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Teachers: Justyna Szczepaska ( Poland), Barbara Zitarska + Three students

Age of the students: 12

Topic: The map of Endangered species in Poland.
to teach Italian students about Polish natural environment.
to promote Polish history and culture
to reduce stereotypes about Poland
to start a discussion about endangered species
Methods: Group work , individual work, working with multimedia , discussion,
Resources: DVD- Wild Animals in Poland. The whiteboard, the map of Poland to
fill in.
Activities: The teacher introduced herself and presented the topic of the
lesson. Students watched a presentation about wild animals in Poland. The
teacher explained which species are in danger of extinction and why people
should protect them. Students were given pictures of animals and they were
supposed to choose the ones that live in Poland and place them on the map.
After that Italian students asked some questions to the Polish teachers and
students. All Italian students were given traditional Polish sweets.

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