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Name : Rupali R.

Class : MMS- A
Roll no : 06
Topic : Marketing Promotion Plan
For Smartphones

Marketing Promotion Plan For Smartphones
Marketing Plan of : VoiceTell3D+ Smartphone
Voice Tell, a fictional start-up company, is about to introduce a new multimedia,
multifunctional Smartphone with unique features. VoiceTell is preparing to launch its first
product .It include all the details of marketing plan.
Early next year, VoiceTell will introduce a new product in the now-mature Indian market
for smart phones. Competing against well-established multinational rivals, we plan to launch
a high-quality, slim handset combining a number of useful, innovative features that are in
demand by customers. We are targeting specific segments in the consumer and business
markets, matching our features to the benefits sought by these customers.
Our marketing priorities include building brand awareness among customers, forming
relationships with telecommunications carriers, generating sales, breaking even by the end of
the second year, and operating in an environmentally friendly manner. VoiceTells core
capabilities of technical expertise, design skills, and efficient assembly procedures will
contribute to cost control and enable us to react quickly to market trends and technological
advances. For the products introduction, we will use a push strategy aimed at channel
members combined with a pull strategy aimed at customer segments.
VoiceTell was founded 20 months ago by two entrepreneurs with extensive high-tech
experience and an innovative design for a tough new Smartphone, to be called the VoiceTell
3D+ Smartphone. The handset will work with any telecommunications carriers network,
prepaid plans, and free calling services that operate online, thanks to the firms exclusive
Wireless Communication Commander app. The VoiceTell 3D+ is designed to be light,
slender, and user-friendly, with a large and durable touch screen; a no-slip grip with drop-
proof quality; a standard 10-megapixel camera; and the ability to record, store, play, upload,
and download photos, videos, and music files. As a result, our products features and
functions deliver more benefits than most competing units (see Table 1).
Table 1: VoiceTell 3D+ Smartphone Features and Benefits
Feature or Function Benefit
Super Solar battery Environmentally friendly battary powers phone for up to 12
hours without recharging.
Smart Phone biometric
Built-in identity recognition to prevent unauthorized access
and allow remote lockout if handset is lost or stolen. Instead of
passwords, users rely on the biometric feature to gain access
conveniently and quickly. Security will enhance our appeal to
business users in particular.
3D viewing capability For viewing TV, movies, and games in 3D mode. This helps
reassure users that the handsets technology is cutting-edge and
will remain relevant for some time.
Wireless Communication
Commander app
Automatically chooses among wireless options for highest
quality, least expensive Internet or phone connection.
recording, downloading,
uploading, storage, playback
Convenient for entertainment purposes, with large storage
capacity to accommodate multimedia files.
Handset designed with
large, durable touchscreen
and distinctive, no-slip grip
Large viewing area is user-friendly for games and
entertainment; no-slip grip case prevents the handset from
slipping out of the users hand.
Drop-proof handset and
scratch-proof glass screen,
backed by 2-month warranty
Drop-proof handset construction prevents damage and keeps
phone looking good even under rugged conditions. Specially
hardened glass is scratch-proof and stands up to use for years.
The warranty reassures users that if a phone is severely
scratched, dented, or broken, VoiceTell will provide a new
replacement via overnight delivery within the 12-month period.
Despite intense competition, our special features and our strengths provide an important edge
and will differentiate VoiceTells products from those of our rivals (see the SWOT analysis).
Moreover, as the following sections explain, the products launch will be based on favourable
market trends; new technology; penetration pricing; selective distribution; extensive
knowledge of our markets, customers, and competitors; and tight marketing control

Within the consumer market, our primary target segment is middle- to upper-income
professionals who dont always have time to recharge their smartphones but require long
battery life for uninterrupted communications and entertainment. They want to access
wireless connections from different locations and many commute or travel on a regular basis,
making Smartphone security a concern.
The secondary consumer segment being targeted is young adults, aged 1830, who are early
adopters of (and can afford to buy) new electronics. This segment will be attracted by our
products 3D entertainment feature, whether theyre playing games or viewing programming.
This segment is also highly aware of sustainability issues and generally supportive of
products that use alternative energy sources. Some in this segment may like the ruggedness of
our handset and the no-slip grip because they use phones on the go.
Within the business market, our targeted segment consists of executives, entrepreneurs, and
small-business owners who travel frequently and therefore would appreciate long battery life
as well as our special app for cost efficiency in automatically selecting networks on the go..

Two marketing objectives for our communications strategy are to generate 50% brand
awareness within the consumer target market and to generate 50% brand awareness within
the business target market by the end of next year.
We will also use trade sales promotion to support our distribution strategy and hold high-
profile launch events to stimulate publicity and media coverage in consumer media. With
retail partners, we will deliver customized product information packages via email to
prospects with a specific demographic and behavioural profile. Highlights of our initial six-
month promotion activities in following table:
Month Activity
January Initiate trade campaign for push strategy supporting product launch.
Provide online training videos to inform salespeople about four key
functions: Our unique Super Solar battery technology, our biometric
security features, the 3D viewing feature, and the app selecting highest
quality/lowest cost connections.
Give VoiceTell 3D+ Smartphones to selected reviewers, bloggers,
tweeters, opinion leaders, media reps, and celebrities as part of public
relations strategy.
Post professional product reviews online, as well as on our branded
Facebook page. Invite customers to post their own reviews. Respond to
questions and comments posted online and in social media.
Post videos on YouTube demonstrating the wireless choice and
biometric security features of our phone and invite customers to post
their own videos.
With phone service providers, plan sales activities targeting
businesspeople and corporate buyers.
February Begin integrated print/radio/Internet/social media pull campaign to reach
our targeted segments. Allow for response to customer feedback.
Launch hashtag-linked Twitter campaign focusing on 3D movies and 3D
viewing on our phone, to encourage rewetting and ongoing dialogue.
Distribute point-of-sale materials and schedule in-store demonstrations for
Hold a launch party with simultaneous webcast and Facebook access to
spark media coverage and buzz.
March Rotate messages and social media posts as consumer campaign continues.
Add sales promotions such as discounting accessories to encourage
switching from competing handsets.
Distribute new in-store displays, shifting emphasis among various features.
Arrange additional targeted email promotions through retail partners.
April Announce trade sales contest for MayJune.
Launch a trade campaign focusing on MayJune sales opportunities.
Temporarily reduce frequency of consumer ad messages but continue
online dialogues through social media, company blog, etc.
May Roll out new radio commercials, print ads, and YouTube videos featuring
celebrities and well-known businesspeople using our phone.
Send retailers display blow-ups of new print ads.
June Exhibit at midyear electronics industry shows.
Provide channel partners with new feature/benefit sales aids.
With retailers, plan year-end holiday promotions and sales contests.
We will soon begin pretesting message and creative elements for specific target audiences.
During the launch period, we will advertise in magazines & newspaper to reach high-income
consumers and business segments.
We are using selective distribution to market the VoiceTell 3D+ Smartphone through two
main channels during its first year. The second channel consists of telecommunications
carriers who provide cell phone and wireless service.

VoiceTells use of marketing research and plans for future research include the following:
Product development. Through concept testing, surveys, and market tests, we have
identified the features and benefits that targeted segments most value in smartphones
and related electronics. We are collecting additional data on usability, quality, and
value perceptions, as well as researching new features of interest to businesspeople,
with an eye toward new product development.

.Customer satisfaction. We are planning comprehensive studies to gauge customer
satisfaction and identify product defects or other issues that require immediate
attention. We will also solicit feedback from retail partners and phone-service

Total first-year revenue for the VoiceTell 3D+ Smartphone is projected at $30 million, based
on sales of 240,000 units at an average wholesale price of $125. We anticipate first-quarter
sales of $6 million, second-quarter sales of $4 million, third-quarter sales of $8 million, and
fourth-quarter sales of $12 million. These projections assume cumulatively higher business
sales and a spike in year-end consumer sales. Table shows unit forecasts by market and
First Year Sales Forecasts
By Market Unit Sales
Consumer 88,000
Business 152,000
Total 240,000
By Channel Unit Sales
Online/store retailers 180,000
Telecommunications carriers 60,000
Total 240,000
Investments in product development, communications, and channel support will mean a first-
year loss of up to $15 million. However, we should reach the breakeven point just before the
end of the second year, a realistic objective given our ability to rapidly lower production costs
as volume increases. Once we introduce a second Smartphone model, we plan to slash the
wholesale price of the first modelin line with standard industry practiceto reduce the
retail price and dramatically increase sales volume. Our first-year marketing budgets cover
advertising and social media communications, sales materials, point-of-purchase displays,
consumer and trade sales promotions, public relations, online marketing, channel costs,
marketing research, sales training and support, shipping, and customer-service support.

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