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What are important behaviours to success in project management as illustrated in the

Answer. From the simulation it is quite obvious that to get success as a project manager, one has to
a. Develop effective communication with their team members.
Wrong communication style with team member may anger that team member. Make
sure that same approach shouldnt be use next time with that team member.
b. Build strong relationship with their team members and stakeholders.
Good relationship with stakeholder helps project budgets and schedule on track.

2. What actions made the indicators rise or fall?
Answer. Four indicators need to be in balance when managing projects. These indicators are:
a. Effectiveness
b. Efficiency
c. Team member rating
d. Stake holder rating
Effectiveness and efficiency will rise when projects budget and schedule are all on track. I.e. if projects
are submit on time and within the budget provided, then effectiveness and efficiency rating will go up.
Repeated wrong communication style with stack holder and team member will reduce stake holder
rating and team member rating respectively.
In the nutshell, every decision affects the scores.

3. What role did the variances play in the game?
Answer. Variances play a vital role in making time to time communication with team members and stack
holders. For an example if one of the project data is beyond the acceptable variance for one of the
department, then project manager can contact the responsible team member from that department to
get data fixed.
Furthermore, Variance also creates an opportunity for project manager to think any kind of expansion
from their stake holder in a project. Expansion in a project results in increase budget and time. If budget
and time are in acceptable variances then that helps project manager to accept or reject the new project

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