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Rafael Pouso

MUSIC 4342
Class Time: 10:00a.m. 12:00a.m.
Peer Teaching #3: Group Peer Teaching Integrating Science and Music

The group presentation of the teaching of the Earthquakes and
Tsunamis to students in the third grade presented some difficulties on the
organization of the activities at the moment that students needed to form
groups. Some other difficulties were the tone of the voice should have been
louder to have a greater teacher presence and control over the behavior of
students at the time of the transitions between activities.
On the other hand, some good qualities that the group demonstrated
was the good instructional involvement of the science and m usic material
information in a way that was appropriate for the student understanding. In
addition, the demonstration example was able to provide an actual image of
what an Earthquake would look and what are some of the consequences that
an Earthquake happens.
In conclusion, teaching a lesson plan with the help of multiple
teachers provides with an extra help to the teacher and increases the learning
of the students since the teacher-student ratio is smaller. However, this
accessibility of multiple teachers does not happen in classroom. Therefore,
teachers and our group need to have the proper organization to conduct
properly teach lesson plan.

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