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What you can use:

Guava Leaves, oregano and other plants indicated here:

What will you have to research?
1. How to make an ointment? (Caution: if you will make an ointment you would need beeswax)
2. What are the chemical properties of the plants you will use that is why they are antibacterial?
3. How are they different from antiseptiocs you can buy in the drug stores like Benzocaine Boric
Acid Ointment, petroleum jelly and Betadine
4. Where can you use your ointment?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using natural antiseptic?

What you can use?
Herbs like Rosemary, Basil, Thyme (you can buy these in big grocery stores) or Fragrant plants like
eucalyptus, Lemon extracts
It will really depend on the scent you want
What will you research?
1. How to make a simple air freshener? Adopt those in the internet and modify it
2. What are chemical properties important in an air freshener?
3. How can a liquid substance eliminate bad odor? What is the chemical reaction involved?
4. What are the difference of your freshener from that we can buy from grocery stores?
5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using natural airfreshner?

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