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Development Log

Semester #

Reference What I need to develop How will I learn it?

13.4 Anatomy: 1. I will read books and texts
I identify relevant muscles 2. I will refer to labeled charts and diagrams
and tendons 3. I will draw muscle groups on myself and partners as we are identifying them
4. I will refer to unlabelled charts and diagrams and continually test my knowledge of
identifying the various muscles and tendons

By When? How will I know I’ve learned it?

Development Log
Semester #

April 30,  When I can correctly label charts and diagrams without having to refer to texts
2009  When I can name the different muscles and tendons on myself and partners during clinical assessments
 When I can effectively show my peers where the various muscles and tendons are located on themselves and their
 When I successfully complete all exams that pertain to this area of study.

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