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meteorologists discriminate between strikes having negative polarity (transfer

ring negative charge to the surface) and those with positive polarity, which are
notably less common at about 5-15% of all strikes.
2.positive flashes usually originate higher in clouds and may occasionally strik
e up to ten miles from the storm cloud. In addition, while negative flashes tran
sfer about 5 coulombs of charge, a positive flash may transfer 300, at a current
of 350 kiloamperes versus 30 or so for a negative flash, and a duration around
5-10 times as long.
3.much larger currents, charge transfers and continuing current durations associ
ated with positive flashes make them more lethal on average in direct or near-di
rect strikes to humans, and likewise more likely to damage power transmission fa
cilities and to start fires.

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