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According to the EAI (Ethical Awareness Inventory) the main aspect of work is results, although I

do not fully agree with that result. The results of any project are important, yes, however anyone can
achieve results, some can even make them up out of thin air. Getting the true end result for anything is
the journey with you and your team, and doing all the right steps to be able to achieve said result
whatever that may be. Again, the EAI states that I am less concerned with equity which is partially true
when it comes to assignments or tasks. During my time in the Army, if a task was successful I thanked
my team, but if a task failed I (as a leader) would take the fully brunt on the consequences because it
was my job to make sure that it got done. In a team both the rewards and the punishments are given
(and taken) by all. I believe that in the criminal justice field you have to find the balance of both your
strengths and weaknesses in order to succeed. If you want results plan for results, and plan good, dont
worry about who will get credit for it in the end, but remember that you are always going to be part of a
team, and a team works together through thick and thin. As an old adage in the Army still goes leave no
man (or woman) behind, you come in together you leave together.

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