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Ferris State University

MRIS 209
Team 5
November 4, 2009 10:05 a.m.
Pennock Hall Room 410


Members Present: James Luke Brown, Melanie Kalisch, Becky Slot,

Alexis Oberg

Members Absent: None

Presiding Leader: Dr. Buckingham

Presiding Timekeeper: N/A

Call to Order: 10:05 a.m.

Review of Minutes: N/A

Announcements: A. Our next meeting will be on Friday, November 6 in

Room 425
of the Victor Spathelf building.

Old Business: A. N/A

New Business: A. Meeting was very productive. We found out the true
details of who we will be surveying. We will be
surveying 3rd and 4th
year optometry students.

B. Dr. Buckingham provided us with great specific

questions to ask the optometry students.

C. We were also given a contact individual at the

Optometry Clinic, Linda Littke.

D. Dr. Buckingham told us surveys for 3rd year students

should be
Done by paper in student mailboxes and 4th year
should get them through e-mail.

Adjournment time: 10:25 a.m.

James Luke Brown, Recorder

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