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The basic purpose of all sales

training is to modify the perception,

attitudes, and behaviour of the
trainees in ways that are beneficial to
the company….
Group methods
Individual methods
The lecture

Personal conference


Role play
Case discussion

On-the job-training

Programmed learning

Correspondence courses
The lecture features passive, rather
than active trainee participation….
Trainees mainly watch and listen.
The trainer and the trainee jointly
analyse problems…..
It is an informal and unstructured
method of training.
Visual display of a product- its
functioning and features along with
the lecture…
This method has trainees acting out
parts in created problem situations….
Trainees are given 10-15 mins to read
the case studies and subsequently
the cases are discussed and solved in
Also called the coach and pupil
method; combines telling, showing,
practising and evaluating…..
This method breaks down subject
matter into numbered instructional
units called frames, which are
incorporated into a book …
Used in both initial and continuing
sales training, to acquaint
experienced sales people with new
product developments and
Of the 8 training methods discussed, 4 are
group methods, 2 are individual and 2 can
be either. Lectures, demonstrations, role
play and case discussion are group
methods. Personal learning and
Programmed learning are individual where
as On-job-training and correspondence
courses are either a group or an individual
method depending on whether the audience
is a group or an individual.
Presented by:-

Megha Agarwal
Roll- 26

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