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Grade Level Program Plan

Title: Science (Weather Changes) and Music

Grade Level: Kindergarten

Earth and Space: The student knows that the natural world includes earth
materials. The student is expected to:
o (A) Observe, describe, compare, and sort rocks by size, shape, color,
and texture.

Overview: These activities will help children identify the different climate changes
and demonstrate different musical concepts.

Activity #1: I will be teaching students a chant of the different climate changes and
temperatures through the use of song/chant teaching procedures.

Activity #2: I will teach students key words that characterize the different climatic
changes. Based on these key words the teacher will develop Laban movements that
students are going to later be interpreting while a recording song is being played. As
well as the teacher will allow students to create their own movements that will be
demonstrating the learning of the concepts and movements.

Activity #3: The teacher will provide students with musical instruments. The
purpose of this activity will be for students to demonstrate the macrobeat and
microbeat of a chant that is integrating music and the different weathers.

What colour is the sun? (Chant)
Musical Instruments
Visual image of climate changes
Recorded song: Piano Sonata by Evelyn Dubourg

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