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Action and Stative Verbs

1) - What ____________ at? - I am

looking at this funny black dog.
[ ]do you look
[ ]are you looking

2) I _____________ a bag full of
these tin soldiers. I collected them
when I was a kid.
[ ]still have
[ ]am still having

3) This girl standing next to your
brother ____________ very pretty.
[ ]is looking
[ ]looks

4) I don't know her but she
____________ like such a nice girl.
[ ]seems
[ ]is seeming

5) I ________ my doctor today at
twelve o'clock. I have regular
[ ]am seeing
[ ]seem

6) - What _______ about our new
president? - I don't think much of
[ ]are you thinking
[ ]do you think

7) Don't interrupt me! I
___________ about my exam now.
[ ]am thinking
[ ]think

8) I ____________ dinner with my
friends now. Can you call me later?
[ ]am having
[ ]have

9) Tom has been driving for ten
hours. I ________ he must be tired.
[ ]imagine
[ ]am imagining

10) I eat a lot of chocolate because I
____________ sweets.
[ ]love
[ ]am loving

11) Look at my sons! They
__________ a letter to Santa Claus.
[ ]write
[ ]are writing

12) They ________ a letter to Santa
Claus every winter.
[ ]write
[ ]are writing

13) My coffee __________ bitter.
Pass me the sugar, please.
[ ]tastes
[ ]is tasting

14) We ___________ our first baby.
It will be a boy.
[ ]are expecting
[ ]expect

15) Helen _____________ geometry
with her father at the moment.
[ ]studies
[ ]is studying

Stative and Dynamic Verbs
1) Write right or wrong, if the sentence is right or wrong:
1. Are they having a good time ?...........................
2. I am thinking you are a nice person .
3. It is tasting good..........................................
4. You are looking great,...................................
5. He's been working since this morning
6. He's having a huge house
7. The food tastes good.....................................
8. They are looking at the photo album.
9. They are designing a robot.
10. She is liking him very much.


1. are you looking
2. still have
3. looks
4. seems
5. am seeing
6. do you think
7. am thinking
8. am having
9. imagine
10. love
11. are writing
12. write
13. tastes
14. are expecting
15. is studying

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