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Kiara Marshall (+3)

M01C Tues./Thurs. 8am

June 30, 2014
Thinking Critically
Growing up we are told that we need to use are minds to critically analyze a situation that
cannot be easily understood. We are told to critically analyze everything from novels to events
and all those in between. We are instructed to be critical thinkers with all aspects of life. The
question is, what is a critical thinker?
Many would say that a critical thinker is someone who is able to come up with the most
intricate and complicated response. When really a critical thinker is someone who can patiently
understand what is going on around them. They ask questions and take in their surroundings. In
the participants that we documented you can see that most college students arent critical
In participant number threes debate you can see her using the characteristics off a good
critical thinker. She kept her emotional view points out of the conversation and had a level head
while discussing the topic. The only problem that was detectable was that she would listen to
what we had to say but didnt take it into account when stating her points. Unlike participant
number four who wouldnt listen to our point at all and kept stating her point. There was a lot of
interruption between the participant and the debater and conflict from our view points.
As you can see not everyone is a critical thinker but it has been proven that everyone can
become a critical thinker.

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