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C v nhiu bn cn khng tin bi vit ca Simon di t band 9.0.

y l mt on
Simon tr li thc mc ca mt hc sinh. Mnh xin trch cc bn r hn:
Q: Good evening,who said that your essay is eligible to take or score a band 9?frst of all you
must not put your opinion or your preference at the beginning entirely!you must put at the last
paragraph always.
Secondly,each paragraph you should start it with s topic sentence then you can discuss it in
Your ideas are accepted .
The vocabulary is not complex, then you should use more complex vocabulary? And you
should use more complex sentences.
These are my concerns only
Thank you
Answer by Simon:
I'm speaking as an ex-examiner. I'm afraid you have the wrong idea about a few things:
First, if you save your opinion until the end, you will get a lower score because the mark
scheme states that the "candidate's position should be clear throughout the essay".
Examiners want to see a clearly stated position (opinion) which is then supported in the rest
of the essay.
Second, both of my main paragraphs DO start with a topic sentence. The main (topic) ideas
are: 1) it is unrealistic 2) it is unfair.
Although I like to use 'topic sentences', I should point out that there is nothing in the
examiner's mark scheme that says they are compulsory. It is certainly possible to write a
band 9 essay without them.
Third, what do you mean by 'complex vocabulary'? Big, strange words that native speakers
never use? This is not the key to a high score. The essay above is full of good chunks of
vocabulary (collocations and phrases that are relevant to the topic). In terms of grammar,
there is plenty of variety in the essay, and I don't think you'll fnd any mistakes.
Please believe me: the essay above is BETTER than anything an examiner would expect to
read - it's EASILY a band 9 essay. IELTS is an exam for learners of English, not for
professional writers!
P/S: cc bn tin hay ko th ty. Nhng hi mnh thi IELTS, vit n gin v chn hn ci bi
mnh post video "PP n gin vit bi task 2 band 8.0" nhiu nhng vn c 8.0 Writing
Hy vng c phn tr li ca Simon xong, mi ngi hiu r hn cch chm thi ca phn
Writing trong IELTS
-Ngc Bch-

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