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12 New inspirations

The Prince returned being deeply in thoughts. He really had enjoyed the earthly city with all its
freedom, its beauty and cleaness very much. And something was immediately obvious to him: there
were nearly no beggars People looked happy, were well dressed and seemed to have a good life.
as that a better world than his own one! He couldn"t tell. #or him freedom was the keyword and
not the values good or bad. $n his country there was not such a freedom. People were so much
connected to their ancient traditions, to their various religions, to their families who had the right to
judge over their lifes and choose their future wife or husband. %ut was freedom so important! &es,
he thought freedom was important, he had not been thinking so much about that before, as it was
custom in his world to accept things as they were, but now with his new e'perience he had got a
different view and had the feeling that freedom for everyone was the most important issue. (f
course, making own decisions was more difficult than just following rules. #or many people it was
very difficult to manage their life without being imbedded in strict traditional rules, they were not
able to handle the freedom. The perfect world didn"t e'ist. He was thankful for having met the little
blond woman who opened up a totally different world to him and enlarged so much his knowledge.
)he made him think about life in a way he had never been thinking before. His world with more
than one millard people was different, true, but maybe also some things could be changed, he
He would have to go and see the little blond woman very soon again for he felt himself really close
to her and was missing her. The thought of meeting her soon warmed him up.
The little blond woman was still dreaming of the wonderful outing and was also very happy. )he
was very much longing for her Prince. ould he come back soon! Tonight she decided to go with
her girlfriend and daughter to the circus. The show was in the late afternoon, so, if the Prince would
show up she would be back in time. $t was a very special show. The performers were children from
various schools who had trained for several days and now the circus director wanted to show what
kids could learn within a short time. *ost of the audience consisted of family members, parents,
grandparents, brothers, sisters, but also a lot of other spectators had come. #or those, whose
children performed it was a very special, very e'citing moment like for *aya"s girlfriend whose
daughter also took part in the show. They both were very nervous. ould she really well perform!
The Prince had decided to go to his little blond woman very early that evening and then already
from far he saw her walking with another woman and a child towards a big round tent which looked
like an arena. +$,+-) )A,,$)A.( was written in big colourful letters above the entrance. He
was very curious and decided to go down and have a look. The little girl was brought to another
smaller tent and then the two ladies went to the big tent. hen they were seated he silently slipped
at *aya"s side without her seeing or feeling him. He had never been to a circus before and didn"t
know what was coming up. There was special, very loud music, the children were laughing and
talking, it was very noisy and everybody seemed to be e'cited. Then, after about twenty minutes,
there was a loud music sign, people immediately went silent and a man in a uniform appeared. He
inroduced himself as the circus director, greeted all the people in a very friendly way, made some
jokes for the children which they responded to with loud laughter, then he e'plained the special
situation of the upcoming performance. He was telling how hard the little boys and girls had been
e'ercised after school during the past two weeks and how much they were looking forward to
showing what they had learned.
After that the music started playing again and the first three little performers appeared making
cartwheels around the arena accompanied by an adult professional circus artist who made flic flac
through the centre of the arena. They all were dressed in very colourful costumes and were greeted
with noisy hand clappings and cheering up screams and whistles. /specially the children, two little
boys and one little girl looked beautiful. The young very musculous man who had performed the
flic flacs was now lying down on the ground and lifted up his feet. (n both his legs a little boy took
place, trying for some minutes to keep balance. After they had steadied the little girl, with the help
of a young circus lady placed herself on the shoulders of the two boys, first with her legs bended
trying to find her balance and then standing slowly up, remaining like that for some minutes with
her arms stretched out to either side being carefully watched by the young lady. The little girl
looked very concentrated and all the other performers, too, for it was an e'citing moment which
was also felt by the audience. $t was so silent that one could have heard a needle drop, even the
music had stopped playing. #inally with a helping hand of the young lady the little girl jumped
down and they all went down and reached the ground safely. The audience was whistling and
clapping and the little performers, with red cheeks and beaming smiles on their faces bowed in all
directions and ran out of the arena.
That was the first performance and many others followed. $t was a funny, e'citing evening for the
kids as well as for the adults, and the Prince was delighted. All the little performers looked so
happy, they had such sunny faces and the other kids were admiring them. #or the performing kids a
dream had come true as for one evening they had become little circus princes and circus princesses.
/verybody went home happily and the little performers probably never would forget that day.
The little blond woman went home with a smile on her face. )he still was thinking very much of the
wonderful performance, and how happy the children were. Then a shadow went over her face as
despite herself the picture of the slum children she had seen on her Prince"s star reappeared in her
mind. They never would have such chances and such fun. 0espite these sad thoughts which she
1uickly brushed aside she enjoyed a wonderful evening and was hoping that her Prince would show
up very soon as she was eager to tell him everything. +oming home, putting her jacket on the hook
of the wardrobe she first went to the kitchen in order to have something to drink. )uddenly she
heard a whisper from far. Her heart started pounding like hell.
The red rose whispers of passion,
And the white rose breathes of love;
Oh, the red rose is a falcon,
And the white rose is a dove.
But I bring you a
cream white rose bud
With a flush on its petal tips;
or the love that is purest and sweetest
has a !iss of desire on the lips.
)he was listening to the familiar voice at her ear
And then he stood in front of her: Powerful, vigorous, tall and strong. His dark brown almond
shaped eyes were full of love and when he looked at her glowing cheeks and caressed her blond hair
and white skin with his glance, her blue eyes were beaming at him and her sweet red mouth was
invitingly smiling. )he was so beautiful.
He took her in his arms and kissed her. And with all her warmth she responded to it.
The Prince lifted her up and set her on the kitchen table. Her face was now at the same level as his
and he embraced her with a certain smile around his mouth.
"$"ve wanted to come earlier my 0arling, but unfortunately you were not at home."
"(h, $"m so sorry, but $ didn"t know that you would come back so soon again. 2et me tell you were $
had been, $ spent a wonderful, very special evening with my girlfriend. $magine, we went to the
circus. $t was not an ordinary circus, but a very special one".
He hugged her tightly kissed her on her hair and on her earlope and one hand caressed her down
her back till it touched her buttocks.
"$ know, $ know, for $ was also there, directly at your side. %ut, of course, $ remained invisible. $t
was really an unusual performance and $ was very much impressed and $ loved it".
"Then you also saw my girlfriend"s daughter, didn"t you!"
"&es, of course, she was great and very couragious. hat a great idea to make children so happy.
0oes it happen more often that a circus offers to train children for a short period and then perform
with them!"
hile speaking he caressed *aya everywhere and finally had slipped his hand under her blouse.
"This a a special circus and, of course, they get payed for it, also the parents of the little performers
had to pay a certain amount."
)he felt so e'cited that she couldn"t speak any more. ith her arms around his neck they started
kissing passionately. He was aware that there was not much time left for him, but he at least wanted
to feel and touch her warm body.
.ervously he started undoing the buttons of her beautiful green silk blouse and kissed her bosom
above the black bra. )he was caressing his shiny hair and his neck and was also undoing the buttons
of his shirt. %oth their bodies felt hot when touching each other"s and Anshu"s desire grew. *aya
still couldn"t really concentrate, but she loved her Prince when he showed his desire. Anshu lifted
her breasts out of the bra and left them like that and her nipples grew hard immediately while
feeling his touch. hat a beautiful view. He smiled, kissed and caressed her. Then he cautiously lay
her on the table, put her legs around his hips and rolled up her white skirt. 3ery softly he caressed
her on top of her black panties, slipped his fingers inside it from the side and felt her heat. He closed
his eyes as he was immediately transported away.
Please stay like that, 0arling, he whispered, opened his belt and trousers, took them off, which was
1uickly done and since he didn"t wear underpants his erection came immediately to its full view.
Again he put himself between the legs of his 2ove and took off her panty. He bent down and kissed
*aya. )miling at the funny se'y view of her bosom he started rubbing his penis at *aya"s natural
entrance while bending down and kissing her. )he grew very passionate, hugged him tightly and
responded to his kiss fervently. Anshu stood up again. .ow he had a full view on the spot of his
desire while she was clinging her legs around his body. He could not hold back any longer and
pushed his penis up her inviting entrance. *aya had closed her eyes and let her feelings go and
soon the rhythmical love movements brought both of them to an ecstasy which made them loose in
the sweet transport of love.
Happily Anshu bent down to *aya and kissed her tenderly on her mouth, her throat going down to
both her nipples till his penis started shrinking and he had to withdraw it. He helped her up in a
sitting position, hugged her vigorously and gave her a tender loving kiss. 4uickly he started
dressing himself and within a second he was gone.
)he left her eyes closed for a minute trying to still feel his touch for a while before she prepared for
the night.
hen she came to her bed, she found a golden rose on her pillow with red letters on one of its
leaves which read
And all that I am
And all that I"ll be
#eans nothing at all
If you can"t be with me
$our most innocent !iss
Or your sweetest caress
%educes me
,eading the lyrics again she kissed it, then she put it back to the pillow directly beside her cheek for
she needed the touch of his gift. +losing her eyes and still thinking of her Prince she soon fell into a
deep rela'ing sleep.
To continue in: A little slum boy

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