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Name : Rahmanita Ariani

SRN : 12144011167

Nursing instruction and Examination about personal hyegine
1. What are you feeling right now ?
2. are you feel unwell ?
3. are you feel your body itch ?
4 how many days you do not clean your body ?
5. can I help you in performing self-care ?

1. Now I will cleanse your body so that you feel comfortable
2. I will do your mouth care so much cleaner.
3. mouth so you look more clean, once a day at least 1 oral treatment, you can ask your family to
help if a nothing nurse
4. I would also replace the spray you use, because it had been 2 days yet in the dressing.
5. if your head feel itchy or feel uncomfortable, you can ask my help to shampooing

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