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Extracts from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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!scape the "it# was $ounded on the simp%e be%ie$ that
%i$e is too short to do wor& that doesn't matter to #ou in
a big corporate organisation. (ur motto is )*o
Something *i$$erent' and ever#thing we bui%d is aimed
at he%ping peop%e %i&e #ou do just that.
+he $o%%owing 1,, pages contain extracts and -uotes
$rom our new boo& . +he !scape /ani$esto. +his 0*F
serves as a teaser1 preview and mini2me to the main
boo&. 3ope$u%%# #ou'%% enjo# what #ou read in this
document so much that #ou'%% go ahead and pre2order
or order the /ani$esto $rom Amazon 4via the %in& at the
bottom o$ ever# page5.
+his is the boo& we wish we had been ab%e to read
bac& when we were commuting to and $rom our
corporate jobs on the 6ondon Underground. Un$u%7%%ed
and stuc& . wondering how we cou%d ma&e big
changes in our careers.
8e hope it's use$u%.
Rob, om, Mikey
Escape the !ity
Stop using %ac& o$ mone# or
experience as an excuse. 9ou
don't have to ris& it a%% to
exp%ore new options.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
*on't waste #our %i$e %iving
someone e%se's. *on't wait $or
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
+here wi%% never be a per$ect
time. And the 7rst step is o$ten
the hardest.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
9ou are capab%e o$ more than
#ou rea%ize. +his is no dress
rehearsa%. /a&e it count.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
!ver#where institutions and
governments are strugg%ing to
cope with environmenta%1
socia% and po%itica% cha%%enges1
techno%ogica% innovation1 and
increased peop%e power. +he
wa# things wor& isn't wor&ing.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
And #et1 para%#zed b# $ear or a
perceived %ac& o$ viab%e
a%ternatives1 so man# o$ us
&eep our heads down and
&eep treading the conventiona%
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
:$ #ou are an#thing %i&e us
be$ore we escaped1 #ou ma#
be noticing a vast mismatch
between the things #ou are
interested in and the rea%ities o$
#our job.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
;ot changing in a wor%d where
change is acce%erating is a ver#
dangerous approach.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
+hose o$ us who wi%% prosper
and enjo# ourse%ves in the
coming #ears wi%% be those
who embrace change rather
than resist it.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
/ost peop%e who do genuine%#
exciting jobs in progressive
organizations didn't 7nd their
opportunit# on a job board.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
9ou cannot underestimate the
importance o$ bui%ding genuine
re%ationships with peop%e doing
interesting wor& in areas that
interest #ou.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
9ou are not going to change
jobs b# thin&ing about #our
escape or b# comp%aining that
it is hard . #ou are going to
change jobs b# ta&ing steps
$orward 4no matter how
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
+he more ideas #ou engage
with1 the more #ou are putting
#ourse%$ in a position to spot
new and exciting
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
($ten $ear causes us to run
awa# $rom things to avoid
short2term pain when the %ong2
term resu%t wou%d have been
$avourab%e. +his is particu%ar%#
power$u% with big career
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
+oda#'s econom# needs
peop%e who are prepared to
stand out. :$ #ou aren't
remar&ab%e 4%itera%%# <worth
remar&ing on=5 #ou'%% be
s-ueezed out in the inevitab%e
race to the bottom 4$aster1
cheaper1 outsourced5.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
Unti% #ou do something
di$$erent #our "> %oo&s exact%#
%i&e thousands o$ others.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
($ten the va%ues o$ #our wor&
environment don't re?ect #our
own. ($ten it's easier to inherit
externa% de7nitions o$ success
than it is to cu%tivate #our own.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
:$ #our job $orms a %arge part o$
#our identit# and sense o$ se%$2
worth1 and #ou don't enjo# it1
then it's %itt%e wonder that #ou
a%so $ee% prett# miserab%e
about #ourse%$ and #our %i$e .
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
...@:nA the corporate wor%d @it is
tooA eas# to be impressed b#
job tit%es and sa%aries without
&nowing whether an# rea%
va%ue @isA being created.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
*o #ou want to wor& in a wor%d
where appearances1
perceptions and presentation
carr# more weight than output1
execution and how nice a
person #ou areB
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
9our bod# isn't designed $or
spending a%% da# sitting down1
staring at a screen in an air2
conditioned room with
windows that don't open.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
:$ #ou shou%d be sure o$ one
thing in %i$e it's that nothing
ever sta#s the same.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
0eop%e who have p%a#ed b#
the ru%es their who%e %ives have
been so%d short b# <the
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
8e're not surprised i$ #ou're
%oo&ing at that career path and
thin&ing . <no than&s1 : $anc#
m# chances on m# own=.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
A%% the wa# through our
education we are taught to 7t
in. (be# ru%es1 $o%%ow
guidance1 do homewor&1 meet
dead%ines. Ce -uiet. Sit down.
0ass tests. Det grades. !at
#our vegetab%es.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
+his t#pe o$ traditiona%
education and socia%
conditioning is not he%p$u% i$
#ou want to %ive a %i$e on #our
own terms . i$ #ou want
$reedom and autonom#.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
Are #ou devoting #our
precious1 a%%2too2short %i$e to a
cause #ou don't care $orB (r to
no discernib%e cause at a%%B
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
:t is too eas# to spend a
decade doing a job that #ou
didn't choose $or #ourse%$1
com$orting #ourse%$ with the
thought that #ou'%% <on%# do this
$or a whi%e= be$ore 7nding what
it is that #ou rea%%# want to do
with #our %i$e.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
8e %ive in a wor%d that ma&es it
ver# eas# to compare
ourse%ves to others.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
:t is ver# eas# to adopt other
peop%es' de7nitions o$ success
instead o$ #our own.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
+here is o$ten a contradiction
between what #ou want #our
job to provide #ou with
4meaning and $u%7%ment5 and
what it actua%%# provides #ou
with 4income and a sense o$
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
:$ #ou are going to ma&e the
sacri7ces re-uired to wor& in
the corporate wor%d #ou shou%d
at %east be sure wh# #ou are
doing it and what #ou are
getting out o$ the experience.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
:t can be $ar more dangerous
to c%oc& up #ears in a job
where #ou have no interest in
bui%ding a %ong2term career
than ma&ing a transition that
might not wor& out.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
:t is important to push the
boundaries o$ #our networ&
@EA. Stop using not &nowing
the right peop%e as an excuseF
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
9ou can't underestimate the
importance o$ con7dence and
%earning <on the job=. Stop
underse%%ing #ourse%$. Start
bac&ing #our abi%it# to adapt.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
+he prob%em with waiting $or
that <dream job=1 #our <wor%d
beating business idea= or a
?ash o$ inspiration where #ou
7gure out <#our ca%%ing= is that
these things don't rea%%# exist
in the rea% wor%d.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
(nce #ou accept that there
isn't just <one right decision=
$or #our next career move #ou
rea%%# ta&e the pressure o$$.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
9our $riends1 $ami%# and other
peop%e in #our %i$e wi%%
discourage #ou $rom a
decision that the# perceive as
being ris&# @EA because the#
care about #ou.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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A big career change is scar#
$or the same reason that the
dar& can be $rightening. 9ou
can't see what's there and #ou
a%%ow #our imagination to get
out o$ contro%. 9ou don't &now
what #ou don't &now and #ou
expect the worst.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
8orr#ing about mone# is the
main reason wh# peop%e sta#
in jobs that aren't right $or
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
Fai%ing to proper%# dea% with
the 7nancia% imp%ications o$ a
career transition is the main
reason wh# most escapes $ai%.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
*on't assume escaping #our
job has to be a b%ind %eap o$
$aith. /ost peop%e who
success$u%%# transition haven't
a%%owed mone# $ears to stop
them but the# most certain%#
have addressed their 7nancia%
situation c%ose%#. 9ou shou%d
do the same.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
+here wi%% a%wa#s be reasons
not to do something. A%wa#s.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
9ou have to %ive the %i$e 9(U
want1 not the %i$e that someone
e%se wants $or #ou . especia%%#
i$ it's easier not to.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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(nce the &erne% o$ an idea that
excites #ou has imp%anted
itse%$ in #our mind #ou might
7nd that it &eeps coming bac&
again and again.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
Spending time doing wor& that
#ou don't want to do1 #ou are
wasting va%uab%e time that
cou%d be spent discovering
new interests and deve%oping
s&i%%s1 contacts and
experiences in new areas.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
So man# peop%e ma&e big %i$e
changes just a$ter experiencing
a persona% traged# or a near
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
8hat does it sa# about our
abi%it# to endure situations that
ma&e us unhapp# that it
re-uires something rea%%# sad
to shoc& us out o$ our
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
6oo&ing ahead to the end o$
#our %i$e can be a power$u% wa#
o$ putting #our wee&2to2wee&
decisions and worries in
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
Focusing on co%%ecting
-ua%i7cations can be to the
detriment o$ rea%2%i$e
experience. (1 so #ou can
stud# and pass exams what
have #ou ever done in the rea%
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
(nce #ou rea%ize that there is
no one higher up than #ou
whose job #ou want it shou%d
then become a -uestion o$
<when do : %eaveB= not <i$=.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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@EA i$ #ou don't proper%# enjo#
the wor& then #ou're probab%#
not going to have the grit and
determination it ta&es to c%imb
the %adder @EA
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
9ou don't have to do wor& that
saves the wor%d but #ou do
have a responsibi%it# to have a
positive impact in some $orm
through #our wor&.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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+here are so man# 7ghts worth
7ghting. Are #ou part o$ the
prob%em or part o$ the
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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(nce #ou ta&e awa# the
pressure o$ as&ing <is this what
: rea%%# want to do with m#
%i$eB= #ou ma&e it much easier
to ta&e on new ideas1
opportunities and cha%%enges.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
:$ bui%ding a $u%7%%ing career on
#our own terms A;* earning
pots o$ cash were eas# then
ever#one wou%d be doing it.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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An# corporate escape has to
be viab%e otherwise it won't
%ast. *on't $a%% into the trap o$
thin&ing #ou have to sacri7ce
7nancia% securit# $or a %i$e o$
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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8hatever #our escape1 #ou
need to do the sums between
what 7nances #ou've got at
#our disposa% $or the transition
and what amount o$ mone#
#ou want 4not just need5 to
have to $ee% secure through
this time.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
+hen #ou can ma&e a persona%
judgement regarding the %eve%s
o$ ris& #ou're wi%%ing to $ace.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
/one# is an enab%er . it shou%d
a%%ow #ou to do things #ou
want to do rather than being
an end in itse%$. :t's up to #ou to
decide what #ou want it to
enab%e #ou to do.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
Save and #ou bu# #ourse%$
options. Spend and #ou can
become trapped.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
9ou have to choose a process
that #ou enjo# 4bui%ding a
business that #ou %ove1 7nding
a job that ma&es #ou tic&5
because the end goa% 4wea%th1
retirement1 power1 status1
massive house5 . i$ #ou ever
reach it . is so o$ten an
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
+he two most constructive
wa#s #ou can invest in #ourse%$
are through new experiences
and education. 9ou don't have
to -uit #our job to do either o$
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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6oo& #our 7nances in the e#e
and then %oo& #our va%ues in
the e#e. *ecide how much #ou
need and want 4there's no
wrong answer5 $or what #ou
want to do. +hen p%an
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
/one# is the one $orce that is
most %i&e%# to &eep #ou
spending 7ve da#s a wee&
doing wor& that doesn't matter
to #ou. Dive this subject the
attention it deserves. +here is a
di$$erence between a gamb%e
and a p%an.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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+a&ing a sabbatica% whi%st #ou
tr# something new can be a
great insurance po%ic#.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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Ceware a routine that b%in&ers
#ou or exhausts #ou. 9ou can't
necessari%# be objective about
#our %i$e when #ou're in it.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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+here is a %i$e out there that
doesn't invo%ve #our current
situation. 9ou just can't a%wa#s
see it $rom where #ou're sitting.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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:$ #ou do 7nd #ourse%$ in the
un$ortunate position o$ being
%aid o$$1 embrace the dead
time. See it as an opportunit#.
9ou sometimes need to 7nd
space to breathe1 regroup and
assess #our options.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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9ou are not going to enjo# an#
new job or startup un%ess #ou
are genuine%# interested in the
subject matter.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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Stop reading1 start acting.
+here comes a point where
#ou have to stop being a
vo#eur and start ta&ing part.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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:nstead o$ casting around $or
that <one thing= that wi%% save
#ou $rom the corporate grind1
#ou shou%d exp%ore man#
di$$erent avenues and pursue
those that interest #ou. +he
&e# is to start.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
*on't get downhearted b# the
thought that so man# peop%es'
paths seem to be re%ative%#
haphazard1 be energized b#
the thought that #ou don't
need a guideboo& $or an
unconventiona% career.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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Un%ess #our p%an is to -uit
without a p%an 4i.e. to give
#ourse%$ breathing space or to
go on a big adventure51 !!0
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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+he most sure27re wa# to end
up bac& in another corporate
job that drives #ou up the wa%%
within six months is to -uit
without &nowing what #ou're
going to do or without enough
o$ a 7nancia% sa$et# net.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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Gust start 4but start sma%%5.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
8hat are the three actions #ou
cou%d ta&e b# the end o$ this
wee& that wou%d get #ou a $ew
steps c%oser to &nowing
something #ou don't &now
toda# about #our potentia% next
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
"an #ou ma&e a chec&%ist o$
the things #ou need to be ab%e
to answer <#es= to in order to
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
+r# to surround #ourse%$ with
peop%e who are interested in
the same things as #ou. :$ #ou
spend a%% wee& with peop%e
who don't enjo# their jobs and
#our evenings in pubs moaning
about wor& #ou'%% probab%#
dis%i&e #our job even more.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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Rather than thin&ing about the
ris&s o$ ma&ing a change1
perhaps #ou shou%d as&
#ourse%$ what the ris& is o$ not
doing what #ou rea%%# want to
do with #our %i$eB
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
@..A #ou ma# need to be
prepared $or resistance $rom
#our $riends and $ami%#. ($ten
this wi%% come $rom we%%2
meaning concerns about #our
securit# and a desire to protect
#ou $rom $ai%ure.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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Huitting is o$ten harder than
stic&ing. +here is a negative
stigma around -uitting. 6i&e it's
the eas# option. 6i&e #ou
cou%dn't stic& it out. +he rea%it#
is that it is o$ten $ar easier to
&eep cruising a%ong.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
!xpose #ourse%$ to serendipit#.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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+he idea o$ a job2$or2%i$e is
a%read# over. 0erhaps soon the
idea o$ a sing%e emp%o#er
owning a%% o$ #our time wi%% be
a thing o$ the past $or a %ot o$
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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;ew emp%o#ers want proo$ o$
commitment $ar more than
the# need to see speci7c s&i%%s.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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0roactive%# adding strings to
#our bow is one wa# o$
spar&ing new interests and
opening new doors without
having to over2commit to
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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9our s&i%%s are wa# more
trans$erab%e than #ou rea%ise.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
3unt peop%e not jobs.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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6i$e is a series o$
conversations. "onversations
are networ&ed. 8hich
networ&s are #ou inB 8hich
conversations are #ou a part
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
Stop spamming peop%e with
#our "> and cover %etter. +he
best opportunities never
appear on a job board.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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Ce uncompromising%# #ourse%$
when #ou app%# $or jobs. :$ #ou
don't want to wor& in an
environment where #ou behave
%i&e a robot1 don't write a cover
%etter %i&e a robot.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
(ur %ives are so $u%%. :t is
extreme%# eas# to con$use
manic )bus#2ness' $or
$u%7%ment. :t is important to
step awa# $rom #our routine to
gain perspective.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
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+3!R! :S ;( DU:*!C((.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
+he magic escape too%&it
doesn't exist. +here is an
ava%anche o$ support and
in$ormation out there i$ #ou go
%oo&ing $or it. U%timate%#1
however1 #ou're going to have
to p%ot #our own map.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
An#one whose %i$e #ou admire
or whose wor& #ou env# has
been through the ringer.
+he#'ve $aced $ear and
uncertaint#. +he#'ve $ai%ed.
+he#'ve ta&en some ris&s and
made some sacri7ces.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
9ou cannot contro% the
outcome. 9ou can on%# contro%
what #ou do toda#1 this wee&
and this month.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
9ou'%% never be abso%ute%#
certain whether a decision is
right unti% %ong a$ter #ou ta&e it.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
Fight the $ear.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
As with ever#thing in %i$e1 use
what is he%p$u%1 discard what
isn't. +a&e responsibi%it# $or
#our decisions1 especia%%#
when it seems easier to b%ame
things outside #our contro%.
Dood %uc&.
This #uote is an extract from our new book The Escape Manifesto.
You can buy the book here:
+reading the conventiona% path is sa$e1 it ma# not even be that aw$u%1
and #ou ma# be more assured o$ a com$ortab%e %i$e . . . but i$ #ou
want to $ee% the buzzE #ou're going to have to ta&e that 7rst step.
+rust us1 it's worth it.
+here is no secret too%&it. 9ou are the on%# one who can choose what
comes next in #our career and %i$e. 8e &now this is dauntingI we've
been there. 8e're with #ou ever# step o$ the wa#. 9ou won't be ta&ing
an# steps that we haven't ta&en a%read#. 8e've survived the
uncertaint# and so can #ou.
+he most important thing #ou can do $rom now on is to start ta&ing
steps in new directions. Sma%% steps at 7rst. :$ #ou want di$$erent out2
comes #ou need to adopt di$$erent behaviours. 8e passionate%#
be%ieve that a meaning$u% existence comes $rom wor&ing hard on
something #ou rea%%# be%ieve in.
:$ #ou %i&e what #ou've read #ou'%% hope$u%%# enjo# the boo& even
more. 9ou can bu# the boo& here: (h1 and
come join us on our main site. 8e're bui%ding the too%s to he%p #ou put
a%% o$ the ideas in this boo& into practice.
Stop *reaming1 Start 0%anning and *o Something *i$$erentF
A%% the best1
Rob, om, Mikey
Escape the !ity

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