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Morning, I have a special assembly, to bid farewell to our beloved puan siti the

senior assistant. She is going to retire after and outstanding career in education.

Pn Siti was my class teacher. She is the most dedicated teacher I have ever. She
has been teacher for 20 years and a senior assistant for 10 years. Pn Siti taught
English and history in SMJK sam tet. In the ten years that pn siti has been with our
school, she showed fantastic dedication to her vocation and did her best to
improve the academic level of the school. The school results in pmr and spm have
always been around 55% pass rate only. After she worked hard to improved the
passing rate. She encouraged students by counseling them to work harder.
Consequently, the pmr and spm result have improved until last year we had a
record 100% passing rate.

Pn Siti which is very popular among the students is the buddy system for weak
student tuition. I have been involved in this system for the pask two years and it
has benefitted. I have learned to be patient and appreciative of my fellow

On behalf of the student, I wish her happy retirement and the best of health.

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