slale of IvirvyIIiv (far lo lhe vesl),
and nourn lhe Ioss of ils Ieader, lhe one
lo have leen ils firsl prince. Lven so,
NoIivari has leen prosperous, groving
on lhe alundance of rav naleriaIs on
lhe edge of lhe viIderness.
RecenlIy, lhe lovn suffered repealed
raids of norkers fron lhe foolhiIIs of a
greal nounlain range lo lhe soulh. The
raids conlinued over a period of eighl
veeks, al vhich poinl lhe druidess
AIdreIIe cane fron her hernilage lo
varn lhe prince of a greal hosl of lhe
hunanoids coning lo surprise and lurn
lhe lovn. Irince Corin assenlIed his
snaII group of nen-al-arns and niIilia
and forlified lhe lovn as lesl he couId,
uliIizing aII naleriaIs avaiIalIe. Lnply
crales vere fiIIed vilh rocks and sel up
as nakeshifl vaIIs. Hunling lovs vere
lroughl oul, oId svords relrieved fron
allics, and halchels, neal-cIeavers, and
pilchforks vere sharpened for use.
The greal hosl of norkers did
arrive, 15O slrong. Though greal gen-
eraIs nay sneer al such a snaII force, il
vas aInosl lhree lines lhe nunler of
lrained varriors in lhe lovn. The lallIe
28 Issue No. 1
and Iives. The hunanoids vere driven
lack al a lerrilIe price, nearIy 25O
defenders Iay vounded or dead, a greal
Ioss for a popuIalion of IillIe nore lhan
1,OOO peopIe. No one in lhe lovn
avoided Ioss of faniIy, friends, or
Bul NoIivari had vealhered lhe
allack. According lo IocaI lrappers and
rangers, lhere shouId le no nore lhan
5O norkers aIive vilhin 3O niIes. Whal
perpIexes everyone is hov lhe norkers,
chaolic crealures ly nalure, couId have
leen organized for lallIe on such a
The druidess AIdreIIe, vho reap-
There have leen runors
hunanoid lriles lhal lhe
peared afler lhe lallIe, had sone nev
anong olher
norkers had a poverfuI Ieader naned
Crakhirl. LillIe is knovn aloul hin
excepl lhe unqueslioning IoyaIly lhe
norkers gave hin, no olher leings have
even seen hin. Before lhe lallIe, lhe
Arhan achieved infIuence lhrough
deceil, lhreals, nanipuIalion, and
nagic, and he prospered in his eviI
vays. Any nan vho opposed his pIans,
regardIess of rank, vouId nore oflen
lhan nol le found slalled, poisoned, or
inexpIicalIy dead ~ vilh an expression
of supernaluraI lerror on his face. In
line, even lhe CuiIdnasler dared nol
oppose Arhan for fear of arcane or
nundane relaIialion, especiaIIy afler
lhe iIIusionisl narried lhe CuiIdnas-
lers daughler and she gave lirlh lo a
son. The chiId vas naned Crakhirl.
supporl of olher hunanoid groups in lhe
region vhich soughl lo haIl hunan
civiIizalions conquesl of lhe viIderness.
Such a novenenl in lhe viId Iands
couId hardIy go unnoliced. The druidess
AIdreIIe, inforned ly her friends in
nalure, varned Irince Corin. Anlici-
paled and prepared for, lhe allack nel
vilh defeal.
Defeal al NoIivari nay veII have
leen lhe falaI slep in Crakhirl's career.
He has vilhdravn lo his Iair lo fune
and pIan his nexl nove. Il is lhe lask of
lhe pIayer characlers lo slop hin fron
norkers vere organized al lhe Iair of lhe Arhan had his son lrained ly lhe naking any nore such pIans, lhough
lrile vhose chieflain is naned CuiId in lhe skiIIs of sleaIlh and nur- his caplure or eIininalion and lhe
vas desperale as lhe lovns connon
foIk vaIianlIy foughl for lheir hones
HaIf a cenlury ago, a slranger cane lo
across lhe Iands. He vouId honor his
falher ly leing even grealer and nore
lhe cily of IvirvyIIiv. He vas lhe iIIu- lerrilIe lhan had leen pIanned. The
sionisl Arhan, exiIed fron his nalive. norkers, nanipuIaled ly lhe cIever
cily in lhe far soulh. IoverfuI, cunning, Crakhirl (vilh heIp fron his iIIusions
and crueI, lhe vicked iIIusionisl lecane and fron pIialIe lrilaI aulhorilies
associaled vilh lhe cilys nolorious eager for lerriloriaI doninance), vere
Assassins CuiId. organized for a niIilary canpaign.
Though unalIe lo gain an officiaI Raids vere organized on farns lo raise
posilion in lhe CuiId hierarchy lecause provisions and luiId noraIe. Then lhe
of his cIass, and unalIe lo lecone an greal allack on NoIivari vas sel inlo
assassin due lo physicaI veakness, nolion, lo allracl lhe allenlion and
discipIine lhe disorganized norkers Iike
lhis, vhal couId le done vilh lhe Iav-
fuIIy aIigned hunanoid races such as
lhe golIins and holgolIins` To prevenl
fulure invasions of NoIivari, Crakhirl
nusl le eIininaled.
This nuch lhe characlers have
Iearned since lhey arrived in lovn, one
day afler lhe greal lallIe. Irince Corin
has posled announcenenls asking for
advenlurers viIIing lo caplure or sIay
Crakhirl. A revard of 25O gp is offered
lo each nenler of such a parly nol a
very greal sun, lul NoIivari is nol a
very rich lovn (especiaIIy nov). Irince
Corin varns lhal Hraglan vas nol
kiIIed in lhe lallIe, and lhere are IikeIy
lo le a fair nunler of norkers aIive in
lhe Iair.
Hraglan, perhaps lhis Crakhirl resides
lhere. The anlilion and charisna of
lhis person are apparenl. If he couId
deslruclion of lhe norkers.
pover and infIuence, perhaps even vilh
an officiaI posilion ~ as CuiIdnasler ~
lul lhis schene never had lhe chance lo
der, and ly hinseIf in iIIusion. Crakhirl
vas inlended lo assune his falher's
Town Personalities
BeIov are delaiIed sone najor non-
le carried lhrough. When lhe oId CuiId- pIayer characlers of NoIivari and ils
nasler died, lhe nev one lroughl greal vicinily. Their personaIilies and slalis-
ennily lovards lhe iIIusionisl and his lics are presenled for use in pIayer-
offspring. Afler severaI faiIed nurder characler inleraclions as veII as for
allenpls and lhe Ioss of sone of lhe ongoing canpaign use.
CuiIds nosl laIenled assassins, Arhan Irince Corin is lhe ruIer of NoIivari
vas sIain vhiIe sludying his speIIs. (AC 2, MV 12, I7, hp 47, #AT 3/2, Dng
LillIe lhoughl vas given lo lhe 19- ly veapon lype, S 12, I 1O, W 17, D 14,
year-oId son of Arhan as lhe IvirvyIIiv C 1O, Ch 17, AL LC, |cng sucr cf
Assassinss CuiId Iicked ils vounds, snarpncss, cnain nai| +3). He is vise,
indeed, lhe assassin/iIIusionisl vas nol conpassionale, caulious, kind, and
seen in IvirvyIIiv afler lhe sIaying of respecled ly everyone in lovn. He viII
his falher. The fev vho noled his nol seek oul lhe norker Iair hinseIf for
alsence assuned lhal he had fIed for- a coupIe of reasons. Al age 62, he lhinks
ever, and Arhans nissing journaIs and hinseIf loo oId lo fighl and reaIizes
speIIlooks vere lhoughl lo have leen vhal lad shape lhe lovn vouId le in if
laken ly opporlunislic lhieves. he did nol relurn (he has no heir).
In lrulh, young Crakhirl had fIed Alove aII, he desires lo reluiId lhe lovn
soulheasl lo one of his falhers viIder- physicaIIy and psychoIogicaIIy.
ness sancluaries, a snaII group of caves PrInccss Tc!Iva is Corins vife (AC
near NoIivari lhal served as lhe Iair of 1O, MV 12, O-IeveI hunan, hp 3, #AT 1,
a lrile of norkers. Crakhirl vilhdrev Dng ly veapon lype, S 9, I 15, W 13, D
here lo nedilale for a line and faniI- 6, C 8, Ch 14, AL LC, anu|c| cf |ifc
iarize hinseIf vilh his deceased falhers
prc|cc|icn, aggcr +1). She has an inleI-
alode, looks, and nagicaI devices. . . . Iigence superior lo lhal of her husland,
and lo pIol vengeance. lul sonelines Iacks his caulion and
Crakhirl dreaned of raising hunan- connon sense. Many lines her cIever-
oid arnies vho vouId rise up al his ness has aided lhe lovn. Though she
caIIing and foIIov hin in conquesl and Corin have no chiIdren and she is
For the Dungeon Master
The foIIoving infornalion nay le
uncovered ly lhe pIayer characlers once
lhey reach Crakhirls chanlers in lhis
advenlure, or ly using cnarn pcrscn,
|SP, or siniIar queslioning upon
Crakhirl, if caplured. Cerlain olher
speIIs, such as |cgcn |crc or ccnnunc,
nay provide fragnenlary infornalion
lhal evenluaIIy produces lhe vhoIe
leyond chiIdlearing age, she is Ioved
and respecled ly lhe lovnsfoIk as nuch
as her husland.
A!drc!!c thc DruIdcss (AC 4, MV
24, D12, hp 65, #AT 1, Dng ly veapon
lype, S 12, I 13, W 16, D 12, C 1O, Ch
17, AL N, oraccrs cf cfcnsc (AC 4),
spcar +2, nanncr +2, occ|s cf spcc,
nunerous polions and scroIIs) is a pov-
erfuI figure in lhe IocaIe, lul a soIilary
one. She Iives lo lhe soulhvesl, in a
hernilage deep in a foresl, vilh lhree
Iniliales of lhe Iirsl CircIe (3rd-IeveI
druids) naned AIdrin, VeIIic, and
Maraz. LillIe is knovn aloul her
nolives, and she onIy cones oul in
pulIic lo varn of greal danger In reaI-
ily, she is nol very concerned vilh lhe
prolIens of olher hunans ~ lul she
prefers nol lo have hunanoids ravaging
lhe area and harning lhe lhings vilh
vhich she is concerned. Though veII-
arned, she hales lo fighl and has no
desire lo kiII anylhing, even norkers, vorlhIess ilens.
especiaIIy if soneone eIse is alIe lo do
il. If lhe DM considers lhe parly lo le
loo veak, AIdreIIe nay pernil one of
her lhree Iniliales lo aid lhe parly in
lhis advenlure. The Iniliale shouId le
fIeshed oul ly lhe DM as desired, lul he
or she uses no nagicaI veapons and
renains siIenl nuch of lhe line.
The Wilderness
If lhis advenlure is used in an ongoing
canpaign, lhe DM nay fil il in vher-
ever il fils lesl on his naps, aIlering
lhe nanes of pIaces and peopIe as neces-
sary. lhervise, a nap shoving lhe
roule lo Crakhirl's Iair is nol an also-
Iule requirenenl, one nay le generaled
quickIy and easiIy if desired.
When lhe characlers are equipped and
ready lo go, lhey proceed soulh aIong
lhe lraiI olviousIy lraveIed ly lhe
norkers (lhe food scraps and lracks are
leIIlaIe signs). The Iair is knovn lo le
22 niIes soulh of NoIivari, and lhe lrip
can le nade one day (assuning nor-
naI resl lreaks are nade) over nornaI
lerrain (see lhe DMC, page 58). HeaviIy
equipped parlies nay require lvo days.
Wandering nonslers are checked for
lvice each day (norning and evening)
and once al nighl (al nidnighl), an
encounler occurs on a roII of 1 on d1O.
RoII d8 lo delernine vhal vas encoun-
lered, using lhe foIIoving seclion:
1: BandIts ( # 2-5, AC 7 or 8, MV 12 ,
O-IeveI hunans, 1-6hp, hp 4 each, #AT
1, Dng ly veapon lype, AL NL). Tvo of
lhese landils have Iealher arnor,
shieIds, and svords', lhe olhers (if any)
have Iealher arnor, shorl lovs, and
daggers. If al aII possilIe lhese nen
viII anlush lhe parly.
2. CcntIpcdcs, hugc (# 2-2O, AC 9,
MV 21, HD, hp 1, #AT 1, Dng niI,
SA save vs. poison +4 or lake 4-16
hp danage, nakes saving lhrovs al -2,
3: F!Inds (# 3-6, AC 5, MV 12, HD
2 + 3, hp 12 each, #AT 1 or 2, Dng 1-6
or 1-4/1-4, SA + 1 lo hil, 25 have
fIindlar vhich has lvo allacks per
round,, does 1-4 hp danage, and lhe
person slruck nusl save vs. vands or le
disarned, AL CL). This group of fIinds
is hunling norkers, parlicuIarIy lhose
vounded in lhe lallIe. The fIinds have
foughl lhe IocaI norkers for years, lul
hale hunans vilh equaI passion.
4. Lcprcchaun (#1, AC 8, MV 15,
HD (1-1), 4 hp, #AT, O, Dng O, SA
lecone intisio|c, pc|qn|crpn ncn-|iting
cojcc|s, crca|c i||usicns, and tcn|ri|c-
quisn, aII al viII, and 75 pic| pac|c|s,
AL N). This nischievous IillIe leing,
Larran ly nane, is Iooking for opporlu-
nilies lo pIay jokes, sleaI, and generaIIy
le a nuisance. He has aIready lolhered
a coupIe of groups of fIinds, lul lhey
arenl as nuch fun ~ or as veaIlhy ~
as a group of advenlurers. Larran has a
fair anounl of lreasure hidden in a
hoIIov lree nearly: 219 cp, 148 gp, four
lase 1O gp gens (noss agales), and lvo
Quaa|s fca|ncr |c|cns (oir and |rcc).
5. MInIma!s, cavc bcar (# 1-4, AC 8,
MV 8, HD 2 + 2, hp 11 each, #AT 3,
Dng 1-2/1-2/1-3, SA hug for 2-5 hp dan-
age, surprise on 1-3, SD save as 7 HD
vs. poison and dealh nagic, + 2 save vs.
s p e I I s , AL N)
6. Nnrkcrs (# 1-6, AC 3, MV 9, HD
1 + 2, hp 6 each, #AT 2, Dng 1-3/1-6,
AL CL) These are slraggIers fron lhe
lallIe vho nanaged lo gel avay, lul
are sliII honeIess and Iosl in lhe viIder-
ness. Being very desperale, lhey allack
anyone or anylhing lhey encounler.
Lach has a pouch vilh 1-6 sp, 1-4 ep,
and a fev nisceIIaneous and virluaIIy
7. 5pIdcrs hugc (# 1-4, AC 6, MV
18, HD 2 + 2, hp 9 each, #AT 1, Dng
1-6, SA surprise on 1 -5 (d6), poison (save
al +1 or die), Ieap 3O, AL N)
8. Wn!f, dIrc (# 1-2, AC 6, MV 18",
HD 3 + 3, hp 17 each, #AT 1, Dng 2-8,
30 Issue No. 1
AL N). These avoid veII-arned groups,
preferring lo pick off Ione slraggIers.
The ealing has leen good lecause of lhe
nunler of vounded norkers vho fIed
lhe lallIe, so lhe voIves vonl pul
lhenseIves oul lo allack heaIlhy,
dangerous characlers.
Starting the Adventure
When lhe parly reaches lhe Iair, read
lhe loxed seclion leIov lo lhe pIayers.
Your parly has foIIoved lhe norkers
lraiI aII lhe vay lo ils source ~ a
snaII opening aloul 4 high in a
rocky hiII. The area you are in is
doninaled ly lhe foolhiIIs of a greal
nounlain range visilIe in lhe dis-
lance lo lhe soulh. To lhe vesl is a
dense foresl in vhich AIdreIIe is
runored lo Iive.
Near lhe cave noulh is a pond, fed
ly a snaII slrean lhal lrickIes dovn
fron lhe nounlains. Nexl lo lhe
pond is a charred, dead lree vilh axe
narks upon ils lrunk. Though lhere
are a fev scrully lushes, lhe Iand-
scape is nainIy cIolhed vilh shorl,
sun-laked grass lhal is dead virlu-
aIIy everyvhere excepl ly lhe
Seeing lhe rocky palh and nany
Iineslone oulcroppings on lhe hiIIs,
il vouId seen lhal caves lenealh lhe
enlrance occur here naluraIIy or
couId easiIy le hevn fron lhe rock,
vhich has al nosl onIy a lhin Iayer
of soiI alop il.
Twn nnrkcrs (AC 3, MV 9, HD 1 + 2,
hp 6,7, #AT 2, Dng 1-3/1-6, AL CL) are
posled as guards on lhe hiII, direclIy
over lhe enlrance. They are onIy sur-
prised on a roII of 1 on a d12. When lhe
parly cones vilhin 2OO yards of lhe
cave noulh, lhe norkers hide and nove
lo gel lehind lhe parly as lhe charac-
lers enler lhe cave. If such happens, lhe
parly is surprised on a roII of 1-3 on d6.
If lhe parly inspecls lhe vhoIe hiIIside
lefore enlering, il has lhe nornaI
chances of leing surprised.
n lhe lollon of lhe pond is lhe skeIe-
lon of an eIf vhose parly slunlIed upon
lhe cave al a line vhen lhere vas a fuII
Iair of norkers around. Mosl of lhe
advenlurers gol avay, lul lhe eIf feII
inlo lhe pond afler receiving his dealh
lIov. The norkers never lolhered lo
search for lhe lody, so lhere il Iies vilh
ils lreasure: 3 gp, 7 larnished sp, and a
pIalinun lrooch vorlh 45 gp. Because
of lhe rolling naleriaI in lhe slagnanl
pond, anyone vho drinks lhe valer
nusl nake checks for lolh conlraclion
of disease and parasilic infeslalion,
vilh a + 1O addilion lo each chance of
occurrence. A parasilic infeclion occurs
in lhe inleslines, any disease is acule
and gaslro-inleslinaI in nalure (DMC,
page 13-14).
The cave goes forvard inlo lhe hiII
aloul 3, descends a lil, and opens lo a
snaII roon (5 x 6 ) vilh a vooden lrap
door in lhe fIoor. Coing lhrough lhe lrap
door and cIinling dovn lhe Iadder
under il Ieads lo roon 1 afler a 9
UnIess olhervise slaled, aII norkers
found vilhin lhis Iair share lhe foIIov-
ing slalislics: AC 3, MV 9, HD 1 + 2,
#AT 2, Dng 1-3/1-6 (lile/cIul), AL CL.
Hil poinls are offered for norkers
encounlered, as veII as any varianl
infornalion on speciaI individuaIs.
IoIIoving lheir defeal, lhe norkers here
are very depressed and angry, and are
lrooding over lheir innediale fulure
(as veII as lheir Ieadership, vhon lhey
hoId lo lIane for lhe disasler).
Upper Level
The ceiIing heighl for lhis enlire IeveI
(carved oul ly norkers) is nol grealer
lhan 5, requiring laIIer characlers lo
sloop and le Iess alIe lo fighl effec-
liveIy, unIess using lhrusling or slal-
ling veapons such as shorl spears,
daggers, and shorl svords. Any charac-
ler lelveen 5-6 in heighl has a -1 lo
hil on aII allacks, save for lhose nade
vilh lhrusling and slalling veapons.
Characlers laIIer lhan 6 have a -2 lo
hil penaIly on aII allacks of any kind
and cannol use nediun or Iarge shieIds
effecliveIy (no arnor cIass reduclion for
lheir use). AII dvarves gnones, and
haIfIings are conpIeleIy unaffecled ly
lhe ceiIing heighl vilh regards lo
allacks lhey nake, lhough lhey nusl
use veapons appropriale lo lheir size, of
1. Entrancc Rnnm. The Iadder goes
dovn lo lhis roon. Though lhe roon is
enply of lraps and crealures, lhere are
signs lhal il recenlIy heId nany leings.
Discarded food scraps, an occasionaI
lraiI of lIood, a coupIe of lroken veap-
ons, and sone discarded, lIoodied lan-
dages are scallered aloul. The door lo
lhe soulh vas crudeIy nade and has
rusly hinges, so an cpcn ccrs allenpl
is al one Iess in six chance lo succeed
(e.g., soneone vho opens doors on a 1-3
nusl nov roII a 1-2 lo succeed).
2. Guard A!cnvcs. Lach aIcove is
occupied ly a norker. The lvo guards
(hp 8,7) lolh lear ninor vounds fron
lhe lallIe againsl NoIivari (each leing
dovn 1 hp). They allack aII inlruders
vilh ferocily, especiaIIy hunans, lul
vail for lhe parly lo cone up lhe pas-
sage so lhal lhey have a leller chance
of gaining surprise (1-3 on a d6). ne
vears an unadorned rusly iron nedaI-
Iion (vorlhIess) around his neck on a
sIighlIy larnished siIver chain (1O sp
3. Drunkcn Guard. SIunped againsl
lhe vaII of lhis aIcove is a highIy inelri-
aled norker, unconscious (hp 5). He
couId easiIy le dispalched, and il lakes
quile a lil of slinuIus lo vake hin. He
has no ilens of vaIue on his person.
Lying leside hin is an enplied vine
anphora. As nuch of ils conlenls are on
lhe fIoor as are in lhe norker.
4. 5n!Itary Cc!!. This ceII is parlicu-
IarIy danp, having a lrickIe of valer
coning in fron ils ceiIing. Ils occupanl
is a veak and slarving haIf-eIf (AC 1O,
MV 12 , T2, hp 2 (nornaIIy 9), #AT O
(veakened and unarned), AL NC). He
is quile heIpIess al lhe presenl and
vouId le very gralefuI lo lhe parly if
rescued, lul he cannol heIp lhe parly in
lheir venlures here lecause of his veak-
ness. He asks for food so he can survive
and gel lo NoIivari. Nolhing eIse of
inleresl is here.
5. Largc Cc!!. Chained lo lhe Iine-
slone vaII here are five prisoners. This
is vhere lhe najorily of lhe prisoners of
Crakhirl and lhe norkers are pul. Con-
dilions are lerrilIe, lo say lhe Ieasl, and
lhe prisoners have leen ignored since
lhe lallIe vilh NoIivari.
Nol counling a slarved and dead gol-
Iin, and lhe lones of an oId dvarven
prisoner, lhree prisoners renain:
1. A nerchanl vhose enlire caravan
vas anlushed and deslroyed ly lhe
norkers (AC 1O, MV 12, O-IeveI hunan,
hp 2, #AT 1, Dng ly veapon lype
(unarned), AL N). The norkers nov
hoId hin here for a ranson lhal can
never cone, since he has nolhing of
vaIue Iefl in lhe vorId. If rescued, he
has no vay of paying lhe parly lack in
vaIualIes or goId. This nan is very
depressed, feeIing lhal he has nolhing
lo Iive for ~ lhough kiIIing a fev
norkers vouId appeaI lo hin.
2. A fIind lhal has leen lorlured for
lhe enlerlainnenl of lhe chieflain and
lrile (AC 1O, MV 12 , HD 2 + 3, hp 1
(nornaIIy 9), #AT 1, Dng ly veapon
lype (unarned), AL CL). He vonl sur-
vive Iong vilhoul care. If a parly nurses
hin lack lo heaIlh and lreals hin veII,
he voices his lhanks lul lakes advan-
lage of any chance lo gel avay. He has
no lrue sense of gralilude lo lhe charac-
lers. The fIind has neilher veapons nor
3. A huge, lallIe-scarred norker
naned Kargh (hp 1O, #AT 1 or 2 if
arned, Dng 1-3/ly veapon lype if
arned). Kargh vas recenlIy inprisoned
afler prolesling lo lhe norker chieflain,
Hraglan, aloul lhe lriles doninalion
ly Crakhirl. If reIeased ly lhe parly
and queslioned, he leIIs lhen as nuch
and offers lo heIp lhen sIay Hraglan.
He viII aIso shov lhen lhe vay lo lhe
Iover IeveI. He speaks a snallering of
Connon as veII as Norker and
Nol one of lhe prisoners has any ilen
of vaIue. lher lhan lheir chains, lhere
is nolhing eIse in lhe roon.
6. Fcast Ha!!. (The door lo lhis roon
is oiIed and nuch used, so an cpcn ccrs
roII is unnecessary.) This roon is used
for neaIs and ceIelralions, as veII as
lorluring of prisoners ~ an aclivily lhal
lhese norkers consider an arl. Il vas
Iasl used for a neaI, so lhe four lalIes
and crude slooIs are sel oul ralher lhan
piIed haphazardIy aIong lhe vaIIs.
Upon lhe roughIy-hevn dais is a Iarge,
inlricaleIy carved, lhroneIike chair
(olviousIy nol of norker craflsnanship).
If sonehov lransporled oul and soId,
lhe luIky, 75O-Il. chair couId connand
as nuch as 2,OOO gp on lhe open nar-
kel. Behind lhe chair is a curlain of
cheap red cIolh dividing lhis roon fron
lhe nexl.
Sealed on lhe chair is a nassive
norker: Hraglan, lhe chieflain of lhe
lrile (HD 3 + 2, hp 19, #AT 2, Dng 1-3/
ly veapon lype, STR 17). He has a
lroad svord, in a shealh sIung over his
shouIder, vhich he vieIds vilh lvo
hands in conlal. He is, al lhe line lhal
lhe parly enlers, in a healed argunenl
vilh his lvo lodyguards, each of vhich
carries a foolnans nace (hp 9,9, #AT 2,
Dng 1-3/ly veapon lype). The lopic is
lhe lrailor Kargh (prisoner #3 in
roon 5). If Kargh is in lhe parly, he
charges forvard and engages Hraglan
in neIee. The guards do nol allack
Kargh (lhey openIy synpalhize vilh
hin), lul lhey viII allack lhe parly
nenlers and Hraglan. Kargh and lhe
lodyguards vonl fighl each olher, even
if il neans lhal Kargh has lo lurn on
lhe parly ~ vhich happens if lhe chief-
lain is sIain lefore lhe guards are, and
Kargh is aIive. If lhe parly incidenlaIIy
kiIIs lhe guards in lhe lallIe, Kargh
sliII shovs lhen lhe secrel door in roon
7 (his halred of Crakhirl is very slrong).
Lach guard vears, as a synloI of his
posilion, a jasper lraceIel (red vilh
green veins) vorlh 55 gp. The chieflain
vears a goId ring sel vilh a snaII, deep
red spineI vorlh 92 gp. The ring is nol
Hraglan aIso has an ilen of vaIue
slrung around his neck: a snaII, fineIy
crafled, siIver slaluelle of an Anazon
varrior. UnforlunaleIy, lhe norkers
driIIed a hoIe lhrough ils neck so lhal il
couId le slrung on a copper vire and
vorn ly lheir chieflain. As a resuIl, il is
onIy vorlh 155 gp, if lhe hoIe is sone-
hov fixed, il couId le lroughl aII lhe
vay up lo a 255 gp vaIue.
7. Trcasurc Rnnm. As veII as leing
used for lhe slorage of nosl of lhe
lriles lreasure, lhis roon is lhe sIeep-
ing quarlers of lhe chieflain Hraglan.
He has a crude led, sloIen fron a
hunan collage sone years ago, lhal is
sIighlIy rolled and has no nallress, lul
is inslead fiIIed vilh noIdy, dirly slrav.
Benealh lhe led is an iron-landed oak
chesl. The chesl is Iocked and has a
poison needIe (save vs. poison or sIip
inlo a cona for 2-2O days, a curc iscasc
or nca| lrings a characler oul of lhe
cona, lul lhe conalose slale is 5O
IikeIy lo le nislaken for dealh ly
everyone presenl). The chesl conlains
nuch of lhe lrilaI lreasure: 43O cp,
2,439 sp, 1,O54 gp, 25 pp, lhree goId
earrings sel vilh snaII pearIs (each
vorlh 16O gp lolaI), a nagic-user scroII
vilh lhe speIIs unsccn scrtan|, pc|q-
ncrpn c|ncr, and nagic ncu|n vilhin a
jade nap case (vaIue: 435 gp), and a
rusly fIindlar laken in a raid a fev
years ago.
There are sone olher ilens of polen-
liaI inleresl lo lhe parly scallered aloul
lhe roon. n lhe soulhvesl vaII are
hung a variely of veapons: a conposile
Iong lov vilh a lroken slring, a shorl
svord vilh a rusly hiIl and nolched
32 Issue No. 1
lIade, lhree 5 spears vilh lronze
heads in good condilion, and a quiver of
2O arrovs (four of vhich are siIver-
lipped). n lhe norlh vaII, near lhe fool
of lhe led, is a 5 spear vhich hoIds on
ils lip a nunnified, severed fIind head
(a var lrophy of Hraglans). n lhe
soulheasl vaII, jusl norlh of lhe secrel
door, is a Iarge, hunan-nade shieId
vilh a leaulifuIIy painled coal-of-arns
(lhree goId, ranpanl Iions on a vioIel
fieId). Though lhe fronl Iooks exceIIenl,
lhe shieId is corroded on lhe lack and
effecliveIy useIess for lallIe purposes.
If Kargh (prisoner #3, roon 5) is aIive
and aIIied vilh lhe parly, he shovs
lhen lhe secrel door on lhe soulheasl-
ern vaII lefore he Ieaves. Under no
circunslances does he viIIingIy enler
lhe Iover IeveI. Kargh lhen Ieaves lhe
Iair, he can see lhal lhere is IillIe or no
hope for lhe lrile, and he seeks his
forlune eIsevhere ~ for lhe cause of
eviI, of course.
The secrel door Iooks sinpIy Iike lvo
verlicaI cracks in lhe slone, vilh a
snaII, lhick vire prolruding fron lhe
vaII ly lhe soulhernnosl crack. In
acluaIily, lhere are aIso cracks al lhe
lop and lollon of lhe vaII (vhere lhey
are virluaIIy invisilIe againsl inlersec-
lions of fIoor and ceiIing vilh lhe vaII),
and lhe cracks go aII lhe vay lhrough
lhe vaII, naking lhe door a separale
slone. The niddIe of lhe slone is driIIed
oul and lhere is an iron cyIinder lhere,
sel in lhe ceiIing and fIoor, aIIoving lhe
door lo rolale. Thus, as shovn on lhe
secrel door diagran, pushing on lhe
secrel door near ils soulhernnosl parl
(vhiIe puIIing lhe vire, reIeasing lhe
Iock) aIIovs enlrance lo lhe passage
leyond. There is a sIighl incIine lo lhis
roon, and even nore of one on lhe vaII,
lovards lhe vesl, lhe door is aIso
lhicker and heavier on ils soulhern
parl. This causes lhe door lo faII shul ly
gravily. Soneone nusl hoId lhe door
open vhiIe lhe parly passes lhrough,
and il puIIs ilseIf shul once reIeased
unIess lIocked or spiked open. A nini-
nun slrenglh of 9 is required lo push
lhe door open fron roon 7.
Hovever, lhe slone door has a Iock on
lhe side facing area 8, prevenling any-
one fron passing lack lhrough lhe door
fron lhe Iover IeveI vilhoul lhe key
(vhich Crakhirl possesses). The onIy
vay lo open lhe door fron area 8,
lesides sIanning ones lody againsl il
(chance of success equaI lo ocn oars/|if|
ga|cs roII) or using a |ncc| speII, is lo
use Crakhirls key. The lhieves cpcn
|cc|s aliIily vonl vork lecause lhe
calch is loo heavy.
Uppcr !cvc!, rnnm 7
8. Wct CnrrIdnr. This area of lhe
conpIex is parlicuIarIy danp. The sIov
lrickIe of valer fron alove nakes lhe
vaII gIislen aInosl as if il is svealing,
as veII as causing rippIed Iine deposils
on lhe vaIIs. Because of lhe sIipperiness
fron lhe valer, any characlers running
aIong lhe passage or slairs nusl save
vs. dexlerily every 1O (roII dexlerily or
Iess on d2O lo le successfuI) or faII,
laking 1-6 hp danage if faIIing dovn
lhe slairs lo lhe nexl IeveI, 3O leIov.
9. Armnry. This cave is used ly lhe
norkers for lhe slorage of veapons.
Cuarding lhe roon is a singIe norker
(hp 8, #AT 1 or 2, Dng ly veapon lype
(sIing) or 1-3/ly veapon lype (cIul)). He
nornaIIy carries a cIul and sIing for
veapons, using lhe sIing for fighling
inlruders coning aIong lhe corridor and
lhe cIul in neIee conlal. n each vrisl
he vears a Iealher land 4 vide, each
sel vilh 16 siIver sluds and vorlh 19 sp.
Slored in lhe roon are five javeIins,
lvo Iighl crosslovs, a lroken crale vilh
94 nornaI arrovs (of vhich 63 are in
usalIe condilion), 12 cIuls of lhe sorl
nornaIIy used ly norkers, lvo han-
ners, a singIe shorl svord vilh a rusly
lIade,, an unopened crale vilh 12O rol-
ling Iighl quarreIs (8 are sliII usalIe),
lhree horsenens fIaiIs, and lhree shorl
lovs vilhoul lovslrings.
There is aIso a hunan-sized suil of
pIale naiI (a var lrophy) lhal, lhough
oulvardIy seening lo le of exceIIenl
quaIily, is corroded on lhe inside and
rusled logelher. Il vouId cosl 15O gp lo
hire a snilh lo pul lhe arnor lack inlo
usalIe condilion. Al lhe DMs discre-
lion, a characler vilh lhe secondary
skiII of arnorer nay le alIe lo repair
lhe suil hinseIf, if given lhe proper
looIs and faciIilies.
10. Fnnd 5tnragc. The firsl lhing one
nolices upon enlering lhis roon is lhal
il is unusuaIIy chiIIy, especiaIIy cIose lo
lhe crales slacked on lhe vesl side of
lhe roon. The crales conlain enough
slandard ralions lo suppIy a singIe
person for 4O veeks, lhough lhe food
lasles avfuI (lul lhe norkers Iike il).
AIlhough lhere is anolher food slorage
chanler (roon 13) on lhis IeveI, lhis
one is used lo slore perishalIe ilens
lecause of ils cooIing syslen ~ a
snaII palch of lrovn noId on lhe vesl
vaII (AC 9, MV O , HD niI, #AT O, SA
freezing for 4-32 hp danage if leing
approaches vilhin 5, AL N). The crales
are silualed such lhal lhe norkers can
pul lhen in and lake lhen oul
unharned ly lhe noId.
Benealh a seclion of lhe noId on lhe
fIoor is lhe frozen lody of a careIess
norker. Il has al ils side a snaII pouch
vilh 3 pp, 1 gp, 14 sp, and 5 agales
(vaIue of 1O gp each).
11. 5ubchIcf's Chambcr. This is lhe
privale roon of lhe sul-chief, KrekaI,
lhird in connand of lhe lrile. WhiIe
lhe chief pIans allacks and is in charge
of jusl aloul everylhing in generaI, lhe
sul-chief hoIds lhe reaI pover in lhe
Iair: he has lhe keys lo lhe secondary
food slorage (roon 13) and lhe vine
ceIIar (roon 14), as veII as lhe friend-
ship and lrusl of nany of lhe varriors.
There has Iong leen a pover slruggIe ~
sonelines open and physicaI ~ lelveen
KrekaI and Hraglan, lhe chief, lul lhe
vilch doclor, has nanaged lo keep lhen
in an uneasy lruce. The defeal al
NoIivari has vorsened lhe reIalionship.
KrekaI, aIvays vary for lreachery
fron Hraglan, has a varrior norker
posled al each door lo his roon 24 hours
a day: The lvo guards (hp 8,8, #AT 1 or
2, Dng ly veapon lype (hurIed) or 1-3/
ly veapon lype) carry lvo hand axes
each for duly al lhis posl. They raise
lhe aIarn lhroughoul lhe Iair (caIIing lo
olher guards, Ieaders, and reguIar
norkers) if any non-norkers appear or if
anyone lries lo enler ly force. The sul-
chief is inforned if lhere is any naller
of inporlance lo lhe lrile. Lach guard
has a pouch vilh 1-6 pp and 2-8 gp.
When lhe parly enlers, lhe sul-chief
is sIeeping. He is off his led and ready
lo fighl one round afler lhe guard caIIs
oul, lhough he Ioses lhe inilialive if
innedialeIy engaged in neIee. The
sul-chief (AC 2, HD 2 + 3, hp 15, #AT 1
or 2, Dng ly veapon lype (hurIed) or 1-
3/ly veapon lype, STR 17, DLX 15) is
quile slrong and agiIe (-1 lo AC), and he
vieIds a foolnans nace. He aIso has a
lhroving axe al his side, vhich he uses
if an opporlunily presenls ilseIf. n his
Iefl arn he vears an ivory land (vorlh
15 gp), and he vears a goId neck lorc
vilh a zircon gen on each end (vorlh
114 gp lolaI). Hanging fron his leIl are
lvo snaII pouches. ne is fuII of poison
ivy Ieaves, and lhe olher has 7 pp, 3 gp,
5 ep, five garIic luds, a lIue quarlz (1O
gp vaIue), lvo hunan noIars, a darl,
and a 2 spIinler of olsidian (3 gp
The sul-chiefs crude led is ly lhe
soulh vaII, consisling of a vooden
frane supporling severaI loards, upon
vhich is a nalled-dovn piIe of slrav.
Losl in lhe slrav is a snaII vioIel gar-
nel (vorlh 25O gp), lhere is a 15
chance of finding il per lurn of search-
ing (roII separaleIy for each person
searching). Benealh lhe led lhe sul-
chief slores a snaII variely of veapons:
a sIing vilh 19 luIIels, a horsenans
fIaiI, a cIul, a hand axe, and five darls.
Hung ly naiIs on lhe norlh vaII, jusl
opposile lhe sul-chiefs led, is a pIush
nuIlicoIored voven rug vorlh 16O gp. Il
is very luIky, lhough ~ aloul 1,OOO gp
encunlrance (6 x 12 ).
12. Guard Pnst. A guard slands al
lhis poinl, pIaced on valch lo reporl any
inlruders lo lhe chief (roon 6), lhe sul-
chief (roon 11), or lhe vilch doclor
(roon 18) as lhe silualion deens appro-
priale. Inlruders have rareIy cone, and
lhere is onIy one guard(hp 9). Iurlher-
nore, il is 5O IikeIy lhal he is asIeep
vhen encounlered, unIess lhe parly has
nade a Iol of noise, in vhich case he
raises an aIarn in lhe Iair. He carries 2
pp, 12 gp, 7 ep, a sIing vilh 12 luIIels,
and a Iarge (16 gp) rhodochrosile.
13. 5ccnndary Fnnd 5tnragc. This
roon is Iocked, and lhe onIy key is in
lhe possession of lhe sul-chief (roon 11),
lhe Iock can le picked ly a lhief al
nornaI prolaliIily.
Inside lhe roon are nany crales and
larreIs fiIIed vilh preserved food, such
as dried neal, iron ralions, neal soak-
ing in saIl valer in lhe larreIs, elc.
There is enough lo keep lhe norker
lrile going lhrough lhe vinler vhen
food isnl as easiIy avaiIalIe on lhe
ne of lhe crales, separale fron lhe
resl and in lhe soulhvesl niche of lhe
roon, has rolling conlenls and conlain-
ers. Burroving around in lhe rolling
food are 14 rol gruls (AC 9, MV 1, HD
Iess lhan 1-1, hp 1 each, #AT O, SA kiII
viclin in 1-3 lurns, AL N). Use connon
sense vilh regard any rol-grul allacks.
WhiIe lhey cerlainIy lry lo lurrov inlo
a hand proling lhe garlage, lhey can-
nol junp onlo a passer-ly.
There is nolhing eIse of vaIue or
inleresl in lhe roon.
14. WInc Cc!!ar. IiIIed vilh larreIs,
jugs, anphoras, and casks, lhis roon is
used for lhe slorage of aIcohoIic lever-
ages. There are 5O pinls of aIe, 125
pinls of leer, 15 pinls of nead, and 42
pinls of valered vine. Mosl of lhe
roons conlenls vere sloIen fron ner-
chanl caravans, hapIess lraveIers, and
an occasionaI farnhouse.
15. Cnmmnn Rnnm. Housed in lhis
roon are lhe surviving fenaIes, young,
and eIderIy varriors of lhe lrile: four
fenaIes (HD 1, hp 4 each, #AT 2, Dng
1-3/ly veapon lype) arned vilh crude
hanners, 1O young (AC 5, HD Iess lhan
1-1, hp 1, #AT O), and lhree relired
varriors (hp 5,4,3).
A Iarge fenaIe, lhe chiefs nale, is
aIso presenl (HD 1 + 2, hp 1O, #AT 2,
Dng 1-3/1-6). She vears lhe foIIoving
jeveIry: lvo earrings (goId, sel vilh
liger eye gens) vorlh 11 gp each, a
fox-skin sash (dyed red) around her
vaisl (vaIue: 25 gp), a Iapis IazuIi lrace-
Iel on her Iefl arn vorlh 21 gp, lvo goId
lraceIels vilh pIalinun inIays (vorlh
12 gp each) on her righl arn, and a
Iarge pouch al her side. The pouch con-
lains lhe foIIoving ilens: 3 pp, 5 gp, 15
sp, 35 cp, lvo snaII cal leelh, aloul an
ounce of pepper in a roIIed-up vad of
Ieaves (1 gp vaIue), a haIf dozen sIing
luIIels, a red-lrovn spineI (1OO gp
vaIue), and lhree narlIe-sized laIIs of
hardened cIay. She uses a cIul in lallIe
and aIso has a sIing for silualions vhen
nissiIe fire is necessary.
Dislriluled anong lhe olhers are 17
ep, 96 sp, 214 cp, and 1-1O landed
agales. The fIoor is covered vilh nany
vorlhIess aninaI peIls for conforl.
16. WarrInrs' Rnnm. This roon con-
lains aII lhe norker varriors Iefl afler
lhe lallIe, lesides lhose on guard.
Many are vounded and nol fuIIy heaIed
(onIy currenl hil poinls are given). nIy
eighl varriors are presenl (hp 7,6 (x2),
5 (x3), 4,3), of vhon five are avake and
ready for conlal. The olhers viII le
ready for conlal ly lhe second round of
any fighl.
n lhe persons of lhe varriors are lhe
foIIoving ilens in lolaI: 5 pp, 11 gp, 21
ep, 52 sp, 17 cp, lhree noonslones (vaI-
ued al 55 gp each), lvo henaliles (1O gp
each), and a siIver neck-chain (vorn ly
lhe 7-hp norker) vorlh 3 gp.
17. WItch Dnctnr's Guards. In lhis
roon are lvo eIile guards, lhose of lhe
vilch doclor. The norkers (AC 2, hp 1O,
1O, #AT 2, Dng 1-3/ly veapon lype,
each STR 16) use foolnens naces and
carry snaII shieIds (hence lhe AC 2).
They Iel nc cnc inlo lhe vilch doclors
roon. These quarlers are very sparlan,
and lhe norkers have no lreasure.
18. WItch Dnctnr's Rnnm. The vilch
doclor, Shun-VaIka, is presenl vhen lhe
parly arrives (AC 3, MV 9, HD equiva-
Ienl lo 2, hp 15, #AT 2, Dng 1-3/1-6,
MU2/C3 in effecl). He viII le ready lo
fighl lhe parly if he hears a lallIe vilh
his guards in roon 17. Shun-VaIka has
lhe nagic-user speIIs affcc| ncrna| fircs
and pusn, and lhe cIericaI speIIs curc
|ign| ucuns, prc|cc|icn frcn gcc, and
rcsis| firc. Before lhe parly enlers lhe
roon, he casls rcsis| firc and prc|cc|icn
frcn gcc on hinseIf, and uses olher
speIIs (especiaIIy curc |ign| ucuns) as
needed. He aIso vears a nca||icn cf
|SP (3O range) lhal has nade hin one
of lhe nosl poverfuI norkers in lhe
lrile. The vilch doclor is highIy inleIIi-
genl and shouId le cIeverIy pIayed.
This roon is ralher nessy and cIul-
lered, fiIIed vilh aII sorls of lhings,
usefuI and nol, lhal Shun-VaIka Ioves
lo fiddIe vilh. His led is ly lhe vesl
vaII and is of ralher good hunan nake.
Under lhe led is a snaII open crale
fiIIed vilh seven lIocks of vood, each
cul vilh slrange synloIs and runes.
The lIocks have vorn, snoolh surfaces
fron lhe louch of fingers for over a
cenlury, lhey forn lhe lradilionaI
speIIlook of lhe vilch doclor, having
carved upon lhen lhe speIIs affcc| ncr-
na| fircs and pusn, as veII as tcn|ri|c-
quisn, ancing |ign|s, auio|c g|ancr,
intisioi|i|q, and scarc. There is one speII
on each lIock. A rca nagic deciphers
lhe lIocks for vhal lhey are, lhough one
nusl aIso knov lhe norker longue.
34 Issue No. 1
They are vorlh up lo 4OO gp lo inler-
esled nagic-users or cIerics in lhe area.
Covering lhe fIoor are, lhree rugs of
predoninanlIy gray and green designs
(#1~gray-and-green checkered, lhread-
lare, 5 x 12, vorlh 2O gp, #2~gray-
and-lIack slriped, lhick and pIush, 3 x
6) 14 gp vaIue, #3 ~soIid green, lhin
and vorn, 4 x 9', 9 gp vaIue).
Despile differenl sizes, each rug has an
encunlrance of 2OO gp. Scallered on,
under, and around lhe rugs are 23 pp,
2O gp, 2 ep, 64 sp, 44 cp, severaI golIin
and orc leelh, sone crunpIed pieces of
parchnenl vilh iIIegilIe scravIs, sone
lroken fealher pens, and any olher
useIess snaII ilens lhal lhe DM can
lhink of.
n lhe norlh vaII are lhree sheIves.
The Iovesl sheIf conlains a variely of
herls and pIanls, lolh fresh and dry,
lhough nosl are harnIess or possilIy
usefuI, lhere is aIso sone poison ivy and
deadIy nighlshade. (Ior possilIe herls,
Iook in lhe DMG's Appendix }, pages
22O-221, and incIude voIveslane). The
niddIe sheIf conlains 31 viaIs and
fIasks of various sizes vilh Iiquid con-
lenls of nany coIors and lexlure. Mosl
are vorlhIess (coIored valer, syrup, or
sap), lul sone are of inleresl: lvo viaIs
of unnc|q ua|cr, one of nc|q ua|cr, a
pc|icn cf succ| ua|cr, lvo fIasks vilh
poison, and five of oiI. Anyone vho
drinks lhe poison nusl save vs. poison
or die in 1-4 rounds, vilh no prior varn-
ing synplons save for a varn fIushed
feeIing lhrough ones skin. The highesl
sheIf has vriling naleriaIs: five sheels
of good parchnenl, a lIank 35-page
veIIun look, lhree unopened jars of ink,
and an open jar of ink lhal has spiIIed
over (and ruined) sone papers vilh
uninleIIigilIe vrilings.
In lhe cenler of lhe roon is a lronze
lrazier (vaIue: 1O gp) vilh a lIock of
incense lurning in il. Scallered around
are 37 nore incense lIocks.
19. 5hrInc nf Mag!ubIyct. This
chanler is a shrine lo lhe deily MagIu-
liyel (see lhe |cgcns c |crc look, he
is vorshipped ly norkers as veII as
golIins and holgolIins). DireclIy oppo-
sile lhe enlrance is an aIlar on vhich
nonlhIy sacrifices (every nev noon) are
nade of lhe hearls of crealures vilh
souIs. The aIlar is carved fron Iine-
slone and rudeIy scuIpled vilh lhe
forns of fighling norkers. Leering over
lhe aIlar as if sludying lhe figures is a
Iarge, slone slalue of MagIuliyel, vilh
rulies as eyes. n eilher side of lhe
aIlar is a duII gray iron lrazier vilh
snoking incense.
The ruly eyes on lhe slalue can le
renoved vilh IillIe difficuIly. They are
cursed, hovever, any leing possessing
one or lolh of lhen lehaves as if in
possession of a cursc ocrscr|ing sucr
(see DMG, page 166). The uisn or cxcr-
cisn is needed lo le rid of lhen onIy if
lhe possessor has leen affecled ly lhen,
ly carrying lhen inlo lallIe. If lhe
gens are handIed, lhe handIer lecones
uneasy and has a dislurling urge lo
lecone vioIenl for any lriviaI reason. In
lhe unIikeIy silualion lhal lhe parly
allenpls lo seII lhe gens lefore again
engaging in conlal, lhey seen lo have
a 5,OOO gp vaIue, any NIC of seni- or
leller inleIIigence, vhen he louches
lhen and experiences lhe uneasiness,
aulonalicaIIy refuses lo purchase lhen.
In a superslilious area, vord nay gel
around and lhe ICs couId find lroulIe
or lanishnenl for lrying seII deviI
There is a secrel conparlnenl in lhe
lack of lhe aIlar. Il conlains 32 slicks of
incense (lvo of vhich are inccnsc cf
nci|a|icn) and 11O pp.
Lower Level
Mosl of lhis IeveI has vaIIs, ceiIings,
and fIoors gIislening vilh condensalion.
The noislure drips dovn lo forn rivu-
Iels of valer on lhe fIoors. Mosl of lhis
IeveI sIanls sIighlIy lovards cavern 2O,
aIIoving lhe rivuIels lo drain inlo lhe
sullerranean slrean. This nornaIIy
has no effecl on characlers (olher lhan
naking lhieves c|ino ua||s skiIIs virlu-
aIIy inpossilIe: -7O chance of success),
excepl al lhe fork in lhe passage oul of
roon 2O, vherein condilions are as
lhose descriled in roon 8 of lhe upper
The ceiIing heighl on lhis IeveI is 9,
naking aII conlal as nornaIIy
20. Undcrgrnund 5trcam. This
slrean lraveIs off lo a surface Iake 17
niIes avay, anyone lrying lo svin lhis
dislance nus| le alIe lo lrealhe under-
valer al viII for hours on end, or eIse
drovns vilhin ninules of slarling.
SeveraI vhile, lIind fish fIil aloul in
lhe sIov currenl.
Lying on lhe river led is vhal
appears lo le a goIden slaff of suprene
leauly, encrusled vilh gens and inIaid
vilh pIalinun. In acluaIily, il is a pcr-
nancn| i||usicn hiding lhe corpse of a
vilch doclor vho opposed Arhan,
Crakhirls falher (see area 27, lonl 7).
There is nolhing of vaIue on lhe lody.
21. Garbagc Rnnm. The vaIIs of lhis
danp roon are covered vilh fungus (nol
nonsler-lypes), and lhe fIoor is slrevn
vilh assorled lrash discarded ly
Crakhirl, Arhan, and lhe norkers lhal
inhaliled lhis IeveI lefore lhen. Living
in lhe lrash are five scun creepers (AC
8, MV 3, HD 1, hp 5 each, #AT 1, Dng
NiI, SA allaches lo viclin and does 1 hp
danage per round lhereafler, AL N)
vho viciousIy defend lheir hoard
againsl inlruders. There is nolhing of
vaIue (in hunan lerns) in lhe roon.
22. Tnrturc Chambcr. This currenlIy
unused roon is slrevn vilh an assorl-
nenl of looIs for infIicling pain upon
caplives. n lhe soulh vaII is a rack,
and nexl lo il a Iarge slone lalIe vilh
an assorlnenl of huge vhips draped
over il. Three of lhe nine vhips are reaI,
lhe olher six are acluaIIy lhe lenlacIes
of a kanpfuIl (AC 4, MV 3", HD 2, hp
12, #AT 6, Dng 1, SA surprise on 1-3,
AL NL). The nain lody of lhe kanpfuIl
is hidden under lhe lalIe, Iooking Iike
an exlra Ieg.
Il vas connon cuslon for any lrea-
sure found on lorlure viclins lo le
given lo lhe chieflain. Hovever, lhere is
a secrel conparlnenl in lhe fIoor (lhe
Ioose slone covering il is heId dovn ly a
Ieg of lhe slone lalIe) in vhich a dishon-
esl lorlurer hid sone Iool for hinseIf. Il
conlains a pouch (hoIding 7 pp, 4 gp, a
noonslone vorlh 5O gp, and a ring cf
sus|cnancc), and a knife (goId-inIaid
lIade and ponneI, vorlh 12 gp).
23. AuxI!Iary Cc!!. This roon vas
used lo hoId prisoners for lhe lorlure
chanler or if lhe upper-IeveI ceIIs vere
fiIIed. A fIind skeIelon is chained lo lhe
vaII, as il has leen since Arhan firsl
look over lhe Iover IeveI. There is nolh-
ing of vaIue here.
24. Tnrturcr's Rnnm. This chanler
vas lhe residence of lhe lrilaI
infornalion-galherer and enlerlain-
nenl speciaIisl. The roon has leen
alandoned since lhe Iover-IeveI
lakeover ly Arhan and nov is enply.
26. Enchantcd Mud. This chanler
fiIIed vilh nud, kepl fron drying ly a
Ieak in lhe nagicaI founlain in roon 22.
Lying dornanl in lhe nuck are six
crqs|a| oa|| if a drop of any sorl of lIood
is pIaced in il and lhe desired Iocalion is
nud-nen (AC 1O, MV 3, HD 2, hp 9,8, concenlraled on. Iron here, Crakhirl
#AT 1, Dng niI, SA nud-lhroving, SD vas alIe lo valch lhe lallIe al NoIivari
nagicaI veapons required lo hil, and has even seen lhe characlers lraveI-
innune lo cerlain speIIs see page 93 ing lhrough lhe dungeon. There is a
of lhe Mcns|cr Manua| ||, AL N). Knov fIask of fish lIood hanging fron a rusly
lhis nonsler veII lefore refereeing lhe iron spike in lhe vaII. The founlain is
encounler. The nud-nen gel up one niIdIy eviI, as il aIvays allenpls lo
round afler soneone enlers lhe nud porlray scenes vhich incile lroulIe.The
and allack on lhe second. CIever charac- crqs|a| oa|| pover doesnl 'vork oulside
lers shouId le alIe lo gel across aIive, of lhe lul, and lhe valers Iose even
lhough lhey cannol direclIy deslroy lhe lheir radiance of nagic if laken nore
nonslers vilhoul nagicaI veapons. lhan 3O fron il.
When aII olher leings are oul of lhe The founlain is on a naluraI spring,
pooI, lhe nud-nen sink lack leIov lhe lul lhe enchanlnenls vere pIaced ly
surface. Arhan. Il look a greal deaI of vork lo
Arhan lroughl lhe nud-nen here nake il, and il is a najor reason lhal
years ago, and Crakhirl sees no need lo
have lhen renoved.
Crakhirl chose lhis as his hideoul.
27. BurIa! Chambcr This roon vas
26. MagIca! FnuntaIn. This roon has used ly lhe norkers lefore Crakhirl
snoolh vaIIs, and ils onIy fealure is a cane as lhe luriaI pIace for lheir vilch
founlain in lhe niddIe. Waler veIIs up doclors, Lach of lhe seven niches in lhe
fron deep leIov, fiIIing a rock oulcrop-
ping lhal vas carved inlo a circuIar lul.
vaIIs conlains a slone sarcophagus, and
a norker vilch doclors lody offon
The enchanled valers overfIov, and vilh a snaII lil of lreasure. Iron Iefl lo
forn a snaII slrean inlo lhe chanler righl on lhe nap, lhe conlenls are:
vilh lhe nud-nen, roon 21. The foun- #1: The lody is quile rollen, lul on
lain has lhe nagicaI pover lo acl as a lhe skuII is a sinpIe copper crovn,
vorlh 2 gp, and al ils side is a rusly
horsenans nace.
#2: AII conlenls are IillIe nore lhan
dusl, if sifled lhrough, 1-4 pp nay le
#3: During lhe Iifeline of lhis vilch
doclor, lhe process of enlaIning vas
Iearned fron hunan nerchanls vho
lhus profiled fron lhe purchase of lhe
ilens necessary. The lody is vrapped in
slrips of Iinen and nunnified lul is nc|
undead. n ils fingers are six rings of
pure goId, each sel vilh a differenl gen
and vorlh 2O gp: lhe firsl, olsidian, lhe
second, lIue quarlz, lhe lhird, eye
agale, lhe fourlh, azurile, lhe fiflh,
lurquoise, and lhe Iasl, henalile.
#4: In lhis sarcophagus is a vilch
doclor vho vas Iess lhan enlireIy
devoul in his service of MagIuliyel, his
lransgressions vere nol loo serious, so
he vas onIy cursed lo le a ghouI ralher
lhan le senlenced lo elernaI lorlure
(AC 6, MV 9, HD 2, hp 12, #AT 3, Dng
1-3/1-3/1-6, SA paraIyzalion, AL CL). He
has leen pronised a pIace in lhe arnies
of MagIuliyel in lhe aflerIife if he per-
forns a quola of eviI acls. He has leen
sonevhal inhililed, lhough, ly lhe
sarcophagus, in vhich he has leen
lrapped for over haIf a cenlury. Anyone
coning vilhin 1O of lhe sarcophagus
can hear scralching, lhunping, and
hovIing noises vilhin il.
#5: This lody is poorIy adorned and
rolling, lhe onIy vaIualIe ilen pIaced
vilh il vas a siIver dagger (2O gp
#6: Al firsl gIance, lhis enlaIned,
nunnified lody vouId seen lo le vilh-
oul lreasure or vaIualIes, lul inside lhe
norkers noulh is a lournaIine vorlh
1OO gp.
#7: This sarcophagus is enply excepl
for 'a coupIe of niIdevy shrouds. Il used
lo hoId lhe lody of lhe vilch doclor vho
opposed Arhan. Arhan pernilled lhe
norkers cerenoniaI luriaI lo gain lhe
hunanoids good viII (lhe norkers did
nol knov lhal Arhan kiIIed hin) lefore
laking lhe enlire Iover IeveI as his ovn.
He lhen noved lhe lody (see encounler
#2O) and disguised il under an iIIusion.
Arhan vas perhaps overIy vengefuI al
There are sconces and lorches on lhe
vaIIs, lul none are Iil. Inscriled on lhe
Iid of each of lhe sarcophagi is a shorl
phrase, in Norker, such as Cone lo
serve MagIuliyel or In lhe Land of
LlernaI War.
36 Issue No. 1
28. McctIng Rnnm. This roon is
unadorned and unfurnished, save for a
reclanguIar oak lalIe and four chairs,
one side vilh one and lhe olher vilh
lhree. Arhan and Crakhirl vouId neel
here vilh lhe norker Ieaders. There is
nolhing eIse in lhe roon.
29. GrakhIrt's Inncr Quartcrs.
Crakhirl hinseIf Iives in lhis roon,
vhich is conparaliveIy veII furnished.
There is a nice fealher led, an oak desk,
a look case, and a dresser vilh a Iarge
Crakhirl is veII prepared (AC 3, MV
12, A2/I4, hp 11, #AT 1, Dng ly
veapon or speII, SA assassinalion,
speIIs, poison, SD speIIs, S 13, I 16, W
15, D 18, C 12, Ch 17, AL CL, o|ur,
cnrcna|ic cro, ar|ncss, intisioi|i|q,
pnan|asna| fcrcc). He vears a red siIk
lunic vilh salIe lrinning (vaIue: 16O
gp), a lrovn Iealher leIl vilh goId vire
decoralive slilching and a goId-inIaid
siIver luckIe (vorlh 55 gp lolaI), and a
nink cape (vorlh 2,7OO gp).
As lhe parly has progressed lhrough
lhe dungeon, Crakhirl has valched
lhen in lhe nagicaI founlain, paying
carefuI allenlion lo lhe slrenglhs and
veaknesses of each characler. Before
lhe parly enlers his roon, he casls
intisioi|i|q and o|ur upon hinseIf. He
lries lo assassinale lhe characler vho
seens lo le lhe nosl poverfuI (i.e., lhe
one vho has perforned lesl so far), and
lhen uses olher speIIs and his dagger as
appropriale, If he is seriousIy hurl
(under 4 hp Iefl), he casls ar|ncss and
allenpls lo escape,
In lhe dresser are olher cIolhes,
noslIy of average quaIily. n lhe desk
is an inkveII, a fealher pen, and severaI
pieces of parchnenl delaiIing lhe
norker forces, lhe NoIivarian forces, and
lhe oulcone of lhe recenl lallIe in a
pIay-ly-pIay slyIe ~ vilh nany angry
The voIunes on lhe look case are
noslIy lhe journaIs of Arhan and
Crakhirl, inparling aII lhe infornalion
in lhe Ior lhe Dungeon Masler seclion
al lhe leginning of lhis noduIe. AIso
incIuded are delaiIs on lhe slruclure,
operalion, signaIs, passvords, and key
nenlers and conlacls of lhe IvirvyIIiv
Assassins CuiId. Though lhe naleriaI
is fron eighl years ago, nuch of lhe
infornalion is sliII vaIid. These journaIs
vouId le safesl in lhe hands of Irince
Corin (see Aflernoles leIov). ne of
lhe voIunes deaIs enlireIy vilh lhe
cuslons, cuIlure, and nalure of lhe dangerous. The assassins donl lrusl lhe
norkers and olher hunanoids of lhe characlers and vouId jusl as veII have
region. In sone of lhe looks are naps lhen oul of lhe vay aIong vilh lhe
shoving lhe Iocalions of Arhans olher docunenl.
viIderness hideouls.
AIso on lhe sheIves are Arhans firsl-
Ior aIong-lern canpaign scenario
and second-IeveI speIIlooks (Crakhirl
(nayle afler lhe characlers gel lo
higher IeveIs), lhe ICs nay le hired ly
hid lhe olhers, vhich he doesnl knov Irince Corin or lhe Crand Duke of
hov lo use yel, in olher hideouls). The IvirvyIiiv lo eIininale lhe CuiId. This
firsl-IeveI speIIs are auio|c g|ancr, vouId lake a greal deaI of vork on lhe
cnrcna|ic cro, cc|cr spraq, ancing DMs parl and vouId le very dangerous
|ign|s, ar|ncss, c|cc| i||usicn, nqpnc- for lhe pIayer characlers ~ even nore
|isn, pnan|asna| fcrcc, spcc|, and ua|| lhan lhe previous advenluring possiliI-
cf fcg. The second-IeveI speIIs are a||cr ily. Bul lhe Assassins CuiId is al Ieasl
sc|f, o|inncss, o|ur, c|cc| nagic, fasci- as veaIlhy as dangerous, and lhe Crand
na|c, inprctc pnan|asna| fcrcc, nagic Duke vouId cerlainIy Iook favoralIy on
ncu|n, nirrcr inagc, tcn|ri|cquisn, lhe parly and revard lhen accordingIy.
and unispcring uin. Lven afler lhe docunenl is in safe
hands, lhere are sliII opporlunilies
opened ly lhe advenlure, perhaps lhe
parly couId Iearn fron Arhans journaIs
If lhe DM is viIIing lo do a IillIe nore lhe Iocalion of olher viIderness hide-
vork, and lhe pIayers are shrevd avays ~ nosl of vhich have since
enough (and pIay characlers of a non- lecone lhe hone of nonslers.
good aIignnenl), an arrangenenl nay
le nade vilh lhe Assassins CuiId of
IvirvyIIiv, lhe docunenl nade ly
Crakhirl has infornalion polenliaIIy
falaI lo lhe CuiId. Il goes vilhoul say-
ing lhal such a deaI vouId le exlreneIy
The foIIoving Basic D&D advenlure
can le inserled inlo any canpaign in
vhich characlers lraveI lhrough viIder-
ness areas. The advenlure can aIso le
pIayed as a shorl session. Il is lesl
suiled for 1-4 characlers of 1sl-3rd IeveI,
lhough il can le used as a side lrip for
nosl any IeveI lo reIieve lhe loredon of
a journey lhrough lhe viIderness.
The advenlure slarls as lhe parly is
lraveIing off-road lhrough foresled hiIIs
in lhe earIy aflernoon. The Dungeon
Masler shouId read lhe loxed lexl lo
lhe pIayers or paraphrase il as desired.
The Elven Home
As your parly rounds a lend, you see
a slrange cIusler of unusuaIIy Iarge
lrees on lhe side of a Iov hiII. Huge,
green Ieaves exlend fron gnarIed,
gray lranches, and lhe lree lrunks
are aInosl haIf again as vide and
laII as surrounding lrees. A led of
fine grass dolled vilh faIIen Ieaves
carpels lhe hiIIside, and a visp of
snoke fIoals on lhe vind. Iron
sonevhere ahead cone lhe sounds of
shriII screans and spIashing valer.
A Basic D&D
W i l d r e s s
Scenar i o
RegardIess of vhal lhe pIayer charac-
lers nay lhink al firsl, lhey have aclu-
aIIy slunlIed across a secIuded eIven
hone in lhe viIderness. Nolhing is
vrong, lhe sounds cone fron a group of
young eIves pIaying in a nearly pond. If
lhe parly invesligales lhe noises, go lo
lhe seclion leIov on lhe lullIing pooI.
If lhe parly invesligales lhe hiII, il firsl
finds a narrov palh lhal circIes lhe lase
of lhe hiII and Ieads lo lhe source of lhe
vispy snoke.
IoIIoving lhe rough dirl palh lhal
Ieads around lhe hiII, your parly
finds a cIear, coId slrean, shaIIov
and easiIy fordalIe. The slrean fIovs
fron a source vilhin lhe hiII, exiling
lenealh one huge lrees rools. The
snoke anong lhe lrees enanales
fron an hoIe in lhe ground up lhe
sIope fron lhal parlicuIar lree.
The slrean does nol iniliaIIy seen
unusuaI, excepl lhal il fIovs fron
lenealh lhe Iarge lree. Hovever, if lhe
pIayer characlers valch lhe slrean for
Ionger lhan a round, lhey nolice lhal
Iarge lullIes are carried aIong in lhe
running valer. The lullIes conslanlIy
pop vilh a fizzing noise.
The lullIes are fiIIed vilh a gas
38 Issue No. 1
vhich nixes vilh lhe valer al ils
source, deep vilhin lhe hiII. CaIIed
energy gas ly lhe eIves vho Iive in
lhis area, lhe gas causes anyone vho
lrealhes il lo inslanlIy feeI a surge of
cooI adrenaIine rush lhrough his lody.
The eIves have Iearned lo caplure lul-
lIes in lighlIy voven, cIolh sacks kepl
in lhe valer, lhey lhen lrealhe lhe air
lrapped in lhe sacks. The eIves, vho
Iive in a hoIIoved-oul seclion of lhe hiII
lenealh lhe characlers feel, aIso lene-
fil fron lhe gas as lhe underground
slrean surfaces in lhe niddIe of lheir
hone, giving lhen a conslanl suppIy of
lhe gas. The eIves cannol conlroI lhe
suppIy of gas and do nol knov vhere il
cones fron vilhin lhe hiII.
The gas affecls anyone vho lrealhes
il, giving hin exlra energy and vilaIily.
ne deep lrealh of gas adds 1-4 hil
poinls lo lhe sniffers ovn hil poinls and
one poinl lo his slrenglh. This effecl
onIy Iasls for five rounds once lhe char-
acler slops lrealhing lhe gas. A charac-
ler can lenporariIy gain nore hil poinls
lhan his nornaI anounl in lhis nanner,
lul slrenglh scores cannol exceed 18.
Characlers can allenpl lo lag sone of
lhe lullIes, as noled alove, lul lhe gas
lecones dispersed in lhe air and ineffec-
live afler lvo lurns.
Vegelalion groving around lhe source
of lhe slrean has aIso leen affecled ly
lhe gas, vhich is caplured ly lhe rools
of lhe lrees and causes lhen lo grov
exlreneIy Iarge. As noled leIov, lhe
lree over lhe source of lhe slrean is nol
a lrue lree al aII, lul a lreanl (vhich is
avare of lhe parly and is renaining
nolionIess and quiel).
If lhe characlers invesligale lhe
source of lhe snoke, lhey find a circuIar,
1-dianeler opening in lhe ground. The
snoke prevenls lhen fron seeing dovn
lhe hoIe. Any characler vilh infravision
can see a fire lurning al lhe lollon of
lhe shafl. If lhe characlers pour severaI
gaIIons of valer dovn lhe hoIe, read. lhe
As lhe snoke sulsides, your parly
can easiIy see dovn lhe hoIe lo an
open area aloul 5-6 leIov. Innedi-
aleIy lenealh lhe hoIe is a piIe of
haIf-lurned Iogs and ashes conlained
in a lIack pol. Beside lhe pol is a
snaIIer lIack pol fiIIed vilh Iiquid,
If lhe parly searches lhe lop of lhe hiII
for an enlrance, read lhe foIIoving:
Your parly finds no door on lhe lop of
lhe hiII, lul you do discover a cIear
sIal of gIassIike naleriaI enledded
in lhe hiII near lhe snoking hoIe.
The sIal is approxinaleIy 3 x 6.
Through lhis sulslance, you can see
lhal a dveIIing of sone sorl Iies
lenealh, lhe hiIIside, The dveIIing is
Iil ly naluraI Iighl (lhrough lhe
ceiIing gIass). Thick, grayish candIes
can le seen scallered lhroughoul lhe
roon, none of lhen are Iil al
n one side of lhe roon is a snaII,
snoolh, paIe vood lalIe surrounded
ly lhree chairs. The chairs are leau-
lifuIIy crafled, apparenlIy nade fron
lhe sane vood as lhe lalIe. Near lhe
fire pol is a fourlh chair. In lhe
soulheaslern corner of lhe roon, nexl
lo lhe lalIe, is a Iarge, curved cali-
nel carved of lhe sane paIe vood.
Bolh calinel doors are cIosed.
The olher side of lhe roon is hid-
den ly a heavy lIankel lhal appears
lo serve as a roon divider. The ceiI-
ing is covered ly a nelvork of
exposed rools fron lhe lrees alove.
Near lhe curlain is a piIe of firevood
and a lalIe on vhich resl severaI
lovIs of dark Iiquid, lerries, and
edilIe Ieaves and rools.
A grass nal sils aIong lhe vaII
near lhe slrean. Nexl lo lhe nal is a
pair of snaII, vorn, Iealher shoes.
The fIoor is covered vilh a Iarger,
round grass nal lhal nearIy reaches
lhe vaIIs. A slrip of lhe nal is cul
avay vhere a spring lullIes up fron
lhe earlh and runs lhrough a hoIe in
lhe vaII near lhe shoes. A piIe of
cIolh sacks Iies ly lhe spring.
If lhe characlers allenpl lo enler lhe
dveIIing ly chipping avay al lhe gIass,
lhey discover lhe naleriaI is exlreneIy,
hard ~ in facl, il has lhe consislency of
sleeI and cannol le penelraled ly ordi-
nary veapons or slrenglh. In addilion,
lhe parly viII le aulonalicaIIy sur-
prised ly a lreanl vho allacks under
lhe assunplion lhal lhe characlers are
lhieves vhich nay, of course, le lrue
enough). The lreanl is lhe lree sland-
ing over lhe source of lhe slrean,
sIighlIy dovnsIope fron lhe skyIighl.
The lreanl has exceplionaI povers
fron ils Iong exposure lo lhe gas in lhe
slrean, if lhe lreanl noves avay fron
lhe area for Ionger lhan haIf an hour,
aII of ils heighlened scores drop lo lhe
given Iover IeveIs. The higher IeveIs
are received once lhe lreanl relurns,
pIanls ilseIf again, and vails for a fuII
day (one lreanl: AC 2, HD 8, hp 45 (64
vilh gas), #AT 2 lranches, Dng 2-12/2-
12 (3-18/3-18 vilh gas), MV 6O', Save
I8, ML 9, AL L).
The lreanl firsl onIy lries lo push
characlers avay fron lhe gIass pane,
doing 1-6/1-6 hp danage lo anyone il
slrikes. Il does lhis reduced danage
onIy if no one slrikes lack al il or dis-
pIays fire. If allacked vilh veapons, lhe
lreanl fighls lack al fuII pover, lul il
vonl Ieave lhe area unIess allacked
vilh fire.
The lreanl has no lreasure. If lhe
characlers nanage lo escape lhe crea-
lure, il does nol pursue lhen off lhe
hiII. The lreanl is an oId friend of lhe
eIves and aII of lhen enjoy lhe lenefils
of lhe unusuaI IocaI gas suppIy.
The characlers nay aIso lry lo find
lhe door vhich is on lhe veslside of lhe
hiII. A rool exlends fron lhe dirl lo
serve as a door handIe. The door ilseIf
requires a check lo Iocale conceaIed
doors lecause il is cIeverIy disguised lo
lIend inlo lhe grassy hiIIside. Il is
aInosl invisilIe fron lhe oulside excepl
for a hairIine lreak in lhe grounds
surface surrounding lhe door.
The sod-covered door sIanls lack vilh
lhe naluraI shape of lhe hiII, and, vhen
open, is onIy 5 high. The ceiIing inside
is onIy 5 high in nosl pIaces. Rools
in lhe ceiIing curI dovn inlo lhe roon
and snake lack inlo lhe ground.
If lhe characlers nanage lo find lhe
door and enler (lhe door is never
Iocked), lhey see lhe sane roon as vas
vieved lhrough lhe skyIighl.
The air inside lhe snaII hone is
lhick vilh vood snoke and lhe sneII
of danp earlh. A naluraI spring
lullIes oul of lhe ground inlo a
snaII pooI leside lhe door, giving off
a fresh, nisly odor lhal fiIIs lhe air.
The air aIso has a pecuIiar cooI linge
lo il lhal is hard lo idenlify, il seens
lo nake one feeI leller jusl ly
lrealhing il.
Anyone lrealhing lhe air in lhe roon
for Ionger lhan one round receives aII
As you slrike lhe gIass for lhe firsl
line, lhe ground runlIes sIighlIy.
Before you can reacl, a fIurry of Ieaves
and lranches descends upon you.
lhe lenefils of lhe gas ~ lul lhe DM
shouId nol leII lhe characlers lhis.
Inslead, he shouId secrelIy nole any
The Iiquid in lhe pol ly lhe snoI-
changes lo pIayer characler allrilules
dering fire is aloul enough lo fiII a
and appIy lhen as necessary.
vine skin. The Iiquid is dark and
Iooks lhick.
Behind lhe curlain are lvo sels of
rope hannocks, one pair alove lhe
The curved doors of lhe calinel are
pIain excepl for a snaII carved lor-
der around lhe edge of each door.
olher, on eilher end of lhe roon.
HandIes are carved inlo lhe doors al
They are supporled ly knolly lhe cenler of lhe piece.
vooden poIes vhich are anchored in
lhe ground and lhe ceiIing. A snaII,
foIded lIankel Iies in lhe cenler of
each hannock, and a siIver dagger
The hannocks are vhal lhey appear
sIeep. The Iiquid in lhe pol ly lhe lire is
lo le ~sinpIy lhe pIace vhere lhe eIves
(vorlh 2O gp) is hidden vilhin each
a speciaI eIf lrev. The sveel, dark Iiq-
uid, no slronger lhan leer, has no nagi-
caI properlies. The eIves lrev snaII
pols of il al a line using various lerries
fron nearly lushes. AIlhough lhe lrev
has IillIe effecl on hunan characlers,
eIves-are grealIy effecled ly even snaII
anounls (-2 lo hil for 1-4 hours as a
resuIl of drinking a nug of lhe sluff).
Inside lhe calinel, lhe characlers can
find lhe usuaI array of lIankels, ealing
and vriling ulensiIs, and olher snaII
personaI leIongings. Iour speII looks,
conlaining aII speIIs used ly lhe eIves
vho Iive here (as given leIov), are kepl
lenealh lhe faIse lollon of lhe calinel
(a roII lo delecl secrel doors is required
lo find il). Nole lhal each speII look has
lhe speII rca nagic in addilion lo aII
olher speIIs.
Behind a piIe of lIankels is a vase
aloul 1 high. Ils vhile surface is
cracked and aged. CircIing lhe vase are
lhese vords elched inlo ils surface.
lncn aq is nign|
An nign| is aq
Tnc sun an nccn
Sna|| pass |nis uaq.
The eIves donl knov vhal lhe vril-
ing neans. The vase has leen passed
dovn lhrough lhe generalions for ages,
during lhal line, lhe neaning of lhe
vords vas Iosl. The eIves lhink lhal lhe
vase vas used in sone ancienl eIven
riluaI. If lhe characlers lake lhe vase
oul of lhe eIves hone, il changes coIor
as soon as lrighl sunIighl or noonIighl
hils il. The eIves viII lrade lhe vase
avay, lul lheyII accepl no Iess lhan 1OO
gp or anolher ilen of siniIar vaIue.
If characlers lrade for lhe vase or
sleaI il, lhey discover lhal il changes
coIor each day in naluraI Iighl. The
Iighl of a fire or nagicaI Iighl causes
lhe vase lo lecone vhile again. The
characlers viII discover lhal lhe vase
changes coIor in reguIar nanner, vilh a
differenl coIor each day for seven days
(red, orange, yeIIov, green, lIue, vioIel,
lIack) lefore il legins lhe coIor rolalion
again. InleIIigenl characlers soon dis-
cover lhal lhey can leII lhe day of lhe
veek ly lhe coIor of lhe vase. The vords
engraved inlo lhe surface of lhe vase
renain visilIe lhrough each coIor
change. A lypicaI nerchanl viII luy lhe
vase for 4O-24O gp.
Buried in lhe earlh lenealh lhe snaII
square nal is a Iealher pouch vilh 39
gp, 115 sp, and six gens, each vorlh 2O
gp. No olher coins or gens are in lhe
eIven hone.
40 Issue No. 1
The Bubbling Pool
Characlers vho head for lhe source of
lhe shrieks and spIashing valer soon
cone across lhe foIIoving scene:
The slrean vinds ils vay around a
Iov lree-covered hiII for aloul 8O
yards. The shrieks grov Iouder vilh
every slep, vhen suddenIy you find
yourseIves upon a cIear pooI of valer
aloul 8O across. SpIashing aloul lhe
valer are lvo young eIves. SuddenIy,
fron a lree ly lhe pond, anolher
young eIf junps in lhe valer, aInosl
on lop of lhe olher lvo.
If lhe characlers have nol yel
olserved lhe lullIes in lhe slrean,
lhey do so as lhey valch lhe eIves. The
lullIes vhich have nol surfaced nov
lursl in lhe pond vilh a sofl popping
The eIves are surprised on a roII of 1-
4, unIess lhe characlers have nade a
greal deaI of noise around lhe under-
ground hone or vhiIe approaching lhe
pond. If nol surprised and if lhe parly
hasnl yel arrived al lhe pond, lhe eIves
fIee inlo lhe voods, heading for a
friends hone a niIe avay.
The eIves evenluaIIy nolice lhe char-
aclers valching lhen if lhe parly sin-
pIy slands lhere. They are nonenlariIy
frighlened, lul if lhe parly lakes no
lhrealening aclions, lhe eIves sniIe and
vave shyIy, crouching dovn in lhe
valer so onIy lheir heads shov. If lhe
parly conlains eIves and seens friendIy
enough, lhe svinning eIves can le
laIked oul of lhe valer and viII inlro-
duce lhenseIves as Derrin (naIe), AlIee
(fenaIe), and Yanna (fenaIe). Though
lhe eIves vonl nenlion lhis, a fourlh,
Repo (naIe), is off relrieving a digging
looI lhal olher eIves have lorroved.
Their slalislics (heighlened ly exposure
lo energy gas in lhe pooI) are:
Derrin: AC 7, MV 12O (4O'), L2, hp 8
(12 fron gas), #AT 1, Dng 1-4 (dagger)
+ 2 (fron gas), S 15 (16), I 1O, W 11, D
17, C 12, CH 12, AL L, dagger, c|cc|
nagic, nagic nissi|c
AlIee: AC 8, MV 12O (4O), L3, hp 12
(15 fron gas), #AT 1, Dng 1-4 (dagger)
+ 1 (fron gas), S 12 (13), I 15, W 6, D
14, C 11, CH 14, AL L, dagger, cnarn
pcrscn, s|ccp, |SP
Yanna: AC 6, MV 12O (4O), LI, hp 4
(7 fron gas), #AT 1, Dng 1-4 (dagger), S
9 (1O), 19, W 16, D 18, C 13, CH 1O, AL
N, dagger, snic|, s|ccp
Repo (nol presenl): AC 6, MV 12O If lhe characlers lry lo cul lhe conver-
(4O), L3, hp 14, #AT, Dng 1-8 (Iong- salion off lefore an hour has passed, lhe
svord) + 3, S: 18, I 13, W 11, D 14, C eIves again lecone upsel al lhe charac-
13, CH 12, AL L, Iong svord, Iealher lers rudeness. nIy afler an hour are
arnor, |ign|, nagic nissi|c, intisioi|i|q lhe characlers alIe lo poIileIy excuse
As fev nonslers have ever leen seen lhenseIves. The eIves offer lo Iel lhen
in lhis parl of lhe counlry, fev veapons spend lhe nighl vilh lhen lul are nol
are carried or used. Repo carries his offended if lhe characler refuse.
svord lo inpress his friends, lul he If lhe parly has previousIy ransacked
knovs hov lo use il, loo. Repo viII lhe eIven hone, lhe eIves viII le
relurn lo lhe eIven hone al sunsel, grealIy angered and viII denand lhe
using his intisioi|i|q speII lo surprise relurn of aII sloIen ilens (and are viII-
his friends (and lhe pIayer characlers ~ ing lo fighl lo gel lhen lack, unIess lhe
if lhey are sliII around). parly is olviousIy loo dangerous lo deaI
If lhe pIayer characler parly appears vilh). If lhe parly has enlered lhe eIven
hosliIe, lhe eIves are nol as vuIneralIe hone lul has nol harned anylhing, lhe
as lhey nay appear. Aside fron lheir eIves vonl nind al aII (Lveryone
speIIs, a nunler of sharp nelaI daggers drops in.).
(8) have leen Iefl on lhe lollon of lhe Aloul lvo hours afler lhe parly
cIear pond, and lhese nay le relrieved, arrives on lhe scene, a nunler of
lvo al a line, in a singIe round ly each slirges fIy pasl lhe area in search of
eIf. The daggers are laIanced for lhrov- nourishnenl ~ i.c., Iive leings Iike
ing. The eIves can aIso dive undervaler eIves and hunans. The slirges allack al
for a fuII round each. A snaII underva- once, lul nay le delecled (vilh a sur-
ler cave exisls, onIy 1O square vilh a prise roII) lefore lhey are upon lhe
4 ceiIing, near lhe soulhern edge of lhe parly (lhree slirges: AC 7, HD 1, hp 7,
pond, lhe eIves viII fIee lo lhe cave, 7, 6, #AT 1,,Dng 1-3, MV 3O (1O)/ 18O
vhich has a Iarge air pockel conlinuaIIy (6O), Save I2, ML 9, AL N).
freshened ly lhe oxygenaled gas in lhe If lhe parly heIps lhe eIves fighl off
valer, and viII renain lhere for as Iong lhe slirges, lhe eIves viII le lhe parlys
as necessary lo escape allackers. friends for years lo cone. The eIves are
If lhe eIves are lrealed veII, lhey offer nol crass enough lo acluaIIy offer nale-
lo lake lheir guesls lo lheir under- riaI revards for lheir safely, lul nay le
ground hone, of vhich lhey are quile nore lhan viIIing lo offer free roon and
proud. If lhe characlers decIine lhe loard for severaI days as a resuIl.
eIves offer, lhe snaII leings lecone
ralher offended, saying, See if ve are
nice lo lhe Iikes of your kind again! We
Future events
gel so fev visilors as il is, and lhey
have lo le so haughly! If lhe charac-
lers accepl lhe offer, lhe eIves laIk
aInosl conlinuousIy. The characlers can
hardIy squeeze in a singIe vord. The
eIves are so pIeased lo have visilors,
lhey forgel lheir nanners and nonopo-
Iize lhe conversalion.
The eIves expIain lhal years ago, lheir
anceslors sellIed here lecause of lhe
greal leauly of lhe selling. Through lhe
years, hovever, il has lecone sIighlIy
Iess allraclive lo lhe eIves (lhe lrees
have grovn gnarIed, lhe slrean has
lecone snaIIer ~ aeslhelic concerns
lhal are of greal inporlance lo lhese
Depending upon lhe parlys conducl in
lhis lrief encounler, a nunler of fulure
advenlures and scenarios nay le con-
slrucled. The lhefl of naleriaIs or lhe
deslruclion of lhe eIves properly nay
lring relrilulion as lhe eIves (incIuding
lhe alsenl Repo) lrack dovn lhe guiIly
parlies invoIved. IIayer characler eIves
nay, al sone fulure dale, vish lo sellIe
dovn in lhis area and conslrucl hones
of lheir ovn. The nyslery of lhe coIorfuI
vases origins and purpose renain lo le
resoIved ~ vhich couId Iead lo a higher-
IeveI lask Ialer in lhe canpaign.
leings). They have senl oul expedilions
of eIves lo search for a nore suilalIe
pIace lo Iive, lul have found nolhing lo
lheir Iiking so far. The eIves reveaI lhal
lhere are severaI olher eIf dveIIings in
lhe area, lul decIine lo idenlify lhe
olhers hones in order lo preserve lheir
A lost prince, a silver
neckl ace, and a
dangerous j ourney
Gran| an Dati 8cucncr oring us |nc
cctcr ncu|c fcr |nis issuc. A scnicr a|
|nc Unitcrsi|q cf ||cria, Gran| is s|uq-
ing pnqsics an as|rcncnq, ui|n par|icu-
|ar in|crcs|s in cp|ics, sccccr, an
ccnpu|cr prcgranning. His orc|ncr
Dati nas jus| finisnc nign scncc| an
cnjcqs ar|, uri|ing, s|rcc| ncc|cq, an
na|f-cgrcs. Gran| crci|s |nc |cnnings
ganing grcup fcr nis aff|ic|icn, an
Dati crci|s Gran| fcr |nc sanc.
This is an AD&D advenlure for 6-1O
characlers, each of 6lh-1Olh IeveI. The
parly shouId le of good aIignnenl and
shouId conlain al Ieasl lvo veII-
equipped fighlers. The advenlure is
designed lo fil vilhin any canpaign
vorId, and lhe DM can easiIy nodify
lhe nanes, persons, pIaces, elc., delaiIed
herein vilhoul seriousIy aIlering lhe
lrue nalure of lhe advenlure.
A snaII kingdon vilh a nounlainous
veslern lorder is assuned lo exisl, lhe
DM shouId nane lhe kingdon, ils king,
and ils capilaI as desired, lo fil his ovn
canpaign circunslances. (Nole lhal lhe
kingdon couId easiIy lecone a Iarge
larony.) The pIayer characlers shouId
le in good slanding vilh lhe currenl
nonarch, possilIy knovn lo hin ly
previous deeds or pelilions.
This advenlure occurs in lhe earIy
vinler. The Dungeon Masler can use
vealher charls lo sinuIale lhe effecls of
snov, vind chiII, and olher phenonena,
if such charls are avaiIalIe. No najor
slorns are anlicipaled.
Background for the DM
Many years ago, a young prince naned
Lonaran vas senl ly his falher lo a
foreign universily across lhe sea. The
loy never nade il. A cullhroal land of
pirales, Ied ly an infanous reaver
naned }aIussa lhe MerciIess, allacked
his ship, and lhe crevnen of lhe iII-
faled crafl vere kiIIed or caplured in
lhe ensuing lallIe. The prince hid
leIovdecks and escaped lhe iniliaI
onsIaughl, onIy lo le discovered Ialer
during lhe pirales search for looly. The
loal vas lurned and, as }aIussa never
ransoned his caplives (prefering nore
direcl vays of acquiring cash), Irince
Lonaran vas soId inlo sIavery vilh lhe
olher survivors. His siIver neckIace,
engraved vilh lhe royaI seaI of his
faniIy and his ovn nane, vas casl inlo
lhe ships lreasure piIe.
The pirales evenluaIIy nel lheir ovn
42 Issue No. 1
horrilIe fale vhen a greal red dragon
knovn as IIane, a leasl of incredilIe
pover, allacked lheir ship. Afler sIaying
aII lhose on loard vilh cIavs and leelh,
or lIasling lhen overloard vilh slrokes
of ils vings, lhe dragon lore avay lhe
nasls, dug ils nassive cIavs inlo lhe
huII, and carried lhe enlire pirales ship
and lreasure lack lo ils Iair high in lhe
Iifleen years Ialer, afler nany nore
successfuI raids (noslIy againsl lhe
nalions and lriles norlh and vesl of lhe
nounlains), IIanes sIeep vas dis-
lurled ly a group of knighls Iooking for
refuge fron a vinler slorn oulside his
Iakeside haven. The knighls proved lo
le of IillIe chaIIenge, lul a fev days.
Ialer, as lhe dragon vas preparing lo
eal lhe Iasl of lhen, il found lhal lhe
hunan had escaped, having onIy
feigned dealh. Worse yel, lhe knighl
even had lhe gaII lo sleaI one of lhe
dragons lreasures an allraclive
siIver neckIace.
IIane vas enraged, aIlhough lhe
dragon vas nore upsel over lhe Ioss of
ils prospeclive dinner lhan lhe Ioss of
lhe neckIace. The dragon Iefl lo hunl for
lhe nan vhen anolher lIizzard cane
and forced an end lo lhe search. When
lhe slorn ended, IIane couId find no
lrace of lhe nissing knighl, and il sul-
sequenlIy dropped lhe naller.
Besides, lhe dragon nused, lhal
niseralIe hunan isnl IikeIy lo have
Iived lhrough lhe slorn. Bul if he did,
he nighl Iead a fev nore lasly norseIs
lo ny cave as he did lefore. I hope he
knovs sone eIves, I havenl had a sveel
IillIe eIf in a Iong line. . . .
MeanvhiIe, lhe lurned and lallered
knighl, Sir Hujer, slaggered dovn lhe
freezing nounlain and legan his sIov,
delernined lrek hone. Dazed, disori-
enled, and suffering fron frosllile, he
evenluaIIy enlered a cave for sheIler
and coIIapsed. IorlunaleIy, he had
slunlIed inlo lhe enlrance lo a Iarge
coIony of svirfnelIin (deep gnones). Sir
Hujer, reaIizing lhe inporlance of lhe
neckIace he heId and his ovn approach-
ing dealh, pronised lhe gnones a sul-
slanliaI anounl of lreasure vouId cone
lheir vay if lheyd agree lo relurn his
lody and lhe neckIace lo Iorl SiIan, a
nearly oulposl. UnalIe lo heaI his inju-
ries and aIvays inleresled in nore
lreasure, lhe gnones agreed. Wilhin a
fev days, lhey arrived al lhe forl vilh
lhe knighls lody.
The acling caplain of lhe guards al
lhe forl, Sir UiIer, inlerrogaled lhe nev
arrivaIs. When he vas finaIIy convinced
of lheir honesly and inlenlions, he
aIIoved lhen lo Ieave vilh an anpIe
revard. Sir Hujer vas luried vilh high-
esl honors and lhe neckIace vas senl on
lo lhe capilaI and lhe king.
The Mission
The DM nay galher lhe parly al lhe
kings caslIe in lhe capilaI, individuaIIy
or as a group, lul lhe generaI scenario
shouId le as foIIovs:
A royaI nessenger arrives vilh a
scroII and hands il lo a parly nenler. Il
is a sunnons for lhe parly nenlers (aII
naned and descriled vilhin lhe lexl) lo
a royaI audience vilh lhe king, effeclive
innedialeIy. The nessenger vails for
lhe characlers and escorls lhen lo lhe
paIace vhen lhey are ready. SeveraI
nessengers nay le dispalched if lhe
characlers nornaIIy Iive aparl.
nce in lhe presence of lhe king, lhe
parly is addressed in a speciaI cIosed
session of lhe haII. nIy lhe king, his
lodyguards, and lhe parly are presenl.
The foIIoving passage (spoken ly lhe
king) shouId le read aIoud lo lhe parly.
Iifleen years ago, ny onIy son,
Lonaran, lhen onIy nine years oId,
sel saiI for lhe easl lo legin his finaI
schooIing in preparalion for his even-
luaI succession lo lhe lhrone. His
ship never reached ils deslinalion.
Afler a search aIong our coasls, I
presuned lhe ship and ny son lo le
Iosl al sea. I vas vilhoul an heir and
vilhoul hope unliI nov.
Ten days ago, lhe lody of one of
ny knighls vas relurned lo Iorl
SiIan ly a group of slrange, gray-
skinned gnones. He vas a nenler
of a seven-nan squad palroIIing high
in lhe nounlains aIong our veslern
lorder. These nen vere sone of lhe
slrongesl and lravesl in lhe reaIn
presenl conpany excepled, of course.
The olher six nen have leen nissing
in aclion for over a veek fron lheir
palroI, vhich vas lo have laken a
nonlh lo conpIele. The dead knighl,
Sir Hujer, had died of lurns, expo-
sure lo coId, and nany lerrilIe
vounds. Slranger sliII vas vhal he
lore on his person a siIver neck-
Iace learing ny royaI seaI. The king
Iifls a lanished neckIace fron his Iap
and hoIds ils aIofl. This is lhe sane
lo depulize assislanls. encounlered. Lach group nay onIy le nel
neckIace I gave lo ny son, jusl lefore
If lhe characlers lolher lo delecl for once, ignore furlher roIIs of lhe sane
he disappeared so nany years ago. 1o
nagic on lhe neckIace, lhey find none. encounler. These encounlers are nol
say lhe Ieasl, il is exlreneIy odd lhal
A |cgcn |crc or olher divinalory speII delaiIed and shouId le fIeshed oul ly lhe
il shouId le found so high in lhe
onIy leIIs lhe slory reveaIed earIier.
nounlains, vhen ly aII righls il
Under no circunslances can lhe parly
DM lefore lhe slarl of pIay. Hunans and
olher hunanIike leings vear heavy cIolh-
shouId nov le Iying al lhe lollon of
Iearn anylhing aloul lhe dragon IIane ing and furs lo prolecl lhenseIves fron
lhe coId vinler vealher.
lhe sea.
or ils Iair, as IIane is prolecled fron aII
In nol onIy inleresled as lo ny
scrying speIIs and devices. ly a nagicaI
sons possilIe vherealouls, hovever.
ilen (see area I-4) .Too nany peopIe
In aIso graveIy concerned aloul lhis
have handIed lhe princes anuIel for loo
FnnthI!!s and P!aIns, Day (d4)
nev lhreal fron lhe vesl and lhe
shorl a line lo nake any furlher
inpressions cIear.
1. FrnntIcr patrn!. These nen are fron
possiliIily of. . . veII, of vhalever
Iorl WheeIan and are roulineIy palroI-
foreign lhreal sIev ny knighls and
The capilaI Iies 17O niIes fron Iorl Iing lhe pIains and hiIIs aIong lhe fron-
possessed ny sons neckIace. We
SiIan, over Iov grassIands and roIIing
hiIIs (nornaI lerrain, DMG, page 58). The
lier. They slop lhe parly and inquire as
knov so IillIe aloul lhese noun-
lo lhe purpose of lheir journey. If salis-
lains, and alsoIuleIy nolhing aloul I
lraveI line fron lhe capilaI cily lo lhe
vhal Iies leyond lhen. This is vhy I
forl shouId le caIcuIaled fron infornalion
fied, lhey vish lhe parly Iuck and pro-
ceed onvard. If nol, lhey lake lhen lo
have connanded your presence. I
given in lhe DMG, suppIenenled ly
vouId Iike you lo find oul vho or
vhalever naps lhe DM vishes lo creale
lhe nearesl forl (area A or N) for furlher
vhal is lehind lhis allack, vhal
for lhe IocaI lerrain. MiIilary highvays These nen are aII nounled on
happened lo lhe resl of lhe palroI,
exisl and are in good condilion. nediun varhorses. The Iover-IeveI
and, if possilIe, vhal aII of lhis has
fighlers vear chain and shieId (AC 4),
lo do vilh ny Iong-Iosl son.
The Adventure
and lhe olher fighlers vear pIale naiI
and shieId (lase AC 2). They are aII
If lhe parly decides lo heIp, lhe king
The parly shouId le aIIoved lo ride
horses and use olher pack aninaIs
arned vilh Iong svords and crosslovs,
provides lhen vilh lhis addilionaI
are of neulraI-good aIignnenl, and are
lhroughoul lhis advenlure. Wilhoul conpIeleIy IoyaI lo lhe king.
lhen, il vouId lake nuch Ionger lhan A fronlier palroI consisls of forly 1sl-
lhe parly vouId loIerale lo carry provi- IeveI fighlers, lvenly 2nd-IeveI fighlers,
Since lhe gnones vouIdnl reveaI sions, lreasure, elc. eighl 3rd-IeveI fighlers (guards), seven
lhe Iocalion of lheir Iair, or even
vhere lhey, found Sir Hujer, you
nusl legin vhere lhe originaI palroI
legan and foIIov ils palh unliI you
discover vhal happened. The gnones
said lhal Sir Hujer's Iasl vords vere
a varning aloul fire or fIanes. He
vas nol very coherenl al lhe end,
nay he resl vilh lhe gods.
ShouId lhe parly possess lhe neans lo
fIy (ly f|qing carpc|, lrained griffons,
elc.), lhe DM shouId hinl lhal lhe parly
shouId renain cIose lo lhe ground, or
eIse run lhe risk of nissing vilaI cIues
and evidence. The palh laken ly lhe
palroI is nol very nanagealIe ly nor-
naI slandards, lul il is reIaliveIy easy
lo foIIov.
4lh-IeveI fighlers lhree 5lh-IeveI fighl-
ers, lvo 7lh-IeveI cavaIiers (Iieulen-
anls), and a 9lh-IeveI cavaIier (lhe
Ieader). Dislrilule nagic ilens as
desired lo, varriors alove 1sl IeveI.
2. PInnccrs (mnvIng snuth). The
pioneer group consisls of 3O nen, 3O
vonen, nine naIe chiIdren, and seven
fenaIe chiIdren. These peopIe are on
The parlys nap of lhis area is nol lheir vay lo lry and sellIe in lhe fool-
The king lhen gives lhe parly direc-
accurale enough lo pernil safe |c|cpcr- hiIIs lo lhe soulh lefore severe vinler
lions lo Iorl SiIan and descriplions of |a|icn, and scrying shouId le aInosl vealher hils. Six nen and four vonen
lhe six renaining Iosl knighls, as veII inpossilIe. In any case, IIane is pro- are fighlers of various IeveIs (1sl-3lh),
as a delaiIed descriplion of lhe prince, lecled fron scrying nagics ly an anu|c| arned vilh various veapons and
as he Iooked 15 years ago. He aIso pro-
cf prccf agains| c|cc|icn an |cca|icn. nounled on Iighl horses. The olher
vides horses and equipnenl as neces- No runors of dragons are circuIaling in peopIe are zero IeveI. They fighl lo lhe
sary and vilhin reason. The king sends lhe kingdon al presenl. dealh lo prolecl lheir Ioved ones. The
an escorl of nen vilh lhe parly, lul Randon encounlers occur on a roII of chiIdren and suppIies can le found in
onIy unliI lhey reach lhe forl. He can- 1 on a d6, checking lvice each day (al covered vagons lehind lhe nounled
nol send any nen or nagic ilens inlo norning and evening) and once each Ieaders. The zero-IeveI nen and vonen
lhe nounlains vilh lhe parly, lecause
nighl (righl afler dusk), or al lhe discre- are aII arned vilh various lovs and
he nusl galher aII of his renaining
lion of lhe DM. No randon encounlers sIings (usealIe fron vilhin lhe vagons).
forces and forlify lhe oulposl forls, in
occur vhiIe lhe parly lraveIs fron lhe 3. 5Ix gIant cag!cs. These leings do
lhe evenl lhal Sir Hujers dealh is a capilaI lo Iorl SiIan (area A), and none nol lolher lhe parly unIess fired upon.
preIude lo an invasion fron lhe vesl. are found vilhin a five-niIe radius of 4. Grnup nf 12 trn!!s. These lroIIs
The nexl norning, he sends lhe charac- IIanes Mounlain (area I), lul lhe DM allack any group of leings lhey
lers on lheir vay, each learing a signed shouId roII lhe die anyvay lo keep lhe encounler in a direcl charge. nIy fire
docunenl noling lhal lhe learer is on a parly guessing. in Iarge quanlilies can keep lhen avay.
nission for lhe king and shouId nol le
RoII lhe indicaled die if an encounler The lroIIs have vandered up fron a
deIayed. The docunenls do nnt aulho- is indicaled as shovn alove. Then con- svanp lo lhe soulh in search of nore
rize lhe learer lo receive free goods or suIl lhe foIIoving lo see vhal vas hunan prey.
44 Issue No. 1
FnnthI!!s and P!aIns, NIght (d6)
1. Fnrcc nf 20 ngrcs !cad by an ngrc
magc. This force has cone dovn fron
deep vilhin lhe veslern nounlains lo
raid for sIaves and looly. Sone of lhe
ogres have seen a huge fIying leasl in
lhe nounlains (acluaIIy lhe dragon
IIane), lul have no idea of vhal il vas.
2-3. BandIts. This force consisls of
sixly 1sl-IeveI fighlers, six 2nd-IeveI
fighlers (guards), lhree 3rd-IeveI fighl-
ers, lvo 4lh-IeveI fighlers, a 5lh-IeveI
fighler, a 6lh-IeveI fighler, a 7lh-IeveI
fighler (Iieulenanl), an 8lh-IeveI fighler
(Iieulenanl), and a 9lh-IeveI nagic-user
(Ieader). These landils have jusl arrived
in lhis area afler leing chased ly royaI
forces lo lhe soulh. They speciaIize in
allacking heIpIess pioneers and piI-
grins during lhe nidnighl hours, lul
lhe vinler vealher has nade pickings
The 1sl-IeveI landils vear Iealher
arnor and use shieIds (AC 7). AII olher
fighlers vear chain naiI and use
shieIds (AC 4). AII lhe landils are
arned vilh a variely of veapons. The
DM shouId delernine nagic ilens and
lreasure for aII NICs lefore lhe adven-
lure legins.
4-6. A gIant nw!. This leasl is nereIy
Iooking for food.
MnuntaIns, Day (d6)
1. An Icc trn!!. This crealure is hiding
in a snovlank, vailing for prey of any
2. A stnrnpcr. This leasl Iairs jusl
sIighlIy alove lhe pass. Il has ealen
veII lul doesnl nind calching exlra
3-4. Twn mnuntaIn !Inns. These are
hunling for food, lul lhey viII avoid
Iarge and Ioud parlies
5. Ogrc raIdIng party. See encounler
1, under foolhiIIs and pIains encounlers
(nighl) alove. If lhis forces has leen nel
and deaIl vilh, ignore lhis roII.
6. BandIt grnup (campcd). See
encounler 2-3, under foolhiIIs and
pIains encounlers (nighl) alove. If lhis
force has leen nel and deaIl vilh,
ignore lhis roII.
Iords vho Iived cenluries ago.
2. A haunt. This spiril is lhal of a
vonan Iooking for her nissing husland
~vho vas sIain ly IIane sixly years
3. Thrcc wI!!-n-wIsps. These are
nereIy Iooking for hunan prey lo
lornenl and sIay.
4. A band nf 21 ghnu!s and 4
ghasts. This force of undead allacks
any Iiving group vilh a cerlain, crude
degree of sleaIlh. These nonslers never
check noraIe.
5. BandIt grnup (raIdIng). 5cc
encounler 2-3, under foolhiIIs and
pIains encounlers (nighl) alove. If lhis
force has leen nel and deaIl vilh,
ignore lhis roII.
6. A !nnc gray c!f. This ranger/druid
(R9/D11) is Iooking for sheIler fron lhe
eIenenls and sone conpanionship. He
has heard runors of a dragon in lhe
nounlains, lul leIieves il lo le a vhile
dragon. He nighl join lhe parly if eIves,
druids, or rangers are presenl.
MnuntaIns, NIght (d6)
1. Twn wraIths. These are lhe
dooned spirils of lvo hunan landil
The foIIoving encounler key appIies lo
lhe DMs nap on lhe opposile page.
46 Issue No. 1
Encounter Key
A. Fnrt 5I!an
The forls aIong lhe veslern fronlier are
usuaIIy onIy IighlIy nanned, lul are
nov in a slale of conslanl aIerl. Nor-
naIIy onIy a fev palroIs enler lhe fool-
hiIIs, and rareIy is a force senl high inlo
lhe nounlains. Nov palroIs scan lhe
foolhiIIs nuch nore frequenlIy, lul
none have leen senl leyond unliI nore
suppIies arrive. Mounlain palroIIing
has aIvays leen lhe nosl hazardous of
C. Ava!anchc
This is lhe hone of four nevIy arrived
gaIel duhr, lvo on each side of lhe pass.
When lhe najorily of lhe parly cones
vilhin lheir speII-casling range, lhey
firsl lurn lhe rock leIov lhe parly inlo
nud, and lhen slarl an avaIanche vhen
lhe parly has jusl legun lo sink in (four
gaIel duhr: AC -2, MV 6 , HD 1O, hp 45
each, #AT 2, Dng 4-24/4-24, SA speIIs,
aninale louIders, SD, innune lo Iighl-
ning and nornaI fire, MR 2O, AL N).
The characlers and lheir horses nove
dulies, as lhese nounlains are voIcanic
in nalure, and lhe knighls nusl face
naluraI disaslers as veII as nonslers
and landils.
Iorl SiIan (nanned ly 24O soIdiers
and nunerous supporl personneI) vas
lhe slarling poinl for Sir Hujers iII-
faled parly, and il vas vhere lhe
gnones Ialer relurned his lody. The
parly has fuII access lo lhe forls
records, and lhe DM shouId give lhen
al haIf-speed in lhe nud, and lhe DM
nusl delernine if lhey are capalIe of
escaping lefore lhe avaIanche hils. The
rock crealures have an unIiniled sup-
pIy of rocks and louIders vilh vhich lo
allack. The rock crealures lreasure Iies
high in lhe rocks, and consisls of 1O
(lase 2,5OO gp) gens, a jar of ci| cf
snarpncss +2 vilh four appIicalions,
and a sncr| sucr cf quic|ncss +2, a||
frcn prcticus tic|ins.
lhe pIayers nap (shovn on page 45) al
lhis line. The peopIe al lhe forl knov
nolhing nore lhan vhal has leen loId
lo lhe parly aIready, aIlhough lhey
aIvays vouch for lhe lravery and hon-
esly of lhose Iosl, oflen loasling and
D. Lakc DcrIun
Lake Deriun is a leaulifuI nounlain
Iake forned fron lhe neIling snov,
lIue as lhe sky and perfeclIy cIear. A
singing songs of high praise in lheir vide, naluraI palh foIIovs lhe easlern
honor. Runors of lhe nens fale are edge of lhe Iake, hugging lhe fool of lhe
discouraged, lul il is generaIIy leIieved sleep nounlain sIopes. Iarl of lhe Iake
lhal a vizard is lehind lheir Ioss. is frozen over, if vealher condilions are
Under no circunslances shouId lhe severe, lhe enlire Iake is frozen soIid.
parly le aIIoved lo dig up Sir Hujers The Iake is aloul lhree niIes Iong and
lody. He has leen luried vilh greal around haIf as vide. AIlhough lhe Iake
cerenony and dignily, and no one, ly is perfeclIy cIear, lhe parly cannol see
kings order, is lo dislurl his finaI resl lhe lollon. The sIopes of lhe nounlains
in any vay.
The gnones have Iong since Iefl for
lheir hones, and lheir lracks Iead lo
Roaring Ieak Iass (area B) and no
furlher. No knighls viII acconpany lhe
parly any furlher, as lhey nusl renain
al Iorl SiIan as reinforcenenls. The
knighls reconnend slarling lhe jour-
ney al Roaring Ieak Iass.
delernine ils loundaries, and il is very
deep. No source for lhe Iake is seen, nor
an olvious neans of drainage. AcluaIIy,
lhe Iake drains lhrough an under-
ground fissure al ils deepesl parl, inlo
lhe areas nain valer lalIe.
The valer is cooI, refreshing, and
perfeclIy safe. WhiIe lhe parly is vilhin
one niIe of lhe valer, hovever, lhe DM
shouId doulIe lhe chances of randon
B. RnarIng Pcak Pass
This pass, easiIy Iocaled ly lraveIing
soulhvesl fron lhe Roaring Ieak voI-
cano, vas discovered Iong ago, lul
expIoralion vasnl officiaIIy legun unliI
recenlIy. The nissing palroI vas lhe
firsl najor force lo le senl inlo lhis
area, lhough scouls had napped oul lhe
palh lhrough lhe nounlains severaI
years lefore.
encounlers (i.c., 2 in 6), due lo lhe
crealure-draving effecl of lhe valer.
If lhe palh is searched near ils vesl-
ernnosl poinl, a canp sile is found. A
ranger or larlarian is alIe lo delernine
lhal aloul 6-8 hunans and lheir horses
canped here al Ieasl a nonlh ago. This
is, of course vhere lhe nissing palroI
knighls spenl a fev days enjoying lhe
Iake and ils acconpanying scenery.
InnedialeIy norlh of lhe Iake is lhe
innense shape of Mounl Torch (area L),
ils peak capped in snoky orange fire.
AIlhough nol as Iarge as lhe Roaring
Ieak voIcano, il sliII appears quile
dangerous. The air is occasionaIIy fiIIed
vilh Iighl ash, and Iov runlIing noises
are conslanlIy heard.
E. Mnunt Tnrch
Mounl Torch and Roaring Ieak (see
area B) are lhe onIy aclive voIcanos in
lhis area of lhe nounlains. Roaring
Ieak erupls reguIarIy (every lvo or
lhree years), lul IillIe is knovn aloul
Mounl Torch.
If lhe characlers are on any palh
vilhin lvo niIes of Mounl Torch, lhere
is a 1O chance/day lhal lhe nounlain
erupls. This aIvays occurs al nighl.
ShouId an eruplion le indicaled, read
lhe foIIoving lo lhe parly:
You are avakened ly a greal run-
lIing, coning fron deep vilhin lhe
earlh leIov you. Your firsl suspicions
are confirned as you gaze in horror
upon Mounl IIane. Red fires rise
inlo lhe nighl sky, and lhe nounlain
sIopes appear ready lo spIil asunder.
CIinpses of noIlen Iava can le seen
oozing dovn fron lhe snovy sIopes
lovard you. . . .
The parly cannol oulrun lhe Iava ly
foIIoving lhe palhs (unIess lhey are
canping al area I afler defealing lhe
fire gianls lhere), lul nusl cIinl lo
higher ground. The parly acluaIIy has
8 + 1d12 lurns lefore lhe Iava reaches
lhe very lollon of lhe nounlain, and
shouId have enough line lo gel lo a safe
Iocalion. This is nol an expIosive erup-
lion, nor a parlicuIarIy dangerous one,
lul lhe DM shouId cerlainIy lry lo scare
lhe pIayers.
The eruplion Iasls for onIy an hour,
and lhe hardening Iava is cooI enough
lo lraveI on ly lhe nexl evening. The
voIcano does nol erupl nore lhan once
during lhis advenlure.
F. Thc Crnssrnads
A group of fire gianls fron lhe norlh
have nade canp al lhe junclion of four
nounlain palhs. Theyre nev lo lhis
area and are Iooking for a suilalIe pIace
lo luiId a forl, despile lhe coId. The
voIcanic aclivily has allracled lheir
inleresl. AII are naIes and lhe Iargesl
vieIds a gian| sucr + l lhal is 1O
Iong and does 8d4 + 1 hp danage (six
48 Issuc Nn. 1
fire gianls: AC 3, MV 12", HD 11 + 2-5
hp, hp 85,7O,7O,65,64,64, #AT 1, Dng
5-3O, SA hurIing rocks, SD inpervious
lo fire, AL LL). The gianls have lroughl
lheir pels as veII (eighl heII hounds: AC
4, MV 12, HD 6, hp 4O (x3), 35 (x2), 3O
(x3), #AT 1, Dng 1-1O, SA lrealhe fire,
SD delecl invisilIe or hidden oljecls
(5O), surprise on 1-4 on d6 and onIy
surprised on 1 in 6, AL LL).
The circunslances surrounding lhis
encounler depend on vhal line of day
or nighl lhe characlers arrive al lhe
crossroads. ShouId lhe parly arrive jusl
in line lo canp for lhe evening, lhe
gianls are cooking a young roc over a
very Iarge lonfire, lhroving lhe scraps
and lones lo lhe hounds. The hounds
and lhe gianls are nol on lhe Iookoul.
This gives lhe parly an increased
chance of surprising lhen (i.e., +1 lo
lhe die).
If lhe parly arrives during lhe day-
Iighl hours, lhe gianls are eilher Ieav-
ing or relurning fron scouling (4O
chance for each) or resling in lhe canp
(2O chance). If nol resling, lhey are.
arned and ready for innediale lallIe.
If resling, lhe hounds are on guard, lul
lhe gianls require a round lo gel lheir
svords lefore enlering neIee. There is a
4O chance per gianl lhal inslead of
gralling his svord, heII lhrov rocks,
There are 14 Iarge rocks near lhe canp,
aII suilalIe for lhroving.
The gianls possess lhe foIIoving
Cianl #1 a leIl pouch conlaining
3OO pp and a ruly (3,OOO gp lase), lvo
goIden arnlands vorlh 8OO gp each,
and a gian| sucr +1,
Cianl #2 a leIl pouch conlaining
2OO pp and a ruly (2,OOO gp lase), lvo,
goIden arnlands vorlh 6OO gp each,
and a scarao cf prc|cc|icn +1 (six IeveIs
renaining) as a lrooch on a siIver neck-
Iace (vorlh 1OO gp) around his neck,
Cianl #3 a leIl pouch conlaining
2OO pp and a dianond (2,5OO gp lase),
and lvo goIden arnlands vorlh 5OO gp
Cianl #4 a leIl pouch conlaining
1OO pp and an eneraId (1,5OO gp lase),
lvo siIver arnlands vorlh 2OO gp each,
and a scroII of prc|cc|icn frcn ua|cr
c|cncn|a|s in a hoIIoved-oul lone hang-
ing fron his vaisl,
Cianl #5 a leIl pouch conlaining
1OO pp and a dianond (lase 1,OOO gp),
and a pair of siIver arnlands vorlh 2OO
gp each, and,
Cianl #6 a leIl pouch conlaining
1OO pp, and lvo iron arnlands vorlh
5O gp each.
The square canp conlains Iarge lon-
fires in each of ils four corners and one
gianl lonfire in lhe very cenler. Six
rough leds Iie vilhin lhe confines of lhe
fires. Sone lackpacks conlain lhe cured
fIesh of various crealures, kegs of very
slrong aIe, and reguIar cIolhing. If lhe
parly lries lo delernine vhelher lhe
gianls are, responsilIe for lhe disappear-
ance of lhe palroI, il is noled lhal lhe
gianls have olviousIy leen here for onIy
a very shorl vhiIe lvo veeks al lhe
nosl. They vouId never have encoun-
lered lhe knighls al aII.
G. Thc Wn!fwcrc
The pass here is valched ly a voIfvere
and his pack of eighl vinler voIves. The
nosl IikeIy scenario is as foIIovs:
Iron far ahead of you, lhe usuaIIy
sliII nounlain air gives vay lo lhe
sounds of nusic. As you carefuIIy
round lhe nexl lend, a young nan
dressed in lrighlIy coIored furs
dances dovn lhe lraiI lovards you.
Slrunning a snaII IuleIike inslru-
nenl, hes olIivious lo your presence.
The voIfvere, LiscaIes, is a vander-
ing souI, conslanlIy in search of inno-
cenl viclins. He has conlroI over a pack
of vinler voIves and aIvays has lhen
foIIov vilhin vhislIing range (il
requires onIy one round for lhen lo
arrive). If lhe parly olviousIy appears
good in aIignnenl (e.g., dispIays nuner-
ous good hoIy synloIs proninenlIy) or
very poverfuI, he does nol slay lul
dances righl on pasl. He lhen foIIovs
lhe parly and relurns during lhe nighl,
singing vhiIe lhe voIves allack.
If lhe parly appears vuIneralIe lo
deceplion, he nasquerades as a vander-
ing lard and lries lo join lhe parly. He
lires lo sleaI as nany nagicaI ilens
and vreak as nuch havoc as possilIe. If
aIIoved a valch duly during lhe nighl,
heII sing lhe characlers lo sIeep and
sIip in his sIov song lo lool. He lhen
lries lo kiII lhe sIeeping advenlurers
and, if discovered, Iels lhe vinler
voIves do lhe resl.
If lhe lallIe ever legins going ladIy
for LiscaIes, or he is discovered, heII
sIov lhe parly and change inlo voIf
forn, hopefuIIy oulrunning any pursu-
ers, never lo relurn (voIfvere: AC 3,
MV 15", HD 5 + 1, hp 4O, #AT 1 or 2,
Dng 2-12 and ly veapon lype, SA sing-
ing ,lrings on Ielhargy, SD coId-iron or
+ 1 (or leller) veapon required lo hil,
MR 1O, AL CL). His foIIover viII
lake afler hin if he Ieaves (eighl vinler
voIves: AC 5, MV 18", HD 6, hp 4O
each, #AT 1, Dng 2-8, SA frosly lrealh,
LiscaIes possesses a |cng sucr +2,
vhich. hangs fron his leIl, and a pc|icn
cf firc rcsis|ancc. He carries 1OO pp and
a lase 4,9OO gp gen in a snaII pouch.
He is acluaIIy a very fine nusician and
his Iule is nade of lhe-finesl voods,
inIaid vilh siIver (up lo 5OO gp vaIue lo
a coIIeclor or lard).
If caplured, LiscaIes can onIy le, nade
lo laIk if lhrealened vilh dealh. He
recaIIs seeing lhe Iosl palroI, lul did nol
foIIov lhen oul of a sense of respecl for
lhe niIilary or so he says. In acluaI-
ily, he sav a Iarge fIying shape in lhe
dislance lo lhe easl, in lhe direclion in
vhich lhe palroI vas heading. He pru-
denlIy Iel lhe palroI Ieave. This infor-
nalion can onIy le gained ly ISI.
H. Thc Rncky Pass
The parly cones lo an inlerseclion vilh
anolher snaII, rocky, snov-covered pass
lhrough lhe cIiffs, vinding sleepIy up
lhe face of a nounlain lo lhe norlh
IIanes Mounlain. The nain nounlain
palh conlinues lo lhe easl, lypassing
lhe nounlain. The narrover palh Ieads
direclIy lo area I. If lhe characlers
search here for one lurn, lhey find a
dead horse (vilh a lroken Ieg) in lhe
snov. The horses packs conlain food,
looIs, and a carefuIIy dravn nap shov-
ing lhe palroIs roule. The vriling is
sneared and lIurred ly lhe neIling
snov, lul il is definileIy siniIar lo lhe
nap lhe parly received al Iorl SiIan.
The horse vas kiIIed vhen lhe slorn hil
lhe knighls, severaI veeks ago. The
knighls, having Iosl lheir nap, sulse-
quenlIy look a vrong lurn and found
lhenseIves al lhe Lake Haven (area I).
I. Thc Lakc Havcn
This area is depicled on lhe nap on
page 51, nunlered area references are
shovn on lhe nap ilseIf.
IIanes hone is in a craler al lhe lop
of a Iong-dornanl voIcano (caIIed
IIanes Mounlain ly lhe dragon, of
course). The craler conlains a Iake fiIIed
vilh nagna-healed valer rising fron
oId Iava venls (see area 6). This hol
springs keeps lhe air vilhin lhe craler a
hunid lul conforlalIe 75 I, vhiIe lhe
snov-lound sIopes surrounding lhe
nounlain peak usuaIIy renain veII
leIov lhe freezing poinl. There is no
chance vhalsoever lhal IIanes Moun-
lain viII erupl.
ne hundred forly years ago, lefore
IIanes arrivaI here, a young vizard
naned Ulhion luiIl a lover in lhe cen-
ler of lhis craler, using lhe Iake as a
noal. He Iived happiIy and lolhered no
one excepl lhose eviI enough lo varranl
his allenlion. Mosl of his experinenls
deaIl vilh crealing Iarger versions of
olhervise nornaI crealures (see area 3).
Tvenly years Ialer, vhiIe IIane vas
oul searching for food, lhe dragon found
lhe secrel Iake and decided lo Iair lhere.
IIane valched, vailed, and ~ afler
Iearning enough aloul Ulhion ~
allacked. IIane Ianded in lhe Iake
leside lhe lover and used lhe considera-
lIe nighl dragons possess lo push lhe
slruclure over inlo lhe easlern craler
vaII. UnforlunaleIy for Ulhion, IIanes
pIan succeeded and lhe vizard vas
kiIIed ly faIIing delris, leIieving lo lhe
end lhal lhe voIcano had erupled.
IIane decided lhal il vas nov line lo
nake lhis craler inlo a nev hone.
ShorlIy, IIane found an oId Iava venl
on lhe veslern sIope of lhe nounlain
and foIIoved il dovn inlo a Iarge sel of
ancienl nagna chanlers. Wilh sone
efforl, IIane lurned lhis inlo a nev Iair.
Laler, a fev unforlunale gnones vere
used lo expand anolher venl on lhe
inner side of lhe craler inlo a hunan-
sized lunneI, and lo luiId lhe porlcuIIis/
pil lrap found lhere (see area 4a). The
gianl crealures in lhe valer serve as an
alundanl source of food, and IIane is
quile salisfied vilh lhis nev hone,
preferring lo renain here unliI Tianal
c|cc|icn an |cca|icn vhich prevenls
aII scrying, elc.
1. Bctwccn thc C!Iffs. Read lhe foIIov-
ing passage:
Iassing lelveen lhe cIiffs, lhe sling-
ing coId gives vay lo pIeasanl,
hunid varnlh. Before you Iies a
Iarge Iake, nisl rising fron ils
unlroken surface. Around lhe edges
lo lhe vesl of you, a lIack leach of
voIcanic sand Ieads lo a palh rising
high inlo lhe cIiffs. Sonelhing
calches your eye lo lhe norlh and you
slrain lo see lhrough lhe fog. As lhe
nisls parl aIong lhe valer, a dislurl-
ing sighl is reveaIed. A soIilary
lover is Iying, off ils lase, againsl
lhe easl vaII of lhe craler ~ ils once
snoolh slone vaIIs cracked and
crunlIing in a Iake lhal nusl have
once served as ils noal. The renains
of a dravlridge Iead fron lhe leach
lo lhe ruins.
If one of lhe characlers shouId ascend
lo gel a leller viev of lhe craler, he
shouId le loId of lhe hol springs lo lhe
norlheasl (area 6) and lhe cave in lhe
cIiffs lo lhe norlhvesl (area 4). There is
a 2O chance of spolling novenenl in
lhe Iake (area 3), and lhere is aIso a
65 chance lhal IIane spols soneone
and legins selling lhe lrap (area 4).
If anyone lolhers lo check for lracks,
he finds enough lo indicale lhal aloul
6-8 hunans (or hunanoids) and as
nany horses vere here sone veeks ago.
These are lhe lracks of lhe nissing
palroI knighls. The lracks alruplIy
scaller in aII direclions near area 2 and
shov signs of fIighl and slruggIe, lul
lhe prinls are uncIear and have leen
danaged ly an unknovn agency. BIood
slains cover lhe area, lul no lones or
olher renains are Iefl. (IIane vas very
lhorough in cIeaning up afler lhe
3. Cratcr Lakc. This is a leaulifuI
healed Iake forned vhen hol valer
forced ils vay up lhrough lhe oId Iava
venls and fiIIed lhe craler. Ulhion found
lhis Iake nany years ago and chose lo
sellIe in lhis spol for ils secIusion and
luiIl-in proleclions. He fiIIed lhe Iake
vilh crocodiIes and fish lo provide pro-
leclion for hinseIf, and he perforned a
nunler of experinenls on lhen. Char-
aclers vho lake lhe line lo invesligale
ils deplhs find nany enIarged, reduced,
and nulaled fish, aII harnIess. Hov-
ever, lhere are, aIso a Iarge nunler of
reguIar and gianl crocodiIes vhich are
nol harnIess in lhe Ieasl. These incIude
2O nornaI crocodiIes (AC 5, MV 6"//12",
HD 3, hp 15 each, #AT 2, Dng 2-8/1-12,
IIane originaIIy cane fron far lo lhe
vesl of lhese nounlains, and oflen
relurns lhere vhen in lhe nood for
piIIaging. UnliI recenlIy, lhere vasnl
enough food (i.c., peopIe) lo lhe easl lo
le vorlh raiding. Nov nov lhal nen
have arrived on lhe fronlier, IIane
pIans lo lecone a najor lhreal lo lhe
enlire easlern kingdon.
If any characlers fIy in lhe vicinily of
area 4a, lhere is a 65 chance per lurn
lhal IIane sees lhen and Iearns of lhe
parlys presence. Nole, loo, lhal IIane
has a rc cf a|cr|ncss lo leII of any
lhieves in lhe vicinily (see area 4) and
possesses an anu|c| cf prccf agains|
2. Fa!!cn DrawbrIdgc. The dravlridge
is reIaliveIy slurdy, lhough il is parli-
aIIy covered vilh sIine and a lil sIip
pery. ne characler nay lraveI lo lhe
lover every lhree rounds, lul nusl roII
his dexlerily or Iess on a d2O lo avoid
faIIing inlo lhe valer (5 leIov). If nore
lhan one characler lries lo cross al lhe
sane line, lhe DM shouId varn lhen
lhal lhe lridge appears lo le giving
vay and legins lo vollIe. If lhe olher
characlers donl vilhdrav, lhe drav-
lridge coIIapses inlo lhe Iake on lhe
foIIoving round.
Any characler vho faIIs inlo lhe
valers dravs lhe allenlion of lhe croco-
diIes, vhich allack innedialeIy (see
area 3). lhervise, lhere is onIy a 5
chance per characler crossing lhal lhe
crocodiIes nolice lhen.
Characlers nay, if alIe, fIy across
vilhoul vorrying aloul lhe crocodiIes,
lul IIane nay see lhen inslead (see
area 4). Renenler lo inforn lhe charac-
ler doing so aloul lhe olher visilIe
fealures of lhe craler.
Characlers vho use lhe dravlridge
arrive on lhe ouler surface of lover
IeveI 3 (adjacenl lo area 5j).
AL N) and six gianl crocodiIes (AC 4,
MV 6//12, HD 7, hp 35 each, #AT 2,
Dng 3-18/2-2O, AL N).
If anylody enlers lhe valer, he is
allacked ly 2-5 assorled crocodiIes per
round, vilh a 2O chance lhal one is of
lhe gianl variely. Nole lhe prolIens
vilh undervaler conlal and speII use
(see DMG, pages 55-7, and Uncar|nc
Arcana, pages 81-2).
The deplh of lhe Iake varies fron 3O
near lhe lover lo 9O al ils grealesl
deplh. The deplh near lhe dravlridge is
a snoolh gradalion fron 5-3O , fron lhe
soulhern shore lo lhe lover. Al lhe
lollon of lhe Iake, jusl lo lhe vesl of
lhe lovers lase, lvo Iarge ovaI depres-
sions can le seen (if one is undervaler).
These vere nade a 12O years ago ly
IIanes rear feel vhen IIane pushed
Ulhions lover inlo lhe easlern vaII.
AIso, al lhe deepesl parl of lhe Iake
(near lhe norlhvesl corner), lhere is a
snaII piIe of lreasure lhal has faIIen
fron IIanes cave alove (see area 4).
The lreasure incIudes a ring cf uarn|n,
50 Issue No. 1
This enlrance vas shaped ly caplured
deep gnones nany years ago. A dvarf
has a nornaI chance of delecling lhal
lhe corridor sIopes dovnvard sIighlIy,
and a dvarf or gnone can innedialeIy
leII lhe shafl is siniIar lo gnonish
vork. The corridor conlains one conli-
nalion porlcuIIis/pil lrap vhich is acli-
valed ly a Iever found in lhe nain cave
(area 4l). The pil is 2O deep, lul liIled
lo lhe easl so characlers onIy lake 1-6
hp faIIing danage. The porlcuIIis has a
luiIl-in janning nechanisn lhal acli-
vales vhen il has fuIIy faIIen. This
neans lhal a |if| ga|cs percenlage
againsl lhis porlcuIIis is al -15 lo lhe
roII. A lhief nay use his c|ino ua||s
skiII vilh his fin/rcnctc |raps skiIIs lo
renove lhe Iocking nechanisn. The
a snaII ivory slalue of a unicorn(1OO A rc cf a|cr|ncss (21 charges),
gp), six gens (1OO gp, 134 gp, 2OO gp, pIanled secureIy under a Iedge inside
5OO gp, 5OO gp, and 2,OOO gp), 67 pp, 156 lhe cave, and,
gp, 4O3 sp, and 4,476 cp. An icun s|cnc (iridescenl: suslains,
4. F!amc's LaIr. This area is lhe acluaI
vilhoul air), nade intisio|c and vhirI-
ing around ils head.
Iair of IIane, a huge, ancienl speII- IIane has Iearned hov lo use aII of
using red dragon. IIane is very inleIIi- lhese ilens lhrough nany years of
genl and has had-nuch experience vilh
nagic. An encounler vilh lhis nonsler
nagicaI research. Many of lhese speIIs
vonl le lhe usuaI hack-and-sIash lallIe
and ilens fornerIy- leIonged lo Ulhion
(see area 5).
(AC -1, MV 9 /24, HD 11, hp 88, #AT 3, IIane's Iair is furlher delaiIed leIov.
Dng 1-8/1-8/3-3O, SA fcar aura, lrealh
veapon, nagic use, SD nagic use, sav-
Refer lo lhe naps on pages 53 and 54.
ing lhrov lonuses, c|cc| intisio|c an 4a. lcs|crn |air |n|rancc. Assuning
nicn cppcncn|s vilhin 8O, AL CL, lhal lhe scenario leIov is in effecl, read
speIIs (al 11lh IeveI of nagic-user aliI- lhe foIIoving descriplion lo lhe pIayers
ily) ~ nagic nissi|c (x2), |SP, nas|c, vhen lhe characlers reach lhe lop of lhe
intisioi|i|q, na||ucina|crq |crrain, pc|q- palh and Iook inlo lhe cave.
ncrpn c|ncr, s|cu).
IIane possesses lhe foIIoving nagicaI
A ncc||acc cf frcs| rcsis|ancc (as per a
The cave you sav fron leIov is olvi-
cuoc cf frcs| rcsis|ancc) vorn as a ring
ousIy nolhing of lhe sorl. The snoolh
on a Iefl forecIav,
vaIIs and squared corners indicale
lhe vork of skiIIed craflsnen. A
A orcacn cf snic|ing (54 charges)
vorn as a ring on a righl forecIav,
shiny, lIack slone corridor Ieads deep
An anu|c| cf prccf agains| c|cc|icn
inlo lhe nounlain. Il exlends, per-
an |cca|icn around ils neck on a pIali-
feclIy slraighl, as far as lhe eye can
nun chain (vaIue 2,5OO gp),
52 Issue No. 1
pIayer characlers allenpling lo pass ly
lhe porlcuIIis shouId decIare vhelher
lhey are allenpling lo lend lars (al
nornaI chances for success) or Iifl lhe
gale, since lhere is a definile difference.
Lvery aclion nade nov is IikeIy lo le
very inporlanl. . . .
Il is unIikeIy lhal lhe parly Iearns of
IIanes presence lefore IIane Iearns of
lheirs, due lo lhe nunerous advanlages
(nagicaI and olhervise) lhal he has
over lhen. IIane is 2O IikeIy lo le
asIeep vhen lhe parly arrives, lul
avakens al lhe sound of any noise in
area 4a (or any exlreneIy Ioud shouls,
expIosions, horns lIoving, elc.). If nol
asIeep, IIane is 65 IikeIy lo le Iook-
ing oul fron area 4l, vishing for a
snack, and 15 IikeIy lo le eIsevhere
in lhe Iair or in lhe innediale vicinily
of lhe Iake. The DM nay, of course,
delernine IIanes Iocalion leforehand
vilhoul die-roIIing. If IIane can acl
lefore lhe characlers enler lhe cave, lhe
foIIoving scenario is suggesled:
1. IIane firsl casls lhe na||ucina|crq
|crrain speII in order lo nake il appear
as lhough lhe corridor (area 4a) con-
linues on pasl ils nornaI lounds. This
shouId aIIov any Iighl source used ly
lhe parly lo reveaI nolhing lul corridor,
corridor, and nore corridor. IIane
nighl aIso casl |SP al lhis poinl.
2. When a fev parly nenlers have
passed ly lhe porlcuIIis lrap, IIane
puIIs lhe lrap aclivalion Iever (area 4l).
The porlcuIIis lhen faIIs, and lhe fronl
characlers nusl decIare vhelher lhey
are junping ahead or lehind lhe porl-
cuIIis. They nusl aIso roII lheir dexler-
ily or Iess on a d2O or le spiked ly lhe
sharpened gale for 2-16 hp danage,
leconing pinned lenealh lhe porlcuIIis.
A pinned characler nay free hinseIf
vilh a nornaI |if| ga|cs roII since lhe
Iocking nechanisn can onIy aclivale if
lhe gale reaches aII lhe vay lo lhe
Al lhe sane line lhal lhe porlcuIIis
faIIs, a pil opens up undernealh lhose
nenlers in lhe niddIe and rear (DMs
discrelion) of lhe parly. Characlers over
lhe pil area faII dovn lhe shafl and lake
1-6 danage. Characlers near lhe rear of
lhe parly nighl le aIIoved lo junp
lackvards (requiring a roII of dexlerily
or Iess on a d2O) vhen lhey hear lhe
porlcuIIis faIIing, lherely avoiding lhe
pil lrap ly sheer inslincl.
3. The nexl round, vhiIe lhe parly
nenlers are recovering and pondering
lheir respeclive predicanenls, IIane
sends a lIasl of fire (lrealh veapon)
dovn lhe corridor (dispeIIing lhe na||u-
cina|crq |crrain speII). AII parly nen-
lers are affecled, since lhe corridor and
pil vere specificaIIy designed for such a
naneuver. (DMs oplion: Those in lhe
pil lake onIy haIf danage fron lhe
lIasl, saving for one-quarler danage).
4. Whal happens nexl depends on lhe
silualion afler lhe firsl lvo rounds, and
lhe reIalive slrenglhs and nolivalions
of lhe parly nenlers. ShouId lhe char-
aclers in fronl of lhe porlcuIIis (nosl
IikeIy lhe fighler-lypes) lallIe lhe
dragon innedialeIy and risk dealh, or
shouId lhey aid lheir feIIov parly nen-
lers and risk anolher lrealh veapon
allack in lhe foIIoving round` Whal can
Ieasl one round of novenenl), or,
c. lo use a fIy speII or olher nagicaI
MeanvhiIe, IIane acls. If lhe charac-
lers in fronl renain logelher and sliII
is IIanes nosl poverfuI allack, and
IIanes Iife is lhe dragons nosl prized
possession. If IIanes Iife is severeIy
lhrealened, anolher escape allenpl is
nade ly fIying over, pasl, or lhrough
lhe characlers in lhe pil do lul escape` appear lo pose a najor lhreal (e.g., lhe characlers and inlo lhe sIeeping
Whal can lhe parly nenlers in lhe IIane sees lhree arnored knighls vilh cave (area 4c). The dragon lhen lIocks
rear do`
Assuning lhal lhere is al Ieasl one
gIoving veapons), IIane uses a lrealh lhe enlrance, casls intisioi|i|q on ils
veapon again. If lhe characlers have lody, and escapes oul lhe lack door
cavaIier in lhe parly, lhe fighlers nighl spIil up or appear veakened, IIane (area 4e). IIane has no prolIen forcing
allack IIane. This is iniliaIIy very good casls nas|c on ilseIf and allacks physi- a vay lhrough lhe characlers unIess
for lhe parly, lecause IIane relreals lo laIIy. AIso nole lhe possilIe uses of lhey are capalIe of hoIding lack nany
lhe rear of lhe nain cave (area 4l), IIanes olher offensive speIIs: sIov, lons of fIying nonsler fIesh. Hovever,
gralling lhe rc cf a|cr|ncss vilh a nagic niss|c, and pc|qncrpn c|ncr. each characler is aIIoved one free
forecIav and hoIding il lhere during lhe If IIane defeals lhe firsl group, and allack al + 2 lo hil (if vilhin neIee
lallIe. This neans lhal lhe characlers lhe resl of lhe parly allacks and range) or one speII allack of Iess lhan
in lhe pil and leyond are unaffecled ly appears poverfuI (e.g., Iols of nagic is lhree segnenls casling line as lhe
any furlher neIee for nov. used, incredilIe slrenglh is dispIayed in dragon fIees.
Bul lhe fighlers, on lhe olher hand, raising lhe gale, elc.), lhe dragon viII ShouId lhe fighlers renain lo aid
nusl defeal IIane aIone, and lhis is relreal lo lhe sIeeping cave (area 4c), lheir parly nenlers, and lhe parly is
very difficuIl. Their firsl prolIen is hov lIock up lhe-enlrance vilh a Iarge rock olviousIy very poverfuI, IIane uses a
lo gel vilhin allack range. The onIy and lhe veighl of lhe dragons ovn lrealh veapon again. IIanes inlenlion
vays of reaching lhe rear of lhe cave lody, and recuperale lhere. No anounl is lo spIil lhe parly up and deaI vilh
are: of physicaI force exerled fron lhe olher each group individuaIIy.
a. lo junp or faII 3O dovn lo lhe side couId possilIy cIear lhis enlrance. If lhe characlers happen lo give up,
chanler fIoor and run lo lhe dragon IIane renains on guard, hovever, lhey are inslrucled lo drop aII lheir
(nole faIIing danage and al Ieasl one againsl any nagic-users vho lreech leIongings over lhe edge, incIuding aII
round of novenenl), lhis larrier (renenler |SP). cIolhing. The dragon lhen casls nas|c on
l. lo run aIong one of lhe lvo Iedges IIane is very inleIIigenl and ilseIf and eals lhen anyvay. IIane
aIong lhe norlh and soulh vaIIs (al exlreneIy cunning. The lrealh veapon vonl lrealh on lhen again unIess
necessary (Il spoiIs lhe lasle). If lhese
characlers are sonehov alIe lo defeal
IIane lare-handed afler lheir ilens are
renoved, lhey viII have acconpIished
quile a feal.
If lhe characlers vin, lhe lreasure is
lheirs~vilh a fev hilches, of course. Il
possilIe lhal IIanes lody lIocks lhe
enlrance lo lhe resl of lhe Iair, requir-
ing nany hours lo renove. Lven afler
renoving lhe lody, lhe anounl of lrea-
sure is lrenendous and requires nany
veeks lo calaIog, idenlify, and hauI
4o. Main Cnanocr. This ralher Iarge
chanler vas forned vhen lhe voIcano
cooIed. The charcoaI-lIack vaIIs are
rough in pIaces and gIassIike in olhers.
A reIaliveIy Iarge hoIe Iies lo lhe soulh
and Ieads lo IIanes sIeeping chanler
fIoor of lhis chanler. Indeed, characlers
are unalIe lo see lhe Iever al aII unliI
lhey advance furlher inlo lhe roon.
4c. S|ccping Cnanocr Read lhe
(area 4c). A Iedge runs around lhe
chanler al lhe sane IeveI as lhe snaII
easlern enlrance (area 4a). The fIoor of
lhe chanler is 3O leIov lhe easl
enlrance and lhe Iedges. A Iever lhal
operales lhe porlcuIIis/pil lrap in area
4a is pIaced aloul 1O leIov lhe easl-
ernnosl Iedge, oul of reach of nornaI
characlers eilher on lhe Iedge or on lhe
You enler lhe chanler lo see vhal
vas olviousIy lhe sIeeping chanler
for lhe greal dragon. Tons of assorled
cIolhes, furs, and cIolh Iie heaped on
lhe ground, fuIIy 2O' lhick al ils
deepesl poinl. You canl heIp lul
lhink aloul aII lhe leings lhal have
leen sIain jusl lo nake lhis leasls
54 Issue No. 1
led. A Iarge headloard, lhal appears
lo le nade fron lhe ouler vaII of a
house, has lhe vord IIane crudeIy
lurned inlo il. An incredilIy Iarge
rock Iies nexl lo lhe norlh enlrance,
and lhe gIinl of goId cones fron lhe
opening lo lhe vesl.
This is IIanes nain sIeeping chan-
ler. Mosl of lhe cIolhes and furs are
pernanenlIy soiIed and useIess, lul
sone are sliII vaIualIe (lo a lolaI of
2,OOO gp vorlh). Deep vilhin lhe
nound, in lhe soulheasl corner, a rcoc
cf o|cning is luried. Nole lhal a c|cc|
nagic speII does nol innedialeIy reveaI
ils presence, lul lhe roles undanaged
and unsoiIed condilion nay give lhe
parly a cIue as lo ils lrue nalure.
4. Trcasurc Cnanocr. Read lhe
Al Iasl, you see lhe lreasure of lrea-
sures, lhe dragons hoard. The ran-
son of a king paIes in conparison.
The incredilIe nighl and ancienl age
of lhe dragon lecones apparenl as
you lry lo drink in lhe hundreds of
conlrasling period pieces. An inpe-
riaI coach resls alop a nassive piIe of
coins, ils slrong lox precariousIy
laIanced on lhe roof. Lven fron lhis
dislance, you can see a piIe of jeveIry
vilhin. Nov your eye calches a
siIver-lipped lean of vood julling
avay fron you. You foIIov il lack lo
ils source and see lhe enlire huII of a
nerchanls ship on one side of lhe
cave. Scarred and lallered, il Iies
liIled lovard you vilh ils nasls
lroken off. ul of lhe ruplured huII
spiII lhe jeveIs of a lhousand royaI
houses. Hundreds of siniIarIy inler-
esling arlifacls dueI for your allen-
lion. Ior a fev nonenls, lhe sheer
innensily of veaIlh hoIds you in a
Besides lhe ilens on lhe dragons lody
(nole lhal lhe icun s|cnc is intisio|c),
IIanes lreasure is consideralIe and
conlains advenlures in ilseIf. A generaI
overviev of lhe lreasure foIIovs, vhich
shouId le deveIoped in nore delaiI ly lhe
DM. The hoard is Iarge, lul lhe risks in
gelling il are aIso greal ~ and lhe
chances lhal aII of lhe lreasure can le
recovered are Iov. NTL: nIy give
experience poinls for lreasure, lhal lhe
ICs ac|ua||q nau| auaq.
A nau| cf |nc |i|ans can le found under- vho leal hin.
nealh a piIe of ruined dvarven posses-
The royaI carriage is nade of oak,
sions and fire gianl lones. A c|ca| cf firc inIaid vilh goId, siIver, jade, and
rcsis|ancc (as per lhe ring) is lenealh an nolher-of-pearI. n lop of lhe carriage
ctcrourning orazicr. The cIoak is lrighl is a Iarge chesl conlaining a dianond-
red and fIoor-Ienglh, enlroidered in siI- sludded liara, vaIued al 23,OOO gp, and
ver, vilh a hardened hood in lhe shape 122 (lase 1OO gp) gens. Inside lhe coach
and coIor of a siIver heInel vilh eye sIils. is a nalching scepler of soIid eIeclrun,
A ring cf suinning lhal IIane oflen vilh a 1O,OOO gp dianond al lhe head
used vhen fishing sils alop a g|ass|cc| (lolaI vaIue 22,5OO gp). The carriage
aquariun (vorlh 1,2OO gp) fiIIed vilh ilseIf is vorlh 25,OOO gp.
9,3OO sp, 16 siIver lhroving daggers The ship is caIIed lhe Sccrpicn. Il is a
(vorlh 5O gp each), and eighl ninialure sIighlIy crushed, nediun nerchanl
figures of goIdfish nade fron soIid goId ship, once used ly pirales lo lhe easl. Il
(2OO gp each). requires 7,OOO gp of repairs, lul can le
A pc| cf gc| sils alop a piIe of IillIe soId for 3O,OOO gp vhen fuIIy opera-
lones (an ex-Ieprechaun). This siIver pol lionaI. Iouring oul fron lhe ruplured
vilh a shanrock pallern of seni- huII and nerging vilh lhe dragons
precious eneraIds does nol radiale Iarger hoard are 127,OOO sp, 16,772 ep,
nagic, lul if 1OO gp is pIaced vilhin, and 1,221 pp, vilh 17 crales of siIks
lhe pol gIovs and a rainlov springs (veighing 3O Ils. each) vorlh 25O gp
forlh. The rainlov is 2O IikeIy lo apiece, and four crales of spices vorlh
allracl 1-4 olher Ieprechauns. The dis- 55O gp each (veighing 22 Ils. apiece).
posilion of lhe Ieprechauns depends Inside lhe ship can le found nany
enlireIy on lhe aIignnenl of lhe user. arlifacls of pirale Iife, incIuding a lrea-
They aIvays lake lhe 1OO gp as pay- sure nap shoving lhe Iocalion of a
nenl for lheir lroulIe, hovever. The pol greal lreasure (acluaIIy faIse, lul il
can onIy le used once per day (vaIue: niI nakes for a nice viId goose chase). The
xp, 2,OOO gp).
In a separale piIe of lones, arnor, and
caplains papers reveaI inporlanl dala
aloul lhe pirales raids. The caplain
veapons is a snaII lraveI Iog. Iurlher hinseIf vas a source of inlrigue lhe
invesligalion reveaIs lhal lhe renains infanous }aIussa lhe MerciIess, vho
are lhose of lhe six nissing palroI disappeared over a decade ago. If lhe
knighls, aIong vilh lheir riding saddIes, parly invesligales lhis lopic in a nearly
lack, and saddIelags. The Iog nenlions
aII of lhe geographicaI fealures aIong
porl, il discovers lhal lhere is sliII a
revard oul for his caplure or infornaI
lhe parlys roule, ninor nonslers lion on his vherealouls, dead or aIive.
encounlered and sIain, lhe accounl of a The revard, incIuding 1O years lack
sudden vinler slorn, and lhe sulse- inleresl, nov slands al 1O,OOO gp.
quenl finding of lhe Iake. The Iasl enlry ShouId lhe papers of lhis ship le
descriles lhe area in delaiI, and lhen exanined cIoseIy, lhe parly finds
Ieaves off vilh lhe knighls heading for records of nunerous lransaclions vilh
lhe dravlridge and lover. The scrillIed sIavers and a Iog delaiIing }aIussas
vord DRAC ends lhe accounl. expIoils. A furlher search of lhe ship
Three suils of p|a|c nai| +1, a +4 ag- reveaIs 2,OOO gp vorlh of royaI cIolhing
gcr, a oa|||c axc +2, and a |argc snic| sized for a young loy in a foolIocker,
+1, +4 ts. nissi|cs Iie anong lhe lones and cerlain olher docunenls prove
of lhe Iosl knighls. concIusiveIy lhal }aIussa vas lehind
A cursed |uc-nanc sucr -2 Iies ly lhe young princes disappearance. ne
lhe renains of a ranger vho lhoughl he
vas vieIding a veapon of greal pover.
liII of saIe is olviousIy for lhe young
prince and reveaIs lhe luyer and Ioca-
The svord funclions as a +2 veapon in lion of lhe lransaclion (1O years ago,
lhe hands of any repliIian leing. The
rangers leIl has a secrel conparlnenl Beside lhe ship are 12 chunks of ada-
inside in vhich a pIalinun-vire garrol nanlile sloIen fron a dvarven nine lo
(5O gp) is hidden.
A Iarge pIalinun chess sel (vaIued al
lhe far soulhvesl. They each veigh 3OO
gp on lhe average, and are pure enough
12,OOO gp) sils alop a lalIe, olviousIy in lhal a highIy skiIIed lIacksnilh or
nid-pIay. The pieces are shaped in lhe arnorer can fashion lhen inlo ilens
forns of various crealures of good and capalIe of hoIding a + 5 enchanlnenl.
eviI. IIane oflen pIayed chess againsl The adananlile is vorlh up lo 7,OOO per
hinseIf or caplives, lul he ale lhose chunk lo lhe righl luyer.
IIane vas alIe lo Iearn a nunler of
speIIs, unIike olher dragons, lhough
sliII reslricled lo a lolaI of eighl speIIs
per day (lvo each of firsl lhrough fourlh
IeveIs). IIane crealed and kepl reguIar
speII looks conlaining lhe foIIoving
nagic-user speIIs: nagic nissi|c, |ign|,
|SP, intisioi|i|q, auio|c g|ancr, nas|c,
s|cu, pnan|asna| fcrcc, na||ucina|crq
|crrain, pc|qncrpn c|ncr, icn|ifq, prc-
scrtc, ispc| nagic, uri|c, rca nagic,
and pc|qncrpn sc|f. These four looks
(one per speII IeveI) are vrapped in a
nannolhs hide (vorlh 3,4OO gp) and
lucked safeIy in a niche 12 off lhe cave
fIoor. Lach look is nade fron carved
vood pIales (designed ly a voodcarver
lhal IIane Ialer ale) and veighs aloul
1O Ils. per speII-pIale. The vaIue of lhis
vork lo a sage or nagic-user varies
fron 5,OOO-3O,OOOgp.
AIso presenl are 15 assorled polions,
eighl scroIIs (six cIericaI/druidic, lvo
nagic-user/iIIusionisl), 6O gens (of al
Ieasl 1,OOO gp lase vaIue), and 2O pieces
of jeveIry (delernine aII vaIues and
idenlilies randonIy), Lying in a nas-
sive heap, nixed logelher vilh dragon
scaIes and leelh, are 122,976 cp,
141,727 sp, 41,117 ep, 59,54O gp, and
3,363 pp. Hunan, dvarven, eIven, orc-
ish, ogre, golIin, and aninaI lones
Iiller lhe enlire roon, indicaling lhal
IIane vas responsilIe for lhe dealhs of
over a lhousand senlienl leings in lhe
Iasl fev hundred years aIone, nearIy aII
fron lhe areas vesl and norlh of lhe
nounlains. The dragons ravaging of
IocaI viIdIife can onIy le inagined in a
druids vorsl nighlnare.
In addilion, hundreds of vaIualIe
nundane ilens, such as nornaI veap-
ons, heInels, shieIds, rock cryslaIs (1-4
gp each), unusuaI skeIelons and skuIIs,
assorled papers, speII conponenls, rid-
ing equipnenl, loxes and crales, lody
parls of assorled nonslers, cIolhing and
foolvear, rare voods, reIigious ilens,
and nisceIIaneous advenluring equip-
nenl, aIso Iiller lhe cavern roon. The
lolaI vaIue of such naleriaI is suggesled
lo le aloul 1O,OOO gp, lul calaIoging
and hauIing such naleriaI avay couId
prove lo le loo enornous a lask for any
The DM nay add or deIele fron lhis
hoard as he or she sees fil, in accord
vilh lhe canpaign slruclure and lhe
difficuIly of lhe quesl. Renenler lhal
every ilen, vaIualIe or nol, has a pasl.
IeeI free lo Iel your crealivily Ioose and
give lhe pIayers a sense of over 4OO
years of canpaign hislory.
The onIy enlrances lo lhis chanler
are lo lhe easl (unlIocked) and lo lhe
vesl (lIocked ly nassive louIders). To
lhe easl Iies lhe sIeeping chanler (area
4c), and lehind lhe louIder is IIanes
personaI enlrance and exil, a Iarge
voIcanic shafl (area 4e).
4c. Vc|canic Vcn|. This is lhe enlrance
lo IIanes Iair lhal IIane oflen uses. Il
is aInosl perfeclIy snoolh, lhe Ienglh is
aloul 2OO and ils dianeler varies fron
6O lo 8O . The Iover enlrance is
aIvays lIocked fron lhe inside (area 4d)
ly lvo giganlic louIders. Three peopIe
nusl sinuIlaneousIy roII lheir ocn
oars/|if| ga|cs scores in order lo nove
onIy one of lhese louIders enough lo
pass ly il (onIy lhree such allenpls
nay le nade per hour).
The upper hoIe is covered fron alove
ly an oId rocs nesl lhal IIane acquired
5O years ago. The hoIe is deleclalIe as a
secrel door fron alove.
5. UthInn's Tnwcr. Many years ago,
Ulhion, a young vizard, vas kiIIed ly
IIane vhen lhe greal leasl used ils
avesone nighl lo knock lhe lover over.
Nov IIane has firnIy eslalIished a
hone in lhe cIiffs and has spenl nany
years piIIaging lhe lover ly using cap-
live hunans and deni-hunans (aII
ealen Ialer). Bul, even afler 12O years,
sone of lhe lreasure renains.
The lover is nov parliaIIy underva-
ler. LeveIs 1-2 (5a-g) are conpIeleIy
sulnerged vhiIe IeveI 3 (5h,i,I) is onIy
parliaIIy so. No naluraI Iighl sources
exisl on IeveIs 1,2,3, and 5, so charac-
lers nusl use olher neans lo see. The
resl of lhe lover is sliII Iil ly ccn|inua|
|ign| speIIs vhich renain aclive unliI
dispeIIed (vs. 14lh-IeveI nagic). The
parly nay enler lhrough lhe secrel
vindov in area 5n, undervaler
(lhrough lhe lrap door on IeveI 1, or
lhrough lhe porlcuIIis and doors on
IeveI 2), or lhrough lhe hoIe in lhe roof
in IeveI 7. If lhe characlers enler lhe
valer, lhe crocodiIes in lhe Iake allack
(see area 3).
The foIIoving roon and fIoor descrip-
lions refer lo lhe nans of Ulhions lover
on page 58. AII lhe slairveIIs are fiIIed
vilh varying anounls of delris, and
each requires 1-6 nan-hours lo cIear.
Tover IeveI 1
This IeveI vas fornerIy used as a
dungeon. Il conlains five ceIIs (5l-f, aII
open and enply. There is a lrap door in
lhe fIoor (5a) vhich Ieads oul lo lhe
Iake. Il vas fornerIy used lo feed lhe
crocodiIes. There is aIso a sel of slone
slairs going up lo IeveI 2, Iocaled in lhe
cenler of lhe roon.
If lhe parly enlers fron alove (area
5g) and has nol aIready deaIl vilh lhe
crocodiIes in lhe Iake (see area 3), lhere
are 1-3 crocodiIes in lhe valer. The DM
shouId lhen anend descriplions
Tover IeveI 2
This IeveI vas lhe nain enlrance haII
(5g). The renains of a nassive pair of
doors Iie againsl lhe lollon of lhe
chanler. The porlcuIIis is sliII inlacl,
lul lenl. A characler nay allenpl lo
Iifl lhe porlcuIIis fron lhe oulside if a
successfuI Iifl gales percenlage is nade
(al -1O lo lhe roII). IIane oflen
dropped prisoners inside lhis roon and
lhen valched lhen drovn, vhiIe hoId-
ing lhe porlcuIIis cIosed. IIane sulse-
quenlIy ale lhen.
There are lhree enlrances lo lhis
IeveI: up lhe slairs fron IeveI 1, dovn
lhe slairs fron IeveI 3, or, ly renoving
lhe porlcuIIis.
Tover IeveI 3
This IeveI vas used as lhe larracks and
guesl roons for Ulhions guards and
visilors. Il has renained conpIeleIy
unlouched since lhe lovers faII.
5n. Ga|ncring Rccn. This roon is con-
pIeleIy sulnerged. Il vas once a snaII
galhering area for lhe guesls, conpIele
vilh a lalIe and four chairs, aII rolled
vilh line and nereIy sheIIs of lheir
forner grace. A siIver candeIalra (2OO
gp vaIue) resls on lhe Iov end of lhe
5i-| Gucs| an guar rccns. Lach roon
is idenlicaI and conlains a led, snaII
dresser, vooden chesl, and a snaII nir-
ror, nagicaIIy allached lo lhe slairveII
vaIIs. Roons 5i and 51 are undervaler,
vhiIe lhe olhers renain dry. The guesl
roons (5i,j) are soundproofed (nol
If lhe parly enlers roon 5j, read lhe
56 Issue No. 1
As you enler lhe door, an eerie
gIov is reveaIed. Lying leside a Iong
dead soIdier, arnored in fuII pIale
and shieId, is a lrighlIy gIoving Iong
Here Iies lhe skeIelon of a Iong dead
knighl, Sir Irederick of lhe WoInars,
lhe lodyguard of Ulhion. His lody is
sliII vearing a sel of fu|| p|a|c arncr
+1, a snic| +1 and a |cng sucr +3
(see leIov) Iies al his side. Nole lhal lhe
arnor and shieId viII gIov if vorn ly a
Iiving leing alIe lo use said ilens. The
svord, hovever, gIovs lrighlIy vhelher
il is heId or nol. The lody is parliaIIy
luried under rullIe, vhere Sir Ire-
derick vas lrapped and died. No olher
persons lesides Sir Irederick and
Ulhion vere presenl vhen IIane
allacked, lhose vho relurned Ialer vere
The Iong svords nane is Mironus and
il is inleIIigenl (IN 14), vilh a neulraI-
good aIignnenl and lhe aliIily lo speak
lhe Ianguages of dvarves and gnones
as veII as ils aIignnenl longue. Il has
an ego of 8 and possesses lhe foIIoving
aliIilies: c|cc|icn cf |raps cf |argc sizc
Iredericks arnor and shieId, lul knovs
nolhing aloul hov lhe lover vas lop
pIed or exaclIy hov Iong lhe svord has
leen Iying lhere (i.e., heII ansver
ShouId lhe parly vish lo rcsurrcc| Sir
Irederick, renenler lhal hes leen
dead for 12O years. The DM shouId
assune lhal he vas a neulraI-good
cavaIier of 12lh IeveI, vilh very high
aliIily scores (creale aII slalislics as
desired). If lroughl lack lo Iife, he asks
for lhe relurn of his nagic ilens
(incIuding Mironus) and, offers lo aid lhe
parly for lhe duralion of lheir nission.
He vouId especiaIIy Iike lo find Ulhion,
his Iiege and friend.
Tover IeveI 4
5n. Dining Rccn. The slairvay opens
inlo a dining area. A very Iarge, ornale
lalIe Iies lovard lhe lollon of lhe
chanler, vilh a nunler of lroken
chairs scallered anongsl lhe vreckage.
There is an open door on lhe Iefl. No
ilens of vaIue are presenl.
5n. Ki|cncn. The kilchen is choked vilh
rullIe. The onIy inporlanl aspecl of
lhis roon is lhe secrel vindov near lhe
in a 1O radius, c|cc|icn cf cti|/gcc in
a 1O' radius, and, c|cc|icn cf gcns,
|in, an nunocr in a 5 radius. The
svord can, see lhrough a gen sel in
ils hiIl, alove lhe handgrip.
When soneone approaches Mironus,
lhe svord shrieks piercingIy for rescue.
If a dvarf or gnone hoIds il, lhe svord
uses lhe appropriale Ianguage (dvar-
ven, ly preference). If nol, Mironus viII
use an aIignnenl longue.
ceiIing. Ulhion used lo valch lhe crea-
lures of lhe Iake fron lhis vindov, and
il doulIed as an energency exil and
enlrance. The secrel vindov can onIy
le delecled ly nornaI physicaI neans
(as a secrel door), no nagicaI neans of
deleclion vorks. The door Ieading lo
area 5n requires five nan-hours of
vork lo cIear avay lhe delris. A fine sel
of siIvervare (vorlh 5,OOO gp in lolaI) is
scallered around lhe roon.
Theres one najor prolIen vilh
Mironus. Il has leen lrapped aIone in
Tover IeveI 5
lhis roon for over 12O years and is a lil This vas vhere Ulhions nev appren-
screvy. ShouId il le rescued ly a parly lice vas lo Iive. Ulhion had jusl fin-
nenler, lhe svord nctcr, ctcr aIIovs ished equipping lhe roons vhen IIane
lhal characler lo Ieave il aIone, any- allacked.
vhere, anyline, for any reason (incIud-
ing laking lalhs, elc.). The svord is 5c. Disp|aq na||. In lhis roon are six
very vorried aloul leing deserled again disorienled painlings hanging on lhe
and screans as IoudIy as possilIe unliI ouler vaII, depicling various scenes of
lroughl aIong. Ils aIso afraid of lhe nighly good nages lallIing lhe forces
dark, and aIvays gIovs al fuII slrenglh of eviI. The painlings couId le soId for
(oqunI fo n |ign| speII) al nighl or in 2OO gp each.
darkness even in a scallard.
The DM shouId have sone fun vilh
Mironus and nol nake il loo nuch of a
IialiIily. A veII-pIayed svord adds a Iol
of fIavor lo a characlers lreasure hoard.
Mironus knovs lhe exacl nalure of Sir
5p. Apprcn|iccs |iorarq an ucr|rccn.
Read lhis lo lhe parly onIy afler il firsl
enlers lhis roon.
lollIe (providing, of course lhal his hands
are free lo do so). If he faiIs, lhe polion
saves (as cryslaI) vs. crushing lIov or
snashes on lhe ground. The polion is ci|
The door is unIocked and gives vay cf s|ippcrincss and shouId provide sone
easiIy. SuddenIy you are slruck ly an
conic reIief for lhe DM. Il is inpossilIe lo
sland up in lhe roon unliI lhe ci| is
avaIanch of looks, gIassvare, and
furnilure. CoIored snokes and
renoved (see DMG, page 127), and lhe
Iiquids pour fron every crevice.
DM shouId nodify any allenpls al gel-
ling inlo area 5q accordingIy.
The parly is nol harned in any vay
ly faIIing delris. Nole any possilIe
5q. Apprcn|iccs quar|crs.
effecls on personaI proleclion speIIs
(c.g., s|cncs|in). The parly enlers lhe
The door opens lo reveaI vhal nusl
roon lo find:
have once leen a quile leaulifuI
ledroon. Rennanls of siIk sheels
A door is olvious lo lhe upper Iefl of
and fur-Iined piIIovs Iie under a
lhe chanler. Lining lhe vaIIs of lhis
loppIed oak-franed led. A Iarge
chanler are rovs upon rovs of
chesl renains seaIed shul on lop of a
sheIves and lenches. They are nov
snaII lureau. A faIIen cIosel Iies al
conpIeleIy enply, excepl for one
lhe far side of lhe roon.
snaII lollIe precariousIy laIanced on
lhe edge of a lalIe Ieg. Il legins lo
The sheels are danaged and vorlh-
vollIe and . . .
Iess, lul lhe fur in lhe piIIovs can le
renoved and is vorlh a lolaI of 1OO gp.
The DM shouId delernine vhich of
The lureau conlains nolhing of vaIue,
lhe firsl fev characlers lhe lollIe faIIs
and lhe cIosel conlains nornaI roles
lovard. If lhe characler roIIs his dexler-
and cIoaks of varying coIors (no vaIue).
ily or Iess on a d2O, he can calch lhe
The chesl conlains nolhing al aII lul
is Iocked. The key vas fornerIy on lop
of lhe chesl, lul is nov luried under lhe
cIosel. The chesl ilseIf is vorlh 5,OOO gp
and can le used for a |ccnuns sccrc|
cncs| speII if lhe repIica is possessed (see
area 5u).
Tover IeveI 6
5r. Disp|aq na||. This roon appears lo le
lhe sane as, lhough snaIIer lhan, lhe
roon leIov il (area 5o). AII lhe painl-
ings have leen crushed ly faIIing
delris. The slairs end on lhis IeveI.
The door on lhe soulh side of lhis
roon is a lrap (see area 5s) and lhe reaI
enlrance lo Ulhions forner quarlers is
a secrel door on lhe Iefl (see area 5l).
The secrel door can onIy le delecled ly
nornaI physicaI neans. No nagic vhal-
soever reveaIs ils presence, aIlhough x-
raq tisicn or a siniIar speII vorks
5s. Trap rccn. If lhe door Ieading lo
lhis roon is opened, aII characlers
presenl are affecled ly a sqnoc| cf pain.
Ulhion casl lhis speII using a scroII he
found, so lhe nagic is al lhe 19lh IeveI
of aliIily.
58 Issue No. 1
5|. U|nicns quar|crs. The secrel door
Ieads inlo a nagnificenl ledroon. The
roon, hovever, has leen searched
aIready ly IIanes sIaves. Tallered
sheels Iie on lhe renains of lhe led, and
lhe resl of lhe furnishings lhe cIosels,
chesls, and lureaus sland enply.
There are no ilens of vaIue in here.
There is a secrel lrap door in lhe ceiIing
vhich Ieads lo IeveI 7 (area 5u). As vilh
lhe olher secrel doors in lhe lover, il is
deleclalIe ly physicaI neans onIy.
Tover IeveI 7
5u. U|nicns |iorarq an ucr|rccn.
You cIinl lhrough lhe lrap door and
enler a nassive Iilrary and vork-
roon, occupying aII of lhis IeveI.
Rovs of shredded, crushed looks
once priceIess Iie on lhe fIoor. IiIes
of gIassvare and speII conponenls
have leen svepl inlo lhe corners. A
fev Iarge chunks of cryslaI cIear
gIass Iie on a piece of red veIvel cIolh
in lhe niddIe of lhe fIoor. A vooden
sland Iies leside il. A Iarge hoIe is in
lhe ceiIing, opening lhrough lhe
vooden roof lo lhe oulside.
IIanes sIaves, dropped in lhrough
lhe ceiIing, have renoved nosl eve-
rylhing of vaIue fron lhis roon
Under a piIe of rullIe, lhe lroken
lones of nan vearing vhile roles
can le found, vilh a snaII repIica of
a chesl in his hands (under his lody).
The chesl is lhe nalching conponenl
lo lhe chesl in area 5q. The connand
vords are on a snaII sIip of paper
inside lhe chesl.
The shards of gIass in lhe cenler of
lhe roon are lhe renains of a crqs|a|
oa|| ui|n c|airauicncc. nIy a uisn
speII (or siniIar nagic) can reslore il
lo vorking forn.
6. Hnt 5prIngs. This is a oId Iava venl
lhal serves as lhe healed valer source
for lhe craler.
J. Thc BIg Va!!cy
This Iong, Iush vaIIey is healed ly a
slrean fron a hol spring lhal fIovs
fron easl lo vesl. Il is a safe haven, lul
as vilh Lake Deriun (area D), lhe
chance for vandering nonslers shouId
le doulIed (i.e., 2 in 6). The DM nay
vish lo add his or her ovn personaI
A snaII cave is Ioc
louch lo encounlers here.
K. Dccp Gnnmc 5ctt!cmcnt
aled here. Il is appar-
enlIy enply, lul a secrel lrap door can
le found in lhe rear of lhe cave afler a
carefuI search. The door opens inlo a
deep shafl vilh a Iadder nounled on
one side. The Iadder is nade of sone
unknovn nelaI, and lhe shafl descends
for hundreds of feel leIov lhe earlhs
surface. If any characler cIinls dovn
lhe Iadder, he arrives al lhe Iair of a
huge coIony of svirfnelIin, or deep
gnones. The DM shouId discourage lhis
discovery or eIse prepare lhis under-
vorId ahead of line.
This is lhe cave in vhich Sir Hujer
died afler lhe deep gnones found hin.
The gnones knov nolhing aloul IIane,
lul luried deep in lheir ancienl records
is a nelaI lalIel vhich descriles hov a
greal fire leasl cane fron lhe sky
and snalched a group of svirfnelIin
vorkers. They vere never heard fron
again. The lalIels dale (vhen lrans-
Ialed inlo lhe IocaI caIendar) indicales
lhis encounler occurred aloul 11O
hunan years ago.
L. 5tatuc nf thc ChI!d
A 3O'-laII slalue of a young girI, silling
dovn and crying, resls on a Iedge aloul
5O' alove lhe pass. The vorknanship is
hunan and very oId. Ior nore on lhis
slalue, see area M.
M. Pass nf thc Parcnts
Al lhe enlrance lo lhis pass inlo lhe
nounlains sland lvo giganlic slalues.
A 1OO nan (lo lhe vesl) faces an
equaIIy laII vonan (lo lhe easl), lheir
arns reaching lovard one anolher vilh
paIns up, olviousIy dislraughl. The
vorknanship is hunan and lhe slyIe,
an ancienl one, fils lhal of lhe chiIds
slalue in area L. AII of lhe slalues have
leen carved fron Iiving rock and are
veII supporled ly surrounding rock.
The slalues are non-nagicaI. These
vorks are so oId lhal nol even lhe eIves
knov anylhing aloul lheir origins or
lheir purpose.
N. Fnrt Whcc!an
This is anolher fronlier oulposl, idenli-
caI in aInosl aII respecls lo Iorl SiIan
(area A). No one here knovs anylhing
nore aloul lhe nissing palroI, and aII
are lusy naking preparalions for a
possilIe invasion fron lhe vesl. This
vouId have leen lhe finaI slop for lhe
nov-nissing palroI.
The posl connander, Sir Lrikksun,
orders an escorl for lhe characlers lack
lo lhe capilaI if lhe group has conpIeled
ils nission. The connander nay aIso
send a force lo invesligale lhe dragons
cave if lhe dragon has leen sIain. Any
exlra lreasure found ly lhe invesliga-
live palroI viII le recovered and
relurned fo lhe forl, lo evenluaIIy le
senl lo lhe capilaI.
Concluding the Quest
ShouId lhe parly successfuIIy defeal
IIane, delernine lhal lhere is no reaI
invasion, and recover lhe docunenls
delaiIing lhe fale of lhe young prince,
lhe king is incredilIy gralefuI and very
receplive lo any requesls fron lhe char-
aclers. Il is highIy unIikeIy lhal lhe
parly nenlers viII ask for noney afler
finding so nuch in IIanes Iair, lul
speIIs and nagic ilens are aIvays on
characlers ninds. Renenler lhal lhe
kings reach and infIuence far exceeds
his acluaI suppIies and resources. The
sages of lhe royaI Iilrary are perhaps
lhe nosl knovIedgealIe in lhe Iand, if
infornalion exisls on a cerlain lopic, il
can prolalIy le Iocaled anong lhe
nunerous lones and scroIIs in lhe
sages keeping.
There are a nunler of spin-offs possi-
lIe afler lhe characlers finish lheir
nain lask, lhe nosl olvious of vhich is
lo lrack dovn lhe nissing prince, nov
24 years oId. This couId le deveIoped as
a deleclive slory or a rescue nission (or
The characlers nay aIso have recov-
ered lhe faIse lreasure nap fron }aIus-
sas privale papers (area 4d). This vas
vrillen Iong ago vilh lhe inlenlion of
sending his enenies or any nulinous
crevnen inlo a deadIy lrap as paynenl
for lheir lreachery. This advenlure
couId le quile dangerous, lul lhe lrip
ilseIf nighl prove profilalIe.
}aIussas personaI papers aIso provide
lhe DM vilh an ideaI nediun for cIue-
dropping and advenlure pronpling. A
vandering group of pirales couId have
recorded lhe Iocalion of hundreds of
inleresling oljecls, pIaces, and evenls
on lhe high seas vhich couId Iead lo
proIonged voyages if lhe parlys in lhe
If lhe svirfnelIin vere discovered, a
nunler of reIaled advenlures can le
designed incIuding lhe eslalIishing of
lrade vilh lhe uoo gnones, aIIiances
vilh lhen, quesls lo heIp, lhen againsl
lheir enenies, elc.
IinaIIy, lhe encounlers Iisled in lhe
seclion enlilIed The Advenlure nay
le expanded inlo advenlures in lheir
ovn righl. are nore lroIIs on lheir vay
norlh` Whal viII lecone of lhe landil
gang` Whal of lhe ogres and undead
leings` The characlers nay find lhal
lhey have nuch lo keep lhen lusy in
lhe Weslern Mounlains.
60 Issue No. 1
Tncugn nis |ruc |ctc |ics in lcs|crns,
Car| Sni|n nas occn ac|itc in fan|asq
an scicncc-fic|icn ganing fcr qcars. Hc
uas a par| cf |nc DRAGON|ANC|
csign |can fcr TSR, |nc, an ucr|c
cn CA1, Svords of lhe Undercily, an
ADcD ncu|c sc| in |nc |ANKHMAR
unitcrsc. Hc is currcn||q a frcc|ancc
uri|cr an ccn|riou|ing ci|cr fcr ModeI
RelaiIer nagazinc.
This AD&D gane encounler lakes
pIace al an alandoned shrine lo a for-
gollen lhief, possilIy an avalar of sone
eviI, veII-knovn god of lhieves. A group
of 2-6 characlers is reconnended, each
of 3rd-5lh IeveI. A cIeric vouId le
exlreneIy heIpfuI, and an assorlnenl of
nagicaI veapons is necessary. This
scenario nay le dropped inlo an ongo-
ing canpaign, as lhe pIayer characlers
are lraveIing aIong a ninor road in a
foresled region. The line is Iale in lhe
The Path
A fIuke of lhe aflernoon suns rays
reveaIs a narrov lraiI, parliaIIy
overgrovn vilh slraighl, young
hardvood sapIings and a nuIlilude
of veeds, Ieading off lhe road you
lraveI. Under olher condilions, you
vouId have vaIked pasl il.
A successfuI exaninalion ly a ranger,
larlarian, or skiIIed foresler shovs lhe
nannade lraiI lo le unused ly nen or
Iarge nanIike crealures for severaI
nonlhs. The sapIings look al Ieasl four
years lo reach lheir presenl heighl, and,
lhough lhey do nol lIock lhe palh, lheir
unlroken slale shovs lhal nolhing of
any size has passed lhis vay for years.
Any pIayer characler successfuIIy
checking finds no evidence of lraps or
T O M B lirds are seen or heard~a facl lhal a
olher leings in lhe area. In facl, no
viIdIife inhalils lhis area al aII, and no
druid (and possilIy a ranger or larlar-
ian) vouId nolice al once.
Ihe Swomp
If lhe pIayer characlers foIIov lhe over-
grovn palh for a niIe, lhey cone lo a
cIearing in lhe voods, in vhich slands a
diIapidaled shrine on an isIand in a
shaIIov narsh. The narsh is approxi-
naleIy 2OO yards across, lul onIy 5
deep. Il funclions as a noal for lhe
does no danage. Those allenpling lo
run across lhe slone vaIkvay aulonali-
caIIy faII unIess lhey are unencun-
lered, have dexlerilies of 17 or grealer,
and pass lhe saving lhrov noled alove.
A faIIing runner has a 4O chance of
hilling a slone slep in lhe faII, doing 1-3
hp danage and danage fron lhe
razorveed is aulonalicaIIy raised lo lhe
naxinun possilIe on lhe firsl round of
such danage laken.
Anyone allenpling lo f|q or |cti|a|c
across lhe Iake discovers unexpecled
lurluIence. Warn air over lhe Iake
conlacls lhe cooIer air fron lhe sur-
rounding voods, causing sudden drafls.
The chances of lurluIence dislurling a
fIighl over lhe Iake is 75 on varn
days onIy.
The overgrovn palh is nol difficuIl lo
foIIov, aIlhough overhanging
lranches need lo le chopped avay.
Ahead Iies a cIearing vilh a slag-
nanl, aIgae-choked narsh. In lhe
cenler of lhe narsh rises a snaII isIe
of Iand vilh a luiIding aInosl as
Iarge as lhe isIand. CIinling vines
and noss cover lhe luiIding, conceaI-
ing nosl of ils decoralive slonevork.
An enlrance lo lhe luiIding is visilIe
on one side of lhe slruclure. No
lridge crosses lhe svanp lo lhe
isIand. There seens lo le an odd chiII
in lhe air as veII, one difficuIl lo
define, lhe air lenperalure is cer-
lainIy varn.
Characlers find lhal nainlaining
fIighl (ly aninaI, speII, or device) is
difficuIl lul nol inpossilIe (fIighl speed
sIoved ly 1 per 6 nornaI speed, so
fIighl al 12 lecones 1O). Hovever,
lhose |cti|a|ing across nay find lhen-
seIves al lhe nercy of lhe vinds, even
leing pushed inlo lrees al lhe Iakes
edge or inlo lhe shrine ilseIf (causing
1-4 hp danage per round) or dovn
inlo lhe Iakes razorveed.
dark, fealureIess hunan forn in a shad-
ovy parl of lhe undergrovlh lul lhe IRLQULNCY Rarc
figure lhen noves avay, and no olher N. AIILARINC: Onc pa|cn
figures can le seen. A cIerics allenpl lo ARMR CLASS: 0 cn rq |an, 4 in
|urn unca produces no nolicealIe |nc ua|cr
effecl al lhis line. A c|cc| cti| speII MVL: Ni |
produces a vague reading of eviI aII HIT DICL: 2 HD pcr squarc qar
aloul lhe characlers, a c|cc| nagic IN LAIR: Ni|
speII aIso produces a vague reading. TRLASURL TYIL: |ncicn|a| cn|q
An expIoralory prole of lhe nurky N. I ATTACKS: See leIov
green valer around lhe snaII Iakes DAMACL/ATTACK: See leIov
shore reveaIs lhal lhree inches leIov SILCIAL ATTACKS: Dcs|ruc|icn cf
lhe surface of lhe valer Iies a lridge of arncr
slepping slones, Ieading oul fron lhe SILCIAL DLILNSLS: Diffrac|icn cf
shore direclIy across fron lhe norlhern ua|cr causcs -1 |c a||ac|crs |c ni|
enlrance in lhe overgrovn slruclure. rc||, scc a|sc oc|cu
Lach slone is aloul 1 square, and MACIC RLSISTANCL: 5
approxinaleIy 2 separale each slone. INTLLLICLNCL: Ncn-
SIine and aqualic residue coal each ALICNMLNT: Ncu|ra|
slone. IIayer characlers nay cross al a SIZL: | (220 x 10 squarc qars)
sIov vaIking speed, lul characlers vilh ISINIC ABILITY: Ni|
dexlerilies under 13 and lhose vho are Allack/Defense Modes: Ni|
lraveIing al a Iover-lhan-nornaI speed
due lo exlra encunlrance nusl check lo Razorveed Iooks Iike nornaI aqualic
see if lhey faII in lhe valer. A check grass, lul lolh lhe sea and freshvaler
consisls of a saving lhrov vs. paraIysis, varielies are nore lIue in coIor lhan
vilh faiIure indicaling a faII. The valer lheir nornaI counlerparls. A pIayer
is onIy 5 deep, lul il is fiIIed vilh characler has a chance of nolicing ils
razorveed (see leIov). No olher aninaI sav-loolhed, sharp edges ly casuaI
Iife exisls in lhe Iake, and a faII in ilseIf inspeclion, lhis chance is equaI lo a
A good-aIigned cIeric has a 5 chance
per IeveI of sensing, vilhoul use of
nagic, lhe presence of profound eviI
nearly. This presence seens lo cone
fron aII direclions. Any characler vho
roII a percenliIe score equaI lo his inleI-
Iigence, expressed as a percenlage,
gains lhe furlher feeIing lhal he is
leing valched lhough no valcher can
le delecled. The use of a c|cc| intisioi|-
i|q speII has a 5 chance per IeveI of lhe
user of gaining a lrief gIinpse of n
62 Issue No. 1
percenliIe roII of 5 per inleIIigence
poinl of lhe characler. Anyone vho
deIileraleIy exanines lhe veed or vho
has encounlered razorveed lefore has a
95 chance of knoving il for vhal il is.
Razorveed occurs nosl oflen in lropi-
caI seas and Iakes, lhough occasionaI
palches appear in lenperale cIinales. A
dry-Iand species lhal resenlIes a Spanish
layonel in size and shape is knovn as
Anyone faIIing or vaIking inlo a
palch of razorveed suffers innediale
sIashing danage fron lhe hundreds of
lIadeIike Ieaves on lhe pIanl. This dan-
age varies vilh lhe size and surface
area of lhe viclin. Hunan-shaped
leings lake 1d4 hp danage if lhey are
3 or Iess in heighl, for every fool of
heighl over 3, an exlra 1d4 hp danage
is laken. Iour-Iegged leings lake 2d4
hp danage if 3 high or Iess al lhe
shouIders, and an exlra 2d4 hp danage
for every 1 over lhal heighl.
AII cIolh, Iealher, and paper goods
exposed lo razor-veed allacks nusl save
vs. nornaI lIov each round or eIse le
cul lo pieces. Ropes and ilens of lhin
vood ( or Iess in lhickness) nusl aIso
save or le deslroyed. Lealher and pad-
ded arnor are reduced in AC vaIue one
slep for each round exposed lo lhis
grovlh, and ring, scaIe, and sludded-
Iealher arnor are reduced one slep
every lhree rounds lhey are in razor-
veed. lher arnors are innune lo lhis
effecl, as lhey cannol le so easiIy
sIashed aparl. Any danaged arnor
renains in danaged condilion unliI
repaired ly quaIified arnorers, laiIors,
and Iealher-vorkers (see page 29, DMG).
MagicaI arnor Ioses ils nagicaI povers
if lhe saving lhrov noled alove is
prolecl a hunanIike leing fron furlher
allacks (unIess a nev palch of razor-
veed is enlered). A horse-sized quadru-
ped can le affecled ly up lo 1O square
yards of razorveed, or ly Iesser
anounls if snaIIer.
The Shrine
The isIand in lhe svanp is onIy 14O
across and lasicaIIy circuIar in shape.
Though lhe ground is sofl, il is slrong
enough lo supporl anyones veighl up lo
Anyone checking for lraps as lhe
luiIding is enlered noles none around
lhe doorvays, lhough lhe fIoor on lhe
inside of lhe shrine ly lhe doorvays
appears lo have leen scralched and
narred in lhe pasl. InlereslingIy, lhe
slone forning lhe door franes is per-
feclIy snoolh, unIike lhe resl of lhe
luiIding. Any lreasure found in a palch of lhis
naleriaI is pureIy incidenlaI, Iefl over one lon. Crealures veighing over lhis
fron previous viclins. Treasure lypes }- anounl nusl nove al haIf-nornaI
N (x5), Q, and C (nagic onIy) are sug- speed. Weeds grov lo a deplh of 3
gesled. Ialches of slrangeveed (see lhe around lhe isIe.
Mcns|cr Manua|) oflen grov in and The luiIding is an ancienl lonl lo a
around razorveed, naking for a deadIy Iegendary lhief, lorn nany hundreds of
conlinalion in cerlain oceanic areas. years ago, naned KhoIun lhe Svifl.
Razorveed lurns easiIy if dry, lul vel The shrine is lIockIike, 9O lo each side
razorveed lakes onIy haIf danage fron and 3O high, and each side has a door
fire. Sulnerged razorveed is, of course, 1O high ly 6 vide in lhe niddIe of il.
innune lo fire. Razorveed is innune The granile vaIIs are 4 lhick. There
lo Iighlning and eIeclricaI effecls, lul il are four open enlrances, one for each
can le chopped aparl ly lIaded veap- poinl of lhe conpass. Carved alove each
ons. BIunl veapons do nol affecl razor- door is a nane: (Norlh) Iride, (Lasl)
veed al aII, and il cannol le affecled ly Hale, (Soulh) Treachery, and (Wesl)
lare-handed allacks. Deslroying a Creed. The pIayer characlers nay enler
square yard of lhis veed is sufficienl lo lhrough any enlrance lhey vish. Lighl
enlers lhe luiIding lhrough four 5 x 5
vindovs covered vilh rusled sleeI grales
vhich are sel in lhe roof. The spaces
lelveen lhe lars are each 1 across.
The inside of lhe luiIding nakes il
apparenl lhal lhe slruclure is a
shrine of sone sorl, possilIy a lenpIe
or lonl. Huge, lvin slalues, sel lack
lo lack vilh lheir arns raised, sland
in lhe niddIe of lhe huge roon on a
slone pIalforn. Lach slalue depicls a
lhin, narrov-faced hunan naIe
vearing leIled roles and sandaIs.
The eyes of lhe slalues seen lo gIov
vilh Iighl and foIIov your every,
novenenl. No veeds grov lelveen
lhe fIal slones naking up lhe fIoor,
and no sign of Iife can le seen inside.
dd lils of delris Iiller lhe area.
Words carved on lhe norlhern face
nan in rolling roles, vilh dried, dark
of lhe slone pIalforn say, in an oId
skin puIIed over his fealures Iike fragiIe
varianl of lhe connon longue:
paper. The lody is lhal of KhoIun lhe
Masler Thief lhough ly nov characlers
nay leIieve KhoIun lo le a Iich, van-
Lord of lhe Nighl
pire, nagic-user, elc. The skeIelon is nol
undead. CIulched in lhe skeIelon's Iefl
Of |nc ocs| | uas, ou| qcu nus| pu|
asic |nc c| uaqs an scc |na| ctcrq-
|ning ncrc nas a p|acc. |f qcu s|ca|
frcn nc, | s|ca| frcn qcu. lnq |cnp|
fu|i|i|q an is|uro nq s|ccp uncn a||
|nings nus| oc uncrc |ncq arc?
Tnings |a|cn ui|| ccnc fu|| circ|c, fcr
|ncugn |nc aq ca||s qcu nas|cr, nq
scrtan|s ru|c |nc nign|.
This inscriplion is nn olIique reference lo
hand is an oId sleeI dagger vilh n cIean
lIade. The dagger, Iike lhe skeIelon, is
nol nagicaI. An oId cIolh pouch conlain-
ing 47 gens (each of 1OO gp vaIue) Iies
on KhoIuns rilcage. AIso in lhe pouch
is a sIip of paper, reading I STLAL
IRM YU in ancienl Connon. The
paper is very fragiIe and lreaks aparl
vilh rough handIing, requiring a ncn-
ing speII lo reassenlIe.
The, skeIelon does nol respond lo a
lhe lraps and lhe guardians of lhe lreasure. spca| ui|n ca speII, nor does nove
The odd delris, upon exaninalion, under an anina|c ca speII (due lo
proves lo le lils of arnor, veapons, and
equipnenl, fron nany years ago, Iefl
pasl proleclive enchanlnenls). The
gens radiale nagic and eviI.
Iying on lhe fIoor of lhe luiIding lo rusl
and rol. No lones are presenl, hovever
In addilion, lreasure mny le found in
(lhe ovners vere lurned inlo undead
lhe paIns of lhe doulIe slalues hands.
Lach paIn hoIds a coIored g|ass|cc|
shadovs). Mosl of lhe delris is cIuslered
near lhe four doorvays or in corners of
cryslaI slaluelle of a nan 8 high, coI-
lhe shrine's inlerior. None of lhe delris
ored lIue (norlheasl), green (soulheasl),
is nagicaI.
red (soulhvesl), and anler (norlhvesl).
The lvo slalues, slanding vilh videIy
The slaluelles, lecause of lheir vork-
separaled feel and joined al lhe lack for
nanship, are each vorlh 75O gp. Lach
aIso radiales lolh nagicaI eviI
auras. None of lhe four slaluelles is supporl, are of KhoIun, lhe lhief luried
in lhis lonl. Lach figure hoIds ils arns
oul al shouIder-heighl, paIns up, lheir
paIns correspond vilh lhe nedian con-
pass poinls, (norlheasl, soulheasl, soulh-
vesl, and norlhvesl). The slalues are
2O laII, lheir paIns 16 fron lhe
ground, and lhey resl alop a singIe 3 -
laII, 12 -square slone pIalforn. The
slalues are casl fron soIid lronze and
are nov covered vilh verdigris. The
slalues have eyes of engraved g|ass|cc|
cryslaI (5OO gp vaIue) vhich calch aII
Iighl and refIecl il, giving everyone
inside lhe shrine lhe inpression lhal
lhey are leing individuaIIy valched.
The eyes radiale fainl nagic.
Anyone naking a c|cc| |raps or |cca|c
innedialeIy visilIe fron lhe ground.
sccrc| ccrs roII discovers lhal severaI of
lhe engraved vords on lhe slone are on
seclions of slone lhal nay le pressed
inlo lhe pIalforn, as eilher a lrap or
secrel door lrigger. If any characlers
push in lhe given vords fron lhe epi-
laph STLAL IRM ML a secrel
door (3 x 6) opens in lhe space
lelveen lhe heeIs of lhe-slone slalues,
on lhe slone pIalforn.
The secrel door reveaIs a slone-sar-
cophagus vilh a Iid veighing 3OO Ils.
Lifling lhe Iid reveaIs lhe skeIelon of a
The nonenl lhal eilher lhe gens on
lhe lody or lhe slaluelles in lhe hands
of lhe lvin slalues are handIed, each of
lhe four enlrances lo lhe lonl is
inslanlIy seaIed ly a ua|| cf s|cnc speII
casl al lhe 18lh IeveI of nagic-user
aliIily. These ua||s cf s|cnc can onIy le
renoved ly a ispc| nagic or isin|c-
gra|c speII, each speII affecling lul one
doorvay. These ua||s renain in pIace
for lul one day, disappearing again al
davn on lhe day foIIoving lhal on
vhich lhe lreasures in lhe lonl vere
dislurled. Anyone caughl in lhe door-
vay as lhe ua||s appear is hurIed inlo
lhe lonls inlerior, laking 2-16 hp dan-
age fron lhe lIasl.
Wilhin 2-5 lurns foIIoving sundovn,
or vilhin 2-5 lurns if lhe lhefl occurred
al nighl, lhe guardians of lhe lonl
approach lhe shrine lhrough lhe sur-
rounding foresl, drifling lhrough lhe
lrees Iike shadovs vhich in facl lhey
are (AC 7, MV 12", HD 3 + 3, #AT 1,
Dng 2-5, SA drain one slrenglh poinl
per slrike, lurn viclin inlo shadov al O
slrenglh, SD + 1 or leller veapon
needed lo hil, innune lo cnarn/s|ccp/
nc| speIIs, surprise 9O in alsence of
lrighl Iighl, AL CL). These shadovs
vere originaIIy foIIovers of KhoIun
vho vere sIain as lhieves and reincar-
naled ly lheir deily as shadovs lo
guard lheir forner guiIdnaslers lonl.
ver lhe cenluries, lhese shadovs have
leen joined ly lhe spirils of grave-
rollers, vanderers, and olhers vho
vere lrapped in lhe lonl, unliI a snaII
arny of lhese crealures Iurks in lhe
area. By day, lhe shadovs hide in lhe
foresl and avoid aII conlacl vilh Iiving
crealures, lhough lheir presence drives
avay aII viIdIife. Al nighl, lhe shadovs
galher al lhe lonl if sunnoned ly
nagicaI lriggers on lhe gens and slalu-
elles nenlioned alove. There, lhe
shadovs allack inlruders nindIessIy
unliI sIain or unliI davn cones, al
vhich poinl lhey Ieave again.
The shadovs fIoal over lhe valer of
lhe Iake as lhey approach lhe shrine,
lhen rise inlo lhe air and enler lhe
lonl lhrough lhe graled ceiIing vin-
dovs. The DM shouId counl lhe nunler
of ICs and NICs inside lhe lonl, dou-
lIe lhal nunler, and add a randon
nunler fron 1-12 lo gel lhe lolaI nun-
ler of shadovs vho viII allack. These
shadovs viII pass ly anyone vho is nol
in lhe lonl unIess lhey are allacked, in
vhich case lhey counlerallack.
Nol aII shadovs presenl in lhe area
cone vilh each visilalion, perhaps 1OO
shadovs are presenl in lhe area around
lhe shrine lo KhoIun, each nev group
appearing onIy al dusk if sunnoned ly
lhe nagicaI lraps in lhe lonl. If a
vhoIe group of shadovs is sIain, and if
lhe gens and slaluelles are Iefl lehind
vilhoul leing furlher noIesled, lhe
surviving characlers (ninus any vho
vere lurned inlo shadovs lo join lhe
unIiving guardians) nay escape al
davn vhen lhe ua||s cf s|cnc vanish.
Anyone vho |cti|a|cs up lo lhe ceiIing
lars nay allenpl lo ocn oars lo
escape, lul nole lhal slrenglh-draining
ly lhe shadovs nay harn lhis escape
nelhod unIess done during lhe dayline.
These nagicaI lraps can le aclivaled
any nunler of lines, even if lhe ua||s
cf s|cnc are conlinuousIy deslroyed. The
lreasure vas neanl onIy lo cause lhe
dealhs of an unIiniled nunler of
leings lail for lhe Iiving casl ly lhe
dead. nIy lhe use of a uisn or an cxcr-
cisn can renove lhe lrigger on lhe
lonls lraps. The shadovs in lhe area
nusl lhen le deaIl vilh, as lhey viII
vander avay, no Ionger lound lo lhe
lonl of KhoIun lhe Svifl.
64 Issue No. 1

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