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Ecological theory

The ecological theory defines five types of systems which contain roles, norms and rules
that shape development. The systems include a microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, and
macrosystem. The microsystem is the family, classroom, or systems in the immediate
environment in which a person is operating. The mesosystem is two Microsystems interacting,
such as the connection between a childs home and school. The exosystem is an environment in
which an individual is indirectly involved and is external to his experience, yet it affects him
anyway i.e. a childs parents workplace. The macrosystem is the larger cultural context. Finally,
the last segment of this theory is the chronosystem. The chronosystem sort of ties all of the
components of this theory together. The chronosystem involves the evolution of a child as well
as the evolution of the childs world.
In the study the chronosystem is taken into consideration since it looks into the external
factors or external influences that creates effect into the adolescent and one of those external
influences is the rise of modernized gadgets or high technology which may include now the
computer video game, which may give positive or negative outcome in the adolescents life.
Internet use is considered to be across immediate childhood environments (i.e., home,
school, and community) and in relation to a variety of uses (i.e., information, communication,
and recreation).
Childhood internet use allowed time for the child to explore, resulting in incidental
learning, celebrated expertise, and occurred in a context with consistent access to technology
(e.g., home Internet availability). Different internet pattern use differently impact development of
the adolescent.

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