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Ancient aliens

According to ancient alien theorists, extraterrestrials with superior knowledge

of Science and engineering landed on Earth thousands of years ago, sharing their expertise
with early civilizations and forever changing the course of human history. But how did
this concept develop, and is there any evidence to support it?
Ancient alien theory grew out of the centuriesold idea that life exists on other
planets, and that humans and extraterrestrials have crossed paths !efore. "he theme of
humanalien interaction was thrust into the spotlight in the #$%&s, driven !y a wave of
'() sightings and popular films like*&&#+ A Space )dyssey. "he space program played
no small part in this as well+ ,f mankind could travel to other planets, why couldn-t
extraterrestrials visit Earth?
,n #$%., the Swiss author Erich von /0niken pu!lished 1hariots of the
2ods?, which !ecame an immediate !estseller. ,n it, he put forth his hypothesis that,
thousands of years ago, space travelers from other planets visited Earth, where they taught
humans a!out technology and influenced ancient religions. 3e is regarded !y many as the
father of ancient alien theory, also known as the ancient astronaut theory. 4ost ancient
alien theorists, including von /0niken, point to two types of evidence to support their
ideas. "he first is ancient religious texts in which humans witness and interact with gods
or other heavenly !eings who descend from the sky5sometimes in vehicles resem!ling
spaceships5and possess spectacular powers. "he second is physical specimens such as
artwork depicting alienlike figures and ancient architectural marvels like Stonehenge and
the pyramids of Egypt.
,f aliens visited Earth in the past, could they make an appearance in the future?
(or ancient alien theorists, the answer is a resounding yes. "hey !elieve that, !y sharing
their views with the world, they can help prepare future generations for the inevita!le
encounter that awaits them.
Ancient alien theorists like Erich von /0niken !elieve that, thousands of years
ago, extraterrestrials landed on Earth, where they were hailed as gods and helped shape
human civilization. But what proof could possi!ly exist for such an encounter?
6roponents of the theory point to two types of evidence+ ancient religious texts and
physical specimens such as cave drawings, stone sculptures and pyramids. ,s your
1uriosity pi7ued? 3ere-s a 7uick introduction to some of the most famous examples.
Evidence of Aliens:
,n 3indu mythology, the gods and their avatars travel from place to place in flying vehicles
8variously called 9flying chariots9, 9flying cars9 or Vimanas:. "here are many mentions of these
flying machines in the Ramayana, which dates to the ;th or <th century B1E. Below are some
Erich von /0niken discusses the Ramayana and the vimanas in Chariots of the Gods? chapter %,
suggesting that they were 9space vehicles9. "o support his theory, he also offers a 7uotation
which he says is from an #..$ translation of the Mahabharata !y 1. =oy+ 9Bh>ma flew with his
?imana on an enormous ray which was as !rilliant as the sun and made a noise like the thunder
of a storm9.
Ancient Art:
Ancient art, as seen in cave drawings, sculpture and carvings, may !e the most indicative of
ancient aliens. "here are cave drawings of what look like astronauts, aliens and spacecraft
virtually all over the world. "he @atuo Aa!yrinth, "anzania, (rance, 4exico, 'tah, 6eru, Biev,
Australia, "i!et, @apan, ,ndia and more have artwork from the ancients that depict suspiciously
alienes7ue scenes.
Chat is the most strange a!out these drawings is that they are very similar to modern depictions
of aliens, spacecraft and astronauts. 1reatures with long, skinny !odies and lim!s that have alien
shaped heads, saucer like craft floating a!ove people and humans wearing suits with tu!es in
them are all alien and outer spacerelated art that we would see today. Chy were ancient people
drawing the same things?
Ancient Architecture:
"here is no 7uestion that some ancient architectural structures must have !een nigh on
impossi!le to !uild. "ools then were nowhere near the sophistication of tools today. Donetheless,
structures like the 6yramids of 2iza, 6uma 6unku, 4achu 6icchu and Stonehenge exist. 3ow are
those monumental structures exist in places where it is difficult to !reathe, let alone !uild? 3ow
did ancient people fit stones so closely together that they have lasted thousands of years without
mortar? 3ow did they move stones that weigh several tons from miles away and then place them
on top of each other? 4odern architects and archaeologists are having trou!le answering these
7uestions. ,f ancient aliens helped ancient people !uild these structuresE that would explain
everything. 3owever, it still leaves many 7uestions.
The Nazca Lines:
Etched into a high plateau in 6eru-s Dazca /esert, a series of ancient designs stretching
more than ;& miles has !affled archaeologists for decades. Along with simple lines and
geometric shapes, they include drawings of animals, !irds and humans, some measuring
more than %&& feet across. Because of their colossal size, the figures can only !e
appreciated from way up in the air5and there is no evidence that the Dazca people, who
inha!ited the area !etween F&& B.1. and .&& A./., invented flying machines. According
to ancient alien theorists, the figures were used to guide spaceships as they came in for a
landing, and the lines served as runways.
4any Sanskrit epics, which were written in ,ndia more than two millennia ago, contain
references to mythical flying machines called vimanas. 6ointing to similarities !etween
descriptions of vimanas and reports !y people who claim to have seen '()s, ancient alien
theorists have suggested that astronauts from other planets visited ,ndia during ancient
The Moai of Easter Island:
"he 6olynesian island of Easter ,sland is famous for its GmaoiH+ the ..I giant
human figures with enormous heads that guard its coastline. =oughly ;&& years old, these
monolithic statues stand #F feet high and weigh #< tons, !ut some are twice as tall and much
heavier. 3ow could human !eings without sophisticated tools or knowledge of engineering craft
and transport such incredi!le structures? Some ancient alien theorists !elieve it is the work of
visiting extraterrestrials who left their mark on the island.
Puma Punku:
Aocated in the Bolivian highlands, 6uma 6unku is a field of stone ruins scattered
with giant, finely carved !locks. Such precise workmanship on a massive scale would have !een
nearly impossi!le without modern tools and machines, yet the ruins are more than #,&&& years
old. Ancient alien theorists have hypothesized that extraterrestrials with advanced engineering
techni7ues created the site or advised the people who !uilt it.
The ook of Ezekiel:
,n the Book of Ezekiel, part of the 3e!rew !i!le, a prophet has a vision of a flying
vessel accompanied !y fire, smoke and a loud noise. Some ancient alien theorists have argued
that the vehicle-s design closely mirrors that of a modern spaceship. =ather than a divine
intervention, then, perhaps the text descri!es an early encounter !etween humans and alien
Pacal!s "arco#ha$us:
6acal the 2reat ruled over the 4ayan city of 6alen7ue, in what is now southern
4exico, during the seventh century. 'pon his death, he was !uried inside a pyramid called the
"emple of ,nscriptions. "he intricately carved lid of his sarcophagus has !ecome a classic work
of 4ayan art5and an oftcited piece of evidence for ancient alien theorists. ,n their view, 6acal
is pictured in a spaceship during takeoff, with his hand on a control panel, his foot on a pedal and
an oxygen tu!e in his mouth.

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