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Anna Schiess

-Reflection on possibilities for professional development. Professional goals:

1. The first professional learning goal that emerged from my experience with the TWS is to be
more prepared with knowledge about what is appropriate for different class levels, skill-wise
and age levels, developmentally.
-I plan to research the common core more thoroughly before planning lessons, acquire
knowledge from those who have taught before, and get their opinions about what movements
or challenges are acceptable for different levels.

2. The second professional learning goal that emerged from my experience with the TWS is to
improve my language in every way.
-Ways to improve my language include expanding my vocabulary for more rich
language, using more qualitative instead of quantitative feedback, watching how I give
constructive feedback, finding better ways to be strict with my language when unacceptable
behavior is occurring, and using dynamics and energy in my voice to keep students engaged
throughout the class.

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