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EDUC F- 110

1) What new learning did you take away from tonight's panel?

I did realize that before I wanted to be a teacher that the
money would not be the greatest, but too see the love that all
four of those women had for the children was amazing. I did not
know how hard all this would be. But it the end it will be all worth

2) What reservations might you be experiencing regarding
becoming a teacher?

Definitely the pay, I want to have a family and I want to
know that I will be able to take care of my family and provide for

3) How has your experience been in F110 this semester so far,
and what can Kylea do to further enhance that experience?

I love it so much, I wake up on Fridays and I am so excited
to see all of my students. I know that I want to be a teacher, it
brings me joy that I am helping others. I love how Kylea sees me
in the hall and asks how I am doing. It shows she really caress
and I'm not just a student in her class.

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