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Magic Mirror- Snow White

Who am I???? I'm the mirror, The magic mirror. The one that queen asks Who is the
fairest of them all?. Over and over the same dumb question...Who is the fairest?...Who is
the fairest? That ueen is so self absorbed that she misses !hat's ha""ening right in
front of her nose. The "rincess #no! White is becoming more beautiful as the da$s go b$.
#oon she !ill sur"ass even the ueen for beaut$. %nd the huntsman? &oesn't she realise
that he isn't lo$al, 'ust e(tremel$ scared. )ver$ da$ that queen tells me that I'm her most
"ri*ed "ossession. I bet she sa$s that to ever$ magic mirror she meets.
I reall$ do like that #no! White though. #he's so kind and lovel$. I've heard that she reall$
likes animals. Wh$ I've seen her m$self. Taking care of a little or"han chi"munk that had a
cold. It !as so cute. +ut alas, it is m$ curse to al!a$s tell the truth.
The queen uses me !hen she "uts on her make u". Its almost an insult. I'd rather she
used a normal one for that...not one !ith s"ecial "o!ers. ,--hum"f--. I'm so bus$ at the
moment. The ueen has me follo!ing #no! White's ever$ move and that girl kee"s
running through the forest !hich makes it reall$ hard to find her.
It is quite difficult to be so, so, #O reflective $our entire life. I mean, $ou can see, gold
!ould 'ust not suit m$ "ersonalit$...'ust silver, silver and more silver and !hen $ou are tired
of that...there is nothing to substitute. /o /um, 0ife is soooo "redictable.
I best be going, her 1a'est$ has asked for the reci"e for "oison a""les. It has been nice
talking to $ou. 2suall$ nobod$ listens to me this long so I reall$ a""reciate $ou hearing me
Oh !ell...I better go get out those cook books..... ,--sigh--.
3run off stage4

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