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Coedcae School

Rockschool Music Practitioner Certificate Level 2

Unit Feedback
Unit Title: Live Performance Name: Dylan Clements Date: 03.03.13

I was surprised that you opted for this unit, Dylan. Youre very brave to go ahead
with this considering your lack of experience. Youve identified your repertoire
and you seem to have made appropriate choices for your vocal abilities. The
most effective way to make sure you put on a good performance is to be well
prepared, so practice is the key!

You need to assess the health and safety issues to do with a live performance.
Think about as many potential hazards as possible and how they can be avoided
or danger minimized.


Aim to practice several times a week. Warm your voice up properly first and
make sure you cool down after practicing.

Know your songs really well. Listen to recordings and really get them in your

You will need a risk assessment.

You need to develop something that tells people a little bit about you and the
repertoire you will perform audience expectation

It may be an idea to test your performance out on a small audience first, just to
get used to performing in front of people.

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