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Mexicans Abroad

Recently many Mexicans students started studying abroad because they think they
have better chances for a better education and a better life outside the country,
but, what kind of difficulties could they find?
Well, first of all they may have some affective problems. Mexican families tend to
be very close, thats why many students have many problems, because they miss
their families and thats why a lot of them tend to return to Mexico. But thats the
first of their problems; most students never have visited other countries, and
specially the places where they are going to live, so their first task would be to start
knowing the nearby zone.
Finally several little, but not less important problems may emerge there is of course
the diet problem, the time zone, the social life, many factors that students should
keep in mind before traveling.
But not everything is fear and desolation, there are also good things, most
important of course, is the education it could be a lot better in other places, also
they get the chance to meet lots of new people also studying abroad may open the
students vision of the world.
In conclusion studying abroad is not necessarily bad or god, it all depends of the
person and how prepared is for the challenges that may come with this decision.

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