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Group-B (Mars-50)

The five Year Plans

Answer question no.12 and any two from the rest.
7. Examine the role of deficit financing as a source of plan financing in India. 16
8. What do you understand by industrial recession? In the context of the Globalization
programme which factors should get more stress to make Indian industrial goods more
competitive? 16
9. Describe the main objectives of economic planning in India and point out the incompatibility
between them. 16
10. Assess the contribution of Indian agriculture in achieving food security. Evaluate the nature
and the impact of new agricultural strategy in this context. 16
11. What is Inflation? Briefly explain the causes of inflation in the context of Indian economy.
Mention the different anti inflationary measure adopted in India during plan period. 16
12. Write short note. ( Any two) 2x9
a) Objectives of 12
five year plan.
b) Rural credit system.
c) Mahalanobish strategy.
d) Social justice and equity and five year plan.

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