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1 2 3

1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
-2 -1 0 1
-8 -7 -6 -5
-14 -13 -12 -11
Conditional formatting
Highlight Cells Rules Rules type
2 Greater than (>1)
-2 Greater than (>1)
-1 Less than (<1)
1 Less than (<1)
5 Between 1 - 10
0 Between 0 - 10
5 Equal to (=5)
6 Equal to (=5)
Born in 1969 Text that contains (1969)
Born in 1979 Text that contains (1969)
7/5/2014 A date occuring (TODAY)
2/23/2011 A date occuring (TODAY)
45 45 Duplicate value
Highlight Cells Rules
More Rules
4 5 Format all cells on their values 2-Color Scale
5 6 Format all cells on their values 3-Color Scale
5 6 Format all cells on their values Data bare
2 3 Format all cells on their values Icon set
-4 -3 Format all cells on their values Icon set
-10 -9 Format all cells on their values Icon set

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