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--When Josek tells the account of God making the first man out of a lump of clay,

soaked with the tears of Truth (the banished and restored angel), Arthur accedes
this to be the creation of the first man (Jew), but was this also the (same) origin as
Wilhaus, the camp commandant? Do we all share the same origin, the same
underlying essence? Are we all one, or, are there true (unsurpassable,
irreconcilable) differences?
Arthurs question wasnt altogether unjustified. Were we truly all made of
the same stuff? If so, why were some murderers and other victims? Was
there in fact any personal relation between us, between the murderers and
their victims, between our camp commandant, Wilhaus, and a tortured Jew?
--Can we only know good if it is contrasted to evil? Does evil need to be,
in order to know the good? Therefore, evil and good are two aspects of
one thing? Or, are they utterly, wholly, subsistently their own things?

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