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L: Change the WorLd (novel)

L: Change the WorLd, is a novel adaptation of the live action film, L: Change th
e WorLd. The novel is notably similar to the film. However, there are a number o
f major plot changes in the novel that were made to keep the novel faithful to D
eath Note's canon. One of the changes to the plot being that, Near is no longer
a Thai boy, but the same Near that appears in the manga. It also reveals more in
formation about L and his past.
The stylized "M" used by the author.
M is the pen name used by the author of the novel. The style of the letter "M" t
he author uses to represent themselves is written in Cloister Black font, which
is the same font used for Death Note characters that use a letter to represent t
hemselves, such as the "L" for L and the "W" used for Watari.
Note from M
"I am deeply grateful to writer Hiroto Kawabata and Toshihiko Komatsu of the NPO
Biomedical Science Association for their invaluable guidance. This work is a no
vel adaption of the film L: Change the WorLd as well as an homage to the origina
l comics, novel, and live action films that preceded it. While it is loosely con
nected with the previous works, I hope you'll enjoy reading this novel as an L s
tory from an alternative continuity. M."
On page 53, line 3, the word "feeling" is misspelled, being spelled out "feeing"
On page 99, line 20, a quotation mark is missing, making the sentence say, "A yo
ung woman with a coffee cup rang the bell on the counter of the internet cafe. E
xcuse me, you're out of sugar," she called out."
On page 16, line 13 and page 151, line 3, "Lawliet" is misspelled, being spelled
out as "Lawleit".
On the contents page, the chapter "Pirates" is spelled "Piratess".
The design of the pages in the novel were designed to bear resemblance to pages
in a Death Note.
According to the timeline on each page of the novel, L was stated to have 272 da
ys left to live prior to writing his name in the Death Note. This leaves some fa
ns to believe that at the end of the 272 Light was "supposed" to have killed him
or he would have died of some other unknown cause since the number of days appe
ar to be roughly one and a half years later.
In the title L: Change the WorLd, the L in "WorLd" is capitalized; this is presu
mably done in order to represent L.
It is presumed that one of the reasons for the book and film of L: Change the Wo
rLd was because many fans where not happy about how L dies in the original manga
and wanted an alternative.

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