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Instructions: Take a few minutes to reflect on the tasks below and think about when these tasks

could be done, and how much time should they allocate for these tasks. Refer to SI Leader
Manual pp. 12-13 for a list of SI Leaders Tasks.

What to do When to do it Time scheduled

Planning and preparing handouts for
SI sessions.

Integrate content and learning skills.

Collect attendance data at every SI
session, i.e. student name and ID #,
session date and time.

Submit Sign-in sheets, SI session Plans
and handouts to SI Supervisor.

Update SI Leader Time Log in Google
docs and log hours on E-timesheets.

Meet with SI Supervisors for post
observation feedback, check-in and
support with planning.

Market, raise awareness and interest
among students to attend SI sessions.

Everyday Workings of SI - Due Date

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