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The Netherlands' Cillessen is in goal for the shootout, not Krol, as in the prev

ious match. For Argentina, it's Romero.

The rain has eased up a bit as the Dutch win the coin flip and get the advantage
ous first man at-bat.
Round One: Romero drives left to block Vlaar on a weak try. Messi goes high for
an easy one. Argentina 1-0.
Round Two: A more seasoned Dutch shooter, Robben, nails it. Defender Ezekial Gar
ay scorches it into the roof of the net. Argentina 2-1.
Round Three: Sneidjer aims high, but Romero is there with a mighty save. Cilless
en gets close to Aguero's low ball to the left, but misses. Argentina 3-1.
Round Four: Dirk Kuyt keeps the Dutch alive with a make. Up steps Rodriguez, a s
ubstitute in the 100th minute. He salts it away for Argentina, which takes the s
hootout 4-2.

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