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1. Candidate willingness to join the company

 Reputation of the company

 Salary Package
 Working Environment
 Job Prospect
 Location of the Company
 Career growth opportunity

2. Most reliable type of interview

 Behavioral
 Situational

3. Best way to recruit people

 Advertisement
 Walk-ins
 Search firms

4. Response given by the staff about their query

 Agree/Disagree

5. How candidates are recruited in the company

 Written exam
 Written exam & Interview
 Written exam, G.D Interview

6. Job specification of the response of the employee


7. Attitude of H.R Manager

 Good
 Very good
 Excellent

8. The primary source of information for recruiting people should


 Managerial
 Testing
 Recruiters themselves
 Job analysis

9. Opinion about UDAY FOUNDATION Company’s Application on


 Good
 Very good
 Excellent

10. Do you have any other comments about the information you
received or our recruitment process that would be helpful to us?

11. What attracted you the most initially?

 Content of Job
 Hours of Work

 Salary

 Location

 Promotion Opportunity

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