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Non-attachment does not mean indifference or non-loving.

Non-attachment and love are one and

the same. Non-attachment gives freedom, but attachment brings bondage. Through non-attachment
the householder remains aware of his purpose of life and does his duty selflessly. His actions
become means for him. In renunciation, the renunciate remains aware of the purpose of his life
constantly and attains enlightenment. Non-attachment and renunciation expand the consciousness.
When an individual learns to expand his consciousness or unites with the universal consciousness,
then he no longer remains within the bounds of his karma. One remains totally free. Such a great
man has power to show the path of freedom to others. Whether he is in the world or outside, he can
also heal the sickness arising from karmic debts. He can remain untouched and above, without being
involved or reaping the fruits arising from others karmic debts. A true master has control over
himself and moves freely in the world. When a potter has completed making his pots, the wheel of
the potter still rotates for some time, but is unable to manufacture pots. For a liberated soul the
wheel of life remains in motion, but his karma does not create any bondage for him. His actions are
called actionless actions. When the student is competent to tread the path of enlightenment it
becomes easy for a great man to guide him, and one day he also attains ultimate freedom.

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