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Activity: Work with the leadership team to identify additional opportunities for

meaningful involvement of parents and other stakeholders in the continuous growth of



This year the leadership team really made it a priority to build relationships with the
community members that support our school. We brought them in to help with our
tutoring program, to speak to students about various areas of expertise (stroke awareness,
police officers, local bank about savings, etc.), to volunteer within classrooms and help
teachers with general housekeeping, to provide additional resources, etc. Finally,
members of the leadership team met with the community members once a quarter to
develop various opportunities for them to brainstorm additional ways that they could be
involved in impacting student success.

What went well?

This was a HUGE success! This was our must successful year of involving community
members. Our tutoring program was extremely successful because we were able to lower
the student to teacher ratio by involving volunteers. The teacher was the main instructor
while one to two volunteers helped out by playing educational games or ran literature
circles with additional small groups. This partnership was wonderful and the
relationships that were built between our teachers and the volunteers and the students and
the volunteers were priceless.

The quarterly meetings were also very successful. These meetings allowed our
community members to get a true glimpse of our school community and just how diverse
it truly is. One of the most powerful activities that took place was a bus tour that took the
community members on a tour through our zone. This was extremely eye opening as the
tour went from a million dollar subdivision into section 8 housing. The community
members talk about it to this day. The other thing that the community members really
enjoyed and that proved powerful was that students were always invited to the meetings
because we always wanted the community members to understand whom they were

Finally, we ended our year with a luncheon to honor our volunteers and community
supporters. This was not only appreciated, but it was a wonderful way to end a great

What did not?
There were very few things that did not go well with this program; however, the one
thing that did not go well was the time management factor. We were always rushed
throughout every activity. This often caused stress amongst the group and especially for
our Family Partner Specialist who was often the chairperson for these activities.

Given the chance to do it again, how would you do it better?
I would definitely have a more defined calendar with designated deadlines. I would also
divide the jobs amongst more individuals since much of the responsibilities often feel on
the Family Partner Specialist. Finally, I would attempt to involve even more parents
since many of the individuals who were involved were more community members than

East Brainerd Community Partners Meeting
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
East Brainerd Intermediate
Those in attendance:
Dr. Bryan Stewart, Principal
Mrs. Michele Reeves, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Donna Horn, HCDE School Board Representative
Mr. Jon Anderson, EBE Guidance Counselor
Mr. Mike DuBard, EBE PTA President, Pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel)
Mrs. Nicole Galetta, EBE Librarian
Mrs. Denise Trantham, EBE- Intermediate, Exceptional Education Teacher
Mrs. Janie Frick, EBE Family Partnership Specialist
Mrs. Melinda Hicks, First Bank
Ms. Abby Shipley, Earth Fare
Mr. Mike Eisheid, Manager, Zaxbys
Mr. Keith Jones, Pastor, New Hope Pres. Church
Ms. Mary Beth Hammett- Christ UMC Childrens Director
Mr. Jeremy Davis, Outreach pastor, East Brainerd Church of Christ

1) Introductions were made.
2) Dr. Stewart began by speaking about the demographics of the student body of East
a. Within our population, 21 cultures are represented and 12 languages are
spoken outside the school
b. Socio-economic diversity is greatly varied. A map was show of our school zone.
Dr. Stewart highlighted the different areas including the 16 apartment
complexes and the Section 8 housing areas as well as the more affluent
community of Amberleigh Ridge.
c. Transiency is a consistent problem at East Brainerd. Last school year 83
students transferred out of EBE and 87 transferred in.
i. When these students enter our school, they often come with no
3) Our new school building will be completed in 2 years. We will add approximately 500
students to our current population. Our building will be built to accommodate 1,200
students and it is projected that we will open the building at capacity. We will pick up
some of Bess. T. Shepherd students and Westview students.
4) Our attendance numbers look good on our reports. What the report does not reflect
are the number of tardies each day. Parents of car riders (approximately of our
population) are frustrated with the traffic on East Brainerd Road.
5) Our achievement scores are showing improvement. Our main goal is to teach the
students of East Brainerd.
6) Denise Trantham spoke about the exceptional education staffs responsibilities at EBE.
Between the two building, we have approximately 100 exceptional education students.
a. We are constantly on the lookout for students who exhibit exceptional abilities
that may qualify for gifted. Statistically, we should have more students who
qualify as gifted.
b. We have 2 CDC classes at EBE. Mrs. Trantham spoke about how the diversity of
this student population causes our students to be more caring.
c. The biggest exceptional education concern would be students who are language
impaired. Mrs. Trantham explained the expressive and receptive deficiencies
that some of our students experience.
d. We face the challenge of helping parents understand how we can best help
their children.
7) Nicole Galletta spoke about the library and her role in the education of the students of
East Brainerd. She added that she believes in the students, faculty and all staff. She
spoke about her dedication to the school.
8) Jon Anderson spoke about his role in the school. He gave a brief description of how he
works with students as they face problems, either at home or at school, that affect their
9) The point was made that there are many kinds of families that attend EBE. Some
families have the ability to give time and resources but need guidance on how to help
the school.
10) The MENTORING program from last school year, which focused on boys in the fourth
and fifth grades, was successful in providing positive male role models for our students.
We would like to expand this program/idea.
11) Dr. Stewart spoke about the support system of the students of EBE.
The student is at the center, followed by his/her family, surrounded by the
neighborhood, then the students church family, and the outer-most layer is the
The members of the larger community include the school, the surrounding faith
organizations, and businesses in the area.
12) Janie Fricks job is to connect all of these pieces. Ms. Fricks vision is to have quarterly
meetings with all of these interested and invested supporters.
13) EBE wishes that these supporters be a constant presence at EBE, provide stability, reach
the parents and develop a feeling of trust, and provide resources in the form of people,
materials, and funds.

Mike Eischied- Can we tap into what other schools are doing with their
Jeremy Davis- Parental involvement is the biggest issue, How can we make parents want
to be more involved?
Mike DuBard- By providing food at PTA meetings there was more involvement
Keith Jones- The key may be changing the way the community looks at the school. We
are not an island. People need to be involved.
Mike Eischied- Zaxbys Family night is a suggestion. The proceeds of this program
would come back to the school.
Janie Frick- Talked about the Snack Pack program. Last year we served 50 students in
need. Three churches provided the snack packs on a rotating basis (New Hope, St.
Martins, Brainerd Pres.)
Would like to provide coats for kids in need
Holiday meals (we provided for 18-20 families) at Thanksgiving and Christmas. We
want to ensure that those who receive those meals are not abusing the system.
Open House/Community Event- Meet the teachers, staff, etc. at Heritage Park.
Nicole Galletta offered the opportunity for businesses to add a logo to the school website.

The meeting was a adjourned and those in attendance had an opportunity to talk with
each other on more individual basis.

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