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ASSOCHAMs hopes from the frst union

ASSOCHAM (The Associated Chambers
of Commerce and Industry of India) has
presented its demands before the
introduction of the frst Union budget
under arendra Modi!"ed go#ernment$
They %ant an ear"y ro"" out of &ST
(&oods and Ser#ices Ta')( re#i#a" of S)*
(Specia" economic +ones) a stab"e ta'
regime( s"ashing of ta' rates and ta'
incenti#es for creation of Indian brands$
In a pre!budget consu"tation meeting %ith the ,e#enue Secretary ,a-i#
in e% /e"hi( the industry chamber shared its suggestions %hich %i"" in turn
re#i#e the economic gro%th and bring "ife to the ai"ing manufacturing sector$
ASSOCHAM demands that the ta' po"icies shou"d be eased to stimu"ate
economic gro%th( curb in0ation and create a friend"y en#ironment for the
in#estors especia""y %ho %ant to in#est in the manufacturing and
infrastructure sectors %hich generate "arge!sca"e emp"oyment$ In house , 1
/ (,esearch and /e#e"opment) shou"d be promoted and ta' incenti#es
shou"d be gi#en to the companies %ho are determined to create Indian
brands$ If the Minimum A"ternate Ta' (MAT) and /i#idend /istribution Ta'
(//T) are %ithdra%n( and the S)* po"icies are a"tered to induce gro%th then
the S)*s can be re#i#ed immediate"y$ ASSOCHAM thin.s that the frst Union
budget by the ne% go#ernment %i"" be industry and in#estor friend"y and
create more emp"oyment for the youth of the country$
Source- The 2inancia" )'press
Source3 Common2"oor$com
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