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In-Class Exercise #8: Group Assignment Planning

COURSE TITLE: COMP 3040Technical Communication in Computer Science

Goal: Meet your group and agree on group rules, time lines, and responsibilities.
Your assignment requires you to work in a group to write an instruction set. Use this class to write a
detailed outline for this proposal. Then delegate tasks and duties to each person in your group. Also,
agree on group rules and guidelines. Submit a copy of this in-class exercise (or a revised version of it)
with your outline (see group assignment description).
Remember to introduce yourselves so everyone can write down the names of the people in your group:
Group Tasks:
Group Member Group Writing Task Group Editing/ Written /Compiling

In-Class Exercise #8: Group Assignment Planning
COURSE TITLE: COMP 3040Technical Communication in Computer Science

Due Dates and Group Meetings:
Date What is due? / Purpose of Meeting

Group Rules and Guidelines:

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