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An excerpt from my fave blog, I think this is a confirmation on what God is tell

ing me: Edric used to tell me that this passage was one of his favorites. O God,
I beg two favors from you; let me have them before I die. First, help me never t
o tell a lie. Second, give me neither poverty nor riches! Give me just enough to
satisfy my needs. For if I grow rich, I may deny you and say, Who is the Lord ? A
nd if I am too poor, I may steal and thus insult Gods holy name. (Proverbs 30:7-9
NLT)I have to admit that when he told me this was one of his prayers I thought, Oh
great, thats it. We are never going to be rich. But my mindset was all wrong. I w
as thinking that money would bring me security and happiness. Its not that I want
ed loads of it to spend on myself. I just wanted to know we had it, that we didnt
have to worry about where it would come from.Well, God allowed Edric and I to b
egin simply to teach me not to anchor my faith on money but on Him. When I learn
ed to live with less less money, less space, less possessions I found that I alw
ays had more than enough to be happy and thankful for. I like what English clerg
yman and writer Thomas Fuller said, Riches enlarge rather than satisfy appetites.I
am not saying that I have graduated from contentment. Not at all! This is a les
son that needs to be learned and re-learned depending on the circumstances that
test it. Neither am I saying that money is unimportant. Edric and I have five ki
ds! Money is necessary and very much welcome whenever it comes. What I am saying
is that starting off with a small home and having a very limited budget to work
with when we were newly married was a blessing. It was Gods master plan for our
character development.From this genesis Edric and I grew to understand that God
always takes care of his children. We also learned that abundance is not the con
dition for true joy. True joy is to know God and his love for us, to be certain
that his plans for our welfare are always for our good.What is a big house witho
ut God in the hearts of those who live in it? And conversely, the tiniest of spa
ces could be home to the richest people on earth people who abound with the joy
of the God, who can laugh, cry, and love without fear, who extend forgiveness an
d grace to one another, who can sleep peacefully at night, and wake up with hope
ful expectation and the gift of new mercies.

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