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Chico Mendes

Yasmim, Maria Luisa, Rassa e Evelyn.

2 Formao Geral
Francisco Alves Mendes
Filho, better known as
Chico Mendes, was born on
December 15, 1944 in the
town of Seringal Santa F,
outside of Xapuri, Brazil.
He was a Brazilian rubber
tapper, trade union leader
and environmentalist. He
fought to preserve the
Amazon rainforest, and
advocated for the human
rights of Brazilian peasants
and indigenous peoples.
Mendes believed that relying on rubber tapping alone was
not sustainable, and that the rubber tappers needed to
develop cooperative systems that used a variety of forest
products, such as nuts, fruit, oil, and fibers, and that they
needed to focus on building strong communities with quality
education for their children.
To save the rainforest, Chico Mendes and the rubber workers
union asked the government to set up reserves as they
wanted people to use the forest without damaging it. The
Xapuri Rubber Tappers Union was created in 1970, and Chico
was elected as its president.
"At first I thought I was
fighting to save rubber
trees, then I thought I
was fighting to save the
Amazon rainforest. Now I
realize I am fighting for
Chico Mendes
Chico Mendes with his children.
On the evening of Thursday, December 22,
1988, Mendes was assassinated in his home by
Darly Alves da Silva, a rancher. The shooting
took place exactly one week after Mendes' 44th
birthday, when he had predicted he would "not
live until Christmas".
- The Chico Mendes Institute for Conservation of Biodiversity
(Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservao da Biodiversidade),
a body under the jurisdiction of the Brazilian Ministry of the
Environment, is named in his honor.
- The musical group Man made a song about the death of
Mendes. The song was titled "Cuando los ngeles Lloran".
- Paul McCartney dedicated the song "How Many People" to
the memory of Mendes.

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