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VOL. XXI. NO. 27.
gtotiomit ^nU-Sliu'rrjj SftimM.
^m )>'"ID!-aid 'i
107 ,V. JVM S!.,al*M Arch, Pl.Utidtlpbta.
io.ltb I^Im. ,;
WHOLE NO. 1,067.
i cifcii ) null
jj ffchiteis.
- .il shivery b.-dav to (! a sin-nth, toiled like n snake. Something like ii *
>"" ! t!> Wl,!in; i Me Sow-arils .wHM.'ic-in-.., ,>t,lv 1 In I, In,!,. I,., t .,| ,.
loan- Mi>' I mriTi than ., :-,..],- ,,,,,1,1 .' ,; -Seward, iiIiit. i.Hir,:, iniin-l in-i-i- ,,,.
r .;=! _........ .
--'-vinglK. ,rl,:.,l -i,il. iv that Mr
TilTnl llii.ll lln
II BftT til,
of ChriMinn manhood we
hnhil 1111,1 111.; 1,-il these L
rni: riu:siin:\rni, r.i.i:- tio,\.
.!,>, , Hv , Afl ,- L|, .,',',',
|.[ r Jt i
ple.iiillo-lon, refuse n, U ...
ol' tlio republic, look round mi.
idu in Llie chair,
, i.r i-i', mo, vlcetruiily
Hi parti (l.iij.l bni-diic.
nigh and through and nil
'koliud our i bango also.
it ilea! quicker in time to
good old-fashioned John Grown
loa! (Laughter anil
pmlric, of an *Ainrn*i
IT the cum grow, E(
thore. Had yoi
I r. .::,,
Ill, liar-
1 till
Seward that day, yoi
loud applause).
: grOWS, so gruiv millions ol others,
orld moves: "Tlio sword," says
Hugo, - is but .'I hideous Itadi in tin; ilnrkuc-s
what li,.-i. X -_ I - t boy
AVai Bop:
i Waging.,
ay. ThU .mine routine will go on, Wb.n lunatics
, Garrison prints, some future Seward will
icvo; and nt the sub- distance of lialf a century,
>; county |-,verclt will embalm in mntehh .-.. j c-
s (el. ll).
bo. " Liberty
i afterwards
|i.pplnu,c ami a solitary hiss).
In 1*12, Liu.llcv filial,. ,1 tin- railway at Uat
u great lire broke
,irts nnd old pails
and on, till one-
Milihter l.iiidler.
three cheers given lor tlio Governor elect. 1
speak, but nt length, in ruspousu to tbe reponle
anil (o gratify what was plainly tlio anient i
nil present, Lb came forward and said
Felloiv-Citizkxs ; Thro., years
the autumn
party ofLihi-rly lb
Massachusetts* iml
bumble citizen wbi
forced to tbe front i
nielli, will not buthi
sens. Bcpublicnnsuc
n dynasty ol Mtissu
will be
. of 1
burn Lincoln, lint John was behind the tor
lain, and lb- , annon i,f March lth will only who tin
'o stood lookii
Hint tho prolusion he im .' Mill rcincmbe
her truant son ( Wr.:-nt uppln.n,,-). The outgou
A.lininislrnlioi, hi-l, .-ncil.-l ttinl c.llieo on lalen
pors 1-etry. Last .ear wo noml lookih-
II,, i , ... . ratii port) ngitnting lioreelv to put
.I,.,... ii i' liri-al, ii lu^i int'j :i eeneral rpuirrel
-r-ll-l'.fc.| |wl |IJS1) Tl'.v
remind one ol tbm t-l.-.-py .'n.-r ol a New Unmpshirc
loioi. "b.. was I'l'i.r druaining, in bis dog naps, that
tlio voice of IiiiIltc or lawyer m a noisy i.iieritiption,
ami always woke i-lionlm^ " ^ik-in-e. ' iludge Liver-
,....,-. said i.ii, -.".Mil Vier, yon am- the noificat man
ii, i on ii, ill, , .-in rlnstiug shout of 'Silence! '
(^htvr). Tii..' Ab"liii'[.i-i' ou-l.t (o be very sorry
to lose ilr. Bou'das Ironi lie national nrena (iip-
Hut tbe BelbKvi.'ielt pnriv hnvo ljten Uie comfort
ol* the canvass(lie ewttt oilllie safely valvetbe
to- on, oi i.i: liuil.T wliii-h, wlu-n oolliiion threatened,
broke llie blow, and the storm exploded in a laiigb
(great merriment], ibey [dayed Saneho l'ania to
affonl to thank tiiini. Ii lairjiowever. to confess
thai they differ from that illu;,iri,.i,!. Spaniard. His
chief ansiely was about Ills dinnertheir distress
our glorious l.'niou! (],;lii.:i-.) The pnssiona of
men were .ill on lire. the "volenti,, in full activity.
They confessed they did not know what to do; but
they delernimed not to do they knew not what.
TheirV miis the Muud-still poliiy (be cautious 5/a(',
i/iio of the old law.
Now, Whalelv says tl'i,' are (wo ways of being
burntd. The rash u'.oih linrri.s into I ha llama nnd
gone. Tbe canliuus. conservative horse, when h
nljible is on tire, sinmls (-(otk olill, and in burnt up
nil the same. Tha Everett parly chose the horse
policy when ibclr slabli' took lire (applause). Don't
yon liinr llie l.on-.-V address? " In ibis stall niyfntbtr
stood in ITSy. Methinks I benr bis farewell neigh.
How agitated tbo crowds seem outside there! I'll
have no pint fori) t lhal my father had in '8D
nnd so be dies. 1'et (he noble animal risked only
his own harm His drag none else to ruio.
Four, millions of human beings beheld their fate
hanging on this ili-notl.iii;. k.-,-|>-5i!i-iit, let-cvil-alono
parly. Then their aj. peals to us to keep silent, to
and burnings id men lor IV, e speicli ; ibeir kindly
assurances thai if ire would only be still, no barm
would comethe whole (rouble was olir noise; they
implored us not to cherish (his dislike lo these con-
stitutional and nu. -nrv a sums! Like the vipcr-
iicdiJIer in Ppain 'l ^hibitetl Ins atock to tbe inn
, U all (I.,- orcning, dcscanlinK
on [heir life nnd
Dili IlepiildieaiiiMii in- triumphed (loud applause).
'flii' I' iit.'iI may, ( bis quarrels and prepnrc lo
die willi deivii.-i
I .'i the ii- ll-Flvorclt parly, one
,-., lias given a thicken. Mr Applcton is elccled.
AiTn street nnd linn.on .-Iroit have litied jmerrimenl).
As his eonstiluenlt could not be admitted to Mr.
jVpplclon'a liou-e there no! being police cnougb to
watch theiu fcreat lueniuienl)the spcce.bcH were
made oulf'ide.aod we get all the secrets. Mr. Steven-
sou thinks the election of Mr. Applcton the mail
" important has (nken plaeo since the ndo]itinu
of llio Conslilution." I observed, last summer, in the
How much is such success worth ? I suppose you
ill not claim that Mr. Lincoln is any better titan
Washington. As only Abolition telescopes have
dared to discover nnv snois on that sun, certainly,
e Mr. Everrelt lives and Tim ledger is printed,
ue will presume lo say there can bo ft betler
idunl than Wnshinglon. Indeed, Mr. Seward
asks with supreme eontL-mpt of any ninn who under-
takes to improve the Constitution. Are vou more just
(ban Wnshingli-in. wiMrrihan Hamilton, more buiiinne
than Jefferson " Well, Iben. tVashmgtou pursuing
the very polio}' ivlikb Mr [jni oln proposes to follow,
launched lit rfap of Statu on suns ftdnlo with the fer-
liberty, and made
m worse than
and its
'Sum nobler
Tbe whole nrgumenl of tlio can vines baa been tlint
the experiment of nlf-gov. rin.n-ut under this I'onsti-
tntiou, begun by llie best of men. has been a failure.
" The country is wrecked ; take us lor pilots or vou
nru lost"bus been the erv of llie llepublicnna. ^Ir.
SnmtUT has drawn the sa'.l pielurc so i>.-ll ami so
often that 1 need not atlcmiit il- Our l'msiilenls loots
oflbeanverower-mir nrmv u.-d lo force slavery
on our own Teniliuics and 'uugbbor mill five
speech pnni-!i|..l will, deatli in .--luilt" lln I ni-n and
met with insult ami starvation in the otherthe
slnvu trnde i-eop.'n,.,l nnd unr -I ili-tiiwui.-h. ,1
scholar Iclcgraphiug ap',:..;-ii - !,. ., hi, sun aits nl
school beside ft colored boy, and explaining bis own
indisercel freedom of s|i.. h a-, the sad n -nit of ano-
dynes (npnlnuse)snreJ] ill B irU, seeing nil
'Thus far, our course has "( l . i, ,i. . -rding lo the
buniane hones nnd e-,p... rulieu: ol uur fallnrs ' And
in lSGOV'Not over the face of Ilia whob world is
there lo be found one mprtreuiniiie id , ut , miuiii
who Is not an apologia! of the evleii-.iu of -lav, i'i
And again, in Kuins. n ih ago : " Our falhera
1854, until all guaranties of freedom ii
every part of the I'liiied Stales were abandoued
ami the ling of the Iniled .-"Mies was made tbo bar
bin-er, not of Kr.,.lui but of Unman llondagc."
At lloebi'sler.luM-cntiin lo paint llie pjeture of oir
ml of I'lnrkson nnd Wilbei
n paper fullorCongresssqun
use;" that
e lr.:in-ii
r defy all
it thinks
But t the s
Oulll Thi T.-ihunr
and '!%: Tribune would starve,
us qiucliug agitation, nnd yet
r even life, Is like tlio present
ono of whose subjects in fifty
id not one in a hundred thon-
[0 revenue from Iba Hritisb Post
lVsl-Olliee lo-morroiv " (loud
lit as well h
on -ill,.' I HI , in to It slat (hi; slave ,-luusc.
it,.-, '
lii- -,":, oil to pledge himself to
' I. _ V,..,i iu-mI nut .sunmii.n him.
II, ii, .in do any harm! In 1 SGI), just
tells tbo South, tlint if tbeir
plvlcxt.or who the foe. he
Iriek i
vill deltliil
.. by :
Observe, 1 do not d. pn .'ialc siitisniansbip. It re-
ipnvi-.s great ability in leu i id Slates and Havornmeals,
but ont)
very common talent to carry them on. H
look Fulton and Wntt to create tlio slcam engine,
but a very ordinary man inn engineer ft Irnhl from
llo-iou to Albany.
Some critics sue... at old I, i.-t "ii,.- tin' recording only
what government ,li,l. They should recollect how
much, in obi times, govtannumW coverfa] Uie wbolu
slilulioii of uiy country. Thai rule hns been shnply
t tils' ; Hint tiy no word, no net, no combination into
which 1 might enter, should any human being of
nil the'. lo whi, Ii I belong, much less any
class of human beings of any nntion, race or kindred,
be oppressed and kept down in llio least degr.v in
their ellbrts to rise lo a high.,- state ...t libtrly and
happiness (np|ilause). Amid all the glosses of Ibe
limes, auiid all the e.-s.nys nnd discussions to which
the- Constitution of the I'uilcd Stales has been slib-
ji ilcil, this lues been the simple, plain, broad light in
which I have read every nrliih' nnd ,-v, , n
dug the.::
Pj.-k ..p.
plough. Ii
I to blow up a H1
d blow up the Sena
n,.l Hamburg wil
r Garrison, vft
... . T.'i , '-.-
ll, his hands, and ale what he eonb
he subdues ibe horse-, invents th
trust will be as immortal ns It,.. I ommuiiwialll. (ap-
plause) ; and he will !-- only n. happy if be shall at
length leave the chair of Slate, haimg'performvd Ins duiies wiili a liJi-litv, n brilliancy and u suc-
cess equal to bis iiniuediai'i- pnah-eussor (applau-e)
Hut in the nntimmiil eleciioii of lsi.;u, the Constit u-
tionnl parly ia America hv cleet, ,1 President, in
Ibe person of Abral I.i In It,,.,! applause), who
will, on hi:. n--iii].'i-,n,.l ill.; rein, ,.f Ivderal nonrvr
us, that he will see to it that (ha Uepublic
e no detriment during the i,.ai>ol his nit.-,
a people of all the States will itand by
. ai I iiii.n ,.i -i-ius which signifies the
- i i_ ,. is) il ndly of war, will last, 1
I".- wU ii [ shall endure- The
mi ii It will dm dny extend from the tor-
Frig ! I I. nun. led only by the
;,-. and tb. ,m|. n. ir.ibh'healon the North
au-e| l| will be stronger than the rag-r
ill B
,t bin
; Ibe
sewing inaehines lift women out of
marries Ibe continents, and the telegraph llnshcsnews
like sunlight over the globe, livery step iiuide hands
worth less and brains worth more; nnd that U the
death ol slavery. You. can make apples grow one-
halt pippin ami the oilier half ms-i-t. Tlley say that
tbo ltouians could roast one half of a boar and boil
the other side {laughter) ; but 1 am sure you cannot
tlion Willi one half steainbeais, sewing
machines, and Dibits, and tbo other half slaves
(cheers). Then, another roel: ol my hope is these ['re-
sidential canvasses the saturnalia nt American life
when slavi-s like Seward ate unchained from the
Senntn House, ns of old in Home, and let loose on the
Kairics lo lling all man net [' insult on their mnsicr-.
o mny veil it all hereafter in .lienilie.l explanations,
but the prairies' give back an hundred-fold for all
sied dropped there (applause).
Then the ghost of John flrown makes Virginia
quick to calculate .Ibe profit and loss of slavery.
Beside this, honest nun, lew, but the salt of the limes
and school-houses ami pulpits, and now and then a
stray Prince, who, looking down South, declines to
venture among barbarous people, lest, unlike. St,
Paul's case, they show him Yen linle .--.. So,
with Irade, arts, letters, .-oiisciuuee. fashion, now and
then a college redeemed from nld Fogies, now nod
then a Saint, and now am! then a Hero lent us by
Heavenwe mny come at last to be as wise as Napo-
leon, and believe " there is no power ,vilh,.ut ju-.tiie";
we mny grow lo be a.- good I liri.lhms as Cicero, and
hold that "baseness enn never tie expedient"; we
mny be as good I'rolestants as De Toci|ueville, nnd
declare that " whoever loves freedom lor anything
but Ii,., ,1 's self, is made to bo a slave."
It is indeed cheering to notice the general toae of
speaking in this C'.iivnss-lh.-iu..h nobler ton- of Mr-
peaking of the Union
1-1 lican lorn, of govc
tttutions, to all d.o State. cnuliles the people lit last, i
Ibe etemnt Inw. will di-appcar before the
a night of truth, nnd the ^rowiiie inteltigeiie.^ of
the people, in every State (applause). That, airs, is
my prophecy; and. in the of one of your own
l'osi.,1, | is. v.1,.,,1 I , ,.i,i..|iip|:,i,. i]; liapiiy'l'utum

us 1 dream that it will be, and ns t trusi in God that

hereafter realized, 1 see our country,
ll'ri dunged applause.)
7\r'? r:
i... Tni,
risen. ," It is a party of one
ml expands all generous soi
-the ..piality of nil u: '
than statutes or panics, 'the late euuvi-. wu rib
a down Lincoln*. Tho agitation was ycomnnlv
service to liberty. It educated tlio people. One aiiitu
canvass makes amends for the cowardice of our
scholars, and consoles n- under the intlietion ol Har-
vard College (laughter and applause). Indeed, gov-
i ii.iiu ut is only a lucis.-ary evil, like other go- nils
nnd i ml, his. I bir need ot it shows exaeily how fat'
. i . nil ehililrvn. .Ml governing overmuch kills
tl.e -, It-help and energy of the governed. Compare
iry with this, or the tlnropeaa with Ibe
icl-y II
ivlli i,
ing "I III..
Jui pcoplU: is tbe aeeil uf
! all e I before the
blushed to .1,:, hire, -In llu- I -* in
teuce, not on thu prisoner, but on t
iw itself." It is Hoslo il Kiirliugame, lb-it I,
msc to blush to-dav (cbeors). I do i nvj S
jijilelou bis seal. Vou nuneinber Welst, r p. mil
'uVthe'ethei-ou Suuih ['aroiiua. M.lliiiil.s I s,e o
.-reliant 1,,-iu,.. ,-uterii," f 'less. One baud re;
oflicncoastreet.the other
bief. I ,1,1, ,
K'aks the vuic- of I- I in '1 " i D '
will it be ; When Sheviuaii is iianu'd lr .-j- ik. r lie a at.- willi any
says " \'u," while llie heart of Bos-Ion >.n < ' - -had,- ..! bbuk he
And what is bis second and last net. To gather Well, on tl.e other I
round his lablo Dftvia "ml Masoti-men wlu gloried I the acgro ehould I
Ibat is hii rainbow of hope- It is n noble idea

cpiabty before the law Ibe mark which nil old

i.r.ek ih elan d two thousand ago distinguished
freed rem barbarism. Marls it, and lot us ques-
tion Mr. Lincoln about it.
Do vou believe, Mr, Abraham Lincoln, that the
negro is sour political nud social equal, or ought I
be": Not' a bit of it.
P/o you think be should sit on juries ? Never.
Do you think he should vole",' t'vrlaiiily not.
Should he be considered a citizen? [ loll you,
Do you think that when the Ileelaration of lude-
i, ,.! i dial fills all generous minds" bo
, l( ,.,,iii - , , i, Mr Lincoln's mind is as yet empty.
I Ii tins is tie out) hoi I our being able to achieve
i what our fathers failed lo domount those Arab
hor.-cs, Mr. Seward, and lly to the desert. Put you
, can't lly willi me, as ibe song goes , lii-st, because, if
, we are defeated,! mean to die in tho last ditch
(applause); and, secondly, noiwilhslamling this
-niptm- - "I Mr Lincoln's mind, I think wu shall yet
! H1 | , iking this a decent land In live "in
, I, M i, I tell v win ,' Place yourselves at
I . ' I.i- :. ., i .nv'eiiti.i.i. Hoyousiec Mr.
prejudices of Courts and the machinery of Cabinets
bail large sway. Dot bow absurd lo say even of Pitt
and lo.v that ili-y shaped lb- bile ,,i Lnglniul ! Thu
of nica for the rank, el Wellington the wealth they
created clothed ami led those hosts ; the Irade they
ever necessary. Iterlln and Milan decrees would
have smothered every uiaii in England. Tlio voir
goods tliey mauiilaeiiii'eil. shut out from tbe Conti-
nent, would have crowded the inliabilanls oil' their
little island. It was land i ipoly ihatdeelnred war
willi France, and trade liiiiL'bi the bailie. Xapolcon
was struck down by no el.upience of the House ol
Commons, by no sword of Wvllingion. He was
crushed and ground I.i powder in (he sleaui-etigiaes
of James Wait.
Cobdea and OTonnell, .ml of the House of Com-
mons, were giants; in it, dwarfs. Sir Robert Peel,
Ibe cotton spinner, w:es as much a power as Sir Hob-
toals and vclvcl bag,
but because be was llarrv llroagham uf Tl.e Edin-
burgh Reticle, [lowland 'Hill ami Adam Smith
Cranville Shnrpe and /'ib/nni* I'mijratsthe 1-on-
don Times and the Stock Fs.-baugeoutweigh a
ectilury of Cannings and Paliuerslons, Gladstones,
1 iveri Is, nnd Earla of Urcy.
!', i!,. ,-ide of the New ijnglaml Primer, Lymlln
f I, I liei.iamiu I rankliu, Tha A'e.c "J"o-/-
hi , and ll.Tfilit, all our ihirUin Presidents kick
the beam. Tbo jmlpit ami the Steamboat are ol
infinitely more moment than the Constitution. The
o Min
r if there bu any here
rch of happiness, in (be improvement of
i.'.n. or in elevation d,w:i,'il a higher
slale of digniiy and hnppinc-s, Ih. v have always bad,
and they always shall have, n cliecriag word and
such ellorls ns I can consistently miike in their
Thnt is good ! It Main, I, like Kossuth! Xow, then,
we undersiaiid him fully, lie will never help n slave-
holder, and believes all races equal. Not ipiile. Is
he ia favor of complete equality, social ami all '! Is
country n- open tu the black man as the while
no! In 1'cliriiuiv bi:,t he declared that the nun
wbostiid so libelhd i'i,.' Pepubli' an party. And ~
Paul, ,i, "' pl,-ud)cr. I,.- bade them i-ciucu,l.r llii
stand thai the licpubliean parte opposes extension of
slavery only. In Is.'b, he declared " ibis violation of
the HiVine law," which ho calls "Ibe Constitution,"
this "compact which no Christian Statu would ever
make," nail no Cbrialian man could ever obey-
only just nud equal government that uvcrcxisted!
no oilier government ever cuubl In, so wiso.just, free
and cqnni
!" And he allinus in. time or change could
ever produce one more beneficent ! Last Friday, il
New York, hu said thai whoever doubts that this
Constitution (ibis " violation of the Hivino law ") will
" last forever, has no laitb in rvason, no faith in jus.
,, EE l:, ill, In nmli. n laill, ii, virtue." If ibis be
- iiiTi
i> no.'.r/i",."s of ibe Uiy in,, law " s. nu nl, out
, t.' a- the Divine law it.-elf; nnd th,- Italian w
prayed "Hood Lord, good Devil." was a sensible in; .
nud was only laying a icry prudent and nei-i-s-ary
nnelior to tbo windward! (Laughter and applause),
At Washington, in February, be thought John
ilrown " was uiisgiiidnl nnd desperate," and "justly
hung-" lie talks ol " social horrors "nnd " disunion,'
ntul irons his faee out lo portentous length and wnl
uc.-s (laughter). Pel at Chicago, in September, Join
Brown, he savs, "was the only one man (when II.,
' WboV alia,, I :
ilii.e, in lS51,n
uld be placed in
bedrow in 1 -:>n of the value of
ine was tlnlhin) I "Amplitudo of
; of populnlioii, " fields, workshops, ships,
the plough, loom, anvil, canals, railways.
eats "ami the "nave''all earlhbora. Xow
s, whoever says trnde is the icnu-nt of the
il-!sil idm of American civilisation. Thai
1 (Applause.)
saddest thing in the I'nion meetings of last
is tbe constant presence, in all of (hem, of lb.
clink of coin Ibe whirr of spindles, the dust
trade. Yon would have imagined it was an insurrce
tion of peddlers again-t bom si men (laughter). Mr
Everett, at Fnncuil Dull, when he sought for the
value of tho Union, could only bewail the loss of our
" commercial intercourse," the certainty of " hostile
laritls," and danger (o the "navy"! And this is
literally all the merits ,.f the I'nion that be cata-
logues! No; I do bilii injustice, lie does ask, in
trepidation, in ease of disunion, " Where, oh, where
linn of ilu> United Slates.
for their Miiseiu
,, who gnve tho key-note lo the
Xow York meeting The only argument he has for
the I'nion is his as.-uniue.' that if we dissolve there'll
be no more " marble .-lore fronts " en Broadway, and
no brown-stone palac a in the Fifth Avenue 1 Believe
me, this is literally all lie n; nd, except one v
Mr. Everett must have been under an Bnoily
have forgotten, but which, perhaps, is better o
wbolo for Mr. 'Conor, being nu Irishman, to recol-
lectit is this: In ease of dissolving, we shall
longer own the gravu of Washiagton, which, Mr.
I" paid for, the S'ew York pchfti
(la lighter and appi an
,r thinks it ha,
But 1 u mfess those
of the
.- uiereindn
uullv w.d.
. bos,, Ll this nil
rifice and thought
rv.lur it wt gi
form of it
in loll
We allude.], some days ago, to tbe arrival in
Philadelphia or a large number of free colored fami-
lies froui South Carolina, 'llie inquiries of many
readers as lo theso persons, nud tho curiosity of thu
grvnt mass of citizen* relative to their distresses, have
induced us to state the cnines which iiillneuced their
immigration and th,.- character of tl.e parlies them-
selves. In 1&22, it appears, further emancipation in
South Carolina was lortiidden. All islnvebolders giving
up the right of ownership tbcrealt, r were obliged to
- !
;n their "people" to the .are of trustees, who
-li,..l for Ilieir Ir.edom, paid personal taxes,
and made legal disposition of (heir properly. Any
number of persons up lo twelve might thus be guai-
1 of the vlnniieipated. and a tu\ roivii.t, in the
negro's Itosjession, m ius evidence of Ins disen-
ibralineul. The panic In South Carolina, consequent
upon the John Brown raid, the disunion of the Democ-
racy, the election of Speaker Pennington, nnd thu
Chicago nominations, was marked in (be month of
Oh no 1 not such the pielurc my glad heart seen
when 1 look forward. Iliac plant divp in tbe nation's
heart the love ol" right, let ihero grow out of it tb,;
firm puqioie ol duty, and then from tbe higher plane
illy, Ihey
made slaves. A single man must become their guar-
dian ; they were to K' entered in the assessments in
his -i',ires, and must larry aGont them certain copper
badges, whereupon tbey were numbered. If found
without a trustee, they were to be sold at the block ;
if failing 10 procure badge- of servitude, to undergo a
fine of twenty dollars ; ami if at any time destitute of
them, 1 be fined or imprisoned. Xo security was
thus nitonled 10 the free ninn and woman. If their
(rusteu were avaricious, he could sell them with inipu-
nity, ami ibeir properly was liable lo summary wan-
ton seizure- They were regarded as slaves by ibe
w.alid their fears gnilied the existing oppressions
initiatory to a series of oulrages eventuating in
eir practical thraldom.
Despairing, (hen. of justice or mercy in the Palmetto
Stntc, those of them p..- of sullieieiit menus lo
remove looked to the North as a n-luge. Many weio
assisted by conscientious gun id inns, nud we have the
best authority for the stat.-iiu nt thai, up lo N'ovembor
1st, more than seven hundred and ninety persons
departed from the port of Charleston alone. It took
all the- resources of some lo reach Xow York. Of the
number named, about one hundred nnd fifty made
Philadelphia their destination, anil others, who con-
templated ft more Northern he , have since removed
to this city. We ban- visited about Glteeu families of
these, and the statements we have luadu are yntheied
exclusively from their tesU'monics.
Of ibe one hundred and liiiy mentioned, two-llunls
are tradespeople. Tho men ate carpenters, tailors,
shoemakers and mason.-; the females, uiauluii-tuiikcrs,
milliners, laundresses nud nunsc*- We read long
list of certificates from white ladies of L'lmrli-aloti,
statin" thnt one of these was nn " excellent nud faith-
ful uiir-c." tine (.-.i, menial was addressed " To tho
ladies of the North," nnd certified that the bearer bad
attended her through a "long and dangerous sick-
ness "n fact whi, h '!'" s u, .1 go fir to show (he gra-
titndc of the recent Palmetto legislation.
Another party bore a certificate of bis prolificacy
iu plastering from a uinatcr ma'-ou of Charleston.
A hands,. married woman. .almost white, exhib-
ited her " badge," or. ics she facetiously termed it, her
" pultygoole watch." It was a iliainonil-shaped plulc
ol copper, an inch square, bearing the inscription :
This delicate piece ofjewelry was punctured with ft
hole, nnd suspended ihci-cln from a siring. She had
I for it. Uer busbuud bail n similar one,
"lorn, "f.,r vvliiel, he gave SI. The man
, 11, .-, be, behindhand in " taking
,. ',,._-, . and they nere fined 8-10 for being
Wt a-!,.. ilielbe it was probable dint
ilblu. lo preclpli.ite ilio cnt-
The following cilrui fnm,
t UaoH reveals i .- pi i ,
I.. I..u
will !
, , u.. v.
,. I . , I.
,'.'.l'. ...
!,.,, .1...
\|. -i ..I !!- -i .1
,:. V.itii.-i" -..!
.1 ..: i' .- ..Hi.-.- o< llic
Rational ati-flaun-y ^tmirtuiit.
Sin v-.i:i:.s.\iri:i>vY. xoVEMOiat i-, )"ca
r of people, lie supposed tSe-i
IlKMIV JV.l . I... ,. ,.,. .,-..1. I. I U I H
i . I'ublic Affairs, as aOcctcd b) '! I'm
,1,1,. II. gen ral tipet In lii" i "" ">
Is ncortihiii ut tlii,i
wo iiinVu an appeal to lUo friends of tlm Amerioji
Anil-Slavery Society far iIil- paymrnt of pledges ma.
.! II,. ,. n. ... |..i ..i.i .1. l.i t ; in ..
li. .|.-i a I ; cnntrll -i ! i r K Letters mn
i. .1 kh I lo rYoncis Jackson, I: ti ..- II. Gn;
Sew York,
Tinjeliolci of Lincoln onJ 11 inni I'rcjldcnt nod
\' , i ,.,.:. i.i ..i 1 i ii i. i Stales, by li.. .in in ni
,......( ... irly Ihc whole North, ho* lllleil the umcru-
tc< o( slavery and Iho (Live trade with
uncontrollable Sodlgniriuo nn.l tugc. In the liojn) of
..... cooijucrins Iho North through her fears,
liny threatened bcforelmml Hut Ibis result should be
fullnwril l.y a disruption : Ihc 1 .- and b'.Lsh.
m.nt i.f o Southern - lav choli ling Confinerncy Ths
menace, for II first t;mc in iln;y n il -. .
proved {tbonks to thorn". land augmentingjiower
of the- Anti-Shivery Movement)ini fttctun] ; no I now Iho
Kirc-c iters ore compelled to chouse between iltcinptiiig
locsccntc their threats, or seeming t.ijo so..ind openly
eonfoing tint they wire only o innth Ulo breath.
I.. , .rt) nl the Sonlh, no doubt, which renlly
desires to bring nl < ' Ju"'"< "' "- ' ."'
influenliiil supporters in tho ir seaboard cnlton
Si.i... II.. leaders of this parly .ire r.ow inking advan-
tage of the general indignniiuli nl the people of tin-
South in view of Dio refill of the '.! el n to,; meditated scheme. I".- I.I in.
amount* nloiost ton panic, and (In I'rrssin lhal - i
is coinl.-iitly tannin.; Un- Il inn- 'i '! - li Irg ipliii win
quiver from day tu dny will] propbci ii s ..I i' . tei i ild
things lhat are to hnppi o ;f the I icn i lech I to od
ter the gnvermu. in -1. ill a it. nipt in .In it in ncconlonce
with ill. r nrowed nnd well 'm ". principle*
Ihu Legislature of Soulb Carolina wan convened on
iho .'lib in, i . l.y "pccial proeli: .. >tioii, l-i choose i'rrsi
.; n i i I ..: , the Oligarch) (hat rules thni Slnlc
not permillin Iho people, a* in olhi-r perform
I - il,. ...-In- 'I.. Gorernor, in his
mi' ..i". ..:. .l.i. ; ih.i tin 1 1. f Lincoln would be
diMpntLh fun" r.or.-iN. diiicJ the loth.
"Tho clouds ire lo ; I ! la n profound
itinn omouj! our people. Tho UyMoturo will un-
Jouhtcdly call a Contention of Hie people to devi.e
In Jfijtinij.j... II. Covci . i I . ;." Ii.iiii-
Ion convening tin' Slnlo l.oninlnlut, " in consult r the
irirl) -.'.I neccwit) of proviJirg urcr nuJ belter
duyuiml. f.T 1.. I.i.-.l.i. -. pert) ..( Mis
.. ... -i ythoUoion Tlic wealthy nn.l nnKa
. ..... -i ... lioMora know very well Hint the Union U tho
I I |. ii -.1 nil.: il .l..i.;> . i: d lh,) -.ll r.'it r.-liu-
qninh ii with "it ntli'oRKlc. It ia for their intervst
tho price lit tint a should b.- kept it oa Inch a figure n 9
,, .>-,i. I,. .,, 1 Ihc) know i.i'ht w.ll I lint the reliflblliln-
ii.:n . . ih. in. ...i. . trade which In sure to follow
the organization of it Southern Couf. . . would
ilcatroy tholr monopoly. Tho Mayor of Knit I moit, in
express tlic unanimous sentiment of the puopl o! Ikil
tioiorclh.1 Iarj;i ! tho S. ulhcro clllenwhen I y-
;o policy ut Mm; I..... i to adhcro lo tho
idol tho.Oul treoioininK 1. be perfo inn) t.y
. hi ar,,ltnK
..... ...
1 I." f.. I
tint .1
..,,,...1..^ ..,
ko imk with i load " '
hoy .. I.,,-. ..-III
The w
.on II
, irlhcuisalvei
f Mill
out. n...
1, i I
- --
ol lh: plnnii r. .....
.li . 1,1 ' " ., r.-,'
;c portion Mlit-S-mh .
II..: Iiccp bnrcrt
.ii-i.ut. :>.i. ;..!! ,! .i.i
il.c plnee lojke 1 red- but
Ti :.. wnr. which
,. -,!,!.,.-. r>. Ili.-i pul ..
, ,-'. ..... ^, ,.] Htln-i
... I ...II ..... :,. .1,,. ii. 1,,-t
he d.uc. 71 i, i. Ibchis-inninr;. nflcr all.
III! ull ni.. .in ii i.lo,,.iii.n -ir.1 ii!-.; . i }.- 1
1\. ... : .11 1....I ...r I l.-rn.
,..,.!. ,1.. -..;:.; j. , : .,,.; 1, ..ol,,-
6. .Vyi-n-ill.i; m- uii.-l b.i> . a-. I nn cnlurvcd pili-inl-
1 , Jo ... >..!,>., 1.1, I
Imve Inid Ihc rrir-titla ,| Tilt
un Jur oblieTitiom which d.
idtorwi-.hd, .,-.; f I ii l'...
...... .... ... ....
-, .. ... i.. offecl n ecccaaioo 'fi. Lcginlnture
,: ,. llbinnJvlcc Instead, however, u( taking
th" rcsporjibility of tbc proposed nvrasion upon Itself,
it pnsnd an act o;>po;nlmga Siole Ccnuni lo ..>,i m
bio in Culunibla Dee. II, the delegates to be chosen on
th 22d inst., in the same manner on members of the
Legislature. It won piopa^-d to raise SI.DOO.000 lo put
the State In oeomlilionot .. K.I. f,,.. . The nil 1
so large a turn had n ren.o. kj| il. i ; ,.. r,.-.
of the Cbirnlry, who npfcoj I to
were aggravated b) .. i. ..i i;
| fan
.i I. .. .i ,-... ;....... I . pni.ill) 1.. d. tend ehoold be
mode to bear the burden of its own protection ; in other
words, thnt, since ibis sec. i csir.csi win gor.e inlo
fur Ihi- i|ieeial L. ncfil ol r'.lfv prnpfrl) . -1. i ..|. -; li
,.;.|,l i., I. i ii. I in pn) i "-, i ,|..ii-,of 11. This propr.
mi - .1. in.- 1 uuitc ineiTilifTry, an I iln 1 1.
:' : .. -.(
oiiilcut of Iho Unllini
i.k. mil. ,1 II
) be lornlshcJ win,
ndgbl Ml whole columns ivilfi i\trncl fi
Southern papers simitar t.i the nboto, on la till I ..
spat t with extmcW cxprcMiiiK the deepest indignnli
In viow ..I the election o( Lioeoln. Tho Northern j np
which opcnl) encouraged Iho Sooth to bluster bcfi
tho election now nssuuio n very different lor.^. i
dnnng m e dibouiou.
..; .. 1 i:. tu-
ro now menaced wiib bankruptc) in coiuequonr
..nut en all d by Ihpn.sel'ts in Iho hnpe ut c.irrj
,v York for the Fusion ticket. Their Souther
cm liud in the efn:oa on escns
pjj in,- iheir current obligations. Many liepnb-
-m. on- lufforing lo *oa;C ostcnt.but retribution
b '.. up in those who, one year ngo. tcok
ordi. It w i llnnlly e<
l. I.. I I - tl.csiiuotSluu.bUQhyil.rLuuoof.Sl.itc
sto a- A l.i.l wit" proposed proilillu> l..r Iln
....... , rolmout nf Itf.bOO loluntcern. A resolution
l.g.-.lnin; lb. ninpini'.ou of specie payments by tin-
tinaku of the Stale Lis been passed. Agents arc to lie
-. nl to t i Si ites to - tore their cooperation In the
nlrantnp of tin Unrper's 1'arrj pooio lo inonopolijc. iui be ililhtult to ii .. ih . effus
ia &r a* is*U. ih.- cunt f ih, the estlu- irec We commend the Innk to boi
Ill ii 1- "..ii . n.>: [.lit tV-eir pi uii.iph-. in Ihu
friend" t!-. ,, iruHinstbnl wln-.i they 5r..l il
..i- treat him as :. would to
It is impofcib..- In I. .1 iih.i: ii...y be Iho effect upon tar and f .ilhcrs'\ bat lhat they will an
ni, \\. a it ii .i n-i'liuiii nerioun apprehension t!int e.ybe difuciilt. but it will r.e! b.
sof truth by fnilhful AbolilionlsU
ho present Cunrriew to procure some new pledne n(
iroleetlon for the tlnvo system, in eider lo nppenne the
iooth. Tho fullowlnK estrnci of n dispatch t: tViuib. lull ...1 would cure autihuiK '. -n-J. .
ogton lo //. tints ol this city shows uhnt is passing
u il ml-- ul ilui'e i,lu. mi.Ii iu i.i.ilnt.iin bolb slmury
nu, rale, e all kiui"
Tills letlei a, duly lespooded lo, ltd hood they hr.d
enough names will; which w begin llitir viork. Tu
ibeie I hey senl Ihe paper, I .i,-e p .1 1, lor ononiouth ,
I Ihe 1 the year, with n "'.i-. - ". haw
i.lna.Jl ..1. 1 , I, ...I. .,..!.., i V. |i; . . w:.( ,. |. .
...... red, nod lh -.. Is locvldioco ,1
. i' 11 .1. 1 1 1 hit) been M aim -< iliflmi I
in;; widely, nul with effect, n pro;:i 1 k ... I. Ig.
noli slavery doeliinc*. M:m>- let tern haie he.;ir.^
b) Ihe Society ncknswlcdgidg Rralefully lb ir klndu
- ..
.ir.|::-".v> m-aA
w.-.s ! be evptel. 1 l'i nr.-i lianm. .it . tV . .- . ..',
I13.1 itn share of mlgnrlty, nu I it woul II
... : , lint ! uearl) fou ..... nam th tnrabH
r.u'. he found Ihoic of some who nr> strangers to I
; ii\. ..I d,;cuc) 1 ml c- .1 1 1. 1 .luij:
As .1 spec ; loiter ol such .-.. do nni gr.itcfnlh
lut received:
II. 11 hi., lu'.iuiii .. r. im .1 !
.-L- In .un. 1.. ...ii l.y I...-J) - 1,, (he troHoroui
111:. 11.. nl, 1. l.jpe.t an.: ,.Ui tl.e ut Ih.-.r
COunlry. Yours, 4c . S I) .-.
Who this .* n S." i. i.e .au....; possibly say. On
inquiry, wt learn that ihc paper was sent lo J/r. S h.
."i-. II. Harm. ..n -'.'t. r\ i'i.-.i O.i i-lu, I'n,: bit In eblrgi
the pcisou beariug Hint nnino with being tbc "ulhor of
such n dleiy piece ef Rcnrrility as this, might bo dm
.ni in in mjuiitice. HnrrUonville, though
hishiy repeclihle plute (notwithstanding
11. .... -J..I-.I I. .. 1 .1 1
il,. .1.. -., ii-.-ii 1, ...ii, ].. n un. Oh! tin
1I1.. ihyi >.- ne b, Hun- im
\. -I..,.. I - .!,. all w.reini.iinlcdbyn
.:-.-. I I. .tl-il*. and ill .l.ieeer ..ill I.
I I-..:. I-! I reel
il vlnrv -ii.h n- belonin In nn olhci
l.ili.e.i.i) s'-ir). -ul I- c
! I
1:1: nt'iM w>jsr:i:r rtf.i ;-
llnniiiiv. I'n, Nov IV l-i
1 .- , 1 ihank ).-:i for vol
1 .1 inry canl Iron !
bee U< ndd n tew words 1.. wlra! J
;.lk. ,.|.n
idilV. 11 HI. wide vioodensiirropi. with my glnj li ip,
n.l bloc raglnn, md 1 bl; bl
ver it. my enrpcttng hoog lo the h
I ui) teh I and writing dr*k in tny hnnil.nnd a
., li ., itlcd b
..I tho
1 family by the wny.and dined ; a
,|in the name In ihis led
yourpnper. !. 1
.:.!.-.!. r.-n
wi' 1
' Li , mile
... : . 1 1 .. | -.1 !
. nil 11 I 11. . ..
raUtei -1.1. vns.of w
1.11 I
nll.iw lie. r.1
n ll.o dl*turber It wa-
rn y Inbois ellecd L
reception will, r.o dm
people geneeaiiy are
Sniinie. nn.l
I should liku 1-. :>k bun il cornea thi! !,.- Hill .
Chnndler, ar.d others ..1... ... .1, .l,.,k..
oulrngeJ n*. wliat I said r.Lout the s .. r. . ... 1 .. ..
otnl" did nut 1 ise f.;i the spot and ..
Why did they r.ot .al\ upeu 111 c either 1.. 1 ,.1 1. -i 1 .1
bock the offensive CM'rtssion" 1 1i) did the) - .. ..
1 11I1 1 awny. and (hen gi. inlo a riiihulelphi
f.rf| ap itote',1 him ie.11 1.. .in.-. .,.! L.en h.iiTowi
I uiulceslanil, -i... ibal tho si^ui-rs of this car.1mci
bj.T.mi.lall nnr Kopnblleans. [ will not bcliovi ill
cumjH-lli-.l ihal line laiily r. ;.n ..nt | irti
Tho ttepiiUi.-ans ot my ncquainlnnce. I 1. ivc re i.
to I ihe.. . a., not devoid nf mognnnir.iity II may si
lh 1 ... o of nucb men as the editor of Uic i'hiladi
' KltSOXAl
Vl.u had
thrill, mid
The begin.
11 ., Iui ,lu: .il loe.iun lh. li,
. nrile wiii ;.i
oil "It ult.r >- :md Mid 1. 11 ll.ey 11 en
II.- Iu .1 ,..,! ;,..., t . ..I ., ,1... .,., I I.e 1.1 ut I .
11',.; "lieu ii.ll iu,u-.'el,!y llll Ibe -i-l.n, ul a an win
I, I (hi. ir,).. a 111 pi-
fuse 10 publi
part)-. If
... usfroi
I.. I.. |..ihl: .1. |.:.i li-
ilut. Mr lililor, Irotu the large numb . ? . I
I; lit ,.,;.! I,, uing 1 lerl.iiu iim.e. I int. 1 it in
1.1 i,hit 1 -iu I ab .i.tWa-hin^tio. but n remark I mad
bout (i ' celobr.iled lravcllcr,"vtho baa l.i, heme i
hntneiBhhoihocid, thai gave the chief olTl \ Ihl
rraii wnsobj : 1 .ly ....,.!,.., pet^oonl ftieinh
. , . .1.. 1 .[.ul.i.iy. nod u,ej lhat popularity
.. ., , I,, r. '. .,111 led 111 nil', to tho bordcus
md before lo bej. - .' . ., 1.. 1. rfcitctl
..1 spect or forbearance. 1 would
I.. l..,rl. .1
:l.l. .,..,!,
Is hope for S. 0. S " We are comprlJcd to
cl bun. hot we r Is . .-.*. lo the Lmd
ili.iu of our ll.iri Mun,li:e friend*.
< I I ... . 1.1.1...
misled by tho Press of thci The -eutle.un
nil boinn refer;
,n langungo lb
CM. 1 ! pre.n :-. ItI.. , -..
iilleil 1
h.l.l.'V b.- ill-! rujeil 11.
... ..
. ,..|l,
I.i.l.l- 1 '- ' 1 host, ll. 1.
- I. .ml I , ...:. ,:.. , 11 n.e ll.e I..-, all |.. lh.- ii.fu
;-.i.:-.,i .. ol il... tine rricads .if slavery nn I
deadly enemies of He colorwl mm They -i. ... :
.il.. :i f.e.e n-Ui .11. 1 relit: 1. j d im lb; pro-eripl
e. it t Un .......I man. he 11 a, only ubeying
........ 1 ..i.itui,' Sir, It is In UiO blood.
Yniirx. for the cause < impnrtinl and uoprosci fj.11
1, !:.. . I- ..
'.1 / \',ia vru TEsriitoxr.
Tu.- following resolutions, "huh were odopled by
ll SevvYi :'; I'rcsbytery of thcKoformeJ Preihylcrian
,ii!l School Covenanter) Church, at its icriog
In this city, wee sent lo us by lb.- Rev. N. It. Johu-Lm,
pillnrunt the Cons
rolina - n.1101 ) ond . ban resigi
1 . . limn 1.1 take effect on Ihe
ih. -. eedes before lhat lime
offered instructing (be Senators .1
11 that I fluid in g lh*
dieaiion. b.- . 11 1 1
lo me could senreely hi wits rjnlj
I- < ' 11 1.. 1 ; and not ttiti
c.vce|itioo i.. oilh liu
-1 e llobcr
Iniironnd eslecm."
.bile a eerlahi degreo of
labubliuiiiini itpardo
1 rco *; ..1. - not onl) iff, but ,
iY,-ji iu 11, b.g ir.g.ti.-l I yi I. 1 ,;,
J,i.._,.l.t .luu. Il.jl w::, ,;.pi, 1- ....
Ptoaglit up. It yuu or,' in o cnuse. !h
gr led anCod Almlght) . Oien iu
-.1- -I i-'. - [ 1
ilous. aud .is mil only 1 burning rc|. roach
Li.iniiy. hut a mighty obstai !. in Iho . ul
. ut the gospel in Africa, all Christ urns and
dies tl M biar a decided an.
Ih.nfur,-. U..:.l,e.l. That we hcrvb) ..,.:, . nm
unhesilating condemnation of llic recent coodoct ( iln
Co i." 1 n.e S 11 York Diocese of the rYotcslnni
11 ' lurch, u well au of the American Board of
cdlvssly mail
,1 (i>e..n, fur
'I . .. . .1 ... . , 1 1..,. :....... ... 1., 1 ,
l.y Ihe Democrats nnd Dellevcreilers, lately declared
bin li ... I.. I . pi .11 ibe forvljn t la,e trade, lie
nashauliu,: revival Methn )l-i ;me el -i 1. b
nffaii-s, SundaySchools, etc. Do says he ivnnlsllio poor
benighted Africans brought tu 1I1N .:i icy tu be ei.ll-
iirf and Olltistinniieil under the beneficent iullucnce nf
We learn thnt Hiss Surah 1'. Itcmnnd has determineil,
by the advice of her lri.n.1, In rjne-land, 10 e.vlenil the
tiinu- ot her i^niainina in England beyond lior original
purpose. Aficr visiting many parts of tho kingdom
during tho HI er past, she Iihj returned 1.1 Lund
nnd inlenib, ngniu enlvrini; iln- cullegu fur ladies.
She Ihw repealedly lectured npuu American slnvoi-y,
1,11-ge .LIl.liiT
if Ibe an. el'
I Mi.,
11 l-nn:asl.'i., Ibe chnir wa-i oeeupicil
by John Bell, lin... nnd an extended report of her
remarks tins appeared iu The Lantaatu Quardiaii. Iln.',
II. Solly, and auroral nther pnrlicipaled
in the proceedings u( Ibe wbiehn pernmnent
A mi-shivery Loin mi II..e " nppoinled.
, L. f,,,i
.I..I..I ...illV.1. the removal dTUi re tricl
gtato leaves no room fur doubt llit uicosun;
has been de tea led by a very l.n_-e majority. The
Rcpublicsns have shown Uiat lltelrs - 1 ibe parly of
rights, hut ibe vAU. maa'ii parly, and therefore
orlhy tn be. ironed by the friend* "f lie. .No..
Hi. . Skfi
ir Uic fonrlh page is occupied byTI -
Wenlworth njgBWMn-H ndmiruble skeb 1. ol Hi life awl
eh.iraelerof TuKn 1-11:1: l'ti:u:r:. W'v could liol rcl '<
publish Itfor Ihe grniifleati -"
readers as an.- m.t likely 10 meet Willi II Ise"
TiiKSwtEcn " Wtxueu. Pun
rider. It speal Hi- i' re
lokenkttlic present crisis. a
innut fail to mako a deep and
.. r.llie Is tho
i. Some of lliesc, when I
eivcil into the families of
1 many, c*copt *o far ns they come
under tho friendly luUlngo .if the Sncicty, have neither
.relatives nr friends; and others, not beine; strictly in
membership, have no npci-hil claim npnn the body ; and
Ihe rosull In. that a large number have, until n few
years pnst, been loft very much at a loose end, without
cespnn-ililo gunrdian-ihip.ninl o\pu,ed to iill Ihe Icinpta-
lions incident to Hie absence of social ties in " the tay-
dhrlnUlncst, caro-dhrivincsl, play-goincst city in the
world," if. Dublin was long ago succinctly defined. A
few years since a reform coni'i'mccd from i.libl- A
(who h.
f > 11 ...I...: ,. :..;'.:
. the ,.,
J 'I 1' Irullj BOpJli rlod b) i any of the Oldc
Friends in II..I...H One .. gC n no ..I gr< :
ceon.raodnlioa or the Mutual ! ,
ii- >v Jlnlly
ringlyjlke tbpsn i
nnd Claude have iinmortnlii
Edmund [Jui'k l- received his !.! in a I ion below he entered
college- It Is still the residence of the di
tlio family of TuncVlcton, to which bo >
.Itachcd from youth
ml i. The
d from the antique, neat and simpk
which charmed mo in my ocbo*d boy da; a. which
> '.I kept IhcoOoi isol bo many others; and
I may imagine how deeply -o. it .u t-i an
. .1 i .-.,. i . -i bo ire ll.ii cLirniiu,; id el, hut. .1
.. n In iv 1 1 "|dc are ilill lli log In (bo homes of their
ndfnlhcr's grandfather, ond where 1 myself, in my
Iter day-, bare known the friend* and correspond-
i of some of tbo mo Illustrious of their generation
- ti a...l lilgcwortb
territory, lit WOK ihu-i.d io h. outrage.
Sow, ho .-I ' il o ilia No .^tal.s llio
1 in Ii favour, *
. Olio of
was complaining afthodillkully ol is task In a
saying, " It lisfy the e.
mind of tbo ..ill ah whoj. re us
must follow. Th artist fir ndvllle tii.-oilh.wi
of a frog on do ol a tl
uf the Apo f tlie Mel cdorc ,11 11,0 oil,,
inu a jjrfldu ir, -ii Ibe other.
.1 he;
Apollo. i i frog. 1 must a gain in k .. frog I
Apollo, and : tern ally o. all on
Bolent t to - .:,. the .MO.. I .ti I..
<. barn usly teevtbor, ha
n ii I- ral and intellc.
liss of young people "I i it
o benefit, aa well as to fhuito
Ih... ...
, Anil the weekly li
It Society, which nivhel
months, from November Io April in
lonkoil forward to by the members i
delightful occosiuna of intellectual
essays nfieii of a tiigb order of es
and llioir subjects discussis! witli
ciuirlosy and tou,l liu ns could
p,c-.-i .1. The raupc: of the themes is
history, nnliiiiiilics, science and the i
i Ih. .Vug
table industry ii
eulable benefit to the eloas for wl
o-nn-cially lUsiirnid, and tbnt Ihoy must
tbo mural and intellectual tone of nil v,
rl in Ho .... There nre many-inch o<:
tion with Friendd in England : but m
have heard, that hare been formed on i
ti ml coniprcheit-Five as that of Dulilin.
Wen selected with judgment nml liln
novels, c.tcept 'Uncle Tom's Cabin." o
I... .. poMible. A fow nro luovitabl
".. i nuoli ]n-ri.nliealn i-i Chan
JlMstl.,J.I .III lit 1W floi.ii.1, a
trluch't bo koiil out (thi.y look
wltielt nre largely dependent for
il, higlily senaoticd and io.
v o.vobidoil I
ih-li-liifnl S.JU'-
wc had
of lite
r n.iiiii i ...J I-* lln.' i.piniin- .if liu- Auuuiil Sefsion uf
Uutinl lioiiriivoiuint sncirl) ha-, been i lourated
huge Juieilll Illee-lillV (ODIIIIOeni.-lOg will) 10-T Olid
s. folbivod by an upoiiinp nildn-i from the Pi-csi-
in- s.mii- olhei- hi.;l. ..Iliei.-il, and .-inlin- uilli fruit
eoiiliiiiT ilrinksl, ivhiel. ban nlimy* bn'i. mil
il gn-al satiifa
"C.i llll-ll
lor. Abniit live inik-i iV.nii ttioeily livi-.i a wnilihy
merebnnt, a patron nnd member of the hulitnte, who
bos a passionate hue forpardi ninL;.nndbaagralinedliis
taste for the rarer speoiea i.f i<.rei,n plani-i and lli.w. i-.i
by creeling in tin- n< uf hi-, i: oaidenco sevorn'
ftatuly nod f|iaeiom erv-tal i..ila<:i..- for ll.eio ne.-omino-
ilation. Ho vorj lutnibjoiuely i 1 "n - - . t bi- .prnu.n at
the disposal of the >.' ittee, anil i-;ive lii-i oil il a>si.<t-
ance to li^lit it up luilliiiully uilli . indli -i ami spirit
lamps, ami furnish it with* f.n llio aeeonioiodaiion
of many hundreds of the members and Ihcir friends,
made up a be-antiful array. A very able and interesting
address wns road by one of the Vice-Presidents, a fine
young man wi lb a liamkouio black beard, who spoke
feelingly and well of the benefits of the inalitution and
lure. This was followed, by some remarks to the sanio
effect by llio 1'rc-i.loiit nnd nunc oilier members, and
thewholownicunoliided by adjoii.-ninjj Io another of the
stately temples of Flura, "hire wiia laid out, with much
lastu and elegance, a supper ronsistiiig of enliea, jollies,
blanc-mangcB, pies, saudwiehea and oilier light articles
of refreshment suitable to tbo place and (ho occasion.
A largo proportion of these were the free e.ift of mmo
of the wealthier members of the Institute. In the
whole afliilr there wns such a happy mingling of
unostentatious liberality, o( joyous youth, cheerful-
ness and good humorsuch troops of girls with bloom-
ing pleasant faces, and uf line, oil. Ilk'. -ril num.- nun.
that it was joy Io Ibe heart am] a 1,-asl to eyes to behold
them. I enjoyed them all tburonghly, but my most
delightful sensations throughout tlio
n'old se .,.|-fel|.,i o hud
just returned from spendinf
Korlhern Italy, lie had visited Lombardy in funnel
years, when Ansiria was in the ascendant, su that hi
had this time eujuyed all the luxury uf the contrast
lie described the ehanoe in r.ueb terms as if that riel
Where Indies and young men were rarely seen, tin
street* of Milan are now thronged with them, as if thoj
had sprung Cr Ilie groundlighUome, joyous am
exultant. On a former visit ho bad only seen one news
paper in aoiiiL- ptaeo rrequented by l'lngliahmen. Now
whereier a ^ruop of tieo or tin e-.- wan asseiubleil,yol
were lo \k> seen povtrnila Ol Garibaldi. Garibaldi hen
Garibaldi thereGaribaldi everywherellio glorj
or Italythe idol of the hour. May his shadow novel
be loss! Contemplating this ejruud at I it ode of Italy, a:
she appeal's nt this present time, how we lung Ilia
nothing may happen to mar ttic moral dignity of tin
prnne on the "side-wall
pieces of elinlk, one whi
rapidly porlraycd Ibe lit
peace or cent
tionl the passers by.
Talking of Italy, I ban
in Milan was a Utile boy,
nml fornished with two
id one red, with which he
s of Garibaldi in his .red
Browning which
r of Tt,t QmMH
r, :-,,: from a
fro... Dublin. The way lies for the raosl part through
.-. lev. I . ....ii i ,by i- laiisreuinrLable for picturesque
or rural hennlj-. My eompanion had all her eyes out
for the brilliant or- four llelds, which, for richness
and splendor, in this ro. (not. is, ibe declares, superior
to anything she has toon out of Ireland. She was als
gn it I >. ai
a the other hand, I am told that
..111, of wheat was sown that, (hough lln
produce is small io p. portion to the r stent it is actu
ally luge ; whilst the oat- arc so flno aol io am b qnin
lily that from henceforth nobody who Is not cnsil;
moved ami foolishly credulous need feel any bowels o
compassion for tlio funnel's, when they commence Ihci
annual groaniugn I have heard, now that the wenthe:
has taken up and that for ihi. hist few weeks we havi
for mutual congratulations. The harvest having conn
lully a ith later than usual, and people having shuf
tied along through the month with such supplies a
remained nn hand from hist year, iL is suggested 11m
we have now only eleven months Io provide for, lolera
lute independence in this rcsnori is happily impnsaibl,
gaged himself
uld h M
if the Italians
the Ithine, mid
nj- will bo but
vant Venice, Ibe lieiioh I'mporur Hani
bey will net in concert. The Italian a
he right wing or Ibe Freoolt army ; b
inppen to Italy if France should be repelled by Huropo,
defeated, Dud unable lo help her ally in Italy J This
issibility the Italians don't even admit uno inslunt
id when they do, they boliovo that, after all, the
loiont slate of things could no more be reestablished
Italy, and that they have much tu gain, mid not much
ench Emperor. This solidnrily.eslalilishid hotwesa
e fate of Italy and the Tale of the French ih-spot, has
tui-olly cooh'd the sympalhli - ol tin Inn h for ihe
burden in the place nh. . ii hurl- hi.o. Austrian
Pel'oio the I'ie.lm.iole.-.e i
Slates, tlie French am
,.- I'reneli nl Anci.
-.1 of Ihe
is ognu . TheFi hp.ip.-i
re now representing that the amhussuib
io slightest hurt lu the truth, nnd that the French
ivernmcnl, by recalling its anibu-jaibir from Turin,
illlclenlly showed that it did not upprove and permit
io invasion of the Papal -Slates. There is a perpetual
ivoree between [acts nnd declarations, between Ihe
open diplomacy and the
the Roman Slat
id diplomacy. C
r of the
his tu Ihe French people, " Wo do
into Italy in order lu shako (tbranler) the power
Holy Father, whom we have replaced on his
throne.'." During the war, the Paris paper, tho Slide,
icoivod an advertisement, because it had attacked the
inporal power of tho Papacy, lu which advertisement
And these words: "Heaped nnd protection ot the
Papacy are a part ol the Emperor's programme in
Italy." On the ISth of October- of last year, the Km-
told ihe Bishop of Bordeaux, in a public speech,
lus conviction was that the temporal power ol
tlio Pupc was nut contrary lo the liberty and indepen-
dence of Italy." The 3d o( December, last year, the
apcr called Opinion X.ilUinalt received an adrertise-
iionl for an attack again..! the temporal power uf the
'ope Tin) some month, on the :ilst of December, Bona-
.artc. in n loiter addressed to (ho Pope, asked him to
. ii lii, revolted provinces, and offered him, for
mini' "He- ( which hav.' niov been in. ailed), hi-
.arnnty nnd the guaranty of Kuropc. Now, a large
:. iriny i i Hume,
Duntenancing the ii
lil|ileto r of 1
ii.ii of I'iod.
nvcr. r'or it is self-evident that the
tbo city of Home, without any uthoi
c desert of tho Campagna liouiana. mi
d of the temporal
thinkers, must bo satisfied with Ibis result; but i
d that it lues been obtained by means i
icsty reproves. What will become i
Pope! What will be tho end of this great power,'
ha.; ruled tin, ( alholie world for so many c.
I' TV &aaii..,r contains seven pap
which tho following are tho titles: 1. llitual
ral Taste in Nonh America ; 3. 01,1 Faith nnd New
nwletlBe; I. flcrmsn Hymnulogy; fi. Lamb nod
ud ; Ii. Tho World's Need of Woman ; T. llovi
t of then
tin- habit of the .Saxon mind to express ita
lnngunge and that of the Oriental nntiu
their thoouhu b> symbolic methods, and
n this count.) the p ipuh Iltlcrenco it
pr.-icllros ... i.,^M |ifu and public w
' Nalional Anil-Slavery SabsciiptJon-Annivcrsarj-.
\\m:s the clnim for Universal Liber
In our country, the best part of n lifetime njrn. Ihe work
lay wholly in futurity. The idea and the principl,
Human liights were to bo rcplanlcl, the justice
necessity uf their cause a< again-.! slavery Io be proved,
the prevailing apathy t bo broken, tho public mind t
benwakoncd and enkindled, the insufficiency ufaChurc!
and State controlled by slarery to compass freedom tr
rated, Ihe retrogression of the land toward,
barbarism under their away tu bo made manifest, ami
freedom of speech, of the press, and of a new ipeelflt
association lo bo claimed and exercised a* the only mf
Relent instrumentalities of prepress.
T'liis is the initiatory wurk that has been doiiD.nnd by
It abundant opportunities of direct oclmu hav. l ,'u
rendered praoticablc. Tlio imliK itseli', in a thousand
sliapia, now lies before us, whoso privilege it has been
to make ready for It. Tho despotism isdrivco inloopen
day. To meet it. reipiTres devotion, industry, and the
sacred fire of a Irue cnlhu
Canleniu;, ovidcntlj t. tl,
. subjee
The third articlo, wh
, i verj .'! . ,i .,
"gland lo clpl.uu a
i. him, . .
(Ouv Waslnnnton tCorvcspoiulcnre.
. Look i
a-, tlio ole. tin
Plainly n defe-nt of Ihe [iroslavery parly,
of Sir. Pennington, Speaker of the Tlouiie
:, it is a fact that tho slave-
) defeal
.e c.i tu ass, and yet were thoroughly bet
iniest. The slaveholders were beaten in th
ii-akership last winter, and nov
dd in tho pitched baltlc of a Presidential
rtunes of Ihe pro-slavery parly, and prove
I see that you are not expceli,
IIIU no lets than fifty pages,
e >ol e lately published in
defend the "rationalistic"
as the Itroad Church," and
en essays by as many difTor-
cnl w liters, all ..f ivlicm ore eminent Iheolngians of the
. Lurch ..i I ..!,..! Their .Una of the authority of
lh III I. .i... -| i.,. |.ri.-. iphs nin 'h' should guldO US
Hi on are. if we do not misjudge, sub-
"'' ' same Hal were Held by Theodore
I '- - Wu| rcoho thai an Amodean edition of the
" u,, -br d e tiiV of " Itccont Jn.iniries in Theology,
.., I..:.-', i larchmeo," will, .,-, Introduction by the
It... !>.. Ueilsc. ha-j been published in Boston, by
vViilkcl . Wise ,t Co. The vun lew in Th, iian.incr will
>t'uiul ite io.ity ..n.l it., interest of the public in
.usly than over to meet Ihe demands of
-ises unparalleled in the history of uur eou
ideed, in tho history of the world. For w
is it ever happened that Freedom has I
om aiming a dominant people for a down-t
a so grand a scale as ibis t Wo ask aid of
while wo hid them observe that their freedom makes
progress only in exact proportion as our slavery is
brought into discredit. Wo a.nk aid uf Americans ; for
whore Is Ihe American to whom this cause of ours Is
lot tho supremo interest of the present hour ns allbrd-
tie tho only hojie of Futurity 7 Tho work before us Is
..ver that primary one contemplated by no other exist-
ing body, political or religious : the work that Church
always templed by the necessities
of their position as such lo neglect, adjourn, suppi
monitors to
ih- siiv.
ind to ct
nil. ate ...,..,. |
And tho stronger the lies
mote thi
placed, to tcinpuris
.11 these wo c
cordially inv
Louisa I.oniNn,
L. Uabh ClIILn,
lli.sniF-rT-r.. S..P...KST.
A ;.!; U'.ni.i-; U>>-|,.v.
. and lb,- Moniorinls of Thomas Iloud, in which
'striking resemblances and marked differences"
lime are pointed out, and tho private rirlues by
i each was distinguished nro duly recognized. It
beautiful and appropriate tribute lo two men
e memory will over bo fondly cherished by the
n fro
li fro
I a irnin urged upon
ights, and which, lloutcd for a time, are at length
dmiltod, though in a somewhat patronising spirit.
iito popular j nals and reviews. Tho writer, who.
crimps, but Jo II. - .lo- , |.,,:,,| ie W m",
lighLs Convootit o-. might never have devoted on hour
a the subject, i-d who only work- over tbo thoughts
.l.i.l, I,,.,, over been tho staple of discussinn m suoi
onventio*, in ikes thi -.- invidious remarks :
We .if in. ...... ., flout ...,, Convcnllon
s.of Into, hav
iliig apologia
all hi -nl,.-,
t God
belief that slavery
perpetrated upon
I huin strhle ..head, ami the
l.'ariilina >]i,ins il. A slaveliuldor
i-d blow has hit him or his darling
< well ns anybody else.
Washington nver the election
days, but pcuple arc Rcltinj qu
n Jo. Lane himself sacs there
and n.ob lav
made ao attack npun Th' f.Vit bui
any connection ot TVie Era with
se the ltopublicau Auociation r
especially as the
not support the,
The Southon
vbile, and torn
of pro-slavery
n hour, and in
of themselves,
-ii.iul.l in. i
.-ol III,,, ,1 vomit thunder, but the
mst of them begin to talk very favorably of llio Union
nd Mr. Lincoln, f? has sinricd the stury that
lr. Lineuln will not turn out well-behaved Democrats
rom office ; and more than uno office-holder who. be-
fore the result of Ihe election wns known, applied some
pretty harsh epitlu Is to Mr I m, ol u i rj him op
will lik.. him' P...,r,,.t,.,i i ,,, . ,,,,.,
elvemonth liny will curse lo. iltodow, for by that
coui-so of the on the humbug
sionquesiiunevcites much speenhiliou. ThePresi-
profeases to believe that there is danger of dis-
i, ond I am not sure that he is insincere. Cobb
Thompson have scared the uld public functionary
within an inch of his lire, and it is doubtful If he will
promise lo Bonner of Tim Ledger.
That Mr. Buchanan secretly sympathies with the Dia-
onists there can be nu doubt. But he is nfrnid to let
e known, and he Shudders nt the thought ormeeling
iHilignalionof*lhe Northern people. So he will be
iged lo uphold the laws, after a fashion, should
South Carolina nltompi lo nullify them. The South
't wait for him io gel his can ass out of llio way.
He daily beseeches leading .-oulherii politicians In!
"! next March. iVlicn Wigfall had filled the old man's
ad full of tho terrors of disunion, he cried out,
Great God ! Wigfall, can'J you wait till my term is
out!" But Wigfall kept up his character by replying
that Tolas wouldn't wait, not to save forty Presidents I
Vet the horrible Wigfall will draw his pay as Senator
out of Unclo Sam in December, and will take his seat in
the Senate. If lie don't, then something dreadful is cer-
tainly going to happento Wigfall.
The Republicans lioro talk rather funnily of the pro-
posed accession of the Gulf States. They comejel non-
resistance on the part of the United Stales. " Lot them
go," Is the general sentiment, " and stay out till they
ik of It." I met one man, Ihe other day,
High to build up a hope of a Republican Douse
enato upon- lho expectation thai South Camlin
Georgia, Florida, Alabama and Mississippi will loot
io Union. The moment the colloa Stales get the i.h
,at the Republicans would rather liko lo havo the
cede, there will be on end to tho bombastic threats ,
o I- ire -.iters. 1 verily believe that ir it were not I,
. en at class of non -sin vol i elders now under tho cru
'.', 1 iie-ioaster iu the Sonlh, a majority nl the
,,. ! tin iVi.-o States would be in favor i
ii i partition of tho Slates at this pnrlieub
slav ehold.
vo disgraced Women'sHigh19 Conventions,"
.l*ce whysuchbodies, nny more than otliers.
Id In he invtiici.ilily .li.--r.u. ed " by the
,1 intrusion therein of improper persons. Are
as of men, or even of ministers, held to be
vably disgrnced " on this account- Wo trow
y improper men not unfrequently find their
religious assemblies, and even into pulpits ;
on this account, required to fursako the
assembling of oursclivs together, and to abandon
the pulpit ns "irretrievably digraced "! If not, why
should we, for no heller reason, give up Woman's
ighis Cniventions?
The "Iloview'of Current Literal II re,'' brings into
ilice some important and valuable works.
These questions have just been examined, with great | a ktpt up much longer, it can hardly fail to .r, ale
i II.
r,.,",.r,i after
eni. I. Innuiry
woi.l 1 I..'., pr. .
Hi,;hL) Con vent io os ' "
I1C, II. d liory and pro-
has been inaile in a
good degree respeciahlo by the toils and sacrifieea of
spirits braver than ihein=elios, lo disparage the plans
and of the devoted pioneers, who, it inuil bo
cunfessed. are not intallilile : but we think the criticism
of this writer is ipiile not unkind. The lead-
ers in what is usually called the Woman's nights
movement did not. in their real fur rioW>-, overlook their
duties It ni- in- .Hurt lo perform their duties,
indeed that tuadu them sensible uf their need of the
rights of wl... I. i o hod been so lung despoiled, and
they commenced their work in the light uf llioir
I I under tho guidnnce of their best
cts. They did just
i do, i Wo do .
otlieo. for the sale of Anli-f [urery. Temperance,
nn's Itighl-n Anti-Capilnl Punishment, Peace,
Spiritual and other publication., has been established
it No. IS Sleuben street, Albany, X. V., near the Dela-
an House. A general assortment of stationery \(111
ie kept on hand for sale on tho most favorable li-rins.
Subscriptions for 'tin Libtrvhtr, Natiunii. Avrt-Suvkliv
uno, ,Inli-.sY.irm, Ihi.jtc IDhiu), tontlon Anti-
Sorery Advotale nnd IkrtilJ of Froyrist, will be
aoiions, Oflers for Buuks and Tenets, and cor
nieations relative lo anti-slavery and oilier reform
meeting!* In different parts of the Stale should
addressed to Ihe general agent,
I.yw\ Mott, Albany. N. V
Rick StmiiKiis or Tin: Stinii.uio. IttciiAitn D. Webb,
170 Great Brunswick slreot, Dublin, requires the fol-
lowing numbers of the X.irioMi.AsTi-RijVKi;vSr*Sn'.Bti
tocomplete n file which In- keep- I'm ihe convenience of
reference by any who may apply to him for the purpose.
Ills Imperil collection having hoeu occasionally of use
in thi- wai^Jtis desirous to e pi.- to it, ami any nf the
following numbers will bo thankfully received if lur-
warded t the of Itev. j. May. Jr., 2'Jl Wnshingion
-tr. .: .t to the Anil-Slavery (JUke.fl Dcekman street,
Xcw Y..:k.
Vol. I-S'o*.;. in. IS, Si to 39. II.
I. 11, 11. lo, In. -J 10-Kos. 1 t
11-Sos. IS. S3. JO.
12No, i ^u to end.
13-Nu. l3. 8. 11. II. 1C.1
ii S'oa. 28 lo cod.
If No. ,'.i
17-Sos. 5,57,4?, 4T.
re ijul res gel mi
. the disc
II those indispensable i-cqi
cordialli- oi
rity, whethe r L'uro
nil elm I,.
. of thoii
lomptution, beinj; s
o luve labor
Hall, Boston,
ir by letter.
iv Rrsrci.!., A.vs lti:io:n:.\,
mi- II oi in us, Aci,r.;-Tv G. Kiko,
fEsros, Et.ui.vimu I'm Anvm,
fi.s.iyP. C.ili
Sicui P. An
Tnn Ba?jiae will bo opened in the Saloons of t
Assembly Buildings, Philadelphia, on Tuesday cvcnii
December 11th, and will continue during the fnllowi
three days. This announcement will be Bufllciont
secure to thcjlauageis the zealous cooperation of Ihose
who, for ninny successive years, have proved the
of this instrumentality uf anti-shivery hihor.
To others, who hnvo nut had this experience
who have not hilhorlo deeply felt tho claims t aoli-daiei-y eoterpri-e, wo appeal fo
not only in the name of fuiir millions uf their f
countrymen, deprived, by American statutes, ofall the
.-ights of American fi
their own imperilled
Uluindler Darlington 10 t
Murlha Haines
n of v
leepeiiing for thirty years, unlil every village fi
miiiio to Tcxm feels its influence, is no longer mei
ihe question. Shall the negro slaves of those United
Slates bo emancipated t Tho truth, ever uhviuus lu th
I philosopher, that the enslavers of others beeoui
lelvos enslaved, is now being demonsIrate il lo till
i. Tho inestimable blcssin--. which .Vmci-i, .in oil
lavo held so dear, freodoui uf spoooh and of lh
press, the Aafrfas corpus, Ihe right of trial by jury, am
deed, all the safeguards oi American law, nre wreste
om every man, Northern or Southern, who, upo
Southern soil, dares to oll'ind a slaveholdlng populac
liinly utterances in behalf of liberty. The struggle
iw fur uur own civil and political five.lom, as
r the personal freedom ot tlio slaves ; nnd upt
those ii'hose moral siiscoptiliiliiii-s tuko no cognb
if the latler. wo urge the consideration of the foi
t is by such discipline Ihat n:iiini may learn tlnl
.l.-,ilutr ri^ht i-. the oi-. -i pnliiii al economy.
Are ult of our lens oxr erionco in ntt-slnvery Inl
confidence to urge ity the claims
uly-lillh Fair. Th ["inripl. of equitable t
which our Fa
nowu to need eiplnn lio here. From our coailjut
l.l.M a an< 1 abad * 1. pe to rec vo valuable c
Don lions in money or irlieh -: e.f merchandise n
lo Ihe Anti-Slavery Office, N o, 107 North F
reel, Philadelphia, r I any meu joe of the Ct
itlco if Arrangcnion
: A. nmsco".,
YJ. Ciiii.ii, Ukiiwcv S. ll.inr,
Avm M.
1.1.TII 1'I.BH.
,^111 i KtMUJiw.o:, Hoi.n, ii r.-iricE.
Smuu A. McKiu, Hmibikt D. Pciiv
LucitCTU Mutt,
AI.MLS Cintx, IIi^.ni I,. Stick
MMtTUl A. Gai-VK,
SLuir Giieiv, ILuiv C. Wiuuur
o would again call the attenli four readers and
of nil friends of Anti-Slavery Reform, as just the ]
deb tho times and Ihe now ret
insend for themei renin I o them.
No. 1- Corres pondore o between l.vdia Marin Child and
Governor Wise and Mrs. Mosou. of Virginia. C
i.2 Viclor Hugo on American Slavery, with leltcn
of ulher distingulsb..| in,l,i i,lii'-;. ii-, n,
Tocquevlllo, M.u'/iiii, Lafayette, Ac
i. 3. An Account ufsmuo ufthe Principal Slave Insur
Josui'A Conty. 5 cents,
i. -1. Tho New Rcictl of Terror in the Shu eholdini
Stales, for ISoS-'CO. in cents.
No. 5. Ilnniel O'Connel) on American Slavery ; will
other IrLili Testimonies. 5 eenbs.
No, 11. The Itiglit Way the Sale Way. proved by Kman
West Indies and .lnoivhere. Ilj
I,. X
So. 'J. Tin
M-v '!."i'i!
"il.- in
i-e-Ac duct ion .flifty
will be sen ; by ma
postage charge.
^sft-To be had a the An
per .nt- will be iinidev
ro taken. Gratuitous c
lamination, on receiving the
ili-Slavcry Cillie, ' Bcoki
North Fifth street, Philadelphia ;
15 Siouben sireet, Albany ; ond 221 Washington s
dhsnl, Mass.. on Tuesday, Nor. 6, Lecn
'e ut Kdinuml l.luiuey, ami iloughtor e.f I
Parker of Boston, aged 30 years.
.. h.iib,-,,,
journal. " Sirs. Qufncy,"
friend in n privato letter fr-..,,i Doslon, " (fas a
of v,ry -leporine mlml and line culture; sir
genuine, slmplo and real in hermannera nnd 1:
thought; frnnt. independent. unscIBsh ; of ran
iiml especial devotion ,-v- a wife nnd mother ; mo
where host known ; her sympathy nnd support
priei I. -< value to Ono whose opinions have robl
All who Itnvo
ill i.oi
irk.. I ,i
i. tlie Hold,. I
i:-t.i..ili M. Clark,
lines A- Slelson, Brooklyn, Ct.
.-,|.b .-bunt/ . j-tainfi.r.1, Ct,
I-. I've iluiilivs, Hampton, Cl. -
i-iu-i ll"!i,i,.. l..,i,ir lii.l-e, ! -
illi.un 1- i-ii, New Vm-kCity
1-..-U-, in Willi
fnry Abell,
. H' (."1..1- -libit- v.
..I IH-Ii. I.'. 1.I.U- Hill,
"I' IVieo.ralUei- Ml
ml W.C.Ie, l-uirliel.l.
nrioL Hood
ahel Pylo
imV-e-tli Atkinson
.taints li. Wall
Spcakman " .".u
C. Ilobinson
Thns. K. I.nng-h.ii
J. Ilnmbleton.
Ilinm Jackson
P. Crosier
Thomas Ilnnnum
ieorgc Corson
.lwoo.1 Memlenhall
lleinve Aik, Il
[-: W.Ci.rsni.
,nor I'ugh
id II. Longshore
ItulHirt Purvis
l.ydia While
^prciiil gotiwjs,
Mi. iiiinv A.vti-Shvi:uv Convention*.Tlie
'com! Annual Anti-Slavery Com eniion fur Michigan, will
hold at Adrian, oooioieii. inl' on Sninnliiv, November
lh, at 2 uVluek. ,i. HI. All oar ailni.ei.irit- of tlio pre*-
il year, whether Stale or National, lime l.eon uf the most
tere.ling anil ci nunraging diameter. Let Ibe friends of
ocnilnvcdln llichlgnn see lo It. that theirs shall bono
-JIIY QUAIJI'ICArillN oil Ml I -ItilPKklV ol'AHnWTIOH.
pttlt'l'l; UT nl Wi:S!U:i.I. I'llll.LU'S, A ino
I, !|,'l W.lrfC.I, TtltrJ
pltOtlliLiwlVE I l:li:\le- .-Send t|. (Iliver J
,,;,ri' '^"''-Vi'b'Y"--"-- n'.4
J i.'ii,'
v.'i"ii h
. i i:i;t;ll' - '111 H . lil-'l IIEASON. No. i.
llTl'MANS IIHIIIT.- !'--, .-.-liri..". ( Hie Tefilh
Jam** fUJpaUl, wilt, ad Au4.jti v-iathj '-T Mi
Sl'llinil. full VnUS.i L.U'IL- -Mi- ,-. J. Ilu.-oll
111 l-....l,..ll., ll.liO. ,.,.1.1., ..-. L.r .!.,.,
WllF-F.LKit k Wll-SOS'.-i SL1VINU MAflllNrS
urUv.Ma BroU..,, tttw Yu(I.
_ .... (cesses But lliorc is no mao wbo cm. Imbituallv Icon spoke to buudreds only. No miwter who luul I .kv.I* umkc ilu- mn, bu( it is tbo elite wbicl. rooke.
^Ui'-.ffll.lHrOUO ilrilUVtmrm. s1 .'i,- ,-.,., ,,i,, ,.,., Lours o, dny |bi.lUu n..y subject, tho great waaaorbU..- or dooms il- writer lb... ,
wl-l. "!>* -'
Cj ^_ *__ j frit-nil Mr ' l.lik- CO.ilr.., '- ll !> f -i' '" M> -' s i:,'ln!-.'1 I '..I. 11 1 ,;|. It in f-miip-. pai i - l.u r. "I
I I i> OS T1IK K \
,11-1. -lilii . ll |ii.|"iil ll' lii'-l labor
-,:!.". .,< i.i- bit. in kit. . i
Dlni 'I i
r. I.j Mi...! ire Park, i
nr beyond ll.ucir
,", -llnH ri'itL
. II
,.ll ....
.! 1 ..... r.'..i lit. -ii
,....! 1 .
,t i, .iiiii
jIi not i
.. il.c rocky vidlc>, walking
flctc" ikon my""
.. .|.,i 1.1.1. r-. i ikj tck
r ai thai " '" "
._.,i, ,
,i . . . . i . . i i
tsr.KlcJ lldckcU
I pel) i... '
:;., i. .-I from
r1..n> s
Fro .
ii. . 1 kno and Horn it
. , ... , '.'..., .'..',;
., fearful ,.:,. 1,1.1 fee c itcnda reel"
, il.c gleams of ntcsl.lnc ll.el upon loo dm
tlndo wmoVvrew ttio ( (lowers upon tbc ctaa? <i*tr
cli llii.ili.1-'. itlih lull! '
If CI '
' '-;>
( !K
, ...II..I!
.1.11. .
ll..-. , ...... -,:. -piifr!...!.
Thou M.-.) word, not of Comfort In
T.M Imi'm. in.. bordci nl.crt 11.11 urooJIue mystcr;
'" ' . III .,-.! i,-1- ,i
Ti- if -! .. i..-:i-...Ht ..1-..I--.I -.Jul"
" "
I I r.Tf.M.I 1.
sit t-'i'-fi '!," ".",',
,.'i'. "V ' ''.'. ..;- i. til:
j ,-... ,., .,.,-.. .i-i.i ibai
m., ,',( .]<!.- iMiV.rt-: --L. \f../iMr."-.
Is tl,o 1S33. there w-w ft joucj; mail o(
eiehtecn nt' work ..[.on a f:irci tit Is.oton, perform-
^iosboHilylabr- " '
l-lll-il by ttCM Vi.lir
luipcnsnte fur thn
mlur-Iccturiii" l>;
c'i'il '"ii,. j'.lltiln.l 1- ,.
Il- f.i.i tl.-.i i>..- whole
might read the people the Sanscrit Lexicon, nn.l
uBC l<i wb.-.t lipid 1....I bo
n ol' Ike nccustottca summer n
in. i iv. Ih . ntr- .1 .V.i-...l?hi)i wliiili
r.u oiipciior. H-.t -o f'.r M lilemry cxecul
..-, I. .1.. I.. ,.,|.,l .,:..,,.. = ..f K -...
ffas.iip.Hs of curved i.uicl.k from
..... nl.M. tliey ..r- .ml t.kk.l Nut
>ri Jrnwiog nenr ll-. sl.bulc .: n
Ibou^Ulit, tl.r irili. iilii.rsl siltviitn r!i j '.luk
i|u li- t.. . ;tl. .- tin if |iki i. ,-i.liTil.- l-i - I-
Int. . ll.. liil.s uf Ike ]..>"-". I'.ir i..-l;.i.i... i;.i...t'. ')
deiiCBW nllusion. th.' k,- t net.- .-1 en-l. n, ""
" MithriJutcs." ' lltiin.iir.-wi." n..d ' Htien h- hi
ll.rn- .nra In liim tho wrrk of'mDio eapric*
be pronounce* tie jiOf-in of " Mi-.-:nli...
" ].....r n-..l
wenk"; liccoiiik.i.i.j.. -l.-.iit.-.-^e ', ,. I Noicc."
n.,1 thinks ihot it pin.- tri- wJ.ii U -h, ul.t t^lk like Mr
L'mcrson's ouyht t.. J.r Juwo mid cist into Il.c n-a.
Tin- linn n; "f ...' .li-> ; "C i....l;i"i Hj
Tb. dtr-j. or|.rb-
jJJ" (^to'ty^odhoo :.' "'' --
sij'- -
|. i tt.ih.j. . i ii.-. . .
in ur i-hlichtui ai..linlir;v ih.-uii-l- .. . . .-
tbouKhti liioii-l ih. iiiitow kniiu of moItrial . t\t-
f.n it!.ii-h ihi. >'-ii.. nl.'ii ri.ini-n.irJ i o
j J-
ti ore lo I- bold It tu admltv. and tu ieel it to sjun
ITii Scrap Bi*il-.
...1. .. ... 1.,,....:, All
Svi.i. Joussos .iv UuEitsict IVhm Ur. Tlu-sto
rcuiorpd to SI iv.ill. ii'.. Il.i i p.. ..nil. .1 .'. 1
bull ...u.i. anJ lo I.i. ..'..1. -.1. ...
'- .i'"!
StnalluJiu, "wbon..." ray- Mr- thr.-il. . 1
" ' '' tl, i-.l I,..; ii... . ...... . II. ^^
^ovcijju 6lrnniity& .
- -. ,
Creek illustrated
rs.ih Iv-
nJiil. ue
It wblrh
. . -.. .....^ type. a..d ii ini ';:.,.' ':'.,,.;::.',
ivorld via i-reatly
rn.ue of Ic.irnin'. .in
Juinftilly ani.l, tl.e ki
'Ihcodom l'tirkc
nl.Ji-" . en
worth the prun
ortnk< "ll tin MU
cvcrytbins-ol coatw
nnd dropped iw;.
ol" us met nt hi tnon
lMipulnr Ihcologiejil v
.. h aid all ll
:.- :.n ...:.- i........ -Il>
, : .... nloro rnrtor's life.
hii." wns Ollcn manifested in Inn criti-
rrcnt en-rils- Tho b.os.l Inilhs wero
H nr tl-.- finei points pnasi d
i f-iH-riftl trait of tho pnrtitulnr ph.ise
" \lr,.l-..r-.l-.iir.- I. . ..... - : . I- , raif-ed l.y
roof of ihi-1'..iini.-M ui iilm. pun- lipan the Hr.-h-. .. |.....i Mi
iuds Of people "ere r.-.i.l.l. el Il.i....'.. i. n .1,1 1 -Ml., J,.;: ,., : . ......
:.- ...... -1^ 3
i ..... . ...',.. ll-.- .'.l .... I'ird'.'.t wrk .o.;.l nglho . ia-.i;.:.l
theology lo r.-. 030*120 .
Ii .!.lr...|. n-l- i^ lli
tli-h.i-l,: 1,1 ii..- ,i..n.. 1
1 ..r/.u-
i.-n.| is. h. .In. .
,d pns.-.-il bv.
utterly unknown.
1 nl Europe always iloru I'u.k.-r. rr he wn -.1,. 1 noujjl
.ntpr l-;.,.f . ...-lit
nge toth-.t .-nni.irv.
t,,, which he most
rcmnrk llmt they do no
mest . oinpri^- .1 -mil
touch the sky. n
dpal before we c ,.,ph.... 1.1
1 for ui.i | ' _
failed . m. li-i roost - . j I ,'d ,' - .MA k
,-.i scir-soiK-
h.lle from
1 all. that onp
.....,l- I..
'lh.-n: 1.
I. - pr ,-1 - kim wbo piinti h.ui i--. - '! him n.i be '." m..i.t I... Ih- wori, 1
hill. Mm
ke.U .....
of 1,0.1 h,
, ., ; ..| .1., ....;:;. .h nrd 'nii.t - - ...... in -ht 1 ... 11 il- ...-h 1l.i1. rai. I.
!nV..'il... hrlue "; - ->i. -
. 'i-
. ""',",
../. v.i. :.. 1- ii-uuhl .In (u-imll nuy pr.jii.h. 1
UoUnjIiroko, WnlH and 1 h. M.-rik..l. IiJJrld 6 o nod
'..'' ,
- '-'.','-.; ".,'..;"'."; '.''".:.::
).v:->ilf ." uLtii.t.ui,- fun" li^...1 Iicrtti- IJ-. fll'C tolll-1-
liui.froni the >..a.;i>l>--.i. .- nf whnm nculd Imie
. ,t i'.ai. " .1..- M s. ^rd .he recovered il.c
, ..;... l..-.r W W W...1.1 ..H.I 1:1,1. it.. i .tic win
..... .. ; J . :. 1 1 p-i .1. h. r IjI-J.i,' J.-ul.ry
1.1 ,. Bli( n f.n iIj.i l.itk I)- a ik-n-'iman 1. . ..u.i |i .
.m.i-i.i.. |- l.-i.i: P N.-.I
) n !d In t iiri| . the impel ilin
ll,i- (unrrol j-, . 1- ' 1 el-" 'I. J
|.,,i.ii|.^ v. h.-.-l r.>r.:r.uil. t.,-ht .ju.ii: 1, .-..!. ><
ll.-) Min/ii h) inn on .In . :.-. 1 -r,-.!. d Ti 1 r.t... > . wh:. h h.
in-iiie.l was ipiii- ill..-jl. Ik In cun>e.)utoce brouRhi
..til. :!-. : 1 . : . .jil> 11.
lltvvout lo -...!.-. Li,,.-, ., ..,:
hn pin-'.. r li.-f.-rw il..- uiai'i-.r-'id. and II, ii
-..-' ' ' * - ' "- ' '
,l.f.n.lant ..ere nLli r. p. . ,-...:.!. .1 I.i Mi- .1
.-. Ki-. plutked ..( lu o.nki rn. ... M ...
...ll. 1. . 1 * 1 cc in danger, is (ear As in.ill . rri j L.* ih. p.- .. : -1.
t mnde ti *pc-
1 Ii.,.n , 1
lli In
This m
-. I.iu-l : 1.,.. .
vodci. tl.
nil ion
,,.,!..,;. IU ft .
:,1 to cullivnto or nven indulge
not produced by h.s frcquont
oiiii speech alone ; <: it i- a
idcll M.illips, wbo larely writes
: ;, ui.,:- I..
anil cStbToi ", are
i'luliulflphiii ^ihcvtionnruto.
,ibi.u..n vbh
,"t lleMe-
lo the poorcii corner. S'ot ci .;. roua in inont) 0..I1
though the ri.ilu.i of bis ben-liccnco in thnt
ilir.-tiir.ii bad k .1 . Mink ! W:.v ba-slencd pint
ili-.i minor beslowal n> if ll.ero whs not dome
, !.. r :.d k-.l uift |i.,-v.l.l.-. Miu.p { fPtiicP or
corrcspo.itlcoco, some lift-blood, in short, to bo
I....1. I in s !. r form. 10 eke out tho nlrcndy
libnral douotioa of dollnra.
rh.ri' i- .1.1 i..,|... ...;i llmt be mi unrorgiriog.
I'nlor^.-tiin; ho i-cn..i..l) wm.; for be Lad no power (or iruod or evil, llo bad
I-,...- ..I ll-.! nipi.t ol.hvi.,1,
cnrclcs j.^U- rju long n
1. |.
Hall, nnd
.halt life. I..r
.ii: "-~la:-p. In-sli. iiiol'-.te.
i.-h; nr..l shade, wonderful
r to all finer touehts and
...... ....- nl. nl, lo p.i ;.i!.- ,. itllm- ;-
In. Ill f... ihi.i-ll -:,.. I 1-1 jd. In :l. ;- r;
rush ur..l h-.rr) of hi. life, lie kid no I lu - 1
Till; Ti'MITATItlS OX M.\i:t;["l.ltlfl:.
;ll ,-,.:..!, nil
T)UAH(iisf; uou.-i: r.-p-. p.. tots p.
/i ah dan: ANNA M. LONGSnOUB POTTS, t. 1).,
ill. flat., the second a
r..e 1^-
i.l in..-' ,1.., t
. -i ...1
i/- i\ni:uiii\i: .t ji-.-ricr. !...;... .-
I JKI/t. lit I. M. a
- ',^ci.'|f liV. v>
a Lnndou. Id 1661. lor all
of SAI,Ai!ANDlT. SAPK. t-(
rtftifDii, lofini.
TONrS .fc Co.. uf the
. 7; N- 1 ..ur,;, .i(.
11. on-; us, hrokt
11. ofthelttlun
0,1 of tbo Inn. ll.i'thui multiplied : .-
.-,. .|,.l..|-..,l,lr,..-.,-..a-,.,..l.t.tnl.
point. Veiii se...... da- if ho could
Uiii.-Pt to othera. grant hitii only ll-..-
... mhor by
(entente, and let tdl e"Jr Go. The
- 1 .-,.,,.. ....-
inuo. ofPipi. nnd with n
,,| il.p Te-no. 1*
nienimvTikoko I wil
-lies of Duhiknk.i undo
My llirant ,:.]...
11 1 : -- b....i,:,.V r-ll,..
..I .1. I- ..
...I ll.u.lh.i
hft II..-
...... dllB
.,..., r.,r fnrtntng an
11..-. il.t 'jictiMi aI-p
lile, wbi-n dot.ta are 11
I' j ^: ;".. -
. ;
'-, -,:;
tUI# b4Cc-Hh, &e. , UI Oad lb* uUc4*cwJ.ud tmbva. blol-
lii-.,.c lAi tu,-), Li.UJ l
ucLu ill lot*":-. 4dJ)Ii.

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