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Ferris State University

MRIS 209
Team 5
November 20, 2009 11:55 a.m
Victor F. Spathelf Center Room 327


Members Present: James Luke Brown, Melanie Kalisch, Becky Slot,

Alexis Oberg

Members Absent: None

Presiding Leader: Melanie Kalisch

Presiding Timekeeper: Becky Slot

Call to Order: 11:55 a.m.

Review of Minutes: Minutes completed and approved.

Announcements: A. Our next meeting will be Wednesday 25th at

12:00pm outside of VFS 419

Old Business: A. Discussed the surveys that were handed out

on Wednesday, November 18th. We received 30 back
out of 32 given out.

New Business: A. Becky is going to talk to Linda after our

meeting today to pick up one more paper survey and
see about sending a reminder e-mail to the 4th year
students for the online survey.

B. We discussed closing the online survey and

decided we need to speak with Dr. Buckingham
before we can close it since we only have 16 done
thus far.

C. Becky e-mailed the group a copy of the final

survey for each of our papers.
Did well: Meeting was productive.

Could improve: N/A

Adjournment time: 12:25

Alexis Oberg, Recorder

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