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Intelligent Security System for Cars

In the recent days, many cases of stolen cars have been reported
everyday, due to the missing of security now days .
We introduce a new technology for saving your car from threat of steal
and also saving the life of the owner .
1 - Controlller: A 1!"##A microchip is the controller used in our system,
providing reliability and small si$e .
% - &isplay: 'C& display is used to show commands to the user .
( - )eybad: *sed to enable the user to enter digits and numbers of
password .
+ - Wireless modules: to interface between the car electricity and the
controller .
, - -./ module 0or in car cell phone1: 2nable the communication
between the owner and the car .
Operation principle
3ur system is used to provide security for the car through three stages -:
Stage I: Password lock
4he car is 5ept loc5ed and the engine wouldn6t start until the right
password is entered to the system, this guarantee preventing car robbery
or stealing .
Stage II: (Your car is calling (
'et6s suppose if someone is trying to brea5 the car window and starting
the engine , the car would be safe also due to the calling system , the
-./ module or the cell phone will automatically call the owner and the
have the full control to stop the car by pressing a pre-determined number
through his cell phone .
Stage III: (On the way security (
4he first two stages are providing security when the car is being stolen
while stop, what if the car was driven and thugs try to steal it when the
driver in 7
4hat what stage III provide , handle the car to the thugs but don8t
forget to re-enter the password in reverse order , that will lead to stop the
car at the end of pre-determined value of time .
After the car stop , the thug will be caged inside beside he will be
hypnoti$ed under the spray of chemical hypnoti$ing substance , then you
can get him out by yourself or call the police to capture him .

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PreAared By :
Ahmed /ohammed 2l )hawas
4aha /ohammed .aied 2l .aadany
/ohammed 2ssam !athy /ahran
/ahmoud )haled Abd 2l ammed -ad 2l ab
/ahmoud Abd 2l ader i$5
.amir 2l .herbeeny
SuAerCised By :
rof. &r !ahima A. 2ssawy
&r 2ssam abil

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