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Programa Intel Educar

Curso Esencial
Society, a Global Project
Autor de la unidad
Nombre y apellido Gonzalo M. Cabrera L.
Nombre de la institucin educativa IPTIA
Ubicacin de la institucin educativa Auadulce! Cocl"
#tros datos de la institucin educativa
Descripcin de la unidad
Ttulo de la unidad
Society, a Global Project
Resumen de la unidad
T$e %amily is t$e basic unit o% t$e society so t$e students are oin to be addressed into a trip
by di%%erent tec$noloical tools to reconize and &ude t$e importance o% %amily role in t$e
actual society usin 'nlis$ as t$e taret lanuae. T$e tas( is compiled into a collaborative
tas( %or researc$in and discussion to promote t$e value o% %amily in a )eb pae lin(ed to
di%%erent documents and videos on )eebly.
Espacios curriculares o asignaturas
Ingls, *amilia y +esarrollo
Ao y nivel
Tiempo necesario aproximado
8 periodos de clase de 40 minutos, 2 semanas.
undamentos de la unidad
Concepts: Family and Society
Members Role
Types of Family
Role of family in society
Grammar in context for communicative purposes:
Sentence structure
Reported speech
Modals: should, had better, have to
Present/past perfect
Subect!verb "#reement$
Modals pronunciation
, -../ Corporacin Intel. Todos los derec$os reservados. P0ina 1 de 2
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Society, a Global Project
%xpressin# ideas and opinions about the relationship bet&een family and society$
'iscussin# about the different types of family$
Investi#atin# the meanin# of &ords related to values in the family$
Gettin# and discussin# the main ideas from a readin# selection about the topic$
Performin# a document about a common situation of a Panamanian family$
Reinforcin# the values of love( tolerance( respect and support in the family$
)ein# conscious about the importance of havin# #ood relationship at home$
*ritici+in# the reality of family values no&adays
!earning "#$ectives
Integrate and develop listening, speaking, reading and writing skills to express ideas,
opinions and describe personal affairs.
Share knowledge on cultural diversity and professional affairs.
Be aware of the importance of the English language for personal and professional success.
Preguntas orientadoras del plan de unidad
Pregunta esencial Do you know what the World success is?
Preguntas de unidad How do people hae reached success in li!e?
How hae bi" societies disappeared in the World
Why do you think so#e people hae been abolished?
Preguntas de contenido %&at is a 'amily(
%&at is a society(
%&at is t&e role o' eac& 'amily mem#er(
%&at is t&e role o' t&e 'amily in t&e society(
)o* do you consider a 'amily s&ould #e(
)o* do you contrast a real 'amily type *it& a societal
'amily type(
, -../ Corporacin Intel. Todos los derec$os reservados. P0ina - de 2
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Society, a Global Project
Plan de evaluacin
Cronograma de evaluaciones
Antes de empe+ar el tra#a$o
del proyecto
Durante el desarrollo del
,na ve+ completado el
+ianostic *ormative 3ummative
heck list
"eer evaluation # $eacher
Self-assessment # $eacher
Resumen de evaluaciones
!esearch on the given website an online document, analysis of such document and comments about
the importance of the family in the society in a map to evaluated in a check list as a self-assessment.
!anking a list of the family values according to the given document on the web as an anecdote record
to evaluated in a formative self-assessment on a rubric.
"reparedness of a document on a technological tool about the importance of family in the actual
society in group of three students to evaluated as a peer evaluation and a teacher assessment on a
"reparedness of a group weebly document based on the technological pro%ects which is going to be
evaluated as a self-assessment and a teacher assessment on a rubric.
Detalles de la unidad
)a#ilidades previas
The students need to know about computer usage, internet suring and basic !nglish domains to get in touch with
the lesson based on "amil# and the $ociet#.
Search on the web a video about relationship between family and society at
https&'v($)n*aEI+,-.hd(/ to analy0e its importance and the
role in the society by making comments in class based on the anecdote record.
!ank in a list the family value according to a real family pro%ect and the societal family by
using an online page about the importance of family in the society at
"repare a document on any of these tools ?montage, deep 0oom, photoSynth and mind-:@
in a collaborative task about the importance of family in the actual society taking into
account group work, font, design structure, color accuracy, information impact, punctuality.
, -../ Corporacin Intel. Todos los derec$os reservados. P0ina 4 de 2
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Society, a Global Project
"repare a group weebly document at based on the different collaborative
task about the family role and importance in the society. Tutor at!h"=# ta$i%& i%to accou%t &roup wor$' (o%t'
"esi&% structure' color accuracy' i%(ormatio% impact' a%" pu%ctuality.
Adaptaciones curriculares
Estudiante con
I ha'e no student in class with diagnosis about )!!
-o &ispano.
All o% t$e students are 3panis$ spea(ers but t$e class is in 'nlis$! so t$e
students need to use an 'nlis$53panis$ dictionary %or a better understandin.
There are three students who are goin to lead t$e roup in t$e usae o%
tec$noloical tools to per%orm t$e assined tas( in order to let t$em to interact
in a meanin%ul e6perience )it$ t$e topic development.
/ateriales y recursos necesarios para la unidad
Tecnologa 0 )ard*are 7e8uipo necesario9
: Computadora7s9
: C0mara diital
;eproductor de +<+
: Cone6in a Internet
+isco l0ser
: Impresora
3istema de proyeccin
: C0mara de v=deo
'8uipo de v=deo
Tecnologa 0 1o't*are 7necesario9
>ase de datos?@o&a de c0lculo
+iaramador de publicaciones
: Prorama de correo electrnico
'nciclopedia en C+5;#M
: 'ditor de im0enes
: >uscador Aeb
: Multimedia
: +esarrollo de p0inas
: Procesador de te6to
/ateriales impresos
Technolog# tools manual
(omputers and &ata pro*ector
Recursos de Internet
*amily and society video
Montae Tutor $ttpB??))).slides$
+eep Doom Tutorial $ttpsB??)))$EvFGui8Uut+(@A
Aeebly tutorial $ttpsB??)))$EvF6M8;PHz*pU.
"tros Recursos
)ot necessar#.
, -../ Corporacin Intel. Todos los derec$os reservados. P0ina C de 2
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Society, a Global Project
Los proramas de IntelI 'ducacin son %inanciados por la *undacin Intel y la Corporacin Intel.
+erec$os reservados ,-../! Corporacin Intel. Todos los derec$os reservados. Intel! el loo de Intel! la iniciativa de Intel 'ducacin y el
Prorama Intel 'ducar son marcas reistradas de Intel Corporation o de sus subsidiarias en los 'stados Unidos y otros pa=ses. J#tros nombres
y marcas pueden ser reclamadas como la propiedad de terceras partes.
, -../ Corporacin Intel. Todos los derec$os reservados. P0ina K de 2
Programa Intel Educar
Curso Esencial
Society, a Global Project
)ernett( ,$ -./ de 0 de .1234$ Stronger Family Stronger Society. 5btenido de 6e& 7or8 Times:
9II*.0$ -./ de 0 de .1234$ Importancia de la Familia. 5btenido de 7outube:
, -../ Corporacin Intel. Todos los derec$os reservados. P0ina 2 de 2

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