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Christy: Well, hello everybody. This is Christy Whitman and all of you are muted.
And this is the morning class of the five-week, forty-day Abundance
Principle coaching program and Im just so excited for each and everyone
of you that are on this call and that maybe listening to this call later on the
recording because Ive been doing this program for a few years now and
every single person who has joined this program has had amazing results
in their lives. The amount of results that they have achieved definitely
depends on what youre willing to put into the program and were going to
go over that in a few minutes. But the thing I want you to know is that I
am the facilitator for this information but all of the information and
everything that you need to create abundance is already within you, right

You are already an abundant being and we were born abundant. Our
universe is abundant. That is the truth of who we are and that is the truth
of our universe. We have just been programmed out of abundance and
then programmed to think and lack. So, its not so much giving you
information that is going to add to you. Its more being taken away as far
as the lack and the limiting thoughts. So, thats the exciting thing is that
once you start working with this program you really are returning back to
a state of really who you are.

So, thats why this is so exciting. I mean yes, I am the one facilitating this.
I am the one thats going to be teaching you some of the different things
through the different six courses because you getIts a five-week course
that you get an extra bonus because there is just so much more information
that I received that itsIm expanding it each and every time. Because
its like their classes just dont hold. I cant give all the information in five
classes. So now, Ive put in bonus class as another class.

And you know, Im coaching you through this. So, I am definitely going
to be taking you through different lessons planned and were going to be
talking about different universal laws like the Law of Attraction and the
Laws of Abundance and Sufficiency and were also going to be talking
about a lot of other things like how money flows in and how it flows out.

Were going to be talking about how its a natural ebb and flow of money
and abundance and how you can literally increase the flow and decrease
the ebb - meaning, that if more comes in, less comes out to.

Were going to have to talk about how to really anchor in your abundance
and your success, how to become aware and change the nine automatic
ways that we normally think negatively and most of us do it. Its very
surprising how many people are like, Oh my God, I cant believe I have 9
out of 9 of this and I didnt even know it.

Were going to talk about the steps to make lasting changes in your life
and really allow yourself to get into a place of grounding and expanding
who you are as a being so that when youre with people that maybe,
pushing your buttons or more difficult people, you are able to be in a place
of allowing instead of resistant.

Were going to get into the Law of Allowing because it all ties together.
And like I said, were also going to have the bonus class, which will go
through the difference between lack and abundance. You really see on the
chart what truly is the difference between a lack mentality and abundant
mentality. And of course, the four steps to lasting change.

And, you know, it really is an amazing course. I have a lot of really
courses I love giving and I love, you know, receiving the testimonials back
from people that their lives are changing and things like that. But this is
really one of my favorite courses because theres just such magic happens
during this course.

And I will say, you know, its just like with anything. What you put in,
youre going to get out. Ive had the people take the course and go through
the motions and they just didnt have the kind of success and outer
manifestations of the other people that really gave it a 100% and gave it
their commitment. Its like with everything. You know, what you put into
it you get out.

So, if youre willing to make the commitment to this program, you will
definitely see changes in your outer reality. I not only promise it, I
guarantee it.

This program has literally been designed to assist you in creating
prosperity and abundance in every single area of your life. And its based
on the premise that your inner world creates your outer world. The more
focused and the more concentration, the more energy you give on
changing your inner world, you inner reality, the faster and the more
dramatic you will see those results in your outer reality because everything
in the universe is energy. So, the more energy you give out into yourself,
the more energy you give into changing and move when things change
within yourself, everything in your outer reality will shift as well.

And this is an important part of this program. The teleseminars are a part
of the program but the biggest part of the program is that each and every
one of you will be doing a daily practice and thats the important thing.
This is where I see people that really commit and do this daily practice
everyday. Those are the people that really will see the biggest changes in
their life.

So, just commit to yourself because its a 40-day program. Commit that
you will do this because and were going to go through why this is in a
minute and why its 40 days and all that. But I will tell you the people that
put in just literally 20 minutes a day. Thats all it takes. You will see
amazing results in your outer reality. And its also important to be on these
calls if you can as well. If you cant make it I understand. The recordings
are there. But it is really important to be on the live calls.

Were all basically creatures of habit and we all have our habits but
research shows that those people that participate in a daily routine, doing
something every single day are three times likely to stay on their program
than those who participate only six days a week or five days a week or
three days a week or four days a week. I mean, three times likely to stay
on it because it becomes a daily ingrained habit. Therefore, during this
whole entire coaching program, you must use the programs daily for the
entire 40 days.

Its like with AA or, you know, its the type of thing that if you miss a
day, you have to start all the way back to Day 1. Ive had some people that
get to Day 38 and then, all of a sudden they stopped. They had something
come up and, maybe, they have a blockage come up then and that little
voice tone and nahJust go to bed tonight, dont do this or I am too late, I
maybe late for work or whatever it is and they suddenly stop. And then,
they have to start all over again.

And the reason is becauseWhy its a 40-day program and why you must
do it every single is because we are not just shifting and changing a habit.
Were literally shifting and changing your consciousness. And to shift
your consciousness, you need 40 days. Its been shown through a lot of
different metaphysical and quantum physics and all that kind of stuff that
it takes 40 days to shift your consciousness. And thats just what it shown.
And thats why its a 40-day program because were shifting your
perceptions. Were shifting your consciousness from lack to abundance so,
it really, really important.

This principle actually came about as an experiment that NASA did. Ten
astronauts had to wear concave goggles for 30 days and this is just 30
days. Concave lens goggles make your world like when you put them on,
they make you world appear upside down. So, they have to wear these for
24 hours a day while they were sleeping, taking a shower, everything.

So, for 25-30 days into the experiment, everyone of the astronauts brain
had flipped the image right side up again. So, all of a sudden after 25-30
days their image was flipped upside down. And the neuroscience believed
that it takes 25-30 days to lock in any new belief or any new discipline.
So, the reason most people dont succeed is they dont do it for 30 days in
a row.

Again, this program is 40 days in a row because were not just shifting a
belief we are shifting the whole entire consciousness.

The NASA Program did another experiment where they asked half of the
astronauts to take their glasses off on Day 15 and then put them back on
again on Day 16. And that half took another 30 days before their brains
flipped it over again. Before their brains flipped the image over again.

So again, its like with AA. You could be sober for 30 years but if you
take one drink, you have to go back to starting Day 1 again with this
program, its the same way. Thats why this program has been designed to
be a five-week or a 40-day course. So, its really important that you dont
skip a day.

Todays more like an introductory course. Im going to tell you what the
program is all about, how to do the program. Im actually going to take
you through what a day will be like so that today can be and right now
while were on the call together, that can be your first day. So, Im just
going to ask that each one of you to silently to yourself right now, commit
to yourself. Because I really want to see all of you have the major shifts in
your life that I know is possible. I have seen so many that have gone
before you make those shifts.

Life is supposed to be easy. Life is supposed to be fun. You know, we
have all come here as creators to create what we want and this idea that
you have to really work hard and struggle. Fight and push - thats really
the old way of thinking. And its not the new consciousness that we are all
being involved in and becoming that deliberate creator.

Im all about becoming to look a deliberate creator and Im all about
creating life with these in effortlessness and elegance. I mean, you have to
do some activities and efforts, of course, in the world but the activities that
you take and all that should be able to flow with the ease and grace of the

And, you know, as a deliberate creator, you decide what you want when
you want it, how you want it and you should be able to resist that. And it
really should be that fun. Life should be fun. Creating should be fun. It
should give you excitement and inspire you.

So, I really want to congratulate each and everyone of you for being here
and for signing up for this course and, of course, for making an investment
in yourself because the best investment you can make is the one were
going to have personal growth that youre going to develop and use it as a
stepping stone to even get to the next level in your life.

What Im going to teach you during the five weeks or six weeks of this
course of the bonus class is really make you aware of the difference of
how youve been programmed to think in lack thoughts and really show
you that it is a lie. And Im going to show you and prove to you that over
the next six weeks so that the more aware you become of this, the more
you can then start believingReally believing, and really having faith in
the whole process of having abundance.

So again, what youre going to be doing in these classes, youre literally
going to be changing the course of your life. Youre changing your
consciousness. Youre going to go come from a place of thinking and
automatically thinking in lack and vibrating in lack to shifting into

Now obviously, there are different degrees that we all do that. Some of
you maybeHave very abundant minds and having a couple of places
where you think and lack. And just having those little minor shifts is going
to make a huge difference in your lives - others of you are going to be on
different level. And maybe, youve been really programmed to think and
lack. And this is going to be just a huge major shift for you.

Its like every single person in this class is on a different level, is in a
different path. So, whenever were opening up the calls and youre talking
about successes that youre having or any of those kind of things, I want
you to not compare yourself to the person that is sharing. Be in your own
space, learn from this person, get inspiration, be inspired by this person
but dont feel like, Oh, Im not doing enough for my life and not shifting
that quick, or other things like that because that truly is coming from a
lack mentality when you have to compete and compare with other people
instead of being inspired by other people.

And one of the things that were going to do on the next calls is just as an
accountability is Im going to call off everybodys name and I just want
you to tell me two things. I want you to tell me are you up to speed on the
40 days? Meaning, have you been doing your 40 days? So, its like youre
checking in as an accountability and youre not only checking in with me
but all the people that are on the call with you. And then also, I want you
to give me one success that youve had during the week.

And it could be a very, very minor success or could be a major, major
success but I just want you start to focus on the successes in your life. So,
everything from this point forward is going to shift as long as you
continue to do the work. Once you shift that consciousness, youre going
to be amazed at what flows into your life. So, like I started saying when I
first started this call, Im not going to automatically go pooff. Okay, now
youre an abundant person.

You already are abundant and its us and our limited thinking and our
false beliefs and like conditioning in that conditioned mind, all that kind of
stuff. Thats what caused us to have lack in our lives. Maybe, we have the
kind of money we want but we dont have the love; maybe, we have the
love but we dont have the money - all these different things.

Were going to find where the places in your life are kind of that bug-a-
boo situation. Maybe, its easy for you to create relationships, create
money but when it comes to health you dont have that kind of health that
you want because you really can have it all.

You can have abundance in all areas - spiritual abundance, love and
relationships, financial abundance, career opportunities, having the kind of
social life that you want. Having the kind of health, vitality, well being,
the kind of body you want, you can have it all and thinking that you cant
again, comes from a lack mentality. Its just a false belief and what has
caused us to have struggle and pain in our life is not our natural way of
being thats something that we do have to remove.

So, my goal in my facilitation is going to get you back in the state where
youre naturally born in this lifetime to be and that is in the flow of
abundance. And that is in the flow of absolute expansion. Its in the flow
of prosperity. And, its in that state of when youre in that extended state
that youre in, that state of feeling blissful. Its in that state of feeling love
for yourself and its not like in any physical love like, Oh, Im so great.
Look at me. You know, Im better than this person, or its not even an
arrogant thing. Its more of an affinity for who you are as a being, an
amazing, magnificent being, an amazing, magnificent creator.

So, I want each and every one of you to be easy on yourself during this
program. There might be times when your mind tells you or your ego tells
you, I dont want to do this today, or You know, Im just too tired.
You need to be able to override those thoughts and what your mind is
telling you because that little voice that says, Youre not good enough,
or that little voice that says, You dont deserve this stuff, or Who are
you to think that you can have it all in your life, or even that little voice
that says, You know, oh, just dont even do it today. Its really not worth
it. Thats the ego voice and its going to try to take you away from doing
this program because the ego does not like change.

There is literally a part of your brain, its right betweenIts like actually
the attachment between your spinal cord and your brain which is called the
basal ganglia. And that part of your brain has one job and one job only it
is to protect you. And the way it tries to protect you is to keep you safe in
the space that you are to keep you where you are at all times at all cost.
So, thats where that little voice comes up and if you dont know what Im
talking about as far as that little voice, thats the little voice thats saying,
What little voice? Shes crazy. Thats the little voice.

So, when we hear that little voice, its important to override it and become
the bigger mind and say, No, Im committed to this. Im doing this. It
only takes me 20 minutes. Im going to do this.

So, just know that your ego or that little voice will scream loud as before it
knows and allow change to happen. So, you know again its its main job
and its main job is protection so, its trying to keep you where you are. So,
just dont let it keep you where you are. Allow yourself to be able to
expand, let yourself to be able to really fully put yourself into this program
and commit.

This coaching program and all of my coaching program is about
transformation and its about real change that youre not only changing the
things outside of you which is great. If you want to bring your life partner,
if you want more money in your life, you want a different career, whatever
it is. I think, for most of us thats why you joined this course, its because
theres something in your world that you want to change. Those things are
awesomeTheyre great!

For me, theyre a by-product of the amazing feeling that youre going to
have when you connect with that natural state of abundance. My goal is to
get you into that place where youre literally floating through your days,
feeling abundant because whats going to happen then, is your outer
reality is going to shift. And the goal of everything, anyway, is to feel a
sense of happiness. We think, that once we got the money, once we got the
career, once we got the man or the wife or whatever it is that were going
to feel better in having it.

Its really when you can connect with that abundance when you feel that
sense of abundance. Its really all the same kind of high vibrational feeling
anyway. Its a sense of joy. Its a sense of appreciation. Its a sense of

Its that high feeling and when you get into that sense of abundance that
truly isIt gives you the sense of presence and then, now of aha its
such a calm, its such a peace.

So, this program is literallyIts quick and its simple and like I said it
will take you less than 20 minutes a day. Just make a commitment again to
yourself right here and right now that youre going to stick to it for the 40
days because thats what the program is. And again, what you give into
this program youre going to get out.

So, what I was going to say is if youI want you to decide what you want
out of this program at this point. There might be many areas in your life
that you want success and you want abundance in but just for this
program, think of one thing. Why I say that is because part of the program
and were going to go through the activity sheets that youre going to do
on a daily basis.

The activity sheets are going to have you doing a visualization for 2
minutes. And that visualization, Im going to take at a step further and
connect you with your future self so that youre visualizing, not just
visualizing but youre visualizing from a place of connecting with your
future self so that you feel as if it already happened and youre developing
a relationship with that future part of yourself so, its literally calling you
towards your future and also sending energy back to you towards your
future. So, the visualization is important and youre just going to do it for
2 minutes because were compacting obviously this program in just 20

Now, if you feel like youve got an hour that you want to devote to this a
day, great! If you feel like you want to do it more than 20 minutes,
fantastic! But at minimum, just do it for 20 minutes. And so, the
visualization part of it will be that 2 minutes. But its just important to get
clear of what it is that you want to manifest in your life during the 40 days
and well go through that in just a minute.

So, in preparation for tonight and again this is pretty much going to be
aired tonight. Today, its going to be pretty much the preparation class,
Im going to walk you through what the program is and were going to
walk through the first day. Ill run with you what you need to do on a daily

So, during this whole entire course, you have access to me either by phone
or by email and what I suggest to my clients is that if you have a burning
question that comes up, email me and say thatAnd just ask me what the
question is in an email and I may say that, Lets go over this in class.
And it maybe a question that I bring up in class because I think it might
help all the other people about that are in the course.

If its something thats very personal, you can always just call me and ask
me about it. You all do get 30-minute sessions with me. And, let me just
address that at this point. The 30-minute sessions can be done whenever
you want them. Obviously, it has to fit in to both of our schedules. You
can do it during the six weeks of the class. You can do it after the six-
week time has elapsed. Its really up to you. Theres no expiration date on
it. Im not like, Okay, within two months after the class has ended, you
have to take this 30-minute session.

You might find that youre completely floating through this program and
everything is going amazingly and things are flowing to you and youre
just like, Oh, my God, Im on fire. I dont even feel like I need to touch

But you know things happen in our lives. Maybe, we get a snag
somewhere and maybe, later down the road in a month, you feel like,
You know what, I need a check up. I want to connect. I feel a blockage. I
think this will be time to connect with Christy. All you have to do is
email me and we can then schedule your one-on-one.

So, I just want to throw that out to you because this is your bonus gift of a
30-minute session with me and I want you to be able to use it at the time
when you need it. Its not up to me to say, Okay, well, you know, Im
going to schedule you for next Wednesday for a 30-minute session when
thats not when maybe, you need it.

So, this is a very individualized program and I just want you to be able to
schedule it when you want it. So, Im going to open up the calls in just a
minute just to see if anybody has any questions at this point before we
continue to go on. So, hold on when its unmute everybody.

[All callers are unmuted]

Is everybody good? Does anybody have any questions at this point? No?
Okay, are you all there?

Lady: Yes.

Christy: Okay, good.

Lady: Yes.

Christy: Im like where? They dont say anything. Okay, so let me mute that up

[All callers are muted and may unmute themselves]

Christy: Youre all so quiet. I thought, Oh-oh, I hope I didnt drop them and Im
sitting here talking to myself. So, Im going to have each of you purchase
a notebook or journal that you can write down insights that come to you
because believe me when I tell you, when you start doing this program,
you will have some insights.

You will have very creative ideas that will come to you maybe, something
that would be a good idea for your business; maybe, to go on vacation
somewhere; maybe, a million dollar idea. You know, you just dont know
when you open up to abundance, youre literally attaching and connecting
to that creative mind.

There are so many different wonderful and creative thoughts that come to
you. So, just trust whatever that comes through for you while youre
journaling because it is your higher self that is communicating with you.
And if youve asked for something, just trust that it is coming through.

So, Ill just give you a quick example. I made an intention about eight
months ago during a meditation that I wanted to bring a very different,
unique, and healing practice to not only my clients but more people on a
global basis.

Theres all with these different people talking about the Law of Attraction
and talking about the Universal Laws. Im totally certified in talking about
these things and Im a certified Law of Attraction coach. Ive obviously
had a lot of clients that have had a lot of great success. Ive had a lot of
great success in my own life but I feel like I really wanted to grow even
deeper. I felt like there was something blocking me that to even reach to
my next level. And, I wanted to teach people how to release resistance like
even have less blockages in their lives. They can work less and create
more in a smaller amount of time.

Just like less in a couple of months later, I met a man and many of you
know him. And now that you do, Ti Caine have has an amazing and new
information on connecting to your future self that has gotten me and my
success to a whole new level.

We actually have started a partnership and were going to be teaching his
technique to not only my 18,000 members of my subscribers and my
family. When I say my family, my subscribers because thats how I feel
about each and every person.

Were creating a program that were going to start doing in July and hes
also going to be coming on a Bali trip that I have had scheduled for
September. And we only have a select few people that are going on that.
Theres going to be 40 people total. And now Ti is going to come with me
and do this amazing workshop in Bali.

Its like the Prosperity Workshop and so the two of us are going to do it
together. Its really amazing because with all the information that Ive had
for 10 years, with all the 30 years experience that hes have with the
Future Visioning - its like its synergistic. I mean, its just not my 10
years and his 30 years making 40 years to put this amazing work. Its like
100 years type of stuff of just amazing success.

Thats where were finding that while working together and me also
helping my clients energy seeing to their future self and using that Law of
Attraction and abundance techniques and tools.

Its just gotten my clients to a whole different level and of course me to a
whole different level and my business has completely just opened up like

So, my point of all that is that whatever intention you make when you
were in that place of feeling abundant, if you allowed it to come through
and just trust. Its like you can meet someone that can literally change
your business, that can change your life that can be that intention that you
set out.

I wanted to bring something different to the world. I want to bring
something different to my client and Ti was only working with individual
clients one-on-one and wasnt able to reach as many people and impact as
many people as Ive had the gift to do. And so together, working together
is really impacting and helping a lot of people reach to different levels. So,
its just important as far as what you put your intention out.

So, basically, thats my thing in a nutshell, it is just really is kind of

Im going to go ahead and well talk about just the journaling and note
booking real quick so that its important to write down your insights
because its going to be part of your daily practice that youre going to do
and today is going to be the specific date youre going to start the

When I say journal, people always ask me what a journal and how long I
should journal for? There is a book called The Artist Way and in the
book, they talk about doing three pages of journaling a day. And thats
something that a lot of times people that arent used to writing, theyre like
three pages. Oh, my God, its something to lead up to.

If you sometimes only get a couple of insights that once you come out of
your meditation, you just write down a couple of lines - thats fine. But its
good to just allow the stream of consciousness to come through your pen
because when you kind of start the journaling process, you have your
regular conscious mind, you know, thats monkey mind sometimes. And
you can just let it come out.

As you continue to write, what happens is that almost sometimes
yourAnd I know this happens for me a lot of times how I write a lot of
my books when I get inspired to write is my pen just starts writing without
me even controlling the pen. Its like something just happens or something
is channeling through me.

I know that happens to Neale Donald Walsch with his books on
Conversations with God is that he would put himself in that place and
then allow his pen just to go. And it just spontaneously started going and
the information that was coming through was absolutely amazing.

So, thats basically the journaling. You want to work up to three pages if
you can, you want to allow the stream of consciousness to come through
and thats pretty much all on that. So, you definitely want to buy a journal.

So, Im going to have you also do this which is important. If you have a
daily planner or some type of electronic planner or blackberry, whatever it
is that you write down in your schedules for the day, I want you to write
down each and everyday for the next 40 days. Just simply write 40 days
on there. So, that its something that you have as a to do - something
that you have as a reminder that you want to do your 40 days.

Typically, what you would want to do is do it first thing in the morning or
right before you go to bed. I will touch on that in a minute why you want
to do it that time. But July 7
, would be the day that you end this 40 days
because were going to start taking you through this today on the call.

So, what youll do is 40 days from now, put in your planner and then each
time you do it obviously, check it off that youve done it. So, each day for
40 days until July 7
, being your end date, write in 40 days in your
planner so it gives you a daily reminder.

I want to make sure that I get a couple of minutes with each of you on July
, just to check in with you because obviously, the courses as scheduled
are May 29
, its June 5
, June 12
, June 19
, and then its July 3
. And
then, the Abundance or the bonus Class is July 10
. But most of you,
because all of you are, of course, going to stick with the 40 days, I know
it, are going to be stopping and ending the 40 days on the 7
. I would just
like to schedule a time with you for 10 minutes to check in with you to see
how everything is going.

So, you can just email me what time youre available on the day of the 7
which July 7
is a Monday. And we can just schedule in that time, during
that time. Then any personal questions that you have can be answered at
that time and that will not count for your normal 30 minutes.

So, lets go into the workbook right now. If you have your workbook in
front of you, youll see that on page 5, youll write down, after the call,
youll write down what you intend to create during this 40-day period. So
again, it could be better health, it could be a sum of money, it could be you
want more career opportunities, you want avenues to open up for you,
whatever it is. Maybe, its a relationship; maybe, its just you want to feel
an inner sense of joy and peace. Whatever it is for you, write down what
that is and really allow yourself to dream as far as what you want.

The second part of that is I intend to receive. And why I have this in there
is because its very different. Sometimes, a simple word can change the
way you feel you can receive something. So, when you say, I intend to
create. Its like, okay, its something that you are going to have to make
come out of you, so to speak. Its like you are having to create it but when
you come into a place of I intend to receive, it puts you in a very powerful
place of that allowing of receiving it.

So, I intend to receive, it allows you to be in that expectation place which
is a very high vibration. When youre on a high vibration, youre in a
really good place to receive anyway. So, its more of a trusting, allowing
and a receiving type of place so when you say, I intend to receive.

So, again, just write whatever it is that you want. When you write it, dont
just write it down. I want you to say it to yourself, I intend to receive.
First of all, I intend to create. And read out load what you intend to
create. And then after, write, I intend to receive, and Why you intend to
receive it.

So, for example, I intend to receive more money because its going to
make my life more joyful. Im going to have more freedom because Im
an amazing deliberate creator and I can because Im an abundant person
and there is no limit.

Write down the reasons why you intend to receive. And that what the
whole because is about because the more you can start focusing on the
why and the because, the more you start creating the energy and the
vibration of what is to be created.

So, for example, and you know what, before I go into the daily things, Im
just going to make sure that everybody is good and that you dont have
any questions so Im, going to unmute everybody.

[All callers are unmuted]

So, is everybody good at this point?

Caller: Im good, Christy.

Christy: Okay, hang on.

[All callers are muted and may unmute themselves.]

Okay. So, like I said, this class today is more of an introduction to what
the course is going to be. Youre going to start the actual course today and
actually, were going to do this right now. So, be able to put yourself in a
state of, you know stay away from your cell phones, be away from the
kids, be away from the dogs, all that kind of stuff. And just give this time
to yourself because this will be the 20 minutes that were going to do.

Im going to walk you through this. At any point during the 5-week course
or 40 days, if youre like, What am I supposed to do again on the
meditation, or what was I supposed to do on this? You can always refer
back to this recording because Im actually going to give you an example
of how to do it and how to walk through it.

Now, Im going to be doing and saying different things to guide you
during this meditation to help you really connect and feel with this, and
that will give you an example of what to do during the meditations so that
youre being reminded of what to do.

Its going to be a little bit different obviously, when youre doing it alone
and youre sitting in the morning. Youre not going to have my voice in
your head saying how to do this because the daily statements are going to
change everyday. So, youre not going to listen to me and my recording

The daily statement is change every 10 days. So, youll go through a cycle
of 10 days and then, the statements will go back again and go through a
cycle. So, youll be hitting the daily statement 4 different times throughout
the 40 days if that make sense? Hopefully it does. So, you dont want to
just continue to listen to like this recording and do it over and over again.
You want to do it on your own. The most important thing is that you want
to get in the feeling place.

So, if you look at it just right now, if you look at day 1, youll see five
different activities. It will flow right into each other. As you do it, it
should only, like I said, take you 20 minutes. What youll do is you all
read the daily statement.

So, the first one is, God is lavish, unfailing abundance - the rich omni
present substance of the universe. This all providing source of infinite
prosperity is individualized as me, the reality of me.

Now, its kind of a heady sentence but it has a lot of light and
consciousness to it. The goal is, as you continue to go through the 40 days,
that youll really be able to grasp this whole entire concept. To basically
dial it down is that, you know, that all providing source is you. Its within
you. And all that source that is within you is abundance and its just
connecting you back to that truth.

So, in the beginning, it might be hard for you to think of that daily
statement as you go into your meditation thinking about all the different
words. So, focus on a word if you need to do that. You know, maybe, if
you can focus on two words. So maybe, the first time you do it is
abundance and you keep running that word abundance through your head,
Abundance, Abundance. What does that feel like in connecting with the
word abundance. And then maybe, the next time you do it, unfailing
abundance or God is lavish, unfailing abundance. Maybe, you stretch what
you can hold in your mind and remember as you go into the meditations.

The thing to remember, with this whole entire process is to be easy with
yourself. This is a new process for most of you. Most of you maybe,
havent even meditated before. If you have, its probably a different and
new type of way of meditating where youre taking in a statement with
you and then, not just taking it with you but really becoming that

You want to literally feel the statement or even if its just a word - feel the
word Abundance, all throughout the cells of your body. You want to
feel as if you are already in abundance in all areas of your life. So, its
really not just about saying the words or even just thinking about them.
Its really about the feeling of it.

So, what I would suggest, lets just go through real quick is today is your
day and youve got your daily statement. What youre going to do is
youre going to read your daily statement out load. And when you do that,
youre going to put your hand over your heart so that youre feeling the
vibration of your body.

Again, youre going to read it with feeling and conviction, God is lavish
unfailing abundance, the rich omni present substance of the universe. This
all providing source of infinite prosperity is individualized as me the
reality of me. And then close your eyes.

What youre going to do is youre going to go into a meditation for at least
15 minutes. So, right now, just close your eyes and think about some of
those words. And right now, Im just going to guide you through some of
them. Im going to say this statement over and over. But as I do, I want
you to still those words inside your body. I want you to connect with the

So, God is lavish, unfailing abundance. Feel that. Allow yourself at
whatever love that youre at, allow yourself to connect with that feeling of
being abundant. Connect to that feeling of being abundant inside your own
body, in your own mind, in your own head, keep saying the word

What does that mean for you? How does that feel for you? How do you
know that you would have abundance?

So, Im going to read it again and just connect with the words. Feel the
energy of the words. Feel it as if its in your own body and youre
vibrating from that space. God is lavish, unfailing abundance, the rich
omnipresent substance of the universe. This all providing source of
infinite prosperity is individualized as me the reality of me.

Its individualized as you the reality of who you are meaning this source
is already within you. Connect and feel that source. Connect and feel that
source of abundance.

And from where you are, if youre feeling just like a little bit of
abundance, allow that abundance to expand even more. So, almost
imagine as if you have abundance and its maybe, in a certain area of your
body. Feel it a little bit as like an energy maybe, maybe like a little ball of

Expand it to be even more in your physical body. Again, saying the word
Abundance and connecting with that feeling of abundance and
expanding it even more, allowing it to grow into a size of like a basketball,
connecting with the word abundance and knowing that that source is
within you connecting with it, growing and expanding. And letting it grow
even more and more and more until literally its lighting up your whole
entire body from within. So, youre feeling that sense of abundance from
within and allowing that abundance to literally come out of your body.

Again, connecting with the word abundance. Some have actually called it
abudanc. Its more of a flowing type of word and allowing that
abudanc or that abundance to flow and grow all throughout your whole
entire physical body.

Allow it to expand out in the room that youre in. Allow it to expand out
into the whole house that you live in. Imagine it expanding into the areas
of your money. Allowing it to expand and really affect your bank accounts
and all the different investments that you have, really stretching and
allowing that abundance to flow maybe, in your career. Allowing
opportunities to come to you and flow through and through you.

And allowing that abundance of time so that youre able to get all the
things done that you want to get done without procrastination, just having
total abundance of time and allowing even more abundance in your
relationships and in the love that you feel and the friends that you have.

Imagining that you and your mind have your own universe and allowing
this abundance to go into every single aspect of your universe, your
children, your husband, your wife, and of course, your whole entire
spiritual connection; imagining that theres a line of light, a waterfall of
light coming from the top of your head, from your source going through
your whole entire physical body. This is your connection to the unlimited
supply of abundance in the universe. This is the truth of the universe.

So, as you do your meditation, disconnect however you need to with the
words and feel what those words mean to you. And grow that feeling
within your body, growing it from a small point of light all throughout
your physical body and really connecting with that word and really
connecting with the feeling of that word Abundance, Abundance.

Again, allowing that abundance to come from the inside out and the
outside in. Almost like youre a fish swimming in water. Thats how you
are in this universe. You are an abundant being. And abundance is all
around you.

So, once again, God is lavish, unfailing abundance, the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe. Think about just that the rich omnipresent
substance of the universe.

What does that mean to you? And feel that. Feel that connection to the
source, the substance that is completely abundant, completely rich, lavish,
and you are connected with that source. So, there is never a limit for you.

This all providing source of infinite prosperity is individualized as you
the reality of you. It is who you are. That is the truth of your being; this all
providing source of infinite prosperity is individualized as you. Meaning,
you are it. You are part of it.

So, once again, feeling that abundance. And while were in this meditative
place, I want you to visualize and connect with and see if you can a path in
front of you. See like a lit road in front of you, a lit path. And imagine that
youre planning your feet on this path. And this is the path that leads to a
future self as part of you, an abundant future self, your most awesomely
abundant self that exists in three to five years from now.

It is living such an abundant life in all areas of their life. And just imagine
that you are walking on this path and you are connecting with this future
self. And youre now in front of this future self. And just witness him or
her and see how connected, how abundant this part of you is.

What I like you to do is not only just visualize this but feel this. Sense this
part of you and merge with this part of you becoming the future self in
three to five years. Allowing yourself to completely be immersed and feel
the abundance that he or she has now been programmed for.

Be allowing of the connection and the rewards of this abundant universe.
And just allow that connection with your future self and feel that future
self, feel that connection.

And once again, back away from him or her becoming your present self
again, just being in front of him or her. And allow this future self to give
you a gift. Maybe, its an energy healing; maybe, its advice; maybe, its a
hug; maybe, its a material or object. Just allow this part of you to give
you that gift right now.

Thank that part of yourself and return back into your future present
awareness and just be aware that you have a line of light coming from
your heart to the heart of your future self that exist in three to five years
from now. Feel and allow this line of light allowing not only of the
abundance to come through you in the present moment, coming from
source in the present moment to you and through you but then, also
connecting your heart to that future self that exists, sending you energy of
abundance from the future.

So now, when youre ready, slowly put your focus and your attention back
on the chair that youre sitting in, becoming aware of the room that youre
in, coming back slowly wiggling your fingers and your toes.

Im going to count back from 5 to 1. And when we hit 1, youre going to
open your eyes until alive and alert. 5 4 3 coming back more fully
awake and aware 2 coming back even more awake and aware feeling
abundant as you come back and 1 opening up your eyes, coming back
into the room that your sitting in.

Im just going to mute real quick so we can continue on the daily sheets
but I want to see if anybody has any questions on that. So, hold on.

[All callers are unmuted]

Christy: How are you doing?

Callers: Good Christy. Wonderful, very nice.

Christy: Oh, good! Good, good, good!

Well, you guys are pretty quiet so I dont think I have to mute back. And if
you have questions, just jump right in.

So, that was basically the meditation part of it. And obviously, youre not
going to have me in your head when you do it. So, just follow the different
guidelines. Ive tried to give you little guidelines as far as what to do.

You know, you can always do the visualization. Its like number 4 is
visualization for 2 minutes. I find that its easier to stay in the meditation
running the word Abundance in my head, running a sentence in my
head, really connecting and feeling that sense of abundance. And then,
after doing the 2-minute visualization, its just a quick little connecting
with your future self as we just did, connecting with her or him and really,
feeling that sense of abundance coming from that part of you.

And so then, that way, when you come out of it, you now have done three
things. Youve read your daily statement. Youve done your meditation.
Youve done your visualization.

Now, its up to you to journal your daily thoughts. And again, we talked
about that its trying to lead up to three minutes a day.

And then, the last thing is - is what youre grateful for. And youve got 5
or 10 lines there. And everyday, youre going to write down 10 things
youre grateful for. Theres a little process in doing this. Youre going to
think of the things youre grateful for. Youre going to feel the gratitude
that you have. Youre not just going to go, Im grateful for my health.
Im grateful for my job. Im grateful for my money. Blah, blah, blah You
want to be able to feel it.

So, when you write down, Oh, Im grateful for my health. You feel it in
your heart. Oh, Im so grateful Im healthy. And you write that down. It
doesnt have to be a long process. Just feel the feeling of gratitude.

Im grateful for my partner. And feel that in your heart of the gratitude
and then, put that down.

Im grateful for my children. Feel that gratitude in your heart and put
that down.

Heres the thing. When you write something down once, you cant write it
down again. So, everyday, you got to think of something new to be
grateful for because its like with the Law of Attraction, what you focus
upon expands.

The more you focus on things to be grateful for, the more you get things to
be grateful for. It just works that way. So, there maybe days when youre
like, Oh, my God, Ive written everything Im grateful for, you know,
just start digging deeper.

You know, one thing that Ill do is Ill put one day, Ill put, Im grateful
for Fredrick, just because Im grateful for his being in my life. But then
maybe the next hour, Ill write, Im really grateful for his heart. Hes got
such an amazing heart. And that is a different thing to be grateful for. Its
the same subject but its a different part of it. Im grateful for the way he
looks at me. Im grateful for the way he adores me. You know, there are
many different subjects from one subject. So, there are a lot of different
things you can do that way.

You can then also find many different things upon yourself. Im grateful
for my ability to always want to grow and expand. Im grateful for my
heart and the gifts that I give out. Im grateful for my beauty. Im grateful
for my weight. Im grateful for my health. Im grateful for my expression
in the world; whatever it is that youre grateful for about yourself.

So, self is one thing but there are just so many different aspects of that. So,
gratitude about your job but what you love about your career - those type
of things. Just the only thing is that before you write them down, you just
want to feel it in your heart. Feel that gratitude and then, write it down.

So, thats pretty it. Thats pretty much it. So, you think you can do this?

Caller: Absolutely, Christy.

Christy: Let me ask you a different way. Do you think you can do this?

Caller: Yes!

Christy: Good.

Okay. Are you committed to doing this?

Caller: Yes.

Christy: Okay, Im glad to hear that.

So again, well have the classes or not the same class. Well have this
class the same time for the next several weeks. You all have the dates. But
again, the next class is June 5
and June 12
and June 19
then, we skip a
week. And then, we go July 3
and July 10

For all of you. It would be the same time at 9 in the morning or depending
on where you are, 9, 11, or 12; 9, 10, 11, 12 or I should say. And the way
were going to go about doing the next calls is all of you will check in,
youll just tell me, Yes, Im on track and heres a success Id like to

Dont make it a 20-minute dissertation on whats going on in your life.
Just make it real simple, quick. You know, This happened. It was
amazing. And as youre saying it, allow yourself again to connect with
that feeling and that success. I just want everybody to get focused on the
success and becoming to call with a success. Its just anybody that has
ever coached me. Its just what I do because its important to focus on the

And then, well go into the plan. Well go into the plan lesson for the day
and like I said, I have different lessons planned for each different week
which will lead to more awareness, more consciousness shift on going
from lack to abundance. And you will find at the end of the 6 weeks,
youll be like, Wow!

It is just probably more information you want to know on abundance and
lack. And its my firm believes that when you know and you have
awareness of these things, thats when you can definitely change them.

So, Im so excited for all of you that are on this call because I just know
what is ahead for you. Just to reassure you, I have had clients get job
promotions with like severe increase of money.

I think, some of you heard these testimonials but one guy went from
making a $150,000 a year to making $300,000 a year with this program.
Another guy, within nine days, he attracted a $100,000 worth of business.
I cant tell you how much money he has made over the past two years
because hes one of these people thats like, This is something that I love
and I will continue to always do it. And he does it on daily basis. So, he
literally stops his 40 days and the next day starts a next day again, over
again. So, he always is just continuing because were always in a place of
being able to expand and grow.

So, just because you expand your consciousness after the 40 days, you can
then, expand it even more. So, thats the great thing is that you can do it
over and over again. And each time you do it over and over again, you are
going to continue to expand. The more you expand obviously, from inside
out, the more things will change in your outer reality.

So, one more thing I was going to tell you as far as the meditation. I forgot
to mention this. When you are doing the meditation, you might want to
just time yourself for 15 minutes. Just put it on a clock or set your cell
phone to alarm or something like that. But a lot of times, when you start
doing meditation like this, it might seem like, for some of you, it might
seem like it goes a minute. Others of you, it might seem like its taking

So, you know, just in the beginning, its good to just know whats a 15-
minute range and it sometimes good to set an alarm.

So, do you guys have any questions at this point?

Caller: No, Christy. Not from me, honey.

Christy: Okay. Well then, I will talk to you guys next Thursday at the same time.

Caller: Thank you, Christy.

Christy: Okay. Thank you all so much.

Caller: It has been wonderful.

Christy: Thank you very much! Bye, bye!

Caller: Bye!

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