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It Kind of Looks
Close Enough to
Walk to

By Steven Tea
2/15 2/21/14


i want to run from here
to the bleachers we were
thirteen years old on top off
just beginning.


can i even finish
a sentence of yours
any more
than yesterday?


i look so down
today? someone told me
i look happier
than i have been.
which to believe?
i steal both.


i need a bomb of my own
you wont know how to disarm.

you need to cut the red wire
or maybe blue? the explosions

ghost is all i need to conjure
and it only haunts.


never leave a soldier behind
gets so damn easier
every single time
i do.

A Little Bit Off

a fender strat tuned from
a youtube video. i have played
for four months. out of tune.

two pieces of a two puzzles
of the milky way from
two different manufacturers. our edges

dont quite cut into each other
the right way. mismatched
singles tennis match

and i play the net to hit
quick volleys. you stay back and hit
passing shots. just out of reach

ledge i jump to grab with my grip,
slightly wrong so i fall. fractured ankle
leaving me behind.


a snapshot of the forest
from three months ago lies
and the scenery has changed, a mess
of sight. no hummingbird is seen.
a hoot in silence.

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