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XML Example: test.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<html xmlns="" >
<title> Title of text XHTML Document </title>
<div class="myDiv">
<h1> Heading of Page </h1>
<p> here is a paragraph of text. I will include inside this paragraph a bunch of
wonky text so that it looks fancy. </p>
<p>Here is another paragraph with <em>inline emphasized</em> text, and
<b> absolutely no</b> sense of humor. </p>
<p>And here is another paragraph, this one containing an <img src="image.gif"
alt="waste of time" /> inline image, and a <br /> line break. </p>
Example Message
<partorders xmlns=>
<order ref=x23-2112-2342 date=25aug1999-12:34:23h>
<desc> Gold sprockel grommets, with matching hamster</desc>
<part number=23-23221-a12 />
<quantity units=gross> 12 </quantity>
<delivery-date date=27aug1999-12:00h>
<order ref=x23-2112-2342 date=25aug1999-12:34:23h>
. Order something else ..

XML Parsers
An XML parser is a program that can read an XML
document and provide programmatic access to the
Two types of parsers:
1) DOM based Document Object Model
Constructs a tree that represents the
2) SAX based Simple API for XML
Generates events when parts of the
document are encountered.
Can also be classified as push or pull parsers
XML Characters
Consist of carriage returns, line feeds
and Unicode characters
XML is either markup or text
Markup is enclosed in < and >
Character text is the text between a
start and end tag
Child elements are considered markup
White Space
Parsers consider whitespace inside
text data to be significant and must
pass it to an application
An application can consider
whitespace significant or insignificant.
Normalization is the process in which
whitespace is collapsed or removed
&, <, >, (apostrophe), and (double
quote) are special characters and may
not be used in character data directly
To use these characters we code
entity references which begin with an
ampersand and end with a semicolon
&amp; &lt; &gt; &apos;
Root Element
<?xml version="1.0"?>

Some Simple Data Types
XML Schema has a lot of built-in data
types, including:

Simple Elements
Here are some XML elements:
And here are the corresponding
simple element definitions:
<xs:element name="lastname" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="age" type="xs:integer"/>
<xs:element name="dateborn" type="xs:date"/>
Default and Fixed Values for Simple
Simple elements may have a default value OR a
fixed value specified.
A default value is automatically assigned to the
element when no other value is specified.
In the following example the default value is "red":
<xs:element name="color" type="xs:string"
A fixed value is also automatically assigned to the
element, and you cannot specify another value.
In the following example the fixed value is "red":
<xs:element name="color" type="xs:string"

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