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Notas sobre el video de Managment 1.0

Make organizations more capable
Organisations have sistemic incompetncies
Not good are not ver adaptable, take a crisis to change it
Not innovative
Not inspring places to work
Understand the principles behind the web that makes it an amazing place
Understand and uncover the causes of these incompetencies
Adaptability: why does organizations find it so hard to change?
1) pyramidal decision structure. The more political power the less adaptable is the
system. If you give that group of people a lot of power you are also giving them the
ability to hold the company capacity to change to their own abitlty to change. Some of
those people who have the power are out of date with the new data and also are les
willing to accept the decisions they took 15 years ago were not good for the company.
Solution: distribute the power.
2) Monolitic structure. The companies are divided in large units with thousands of
people in the same division. Large things are not very adaptable. It need to be small
to be adaptable. Solution: Have smaller units where people have diferent ideas.
Witout losing the advantages of economies of scale
Innovation: some things that reduces the capacity of our organizations to innovate
1) There is a view that only some people are creative. You dont find very often ideas that
are practical and radical, it takes effort to get people to think that way. The companies
dont teach people how to create that kind of ideas.
2) Allegation rigidity. Things that make it hard to move money and talent from legacy
projects to new things. For some employers is hard to get experimental capital or time
to do theses experimental projects. There is only one whay to get capital, up the chain
of command .Solution: Dont have a monology in capital allocation and more sources
of experimental capital in our companies.
Engagement in the place work
1)People dont really trust the manager they are working for. Managers are nott leadrers
in behavior. Primary goal of these employers is only to please your boss.
2) people have very little autonomy on organizations. They dont have the freedom to
work in what they enjoy they just work because they need to. Emplees should have lot
more autonomy.

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