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VERSION 1.0.1:
Added: A Pricing Table element - you can read more about it in the Pricing Table
s section of the documentation
Added: An option to add a "scroll down" arrow to the first slide of the fullscre
en slider. You can enable it in the "Story Options" "Slider Settings" Fullscreen S
lider "Show a scroll down arrow on the first slide" field.
Fixed: Error displayed "You are not allowed to edit the theme options" when them
e editing is disabled
Fixed: Default color of buttons in content editor - set it to the default theme
Fixed: Story -> Fullscreen slider section in admin: horizontal slider images dis
played on two lines
Fixed: Set the custom text color from the secondary elements section to the tabs
and accordion elements
Fixed: Spacing of the two-column layout of the fullscreen slider on small screen
Modified files:
(M - modified, A - added)
M functions/class-pexeto-custom-css-generator.php
M functions/formatting-buttons/btnicons/btnicons-2x.png
A functions/formatting-buttons/btnicons/priceing-tables.png
M functions/formatting-buttons/buttons-init.php
M functions/formatting-buttons/buttons.css
M functions/formatting-buttons/custom-editor-style.css
M functions/formatting-buttons/editor-plugin.js
M functions/fullpage-slider.php
M functions/html-builders.php
M functions/init-data.php
M functions/options/sliders.php
M functions/options/theme-customizer-options.php
M functions/shortcodes.php
M lib/css/custom-page.css
M lib/custom-pages/class-pexeto-custom-page-builder.php
M lib/options/class-pexeto-options.php
M style.css
M style.less

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