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Food and Drinks

1. I dont like _________ because it is bitter.

2. Monkeys eat a lot of ____________.
3. At weekends my family and I eat ____________, I really like it.
4. In the morning, I have for breakfast cereal with some
5. When I watch a movie I like to eat _______________.
6. My sister is making me a ___________ because Im very hungry.
7. Jeremy is drinking water of _____________.
8. In Brendas party we ate peperoni ______________.
9. When it is too hot I like to eat ______________ I feel less hot.
10. ____________ is one of my favorite fruits.
11. My mom says that __________ are not good for my health.
12. In France, people use to drink _______________.
13. _____________ are used to decorate the houses in Halloween.
14. My grandmother makes a delicious ________________ that I could
eat it all day.
15. In Joshs birthday, most of the people give him _____________ as a
16. _______________ is one of the most common foods in Mexico.
17. I love _____________ when it is too hot!
18. Katie loves ________________ she eat it every day.
19. My cousin is making some ____________ for breakfast.
20. The ___________ is a season fruit.
21. Penny says that if we eat a lot of _______________ we will have
good eyesight.
22. I dont like ____________ because it smells very bad when it is
23. Hugo wants more ______________ in his pizza.
24. In Sashas cake was some __________, I really enjoyed it.
25. When it is too cold I like to drink some _____________.

Food and Drinks by Mara Ftima Delgado Snchez is licensed under
a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 4.0
Internacional License.

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