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MC Script

[2:15 pm]

Eloise: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Chestnut Drive econdar! chool. "han#
!ou for gracing our school$s 2
tudents %eaders$ &nvestiture. '! name is (loise

Fatullah: and & am )atullah. We *ould +e !our 'Cs for this afternoon$s ceremon!. "oda!$s program
se,uence is reflected in the program sheet. &f !ou do not have a cop! of the program sheet, !ou can
raise !our hands and our -eer upport %eaders *ill hand !ou a cop!. [pause to allo* -%s to give
copies to guests *ho do not have program sheet]

During the ceremon!, *e *ould re,uest the audience to stand *hen the Guest of .onour arrives and at
the singing of the chool song.

Eloise: "he ceremon! *ould +e starting shortl!. We *ould appreciate it if !ou could #indl! s*itch
!our mo+ile phones to silent mode. "han# !ou.

[2:25 pm]

[Diyanah signals /CC contingent commander to get read!. Diyanah signals to 'Cs that Guard of
.onour is read!.]

Fatullah: %adies and Gentlemen, please 0oin our hands together to *elcome our Guard of .onour, the
/CC contingent.

[/CC contingent marches in. tand in position. Commander to +ring contingent at1ease]

[Ashwini *aits for G2. at fo!er and escorts him up to the hall entrance *hen he arrives.]

[2:34 pm]

[Diyanah signals to 'Cs that G2. has arrived. tudent Councilors and tudent %eaders are read! to
enter hall]

Eloise: %adies and Gentlemen, ma! & present to !ou, our tudent Councilors and tudent %eaders.

[/CC Contingent commander +rings contingent at attention. 565 pla!s grand entrance music. ec 1
tudent Councilor enters the school hall *hen the! hear the music.]

2ur econdar! 1 and 2 0unior tudent Councilors. [pause]

2ur econdar! 3 and 7 senior tudent Councilors. [pause]

2ur tudent %eaders from the 8niform Groups and 9and. [pause]

"he (:co$s and 6ice -residents of our tudent Council. [pause]

[tudent Councilors and tudent %eaders *ill *al# up to the stage steps]

"he -residents of our tudent Council.

['usic stops. -residents *ill *ait at the top of the Guard of .onour to *elcome G2.]

[small pause]

Fatullah: %adies and Gentlemen, please stand and let us *elcome our Guest1of1.onour, 'r. "on!
Wong 1 ;ensen.

[/CC Contingent commander gives command for Contingent to salute. C -residents to guide G2., -
and 6- to their seats. /CC contingent commander gives command to ease salute.]

Fatullah: %adies and Gentlemen, please remain standing for our school song.

[)lag +earer marches to centre of aisle, hoists up the school flag. Commander gives command for all to
stand at1attention. 565 pla!s the school song. chool song ended.]

Fatullah: -lease +e seated.

[/CC *ill march out once the audience has seated. Contingent commander gives command for
Contingent to dismiss from hall. tudent %eaders on stage *ill disperse orderl! to their seats.]

Eloise: 5 ver! good afternoon and ma! & e:tend a *arm *elcome to our Guest1of1.onour, 'r. "on!
Wong 1 ;ensen, our -rincipal, 'r. "eoh "ei# .oe, our 6ice -rincipal, 'r. 'ohammad /asim,
distinguished guests and ever!one present. We *ant to than# !ou for +eing here to cele+rate this
occasion together *ith us.

"oda! *e cele+rate the investiture of our ne* tudent Councilors. We *ould also li#e to than# our
graduating student leaders in the tudent Council, 8niform Groups and 9and for their contri+utions to
the school.

Fatullah: "he theme of toda!$s ceremon! is "hin#er < &nspirer < ervant. "his is also the motto of our
school$s tudent Council. "he student leaders of our school aspire to develop these ,ualities in our
lives. =ou *ould hear more a+out this from our tudent Council -residents later.

&t is no* m! pleasure to call upon our Guest1of1.onour, 'r. "on! Wong 1 ;ensen, up on stage to
deliver his speech. [Ashwini and Diyanah escort G2. on stage. "he! advice G2. that he is re,uested
to sta! on stage to present certificates to the graduating school leaders after his speech. "he! stand
+ehind stage *hile G2. is delivering his speech.]

Eloise: "han# !ou, 'r. Wong. We *ould no* invite 'r. Wong to give a*a! certificates of appreciation
to our graduating senior /C2s of the 8niform Groups and 9and. "hese students have served *ell and
are held in high regards as leaders in their respective CC5 groups.

[Faye to prepare enior /C2s to go on1stage]

Fatullah: )rom the /ational -olice Cadet Corp,
1. taff ergeant >G? harran @2 Aa0endran, also a*arded the 9est Cadet >+o!s?
2. G %iana /adhirah 9te aheid, also a*arded the 9est Cadet >girls?
3. G 5lif Bulfi#aar 9 Camsani
7. G ;ason Gan Bhi .ui
5. G =schelle %im =i Diu
E. G "an %in .e 5nderson

Eloise: )rom the aint ;ohn 5m+ulance 9rigade,
1. G Coh Bhao ch*en hane
2. G -ang Cing =iu
3. G "an i .ui (mmeline

Fatullah: )rom the Concert 9and,
1. 9and 'a0or 'uhammad )arid 9 ;umadi
2. Drum 'a0or /urul 5s!i,in 9te &smail

Eloise: )rom the /ational Cadet Corp,
1. 'aster ergeant /eo %ing heng
2. G ;agdevan ingh
3. G Dinesh Cumar @2 -aramasivan
7. G 'ohamad /oh 9 ;affar
5. G 'uhammad .ai#al AadFuan 9 A
E. G -aramasivam @2 5nnamala!

[Graduating enior /C2s to ta#e picture *ith G2. at steps of stage]

"han# !ou 'r. Wong for giving a*a! the certificates.

[Diyanah escorts G2. +ac# to seat. G2. seated. enior /C2s to return to their seats.]

Fatullah: "he tudent Council has undergone ma0or changes in the last 2 !ears. "he current retiring
+atch of graduating tudent Council leaders *as instrumental in implementing man! changes. /o*, let
us sit +ac# and en0o! a video that the! have put together to share *ith us their 0ourne!. 5fter the video,
the out1going -resident of the tudent Council, 's 5sh*ini *ill present her speech.

[565 to pla! video. 5fter video, Ashwini *al#s to podium to deliver her speech. 5fter speech, move
,uic#l! to seat.]

Eloise: "han# !ou, 5sh*ini. & *ould no* invite our 6ice -rincipal, 'r. 'ohamad /asim to come on
stage to present the certificates of appreciation to our out1going tudent Councilors.

'r. /asim, please.

[Diyanah escorts 'r. /asim on1stage. Faye prepares graduating students to go on1stage.]

Eloise: -resenting to !ou, our graduating student councilorsG
1. ' ahesh
2. 9urgos Ga+riel Ao+ert 'analo
3. (:1co mem+er, /ur !ahirah 9te !ed &+rahim
7. (:1co mem+er, Aachel Goon 9ao Dian
5. 6ice -resident, %iana /adhirah 9te aheid
E. 6ice -resident, Huah Co# Ciong
I. 6ice -resident, inn Chansere!roth
J. -resident 5sh*ini D@2 9alachandran

[Graduating tudent Councilors to ta#e picture *ith 'r. /asim at the steps of the stage]

"han# !ou, 'r. /asim.

[Diyanah escorts 'r. /asim +ac# to seat and then move to +ac#stage. Vice President designates to
move to +ac#stage. 5ll graduating tudent Councilors to return to their seats e:cept the 6ice -residents
and -resident *ho remain on1stage.]

Fatullah: We *ould no* invite the out1going and in1coming 6ice -residents to come on stage for a
simple handover ceremon!.

%iana /adhirah 9te aheid, 6ice -resident and .ead of 6oice of CDians *ill no* hand over her
appointment to )a!e "an =ong .eng.

Huah Co# Ciong, 6ice -resident and .ead of Dail! 2perations *ill no* hand over her appointment to
Charmaine /g um 'a!.

inn Chansere!roth, 6ice -resident and .ead of -eer upport %eaders *ill no* hand over her
appointment to ;essl!n "ri:ie 2gmund.

[6ice -resident s*apped +laFers, held in hand]

Eloise: We *ould no* invite the outgoing and in1coming -residents to move to the front of the stage
for a simple handover ceremon!.

5sh*ini D@2 9alachandran, -resident of tudent Council *ill no* hand over her appointment to /urul
Di!anah 9te 5n+ar.

[5ll -residents and 6ice -residents to move to the front of stage for photo ta#ing. 5ll to return to their

"han# !ou, -residents and 6ice -residents.

Fatullah: %adies and Gentlemen, *e are coming to the most e:citing part of our ceremon!, the
investiture of our 0unior tudent Councilors. "hese tudent Councilors have +een stringentl! selected
and trained. "he! have passed their training and are no* conferred the tudent Councilor +adge.

Eloise: We *ould start off *ith the econdar! 1 tudent Councilors. "he! are,
1. Casel!n "an ;ing Wen
2. Aa0a !arah 5ddlina
3. "an Huni ;eanie
7. -avithradevi
5. /uraFreen
E. 'uhd 5Fr! Chair!

[While the econdar! 1 student councilors are moving up on1stage, R7 prepares their parents to go on1

& *ould no* li#e to invite their parents to come on1stage to pin the tudent Council +adge on their
child$s uniform.

[R7 invites parents +ac# to their seats *hen the! have pinned the +adges.]

%et$s give a round of applause for the econdar! 1 tudent Councilors.

[econdar! 1 Cs move to +ac# of stage]

Fatullah: We *ould no* invite the econdar! 2 tudents Councilors on stage. "he! are,

1. Chartel 'anipula 5ndres
2. (loise 5rellano 9or+on
3. Ga!athri D@2 6i0a!a Cumar
7. amantha Chuan Wei =ee
5. her!l Goh =i )en
E. ;eselle 5nne - (gipto
I. 5aron .ogan
J. 'i#hail .ud 9 .alil
K. /ur a+rina 9te Aoslan
14. Danial Buhail! 9 Bul#afie
11. %arr! "an Wei ;ie
12. iti Aiana
13. 8mmi /ur .aida
17. 5+dul 'utta,in 9 Aahmad

[While the econdar! 2 student councilors are moving up on1stage, R7 prepares their parents to go on1

& *ould li#e to invite the parents of these econdar! 2 tudent Councilors to come on stage to pin the
tudent Council +adge on their child$s uniform.

[R7 invites parents +ac# to their seats *hen the! have pinned the +adges.]

%et$s put our hands together for the econdar! 2 tudent Councilors.

[econdar! 2 Cs move to +ac# of stage, in1front of econdar! 1 Cs]

Eloise: 'ost of our econdar! 3 student councilors are e:perienced student leaders. & *ould no* invite
m! enior tudent Councilors on1stage. "he! are:

5hmad .aFi, Chalid 9 5hmad )
9en0amin "an Cai Din
%ee Ca Din
'uhammad )atullah 9 5manullah
tets!u# Cirill
6ignes*aran @2 9alachandran
%atchi!a -rhi!an 5@% Chandran
'ohammad /ahar 9 .assan
;acinda Wang
;ovin Diong Din=i
'uhammad holihin 9 alman

[While the econdar! 3 student councilors are moving up on1stage, R7 prepares their parents to go on1

& *ould li#e to invite the parents of these econdar! 3 tudent Councilors to come on stage to put the
tudent Council +laFers on for their child.

[R7 invites parents +ac# to their seats *hen the! have put on the +laFers for their child. Ashwini and
Roth to invite the parents of - and 6- designates to +ac#stage.]

%et$s give the econdar! 3 tudents Councilors a +ig hand.

[econdar! 3 Cs move to +ac# of stage, in1front of econdar! 2 Cs.]

Fatullah: & *ould no* invite 'r. "eoh, our -rincipal, to come on1stage to give out the letter of
appointments to our 6ice -resident1designates. [Liana escorts 'r. "eoh on stage]

& *ould li#e to invite their parents to come to the front of the stage to help their child put on her +laFer.

[5sh*ini and Aoth invite parents to go to the front of the stage, arranging them in the right order.]

%adies and Gentlemen, the ne* 6ice -residents:
1. Charmaine /g um 'a!
2. )a!e "an =ong .eng
3. ;essl!n "ri:ie 2gmund

[(ach 6- goes on stage, first to +e dressed +! their parents, and then proceed to get their certificate of
appointment from 'r. "eoh. 5fter ta#ing the certificates, the ne* 6- moves a step +ac#. 2nce all 6-s
received their certificates of appointments, the! have a photograph together *ith their parents and 'r.
"eoh. 5fter photograph, Aoth invites parents +ac# to seat. 6-s move +ac# to stage and stand in front of
the ec 3 tudent Councilors. Liana advices 'r. "eoh to remain on1stage]

Eloise: %adies and Gentlemen, ma! & no* present !ou the ne* -resident of the I
tudent Council,
/urul Di!anah 9te 5n+ar.

[Di!anah goes on1stage. Ashwini invites Di!anah$s parents to the front of the stage to put on the +laFer
for her. Di!anah receives certificate of appointment from 'r. "eoh. Di!anah *ill have a photograph
*ith her parents and 'r. "eoh. Liana invites 'r. "eoh +ac# to his seat. Ashwini invites Di!anah$s
parents to their seats. Di!anah moves to the podium to deliver her -residential 5cceptance speech.

[5fter speech, Di!anah *ill lead the tudent Councilors in the tudent Council pledge. 5fter pledge, all
tudent Councilor *ill move to the +ac# of stage. Curtain closes]

Fatullah: %adies and Gentlemen, the I
tudent Council *ould no* present the song, L=ou Aaise 'e
8pM +! ;osh Gro+an. "his is a song dedicated to all our parents, teachers and seniors *ho have helped
us and *ill continue to help us in our gro*th and development as leaders. We hope !ou *ould en0o!
the song and find inspiration in it.

[Curtain opens. 5ll tudent Councilors are in1position. ong sung. tudent Councilors remain on

Eloise: We have no* come to the end of the ceremon!. We *ould li#e to than# !ou for spending !our
time *ith us this afternoon. We *ould no* invite our parents and guests to proceed do*nstairs for
refreshments. -eer upport %eaders, please guide our guests to the reception area.

Fatullah: CDians, please remain seated in !our seats until the guests and parents have left the hall.
=our form teacher *ill dismiss !ou accordingl!. "han# !ou.

[565 pla!s music. -%s lead G2., parents and guests to the fo!er for refreshments. 5ll students
remain seated until the G2., parents and guests have left the hall. )orm teachers *ill dismiss the

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